SHINS THURSDAY, JULY 21 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. SHARP Twilight Auction Sale, 6 p.m. for the late MINNIE DAVIDSON, at the parking lot of Stouffville Ice Arena (Park Dr. South). All items are like new. Dining svite; bedroom suite; coloured T.V.; chesterfield; set of dishes; cups & saucers; silverware; glassware; chest of drawers; efc. etc. Note: This is a good sale. Everything like new. Two auction rings. Sale 6:00 P.M. Sharp. Norm Faulkner & W. D. Atkinson, Auctioneers. Jy20 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, JULY 22 7:00 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Britain, 7 miles west of Lindsay on Lind- say-Little Britain Road. dining room svite; qty. of oak chairs; china cabinet (leaded glass); chesterfield and match. ing chair; washstands; rocking chair; oak tablé and 5 chairs; oak buffets; kitchen hutch; cook stove; antique chesterfield; antique dressers; qty of wooden chairs; plus many more antiques, furniture and house- hold items. Terms cash. Open for showing Thurs. July 21,7 - 9 P.M. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R.1, Little Britain, 786-2183. SATURDAY, JULY 23 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques, the property of CHARLES L. ALGER, Lot 24, Con. 2, Brock Township, Village of Sonya. Antique clocks Granddaughter clock, 8 Ginger- bread clocks, French provincial clock, Pequegnet clock, no. of mantle clocks and antique wat- ches. Other articles include a hall rack with mirror; wicker baby rocker; 2 wicker baby carriages; press back high chair; lanterns; approx. 20 coal oil lamps; beaver sealer; antique fruit jars; telephone switchboard; wooden pumps; cream separator; antique tele. phone; dressers; wash stand; parlour table with glassball feet; clover leaf parlour table; wicker chairs; rocking chairs; wicker plant stand; single walk- ing plows; antique breaker plow (excellent condition); wicker: rocker; six gallon crock with blue flower pattern; wicker rocker; black & white T.V.; drop leaf table; annex and box stove; arm chairs; school desk; copper tub washing machine; antique parlour table; vanity; chairs; riding lawnmower; MTD 8 h.p. (like new); cement mixer; garden tiller; Homelite chain saw; beam scales; cast iron tea kettle; sap buckets and pots; milk cans; barrels; hand turnip drill; copper boilers; and a number of articles and tools to numerous to mention. Sale at 12°;30 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Refreshments avail. able. Ross Mason, Auctioneer, R.R. #2, Little Britain, Oakwood 40W1. Jy20 SATURDAY, JULY 23 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction sale of furniture, Ford tractor, lumber, tools, etc., the property of Mss. Auldean Ander. son, ¥2 mile south of Stouffville on the 9th line. Bedroom suite; refrigerator; stove; kitchen suite; washing machine; no. chairs; no. crocks; pedal sewing machine; drop front desk; large side board; wrought iron table & 2 chairs; jars; Rallroad lantern; brass bell; string holder; guns; jacks; electric supplies; saws; good number of tools; barn boards; piles of lumber; 100 bales straw; loose shavings; Ford 9N tractor; cultivator; many other articles & antiques. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 11 am. Norm Faulkner & Earl Gauslin, Auctioneers. THURS. EVENING, JULY 28 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. HOLSTEINS Auction sale of 60 Holsteins at Malmont Sales Arena, Biack- stock; Neil Malcolm, proprietor. Many fresh and close Springers, including good plus Herd. master) with 173.198 BCA, several first calf heifers and young cows ready to work. Daughters of '"'Litimate", Esquire', Chieftain', "'Royal Star', "Dean Pabst', "Rock- man', etc. Also some open heifers, all blood tested and ready fo move. Sale at7:30 p.m. Lioyd Wilson Auctions Lid., Ux- bridge, Ont. 416-852-3524. 8 pc.' 705. Including 7 pc. ~ 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 20, 1977 SATURDAY* JULY 23 'SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction sale of the contents of summer lodge, also 4 cottages, 5 cabins, the property of RENE BRENOT, will be "held in the village of Pefferlaw, on main road 1 mile south of Hwy. 48 (Just past the Nazarene camp). Several refrigerators and gas stoves; space heaters; chrome tables and chairs; all kinds of dishes; pots and pans; leather- ette chesterfield and 2 chairs; space saver couches; 'antique parlour tables; picture frames; sewing machines; antique har- vest table; picnic tables; wicker table; pressed back chairs; antique rockers; antique chairs; several chesterfield sefs; Que- bec heater; small antique iron box stove; dining room table; buffet; and 3 chairs; child's swing set; pool vacuum hose and sweeper; annex; clover leaf table; washstands; dressers; beds; large qty. of bedding and linens; hundreds of other artic- les found in cottages; extension ladder; tools; garden tools; vise; wheel barrow. Terms cash. Sale at 11 a.m. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers, ph (705)357-3270. . SATURDAY, JULY 23 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Auction sale of antique furni- ture, glass, china, clocks, guns, electric appliances, etc. for MRS. ISABELLE STUART, at her home, located 901 Beech Street (Corner of Cochrane St. n. & Beech St.) Whitby. Partial list includes: ornate oak china cabinet; empire round walnut table w/4 leaves; pedestal round walnut table; empire walnut flatback cupboard w/glass doors; early chest w/ Bird's Eye maple drawers; early Bonnett chests & drawers; matching Victorian ladies & gentlemen's chairs; Victorian tables; 2 Vic- torian needlepoint chairs; occasional tables & chairs; old Sheraton chest; washstands; pine lamp tables; pine tables; wicker furniture; chesterfield & chair; Tiger - maple lamp table; old platform rocker; gun cabi. net; beds; gingerbread clocks: old toilet sets; various oil lamps including Bulls Eyes; Collection of Copper Lustre; Bisque statues; Cloisonne ginger [ars; cranberry glass; crystal; Bavarian china; etc. Pewter; old pocket watches; good colour T.V.; Viking stove; fridge; washer; dryer; carpentry & garden tools; lawn furniture; gun collection; and many other quality items. N.B. This auction features many good antiques, and collectibles. Don't miss this one! Terms Cash. No reserve. House sold. Giving up housekeeping. Kahn Auction Service. Ph. 416-985-8161. Jy20 SATURDAY, JULY 30 SALE STARTS AT 1:00 P.M. Livestock, Implements, House- hold Furniture, Registered Hereford cattle, the property of CAIRNS LEE, Lot 6, Con. 5, Emily Twp., 1V2 miles north of Toronto Dominion Bank Corner in Omemee (Off Hwy #7). Machinery: Ford 8N gas tractor with front end manure loader; Ferguson 2-furrow plough, 3 pt.; Ford 2-furrow disc plough; horse-type cultivator; 2 drom land roller; roller bearing wagon with rack; small demo- crat. Furniture: lawn mower; trunk; couch; chair; lawn chair; pull;out couch; bedroom suite; many other items, Regis. tered American saddle bred mare, chestnut with white stripe & 2 while hind feet; team har. ness; single harness; 3 western saddles. Cattle: 11 Registered Hereford Cows with 11 Calves by side . calves eligible for regis- tration; 2 grade Hereford cows with calves by side; purebred polled Hereford bull, 2 yr. old; 7 registered Hereford heifers rising 1v2 yr. old. Terms cash, No reserve. Catalogues avail. able on request. Furniture sale . at 1:00 P.M. Machine Sale at 1:30 P.M. Catile sale at 2:30 p.m, Carl & Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont. 705. 324.9959. Jy? THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. At Claremont Community Hall, the estate of MRS. MILLER. Household furniture. Details later. Terms cash. No reserve. Earl Gauslin & Norm Faulkner, Auctioneers, SATURDAY, JULY 30 SALE TIME: 12 O'CLOCK Sale of household furniture and collectible items, property of ROY MORLEY, Lot 16, Conces- sion 6, Whitchurch, 1% miles north of Bloomington. More details later. Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Earl Gauslin & Norm Faulkner, Auctioneers. THURSDAY, JULY 28 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. + Auction sale of household furni- ture and antiques, the property of VIOLA JONES, in the Village of Markham, 35 Annandale St. House sold. More details later. Terms cash. No reserve. Earl Gauslin & Norm Faulkner, Auctioneers. 'SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 SALE TIME; 12 NOON Auction sale of John Deere Farm Equipment Parts. Pro- 'perty of HOOKER & SONS LTD. Kinsale, Ontario, 4 miles west of. Brooklin on Hwy. 7. Sale August 6th at 12 noon. Clearing sale of John Deere parts. more details later. Terms cash. No reserve. Earl Gauslin & Norm Faulkner, Auctioneers. i WED. EVENING, AUGUST 3 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. HOLSTEINS EBI 30th Anniversary Sale will be held at the Napanee Fair- grounds. From 401 take exit into Napanee. 50 Head - Registered, Classified. 35 Fresh or close to calving including a young excel- lent show cow by '"Rockman". This tremendous cow scored Excellent in December - is due August 12 so will be ready for the Fall Shows. She is tall and sharp with a beautiful udder. This is a top cow and only comes to the sale because the owner has sold his-farm with the herd but retained this Excellent cow for EBI sale. Alsoselling a Very Good '"Rockman" 4 yr. old. A quality cow due August with plus 40 and plus 42 BCA. Also a Very Good 'Rockman' from a Very Good "Wis Romeo"; a ""President" -heifer due August from a Very Good "Rockman"; A 'Marquis Prince' due October from a Very Good Lassie Leader; a fancy Senior calf by "Senator" from a Very Good 'Rockman' with 172-190; A "Senator" heifer from a 1000 Ib. fat dam (179-211); A Kemp' from a Very Good 'President' - and Dam V.G. 'Citation R"; "Fury Lad" Senlor calf - dam with (203-205 BCA). A number of fresh or close young cows and heifers by 'Perseus Leader", "Kemp, "Sir Winston', "Man. O-War'/, Instigator", etc. Many to help the fall milk supply. All blood tested. Lunch available. Sale Managed and Sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, Ontario. 416-852-3524. Jy? SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale of household furni. ture and antiques, the property of MR. THOMAS BELL, 145 Alva Street, Port Perry, Ont, second side street south of the lights, and turn right. Pine blanket box; ice box; hardwood chairs; Victorian chair; easy rocker; chest of drawers; dress. er; bed; box spring and mat. tress; table; upright freezer; fridge; stove; electric floor polisher and hand polisher; chesterfield and chair (good); desk and chair; lamps; AM/FM radio-stereo; record cabinet & records; cupboards; stool; fold. ing picnic table; card table; crib & mattress; quilts; dishes; jars; table saw (Timkin) with motor & attachments; garden culti. vator; lawn mower; fertilizer; spreader; tools and many more items. Lunch available. No reserve. Terms cash or cheque. John Pearce, Auctioneer, Port Perry, 416-985-7492. Aul FRIDAY, JULY 29 SALE TIME: 8:00 P.M. PUREBRED CHAROLAIS Auction sale of High Quality Purebred Charolais, dispersal of TIGHCLACH FARMS (C. H. Roney), Almonte, Ontario, this very good herd of uniform well bred young cows, with calves at the Liptay Livesfock Auction Centre, Hwy. #7, Peferborough. Also one papered full blood Sir. . mental Bull. Absolufely : 60 reserve. Catalogues available, Note starting time: Friday, 8:00 p.m. Auctioneer Steve Liptay, 705-745-0260, : Jy? "1. Terms cash, "Auctioneer Neil McLeod, R. R. WEEKLY LIVESTOCK LE SA Market demands require many dairy cows, veal, stockers, beef cows, butcher cows, steers, cal. ves, bulls and heifers. We invite you to.bring above livestock to our barn In Haydon (east of Enniskillen) each Wednesday ' before 4:00 p.m. and we will" truck them to our Livestock Auction Centre in Peterborough, « at no cost to you. Phone John or Steve Liptay, 263-2117, Sale at 8:00 p.m. Cheques mailed 'Thursday. : T.F. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. HOLSTEINS DAIRY EQUIPMENT Complete Locmoor Holstein Dis. persal owned by DOUGLAS MOORE, Cobourg, Ontario, sell- ing at the farm on Hwy. 2 midway between Port Hope and Cobourg. Dairy Equipment, Delaval 5500 Ib, bulk tank; 4 Surge units; Bucketeer - 100' hose sinks. 80 Holsteins, all Registered, R.O.P. Tested. Completely clean Brucellosis test. All by Top unit Sires. 25 by Seiling Rockman, the remainder of the herd by Admiral Citation, Dairy King, Emperor, Tayside, Fury Lad, and Charles. This is a herd of young cows and big powerful heifers with a great deal of quality, Some of the features include: A 'Very Good' President selling with 3 Rockman daughters; a 'Very Good' Rockman with 159-163 BCA sells with a fine Emperor daughter - both due at sale time; Another "Very Good'* Rockman with 151-155 BCA sells with Emperor and Ned daughters. This herd is ready to work for you, 9 due in August, 7 in September, 10 due in October, 12 more for November & Decem. ber. Certainly a herd for fall milk. Sale at 11 a.m. Lunch available. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. Jy27 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 $ALE TIME; 12:00 NOON MACHINERY--TRUCK--HAY PUREBRED HEREFORDS Auction sale of modern machin. ery, truck, hay, and purebred Herefords for NEIL McLEAN, R. R. 12, Stouffville, located on #48 Hwy., 1% miles south of Ballentrae or 4 miles north of Ringwood, or approx. 16 miles north of 401. Including Case Agri King 870 tractor, 1200 hrs., 75 h.p. with cab & heater (like new); Int. 504 tractor with h.d, loader, 2100 hrs; Ford 8N tractor with rebuilt motor & new tires; 67 GMC 960 Series truck with 18' platform, racks, tarp, new 350 V8 motor only 1500 mi (certi- tied); Case 4 furrow 16" bottoms semi-mounted plough with cylin. der; Int. 3 pt. hitch plough 14" bottoms; Case 640 self-propelled combine; 10' header & scour clean (excellent condition); New Holland 461 haybine; J.D. 24T baler (good); Allied automatic stooker with hydraulic motor; Int. hydraulic lift 10' disks; Glencoe 7 tooth chisel plough; J.D. rubber tired hay rake (new); J.D. #34 manure spread- er (new); Allied 26 tooth culti- vator; J.D. trip cultivator (new teeth); wagon & rake; grain box for pick-up truck; J.M. gravity grain box; 15 h.p. marine boiler, low pressure, fully automatic; Case elevator with motor; Allied 5 grain auger with motor; Danuser post hole digger; Vicon 3 pt. hitch fertilizer spreader; Century sprayer with booms; cement mixer; 8' ~ultipacker; J.D. 7! hd. 3 pt. hitch blade; 3 pt. hitch manure loader; Case seed-drill with grass box; Case 2 furrow plough; 2 wagons; cut. ting box and pipes; Cockshutt 2 row pull-type corn planter; used steel sheeting (good); livestock loading chute; Shell cattle oiler; 'cattle hoof trimming stall; approx. 3000 bales hay. Cattle: 18 registered Hereford cows - most with calves at foot, remainder bred; 4 open heifers; 1 herd sire, grandson of Four Square Leonare., All of 'the calves with the cows are sired by this bull, Calves are of 'exceptional quality worthy of your inspection. Folders avail: able for the cattle. Machinery sells at 12:00 NOON. Cattle at 2:30 'P.M. Lunch available. Sale Manager & /. Sunderland; Ontario, (705) 45 Su i Oe, . [ $y) 7 : Durham cattlemen tour Scugog Township farms By Rod Stork Assoc, Agric. Rep. BEEF CATTLE TOUR A SUCCESS: The Beef Day sponsored by the Durham Cattlemen's Association which was held on Tuesday, July 6th, was a very suc- cessful event with between 150 and 175 beef producers taking part in the day-long tour, The program was organized and carried out by the Directors of the Durham Cattlemen's Association who felt that the tour would pro- vide beef producers with an opportunity to take a look at a number of different beef operations around the county, and question the operators about the oper- ations in order to get a better insight into how the farms are managed. The tour started at the farm of Lawrence McLaughlin, R. R.1, Nestleton, = Lawrence runs a beef and swine oper- ation producing most of his own feed for the two enter- prises. Lawrence got the day off to a good start by emphasizing to producers the importance of soil test- ing, feed analysis, and good farm records. He also poin- ted out that through the use of his liquid swine manure and dry cattle manure, he has beeri able to greatly lower his out of pocket costs for producing corn and spring grain crops. The second stop was at the farm of John Bonsma and Sons, R.R.2, Blackstock. This is a beef feedlot oper- ation with a conventional open feedlot and pole barn, as well as, a new slatted floor confinement beef set- up.. This building was a special interest to the pro- ducers who took part in the tour as it provided them with the opportunity to see how steers can do in a confined situation on cement slats. The cattle are fed on a ration of corn silage, high moisture corncob meal, and brewers grains. John has been getting excellent daily gains on his steers especial- ly those in the confinement barn, and he felt that it he can maintain the kind of turnover of cattle that he has been doing for the past year that the barn will pay for itself in the time period that he has set out. The tour then moved to Windcrest Farms operated by Ron Deeth, R. R. 2, Port Perry. Ron has recently entered into a beef process- ing plant which is located on his own farm. A shed that was formerly used to house farm machinery has been converted to provide excel- lent killing facilities, a chill- ing room, a freezer for car- cass storage, a cutting room and a reception area. As well as, doing an excellent job of cutting and packaging quarters. and halves with high quality beef to meet the "demands of a selective mar- ket, Ron has been providing cooking schools for his customers to further make certain a top quality of beef is cooked properly to main- tain its quality. Most of the animals that he kills in his Rober plant come from his own feedlot, however, he does do some custom killing for pro- ducers as well, - The first stop in the after- noon progragt was at the Schickedanz Brothers open" | feedlot located on the Dar. ¥ lington-Clarke . Townline, just west of the Orono For- estry Station, Dr. Gerry Blackburn who is manager of the operation outlined the program to the producers. The feedlot is a 10 acre open space upon which up to 700 heifers are on feed at one time. There are no build- ings, and the only shelter is a grove of pine trees located to the north and west of the open area. The location is on a sand hill, and the lot is part of an operation of 400 acres of corn. The corn is stored in pit silos as corn ~ silage or high moisture corn cob meal. This was an interesting stop as many producers wondered what effects the weather had on the animals in the lot, espec- ially during the late fall and early - spring when such. things as freezing rain and cold weather might effect cattle. Dr. Blackburn point- ed out that they have had no real problems with this, however, they are now run- ning into some problems with excessive runoff at the feedlot, and they will be working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture engineer to. setup holding areas where the runoff can be retained, and then pump- ed onto the corn fields, The last stop on the tour - was at Ceresmore Farms operated by Don and Jim Rickard, east of Bowman- ville on Highway 2. This is a very diversified. operation growing a number of crops such as: registered grain, apples, white beans, and canning crops. In addition, they operate a feedlot witha capacity of 200 head, as well as, running a cow-calf herd numbering approximately 60 cows. Jim Rickard out- lined why they feel the diversified operation fits their needs, and he also pointed out some of the things that they are trying to do in order to make the best use of all the resources that they do have available. 'This .ended a very success- ful day-l program and despite the fact that showers interrupted a number - of stops, most producers felt that the' day was a very worthwhile program and that they saw a number of different things that they could think about, and pos- sibly. apply to their own operations, WHEAT PURCHASING AGENTS ANNOUNCED: .We have recently received notice from the Ontario Wheat Producers' Market- ing Board of the agents who have been licensed to pur-, chase wheat for the Ontario Wheat Producers' Market- ing Board. There are a number of buyers in the area, and we want to point them out at this time. Don Frew and Sons Limited, R. R. 1, Nestleton, have recent- ly been licensed to purchase wheat on behalf of the Wheat Producers' Market- ing Board. In addition, the following are agents to buy wheat: Barkey Grain Ser- vice in Oakwood; Brooklin Flour' Mills in Brooklin; Brooklin; Maple'Leaf Mills Limi ); Master Feeds in "and Oak- wood; | ts Com- pany: o ada Limited in P , and the Sun- "derland Co-operative in «Sunderland. <H . SE A yr 3 : i 3 { "