y UT PARA 1 SUR fas © te fA] KY AA ~ AREAS ALAA By Epsom News ERT FAT Sey ANSE CRT Hl ed eK i LIES FILE ARUA ALL PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 8, 1977 -- 7 Renovation discloses three local newspapers printed in 1869 by Mrs. Jean Jeffery We had some interesting reading this week when doing some renovating we found our old summer kitchen had been papered with "Ontario Observer' printed . in Prince Albert, 'Whitby Chronicle' and "Port Perry Standard" all printed in 1869. Epsom Sunday School will be re-opening after summer - vacation September 11 at 10:15. There will be classes * for all. At 6 p.m. September 11, will be the annual Sunday School Corn Roast and .Hot Dog Supper. Each family supplies weiners and rolls for their group, corn and beverage will be supplied. Next Sunday church will be held at Utica at 11:30 a:m. Mr. Don Darrell in charge. Congratulations to Epsom Public School children who made a splendid showing at Port Perry Fair especially Harry Bolton who was high winner for boys. In the girls .® Live Bait for sale. : - 1 = i 'Boat & Motor Storage BEACON MARINA 986-5188 CAESAREA 000000000 division his sister Sandra was runner-up, The cubs, scouts and their mothers from the Man- chester troop had a busy day Sun. with a booth at Port Perry Fair. They sold corn- on-the-cob and cider. Oh . yes, the Dads helped husk corn. The boys also sold chocolate coated almonds among the crowd. Mr. Gerald Jeffery of Lon- don, Ont. is visiting his brother Gordon and Mrs. "Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wat- son have returned from a trip to Sointula Island, B.C. where his brother and nephews are engaged in salmon fishing. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ruhl enter- tained their family and a few friends. A Bon Voyage party for Chris' relatives who had been visiting from Holland and a shower for Miss Linda Bell who is their soon-to-be daughter-in-law. A FRED THOMAS Outboard Repair ® Authorized Chrysler Outboard & Boat Dealer +.Sales & Service. ® Authorized Lawn Boy - Sales & Service. © Boat Motors for rent - by hour or day. Bus: 579-8847 CITY PAVING CO. 17 BOND ST. E. OSHAWA, ONT. Res: 985-8149 PARKING LOTS REPAIRWORK DRIVEWAYS 'FREE ESTIMATES YOUR EST. Open 7 Days - 24 Hrs. Enjoy the LORD SIMCOE'S 2s SF for two includes: * Free admission to the CN Tower * Modern guest room for 2 nights ¢ Dinner one evening at the famous Captain's Table +s TORONTO Home of the CN Tower and the Blue Jays * Continental breakfast one morning, full ~~ American breakfast one morning. * Free overnight parking (From 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. only each day) subject to advance re- $ 56990 gistration and you can 2300 slay an extra might for only double See your travel agent of reserve direct. Inquiry for Blue Jay tickets can be made through our transportation desk. ~ 150 King SI. West, Toronto Tel: (416) 362-1848 Mr. and Mrs, D. Bissette and Mark entertained sever- al friends and relatives on Saturday evening with a corn roast. Dr. Pat Asling, Ivan and Mrs. Don Asling took Miss Jan Asling home to Hanover on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Allen Ashton and family of Oakwood call- ed on his parents last Tues- day evening. Miss Doreen Clow of Berona was a visitor with her.cousin Allen and Mrs. Clow last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mec- Naughton and family called on Ruth and Elmer Wilson on Sunday evening. A week ago I enjoyed a trip to Kitchener and Water- loo, Elmira and toured the Mennonite country with an '"'old order" Mennonite tour guide. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Potter have had as recent guests Mr. and Mrs. Hupp- onen and daughter Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sampson, Keith and Kaye, Mr. and Mrs. J. Laper, Linda and Johnnie, Mrs. Charlotte Sneyd and Karen. Barry and Brian Cather- wood of Oshawa were with their grandparents for a weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton visited their cousin Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and their aunt Mrs. Emily Gibson of Port Perry recent- ly. Miss Shelly Brown was "home for the weekend. Congratulations to Shelly who is celebrating a birth- day this week also to her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brown who are celebrating - a 25th wedding anniversary, The Epsom-Utica U.C.W. will be held at Utica Sep- tember 13 with Group 1 in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tapscott were surprised recently by a party honour- ing them on their 25th wedd- ing anniversary. Jeffery Potter celebrated his "13th birthday with a party. guests were Mrs. Ruth Hunter, Dr. and Mrs. Arnott, Brenda and Wendy and Jeffery's cousin Kevin Davis. There will be a Canada Cord ceremony for Sandra Bolton and Donna Kerry Sunday, September 18 at 8 p.m. in Epsom Church. All friends welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cawker of Peterborough called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffery on Sunday. SS TEOMANS) PORT PERRY PLAZA - 985-3844 Welcome To Our SILVER DOLLAR DAYS Thursday, Friday & et 1 SEPTEMBER 15 - 16 - WE youl GIVE YOU / AWM '[ AA Dd | 0000000000 0000 MODERN SHOPPER When You Complete An Application For A... "STEDMANS CARD" _ (Applicant must be 18 years of age or over) COME AND GET YOURS TODAY! J We have more muffler shops than anyone else in North America to serve you. (Over 800 in fact) And every one of them honours the Midas Guarantee. So no matter where you are, from North Bay to New Orleans, you won't be far from a Midas Shop. ~ Whysettle for less? Get the Midas ouch OSHAWA . 227 Simcoe Street South - Phone 576-8111. (Just less than a mile north of the 401) por SEC FCN TE FLUTE IE PR RR I SSR RU TE (0 SE SPP ~~ ES A Ce a "a =i] RRS »< 2 >, Se tl BARS Ay TRAN