2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1977 AEST SO BER ON ACRHF MITT SRS ERE SIGS PENA Seber Bra AH AREY A) yo hrEE RA IZ RY REA ENR LE SRUALRUOA I Around The Township With Christmas less than three months away, it's time to start thinking about gifts, and what to buy. There are two arts and craft shows taking place shortly, the first in Green- bank on October 8th and another in Port Perry at the Town Hall on October 21, 22nd. A good chance to see various crafts, how they are done and at the same time get some unusual and per- sonal gift items. kkk hh It seems that carrots are thriving in the wet weather we've been having the last few weeks. If anybody doesn't think so, just ask Ernest Lee, of Greenbank, who found a carrot in his garden that weighed in at two pounds, four ounces, and he said last week there are others almost as big. If that doesn't make you see in the dark; nothing will. PORT TAVERN GRADUATION Carol Lyn Aird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Aird, Port Perry has graduated from MacMaster University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and taken a posi- tion with Northern Health and Welfare Services, Mani- toba. Thanksgiving Dinner Hot Roast Turkey Baked Ham Roast Beef PHONE 985-3281 For Reservations SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9th 4:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. SMORGASBORD Potatoes, Vegetables, Gravy, Salads, Rolls. THANKSGIVING DAY $A each CLOSED MONDAY _ In Delhi Last summer Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wakeford were in Great Britain, where they - met for the first time cou- sins of Mrs. Wakeford's, Mr. and Mrs. David Palmer of South Wales. For the past month the Palmers have been in Port Perry repaying the visit. They have enjoyed their stay with the Wakeford's and have seen Niagara Falls, had a trip to Haliburton to view the colour, plus many inter- esting side trips. kkk d There's - nothing like crunching into a big red apple, and the Boy Scou the Pine Ridge Disgrict will give you the opportunity to do so on Saturday, October 15. Apple Day, the tradi- tional fund raising drive by the Scouts, will see numer- ous boys along the street with their baskets of apples and big smiles. Don't dis- appoint them....buy an apple. Support the cubs and scouts of Scugog Township. hhh Mr. P. Hvidsten last week had a couple of exciting and - happy occurences on a two - day trip to Delhi and Simcoe in Norfolk County. he attended the retirement party for Mr. Ken Glendinning, a fellow publisher and good friend for the past 20 years. He also had a reunion with Dr. and Mrs. E. Forster in Somcoe, friends of Mr. Hvidsten made while he was a member of the * Royal Norwegian Air Force, stationed at Little Norway in- Toronto. The link be- tween them had been brok- en for 34 years when this sudden and happy meeting took place. hhh hd London visitors at home of Mrs. E. Hayes were Mr. and Mrs. Syd Febrey and Miss Melanie Walker. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM CLOSURE OF SANITARY LANDFILL SITES THE SCUGOG WASTE DISPOSAL SITE will remain open-Monday, October 10th, 1977 with normal operating hours. WA. TWELVETREES, P. ENG., "COMMISSIONER OF WORKS. Scugog Shores Museum - will close its doors for the season this weekend, after a successful summer. This will be your last chance to see the excellent displays in the museum, log cabin and print shop. Why not make a point of getting the family together and browse through. The doors will be open 1-5 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and Monday. khhhd If you know of any inter- esting items for "Around the Township", drop us a line, or give us a call at the Star. Phone 985-7383. We're waiting to hear from 'ou. Mayor upset continued from page 1 a conflict of interest and did not vote. It was during debate on the resolution that Mayor Lawrence Malcolm express- ed his complete opposition stating that it could raise "five or six bigger problems at a later date." He added that there are many proper- ties throughout the Town- ship which could be exempt- ed from the levy under these provisions, and this could mean a loss in re- venue to the Township of up to $20,000 per year. While the resolution carr- ied, a second thorny issue of * whether to make it retro- active to cover a specific dispute with a property owner in Port Perry did not get the necessary support of Council. Councillor | Richard Drew suggested a' motion to re- scind a council decision of July 25 which assessed the $1000 Jevy to a severance of a property owned by Mr. Claire Miller of Port Perry. Mr. Miller has strongly ob- jected to the levy on the grounds that the two abutt- ing lots he owns in Port Perry were at one time completely seperate and that each has had a dwell- ing on it for some years. The motion by Councillor Drew to exempt the Miller property was defeated with councillors Crosier, Taylor, Asselstine and McLaughlin in opposition and councillor Rose in favour. Councillor Crosier, in vot- ing against the motion to exempt the July 25 levy on the Miller property, said that he recalls at least two other similar cases since January that would have to be rescinded, and he won- dered just how many others there might be. "That," answered Mayor Malcolm "is the Pandora's Box." REASONS Prior to the vote on the first resolution to exempt these properties from future levies, councillor Rose ex- plained that the purpose of the levy is for new home owners to purchase equity into existing services or ex- panded ones which they will be using. Where houses have existed for a number of years, the owners have been paying taxes, and there is no cause for the Township to collect the levy on these specific lots: "I hate to see the levy being used as another way to 'put it" to the taxpayers," coun- cillor Rose concluded. DON'S CUSTOM CONCRETE FINISHING y XI oy Quality Workmanship ©' £5 Free . | Basement Floors los Est Mates Garage Floors 7 7 VI 5 iat Patios - Sidewalks : PHONE : "4 Concrete Steps Th : Country Mouse by Danielle Clark THE FALL FESTIVAL OF CRAFTS is two weeks away... a $1. ticket buys you two days - Oct. 21 & 22 at Town Hall 1873 (children under 12 free)... as well as the sale of handcrafted items, there'll be a tea room, bake table, quilt draw, door prizes and a Loto-Luck draw... of special interest are the demonstrations of crafts includ-: ing, chair caning, quilting, spinning, wood burn- ing, water colours, inkle weaving, rug hooking... Ron Hewat will provide listening enjoyment at the Lowrey Organ... see you at... FALL FESTIVAL OF CRAFTS Town Hall 1873 Oct. 21 & 22. Crest's Handy Hints: (3) Preparing for sanding.. once your finish is removed it is important to . clean the wood, don't use water, it will cause the wood to swell and warp... instead, use rough steel wool liberally soaked in lacquer thinner, scrape wood along grain... remove all finish in hard to reach moldings too... when surface is clean allow wood to dry completely... next week, sanding - get a belt sander for quick work, otherwise mount sandpaper on a block... Crest Hardware 175 Queen St. 985-2211 Beauty Hints on Hair: Beauty is... being your best at any age... Your hairstyle can really date you - are you 35 trying to be 18 or vise versa?... at 35 too sharp an edge on a haircut line, or too harsh a colour will make you look older not younger... for colouring, choose a subtle shade... Richard's Beauty Studio 148 Queen St. 985-799 Tell them a Country Mouse sent you ... APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR THE POSITION OF CURATOR OF SCUGOG SHORES HISTORICAL MUSEUM and From those interested in assisting the Curator. The person(s) we are looking for has: 1) Some interest or background in Canadiana. 2) Time to work at a satisfying volunteer job. 3) Ability to work with and co-ordinate the activities of volunteer workers. 4). Imagination to see the possibilities of future display and development. 5) Patience to realize that the possiblities in 4) can't all be accomplished overnight because of a lack of time and money. 6) Own transportation. In addition the following would be beneficial: 1) Knowledge and interest in Scugog History. 2) Ability to maintain the system of records at the museum. 3) Extra free time in the months of March, April - and May. 4) Experience in teaching, libraries or museums. SALARY: No'salary is paid, but there is a small annual honorarium paid to the curator. If you you. DUTIES to commence immediately. The Museum is operated by the Township of Scugog in co-operation with the Lake Scugog Historical Society. Apply in person or in writing to: Allan |. Bertrand, Chairman of the Museum Board, Water Street, Port Perry. Telephone: 985-3055 have to ask how much, the job is probably not for