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Port Perry Star, 2 Nov 1977, p. 24

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lean bh ou. ' . were n A LB « b IRONY I \ . 3 y vi . vs: sin ' ve i» i ¥ N TOY . vial , wiih V rie Van Nel tate $ . 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1977 AUCTION SALES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 "SATURDAY, NOVEMBER $§ SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. SALE-TIME: 11:00 A.M. ey SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 mas abe SSE ery At Prince Albert Hall. 'Antiques, Findlay cookstove; Enterprise cook stove; Good Cheer box stove; Pioneer laundry stove; 2 Quebec heaters; wash stand; pressback high chair; other chairs; 9'7"* x 3' Pine Harvest table; dressers; wooden beds; sealers, new folding 4" x 8' ping pong table and accessories; hair dressing chairs (1 hydraulic, 2 recliners); 3 office chairs; 48" x 24" Hesk; 60" x 30" desk; shelf unit; single rinse tub with taps; - Frigidaire stove; frig; many other items. No reserve. John Pearce, Auctioneer, 416 985-7492. N? THURSDAY NIGHT, NOV."3 SALE TIME: 6:45 P.M. At McLean Auction Centge, Lind say. Selling balance of goods. of MRS. BETTY SMITH. Some dishes, very large qty. of excel lent bedding sheets, blankets, etc. Lawn furniture. Also con signed 1970 Ford Pick-up, V8 302, standard, with cap, good condition; 4 x 8 pool table; Toro snow blower; imitation fire place; small safety box; large Thermopane window; aluminum door; 2 roll-a- way beds; antique high chair; coffee table; console sewing machine; auto. electric range; brown sectional chester field; garden tools; wooden Kit chen set; sealers; extension lad der. Butfalo robe; chains; cream can, Swede saw; spinning | wheel, parlour -table; bOOKS: crock, ant. light fixture; floor polishers: vacuum, Plus furniture of Jerry McMahon, Qlenelg St... dining room suite; chests; portable television; refrigerator, stove; chester tield, beds. etc. No reserve. Note Time = 6:45 p.m. Orval McLean, Auctioneer, 324-2783 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 SALE TIME: 12 NOON BRICK HOME & ~ SURVEYED LOT Auction sale of 4 bedroom brick bungalow, 245 Simcoe Si. North in the Village of Port Perry, situated at the corner of Simcoe St. and Paxton, south west cor- ner of the hospital. Red brick house with 4 bedrooms, large kitchen and living room with fireplace, finished recreation room with fireplace, laundry room, work shop and fruit cellar. Electric heat and a surveyed lot adjoining' the property. Terms on property, $3,000.00 down, balance 30 days. Sale subject to owners. approval. Immediate possession. Call 985-8676 for inspection or appointment. Auc- tioneer Murray Jackson. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 1:00 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the ' Lindsay-Little Britain Road. 8 pc. walnut dining room suite; Williams up-right piano; walnut tea wagon; oak hall seat; floor lamps; wicker rocking chair; wardrobe; 5 pc. walnut bedroom suite; wicker chairs; dressers; rocking chairs; cedar clover leaf table; flat top trunk; Beaver cookstove; qty wooden chairs; drop leaf table; wicker fern stand; coal oil lamps; large qty of china & glassware; plus many more antiques, furniture and household items. Don Cor- neil, Auctioneer, R.R #1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. [ dryer, chest; i SALE TIME: 11:30 A.M. ! Auction sale of furniture and antiques, the property of MR. & MRS. WM. MOASE, in the vill ages of Port Perry, 270 Bigelow Street. Coldspot refrigerator, , double doors, nearly new; Moffat Viking washer; Viking nearly new, ant. side: board; kitchen cupboard; qty of dishes, some antiques; pots & pans, round dining room table & stove; 6 chairs; chesterfield & chair,' humidifier; ant. mantel clock; rug 12 x 15; rocking chair; "pole light; fri-light elec. sewing machine (cabinet); Acme coal © and wood space heater; no. of ant. wooden chairs; ant. chest with hat box; wasHstand; 2 pc. bedroom suite; 3 pc. bedroom suite; ant. dresser; oak bed; steel beds; trunk; qty of bedding & pillows; coal oil lamp; radio; T.V.; butter bowl, print and ladle; shot gun; picture frames; flatfron; many other interesting articles. Terms cash. Sale at 11:30a.m. Reg & Larry Johnson, auctioneers, 705-357-3270. N9 SATURUDAY, NOVEMBER 12 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Furniture, antiques, tools, appli- ances, 1966 '2-ton truck, Real Estate, property of GORDON BUTSON, 42 Shedden St., Can- nington (turn south at Patterson Furniture). 2 bedroom stucco house, 3 pc. bath, glassed in porch, good oil furnace on good lot (Reserve bid). Ant. kitchen cupboard; washstand; Moffatt apt. size elec. stove; refriger- ator; chrome suite; wringer washing machine; 2 - 54' beds complete; large. qty.. pillows, quilts, bedding, blankets; dres- ser; double wardrobe; hall tree: end tables; ant. drop front oak desk; new humidifier; electric heaters; new azway stairs; par- lour table; oak dresser with mir- ror and fowel bar; arm chairs; small tables; rocking chair; new captains chair; chesterfield. chair; oval pictures; sump pump; shotgun; ant. parlour table; 2 large bibles; Hoover canister vacuum; wicker basket; pine quilt box; hump back trunk; studio couch; china cabinet (glass on ends and door); wooden box; lamps; buffet; table & 4 chairs; good 9 x 12 green rug and underlay; con- sole T.V.; sheets; pillowcases; towels; afghans, elc.; ant. set - King Edward dishes; partial set Daisy ant. dishés; large qty of dishes, many antique; old pic- ture frames; ant. mantel clock; Aladdin lamp; 2 oil lamps; brand new self-propelled lawn mower; metal tool shed; large qty of tools; levels; hammers; wheel- barrows; planes; brace & bits; squares; knives; chains; wren- ches; saws; shovels; scythes; jack; ladders; etc. All in excel- lent condition. Note time: 11:00 A.M. Tools first. No reserve. Terms cash. Orval MALMONT ANNIVERSARY SALE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. 50 HOLSTEINS 50 selected Holsteins for the Mal- mont Anniversary Sale at Mal- mont Sales Arena, Blackstock, ont. More details next week. Lloyd Wilson, Auctioneer. Work Wanted' McLean, ! auctioneer, 324-2791 or 324.2783 | Lindsay. N9 | Auction sale of Collector's Items, Antiques, tobe held in Claremont Community Hall. Glass Biscuit Barrel; Depression glass; oil lamps; Carnival glass; 4 press back chairs; crocks; 3 p¢s. Cran- berry glass; washstand; what. not; no. of fancy cups & saucers; cane rocker; hanging lamp; pic- ture frames; pine drop leaf table; ladder back rocker; pine jam cupboard; ant. clocks; oak buffet; dresser; dining room table & & chairs; depression glass water pitcher & glasses. Many more interesting items. Terms.cash. No reserve. Earl Gawslin, Norm Faulkner, Auc- tioneers. Previéw Friday night, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 7:00 P.M. 3 mile east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Road. Franklin stove; Grandfather clock; 5 pc. bedroom svite; mantle clocks; oak extension table; Hoover kitchen cupboard; cookstove; washstands; oak buf- fet; chrome set; deacon's bench; oak dresser; wicker chair; chest of drawers; 9 pc. oak dining room suite; chesterfields & chairs; qty china & glassware; plus many more antiques, Furni- ture & Household items. Don Corneil, Auctioneer, R. R. #1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Household and Farm Equip- ment, tractor and implements, Fridge, stove, antique dry sink, spinning wheel, brass bed, 1919 Model T station wagon, etc. Complete list to follow next week. Property of Mr. and Mrs. M. McCullough, Audley Road, Pickering. Ross McLean, Auctioneer. List next week. . NOTICE OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION By Henry Kahn Auctioneer Pt. Lots 17 & 18, Conc. 11, Town. ship of Brock on Regional Road 12, 12 miles east of Highway 12 - Cannington. More particularly described in the mortgage Registered in.the Registry Divis- ion of Durham as Instrument #021946. i Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in a certain mortgage. This property will be offered for sale by public auction subject to a reserved bid - cover- ing amounts owing on said pro- perty at the above address on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1977, AT THE HOUR OF 2:00 P.M. It will be possible to view the premises on Friday, Nov. 11th, 1977, between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. and also on Saturday, November 12, 1977 from 9 a.m. until time of sale. Consisting of 138 acres more or less on which is said to be a two-storey brick dwelling of 10 rooms, 2'2 baths, on town water, suitable for two families, also, on the property is a "L*~shaped bank barn. Terms of sale $10,000. cash or certified cheque payable to the Vendors solicitor on day of sale, balance 30 days* thereafter at closing. Further information may be obtained from Messrs. Shewan & Lindsay, Barristers and Solicitors, 149 Brock St. N., Whitby, 668-6896 or Mr. Henry Kahn, 416.985.8161. Dated at Whitby this 25th day of October, 1977. N9 INSULATE NOW! | SAVE FUEL & MONEY DUE TO THE INCREASING COST OF FUEL, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAVE SUFFICIENT INSULATION IN'YOUR HOUSE. "IN-CELL-ITE" CELLULOSE FIBRE IS THE MOST PRACTICAL INSULATION FOR A NUMBER OF REASONS: eApproved by Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation - No. 8067. o Highest Thermal Resistance Value. (on RANKIN RPT po - a a an BE ig zo dda i Wg min v3 i: Ron Rankin and Sons officially opened an 1800 square foot workshop and storage building at the Reach Industrial Park on:Regional Road 8 last Thursday morning. The company is involved in the installation of Aquarobic treatment systems. Pictured here are (left) Ken Rankin, Aquarobic representative Bob Arch, Durham Industrial officer Jack Richards, owner Ron Rankin and Ira Carr, developer of Reach Industrial Park. At back are Dave and Ray Rankin. 200 milk producers enjoy annual banquet Ontario County Milk Pro- ducers held their Annual Banquet and "dance in Ux- bridge Secondary School on Friday evening, Oct. 21st, 1977. About 200 milk pro- ducers and guests enjoyed a beef dinner provided by the Uxbridge 1.0.D.E. . Irwin Smith played organ music during the dinner and was much appreicated. The '"'Gospelites" from Wick Presbyterian Church, accompanied by Mrs. De Vries favoured us with a number of sacred songs. Neil Raines, Vice Chair- man, introduced the head table and guests - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham from Durham County and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Butters from Hastings County. Our Dairy Princess, Miss Kathy Robinson of Beaver- ton spoke briefly. She is looking" forward to repre- senting the Dairy Producers of Ontario County this year and anticipates a' busy and pleasant experience. Howard Sheppard, repre- sentative to the Ontario Milk Marketing Board reported that milk production is in- creasing - 11 percent more in August 1977 than in August 1976. Butter consumption is down and cheese consump- tion scarcely holding level compared to last year. He emphasized the scarcity of Market share quota and stated that some shippers are out of market share quota now, -The Tradesman Orchestra played for dancing till mid night. 30 visitors attend Scugog W.I. by Mrs. Clara Dowson The regular meeting of the Scugog W.I.-was held in the Community hall October 19. Our president, Elizabeth Stickman opened the meet- ing with the singing of the Ode and repeating the Collect. A warm welcome was extended to all, 19 mem- bers and 30 visitors from Greenbank, Blackstock branches. } Roll Call was answered by "An adjective describing yourself begining with your intials." Motto by Betty Ann Free- man, Co-operate! Remem- ber that every time a-banana- leaves. the bunch, skinned". read the modern version of the Little Red Hen. it get Betty Ann then _ Elva. Thompson offered to head a committee in regards to making a quilt, with Elsie Pogue, Reta Wilson and Betty Ann Freeman. New frig. is on order. Connie reported on "Festi- val of Dairy Foods" that she and Christena attended in' Uxbridge. Course will be held for a day, Nov. 3rd. All ladies of the Community are invited. Starts at 9:30 each one to bring your own lunch, beverage provided. Next month will be our Christmas gift exchange. Byginess closed by- singing --Oh' Canada. Er rE rE rr rrr rrr rr ET ETE rE a a rE rR rR REE EE EE EERE ESS The program was then turned over to Betty Ann. Ready by Clara Dowson "When you come to the end - "of a perfect day." Several musical selections by Mrs. Mero of Greenbank. Skit by Blackstock - "The Three Bears." A poem by Mrs. Empringham of Green- bank "Little Basite". Befty .. Ann's group on "Family and Consumers Affairs" served a delicious lunch of sand- wiches, copkies, squares and tarts. Don't forget the conven- tion at the Royal York Nov. 9th and 10th. _ o Light in Weight. o Economical & Clean. © Easy to Install. : ] ® Resists Fire & Vermin. Sec. report by Christena. oNon-Toxic & Non-Irritating. Kitchen committee pre- sented some new tea towéls and new tea pot. The towel Mr. Cavanagh presented to our W.I. is now framed, and looks very nice. Also the CALL FOR A QUOTATION AT NO CHARGE AND NO OBLIGATION. TRIPP'S INSULATION SERVICE OFFICE: 985-8216 RESIDENCE: 985-3563 CHROMACOLOR | | - gt - - i = UXBRIDGE ELECTRONICS "75 Brock Street W. Uxbridge Ontario Phone 852-3481 EEE ETT EE ET TT I ENT rN TN NS TS SSS ET TEES pins Mr. Cavanagh present- ed belonging to his wife are also mounted on blue velvet and will also be framed.

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