Strong winds last week felled this tree which struck a 'camper trailer parked in the back yard of a residence on Sexton Street in Port Perry. - Family allowances to rise h - # Effective 3 £- 14 4 » % [| 4 ! A i >» || e Health and Welfare Min- ister Monique Begin announ- ced that there: will be full escalation of Family Allow- ¢ ances for 1978. The Family Allowances legislation calls for annual escalation of payments in January of each year in accordance - with ne increase in the cost of living! January, the federal government monthly allowance paid for children under 18 will rise to $25.68 from $23.89 in most pro- with gifts like these LINENS Bridge Sets $6.95 Vanity Sets $6.50 Embroidered Pillow Cases $4.50 - $5.50 'Tablecloths $7.95 - $14.95 Comforters $45.00 - $55.00 Sheet Sets $22.95 - $32.00 Satin Bound Blankets $9.95 - $24.95 Hand Crocheted Lace Cloths $28.95 & up, vinces and in the territories. The amount and method of payment of Family Allowan- ces varies in Quebec and Alberta. Under a provision in the Family Allowances, Act, a provincial govern- "ment may ask the federal government to vary the rates payable in that province according to the age or num- ildren in a family, or roviding the pay- ments average $25.68.. Que- bec and Alberta have again chosen this option. OPEN EVERY NIGHT LARGE ASSORTMENT TOYS Special Allowances, which are paid to foster parents, welfare agencies, govern- ment departments and insti- tutions maintaining chil- dren, will also increase to $25.68 from $23.89. Each month during 1977 the federal government paid out more than $173 million in Family Allowances to 3.6 million families. The cheques covered 7.2 million children. The national aver- age allowance for each 'family was. about $49. ' 7, ¥ Insurance agents regard Lottery Tickets as cash Merchants in the Scugog area who sell Wintario and other lottery tickets should take several steps to guard against theft and to guaran- tee that if tickets are stolen, the loss would be covered by insurance. The question of "whether these tickets are insured against theft was raised by one local businessman at a meeting in Port Perry two weeks ago between mem- bers of the provincial police 1 fatality in two-car accident A two car accident early Sunday morning has taken the life of a Cannington area youth. Douglas Doble, 17, was killed when the car he was driving went out of control and struck a second car on Highway 12 just north of Saintfield. The accident occurred at 2:45 a.m. Three persons in the second car suffered injuries, and all were taken to hospi- tal. They are the driver, Bruce Ferguson, 25 of Green- bank, and two passengers, Jane Parrish, 24 and Mary Parrish, 17, both of RR 3, Uxbridge. The Doble car sustained $3500 damage and the Fergu- son car $2000. damage. T0 9:00-0'CLOCK EXCEPT SATURDAY KAYSER HOUSECOATS $40.00 & up GOWNS $17.00 & up $5.50 - $15.00 BRIEFS N\ $2.25 - $4.00 SLIPS and area merchants. On checking with insur- ance agents in Port Perry, merchants who sell lottery tickets should consider them as money. In order for a theft clause in a policy to be valid the tickets must be kept in a safe place over- night. Tickets stolen from the counter-top in a burglary might not be covered by insurance. Lock the tickets up with the cash. It was also suggested by one agent that merchants who sell the tickets should keep a daily record of how many are sold. There should be no problem with, coverage in the event of a theft if these steps are followed. There are approximately 500 Wintario and 1000 prov- incial tickets sold in the Scugog area prior to each draw. engineered to meet and beat the challenge of deep drifts, heavy, wet, or wind-packed snow. In push or pull models, single or double auger, the Blizzard rs chop, gh d rip « through snow, cut-/ tingapath upto 87" wide, _The Blizzard Beaters are at your George White dealer righ{ ~ gets to you. . Christmas Sale GEORGE WHITE BLOWERS The Blizzard. Beaters are four tough new rotary snowplows from George White. Evolved in the toughest Canadian winters, the Blizzard line of snowplows is now. Why don't you get to him before winter Expires Dec. 19th, 1977 TREWIN FARM EQUIPMENT BLACKSTOCK 986-4283 UJrap up her Christmas Eb NE 7 : 11+ 4 1 E )|: [+ ; ZAIN Cardigans } Stoles $8.95 - $28.95 $4.50 & up Pullovers Capes $8.95 - $18.00 $24.95 FOR THE CHILDREN Toques $1.98 & up Mittens $1.00 & up Corduroy Overalls $9.98 Velour Sleepers $7.95 - $9.98 A.W. BROCK [B03 59:9 344 LY 8 DI ARCH 0) 3