NM 8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1977 Blackstock area news by Mrs. Pat Fletcher I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Please come out and support the broomball team at the new arena in Port Perry on December 26th, 5:30-6:30 p.m. This team is sponsored by Beacock's Hardware. On Sunday, December 11th the St.John's Anglican Church held a Confirmation service. Bishop Read from Toronto received the follow- ing candidates into the Church: ~~ Marilyn Green, Sharon Umphrey, Kary Umphrey, Dean Wagler, Greg Mason, Paul Green, John Green, Chris Hudson (all from Blackstock), Janet Bruce, Isabelle Bell, Stanley Glass, Clayton Holt (all from Port Perry). After a most inspiring message from the Escorted MOTORCOACH Tours to: J CALIFORNIA 23 $749. per person twin Many Departures in Feb., Apr., May, June July, Aug., Sept., Oct. For Details Contact: NONQUON TRAVEL 985-2336 We Now Have NO-LEAD GAS Accepted Credit Cards 257 b EAR PIERCING SYSTEM The Newest, Fastest and Safest Way to Pierce Ears. pee Bonne » 453 Car Care Specializing in: © ON-CAR WHEEL BALANCING o MINOR REPAIRS & TUNE-UPS © OIL CHANGE & LUBRICATION o FRONT END & BRAKE REPAIR o TIRE SALES & SERVICE (New & Used Tires) MASTER CHARGE TEXACO - CHARGEX TAYLOR'S TEXACO Corner of Union & 7A Hwy. een Street - 985-7101 introduces | MAHDEEN Bishop, many people re- mained for a bountiful pot luck luncheon in the Parish Hall, vetya stile Duétounforeseen weather conditions, the Childrens program at the Anglican Church for this past Sunday evening had to be postponed and will be held instead on Friday, December 23rd at 7 p.m. : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Law- rence and family and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Passant and girls were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mackie and boys "on the occasion of Andrew Mackie and Shannon Pass- ant birthdays. Celebrating Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence on Sunday Dec- ember 18th. was their family, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lawrence, Caroline and friend Bruce, Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Law- rence, Janet, Steven and Ted, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence, Tim, Mike and Jackie, Manchest er, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cooson, Adam and Ann of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Williams of Englehart were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Shortridge. The Blackstock Brownies, Guides and Rangers would like to thank: Mr. John Pearce and the Parks Board for their help and co-opera- tion with the Auction Sale on December 10th. The pro- ceeds of $375. will go to the Blackstock Ice Fund. Monday to Friday 80am 109 MWpm Saturday -8 00am tos pm Sunday - 10am. 10900 pm 985-3655 | » Ot | David 4 | Hairs t y ling Salon ONE-STEP PRI 1 The weekend of December 10th, Larry and Beth Schry- burt and Dianne Schryburt of Orono travelled with their children to Ottawa to cele- brate Christmas with the Schryburt family. Don and Joanne Rusell, Dana and Kyle, Larry and Beth Schryburt, Vicki, Joel and Arthur celebrated two birthdays at Mothers Pizzer- ia on Friday evening. Dana Russell was 2 on December 8th and Arthur Schryburt will be 2 on December 29th. Amy Sleep entertained 8 little friends on Saturday to celebrate her 4th birthday. Winners at the Senior Citizen's weekly card party with 8 tables were: 1st - Bert Gibson, 78; 2nd - George Bowers, 77; 3rd - Ida Samells 77; 4th - Rhonda Larmer, 75; 5th - Esther Chapman, 74, 6th - Bill Chapman, 74; low prize - Wilbert Stone. Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp were Mr. and Mrs. Glen VanCamp, Robert, Bill, Paul and Mrs. Dowson in honor of Donn's belated birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kemp' and Jeffery entertained the Kemp family recently to celebrate Christmas. Glad to hear Ivan Thomp- son and Ray Suggitt are both "home from Toronto hospi- tals. A speedy recovery is wish- ed for Mr. Percy VanCamp who is "a patient in Port Perry hospital. December meeting of | Nestleton Institute Nestleton Women's Insti- "tute met in the Community Centre on Dec. 7 at 1:30 p.m. The president, Mrs. George Heaslip opened the meeting with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. After wel- coming all, she read an appropriate poem, "Christ- mas Eve' by Harry Boyle. The secretary, Mrs. M. Firlit read the Minutes. Financial report and corres- pondence. Thank you notes were read from 4-H Home- making Club members Anita DeJong (Provincial Honors) and Donna Lee (County Honours) for gifts received. Lois VanCamp also express- ed her appreciation to our Institute for the Henry Thompson Memorial Award presented to her at Cart- wright High School Commencement. Donations were received from Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Mr. Stanley Malcolm. During the business period it was decided to send a donation to Operation Scugog (Social Planning) and Port Perry Hospital auxiliary. plans were made to pack our usual Christmas Cheer boxes at Mrs. B. Heaslip's home on Dec. 15. Mrs. J. Wygerde to purchase fruit etc. Our president and secre- tary plan to attend the 75th Anniversary Celebration of Solina W.I. on Jan. 14, weather permitting. Greenbank by Mrs. Armour McMillan Christmas Eve Carol Ser- vice in Greenbank Church at 8 p.m. All are welcome. No service on Dec. 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lunney visited" with. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMillan on Satur- day. The Baird family held their annual Christmas re- union in the Community hall on Saturday. Mr. Richard Horne visited with his sister, Mrs. Mona Mero recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, NN 2 oN ) » «| 4 4 BAM Jia \ i Studs & Clasps Included. No Appointment Necessary. 8 ) ils ): Washago, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Empringham over the weekend. Prof. McCready was a guest -of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hutton, Ajax for a pre- Christmas party. Miss Debbie Lee is home for the holidays from College in Peterboro. The Thomas Family held their Christmas gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kerry, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Armour Mc- Millan visited with their aunt Mrs. Ethel Kidd on Friday. Mrs. Gary Lee and Kelly visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Lee and called on Gary in Western Hospital over the weekend. __The Roll call - display your talent for beating inflation in the kitchen provoked a variety of suggestions from the ladies present. Several brought baked goods and handicraft articles which were auctioned off to assist wih Christmas Cheer boxes. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Convenor of Family and Consumer Affairs had planned a most interesting program. The Motto - Home- making is a Profession of Love, was taken by Mrs. Allan Beacock. A humorous reading, "Three Monkeys", in which a monkey refuted the idea that MAN descend- ed from monkeys was given by Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin gave an excellent paper on Harmony in the Home. She stressed the importance of saying "I'm sorry"'. Itreally means that you care enough - about the relationship with another person to want to restore it. She said that even great souls can apologize and gave an example of Robert E. Lee apologizing to his troops after they were defeated in battle. We e should apologize promptly and with dignity. Make it easy for another person to apologize to you if you feel it is warranted. Remember the two most healing words in the English language are, ¢ "I'm sorry." Mrs. L. Malcolm and daughter Gail led in an enjoyable sing-song of Christmas carols. 'The meeting closed with O - Canada and the Institute Grace followed by a deli- < cious lunch and social time. Gail Malcolm expressed the appreciation to those respon- sible for a memorable Christmas meeting. The Fred Real family had ff "a pre-Christmas gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Real on Saturday. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Jean Somerville and family in the sudden death of Mrs. Glen (Vicky) Somer- ville in Wellesley Hospital. 'A Merry Christmas to those in hospital and others convalescing at home. Winners at the euchre jon "Friday night were: Ladies - Verna Smith, Mildred Quantz, Roberta Thomas, Mildred Thompson. Men - Grant Bright, J. Potts, Clif- ford Rodd, Jim Gibson. Next euchre on Jan. 13th. A few tickets are still available for the New Year's Eve dance. Call 985-3040 or 985-7456. Wintario Tickets available at the Port Perry Star 985-7383 2 Yr : % r= I. tune with our holiday wishes for you are our warm thanks and deep appreciation. ! BROCK'S DEPT. STORE -% WHY TIE UP YOUR DOLLARS FOR YEARS WHEN YOUR CREDIT UNION] . WILL PAY 8.5% FOR ONLY ONE YEAR. * Minimum Deposit 5,000.00 « * Interest Paid Monthly * Callable Ask about our Saving's Deposits at 6.5 or 7.0%' And no cost Personal Chequing. ~~ Can you afford not to deal with your » CREDIT UNION?