6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb, 8, 1978 Reader's Viewpoint Too much spent on language editor of the Star and now at Dear Sir: serious malaise facing Can- i While Canadians face a $14 adians. Prior to this state- Macleans magazine says it LJ Tou h de eS . billion deficit this year on top ment, Peter Newman, keen will take 30 years to get the . g cisions necessary SE of a $663 billion debt the political observer, former, .__, Continued on page 7 re : : Snare oT B Trudeau government is dish- } J . I~ . i t $1 billion for French Dear Sir: decisions. Government and that they have housing ing ou 3 66 h k 9 : Some people feel they hand outs when it seems to available at a cost they can ngage nthe ro A Mom says t an S should elect a person that be the popular thing to do afford. lan in e" learnin I call it will do A for them, and cut backs when they get As we grow old let us not hgh of the a kind Continued ith th twoutn Leib | some politicians feel that ta, out of control seem to be the forget someone is paying nn fo) "of French ¢ Perry where they were lucky with t em S ough har ie : say yes will ensure re-" Way tostay in power. Ifeel the bills and in the future = HOV BCI EL enough to get a room for the CB: unit and made the boys | election. While it is very for the benefit of the future there is going to be more 2 id bodig he Sepa oo night. ) aware of the accident on the » I nice, it isn't always good for We must all carry our seniors and less young "oo Palomo pr Because the boys were south side of Port Perry Tl the country. I think the. Weight and if we give to one people, so lets all try to help ; > 0 unable to contact us by heading into Oshawa. She ; : : seems to listen. The billion advised them to go directly y state of the country has got. someone else will suffer. out and not sit back and Cha" oT 0 sing Phone to let us know they h Tol heck in such a shape that we I feel that we have done a expect the working group to LIIE2 for ION ATeaME C % were safe, a special to the Motel and check in. | must elect people who are lot for our seniors and I am pay. There may come a time labs andsioplvithe sana ( s"THANK YOU" goes out to Again many many thanks i not afraid to stand up and glad to see them enjoy when their ability to pay jobs PPI Thousands 1 Mrs. Pat Barton of Prince © all you wonderful people be counted even if it means themselves without the fear may not meet the need. The frightenin statement Albert who kept me inform- whoso willingly offered your i they may not make popular of Doctor and Hospital bills I feel sorry for our young by one gh SS top ed where the boys were and hoipduring that drastic situ- | . 3 . a . Jeopls. ans Gout ve As executives, Robt. Scrivener What they intended doing - png. "3g Mrs. Edward Ward- | ° : ° o Ing -them lor example t "gq ) "conoda's Tel Mrs. Barton was in touch | Sincere appreciation (© iy we prov LC Cates Torco EEA * ince and the Dominion of Canadians f dos; hops E Dear Sir: n Canada debts) also with an 0 5 ee using : on Last Thursday we were People at the Curling Club unemployment rate that is 10° PY 1980 points out the Remember When amongst the motorists who for keeping their doors and staggering mostly in the : \ were trapped by the snow facilities open all night as a young group and no one 10 YEARS AGO storm on Simcoe Street, Place of shelter. showing any mercy for and everyone is happy until Thursday, February 8, 1968 - y . north of the Shirley Road. To put it in one short them. Cost of shows and someone takes advantage of | Members of the Hospital staff gathered at the The purpose of this letter is Phrase we think that there recreation has gone up for the lack of regulations and | Anglican Parish Hall, Tuesday, February 6 to honour to ask you through the aresomelovelypeopleresid- them and car insurance be- then people think the local | Mrs. K. Hook. Mrs. Hook has been an employee of the medium of the Port Perry M8 in Port Perry and we cause they are young. Lets council can just pass a by- | Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital since its a | Star, if you would convey our Were very "happy to make not push them too far, re- law on the spot. But it is opening in 1953. She is administrator at the present time : sincerest thanks to those their acquaintance the night member they are buying not that easy, we only have | and will be leaving at the end of the month. A silver tray people who helped us make it - ©f the storm. . homes and raising families the authority that is in the | and gift certificate were presented to Mrs. Hook by Mrs. to the shelter of the Fire Hall We would be most obliged lets pull together and municipal act and some- | Jean Gray on behalf of the staff members. and then to the Curling Club. if You would convey this help carry the load. times it is not possible to do Mrs. Norman Heayn found a purple pansy in bloom in We think that the Firemen, Message to all of those in- Another problem I am anything or it may take a | her garden recently, the sign of an early spring? the Scugog Snowmobile Club volved in the emergency concerned with is the regu- long time to get the desired At the second annual "Bad Boy Bonspiel" held at the ! and the O.P.P. officers dida Program of last Thursday. ations or the lack of them. results. Oshawa Golf Club recently a rink from Port Perry fantastic job and we are Yours most sincerely, We like to live in the coun- consisting of Harold Kyte, Bob Howsam, Garnet Warriner truly thankful to them. Also Robert C. Harrison and try because things are not Vernon Asselstine _and Bill Cornish, skip, were three game winners. we would like to thank the Vern Cavannahi so regulated and that is fine RR 2, Blackstock. : fen : : "A message about those who think they can cheat Ul: ¢ with my hand 1n What a shame. are completely honest. They use UI as ® - He thought it was some sort of a it was intended -- as a financial bridge game to claim a little more Unemploy- between jobs. ment Insurance than the law allowed. And no one's picking on you. Now he's in trouble. He didn't Anyone we find abusing Unemploy- ~ report earnings and work while ment Insurance will be dealt with getting UL under the law. If you're caught, money improper- 3 i . y, , buck Tan; if WAS AMY a few ly claimed must be paid back in full, It UECKS:"You ve gotmuilions, could mean you pay an administrative We don't have any money. penalty. Or you could face prosecution It all belongs to the people of under the Unemployment Insurance Canada. And when you deliberately Act, or the Criminal Code of Canada. claim more than you're allowed by law, Conviction means a criminal record. you're stealing from your neighbours, UI employs almost 500 full-time . friends, fellow employees, employers trained claims investigators and, like People who would never consider a 2 er on adda and the Government of Canada. any modern organization, we use new Shoplifting or outright robbery have Ge arnt Coin eit It's our job to pay UI benefits data-handling techniques to their best een willing to hide earnings from us the Canada Employment and Inomigration Conomission. fairly, efficiently and according to law. advantage. We match up Records of ~~ t0 get more UI benefits than the law Ah Sill sscom dl affios den Jhed os It's also our job to make sure the pro- ~~ Employment with claim records allows. Almost as if it were socially Centres, When they re together in one location, they'll be o gram is not abused by those who have to find the cheaters who don't report acceptable or even fun. : called Canada Employment Centres. little concern for their fellow citizens earnings while they'te on UI. Everyone knows this goes on. or the law of the land. ~ We don't like to' prosecute. We'd No one knows better than Ve da Canada's Unemployment Getting UI when you're not rather avoid that painful process by Suppose you lose your job. If Insurance Program available for work is abuse, pure and telling people that if they cheat, you ve been in Upelr. il simple. they'll probably be caught. ment Insurance and you qualify, you : : : ¢ i off y oe p y g have a right to benefits. And we Working with pe € Lots of people rip off UL I never really believed will respect that right as long as you who want to Why are you picking on me, and it was criminal! remember your obligations, too. X ' how'd you find out? Some people's attitudes toward Your obligation is to play it 2 Not so fast. Unemployment Insurance have been straight with-us. And as long as you Employmentand = Emplol et " p A gasy immigration Canada Immigration Canada The vast majority of our claimants * hard to explain. do that, we're proud to help you. Bud Cullen, Minister Bud Cullen, Ministre