. School at SAIS LER ' : A by Mrs. Bethany Schryburt Sympathy is extended to the relatives and numerous friends of the late Mrs. Gladys Thompson. Mrs. Thompson was an active person in the community and her absence will be greatly felt, Artificial ice is now avail- able in Blackstock. For further information call Bob Strong, 986-4209. . A public speaking contest took place at Cartwright Central Public School on Wednesday February 8th. The responsibility of judg- ing was taken by three capable educators: Yvonne Christie, chairman of the Durham Board of Educa- tion; Mr. Kiezebrink from Prince Albert School; and Mr. Darling, R.H. Cornish. First prize was won by Ralph Dejong, second went to Kim Harris and third place to Kevin Kellow. Ralph Dejong will continue the speaking contest to the school finals. All .three students will . represent Cartwright Central Public the Canadian Legion Finals. Cartwright Central Public School Junior Girls Volley- ball team played well on February 9th at the Region- al finals and returned home placing third out of seven teams. Prince Phillip was in Toronto on Friday, Feb- ruary 10th to speak with young people competing for "The Duke of Edinburough Awards". Several teen- agers from Blackstock were given the honor of talking in person with Prince Phillip about their individual pro- ject. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner accompanied: Ann Marlow, Janet Parsons, and Cindy VanCamp, Gold ~ Award competitors; Lois VanCamp, Giselle Van- Gestel, and Marlene Parsons, Silver Award com- petitors; and Trisha Wygerde, Valerie Van- Camp, and Eleanor Gibson, competing for the Bronze Award. Any teenager male or female is eligible to compete for "The Duke of Edinbourgh Awards". Friday, February 10th Howard Bailey entertained three friends: Fred Marlow, David Devries and - Brian-Gardner. The occas- ion was his 14th- birthday and - after lunch at Mec- Donald's in Oshawa, they enjoyed bowling in Port Perry then staying the night at the Bailey home. - Sorry to hear that Mr. Thomas Hodge was been 'returned to the Bowman- ville Hospital. Winners at the weekly Senior Citizen card party with fourteen tables com- peting were as follows: 1st - Ralph Day 93, 2nd - Adam Sharp 91, 3rd - Meta Swain 78, 4th - Bill Weary 77, 6th - Suzie Harris 75, 6th - Ruth Wilson 74 and low - Rosetta Stone. 0.N.O. The O.N.O. met at Aileen VanCamp's home on Thurs- day February 9th with 19 members present. Final arrangements were made for our skating party to be held Thursday, Febr- uary 16th at 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. We have been asked to cater to a wedding on July 29th and the Cartwright Curling Banquet on April 1. It was decided to cater to both. Ross Jackman has been Cartwright Heart Queen competition this Friday by Anne Kristensen The casts for the 3 house plays have been picked and ahead are practices for everynight, with grueling hard work as our amateur thespians work hard to memorize lines. With less than 4 weeks to go the directors are striving to put the masterpiece together. Again this year the plays will be held on two nights - March 10 and 11th. The 6 contestants for Heart Queen have been chosen. They are: Lea Ann Hardy, Trish Sleep, Wendy Tilling, Katie Schmidt, Anita DeJong and Deb McLaughlin. Congratula- tions and good luck with your speeches. The compe- tition will be held this Fri- day at our annual Heart Dance. It will begin at 8 p.m. and admission price is $2.00. _ A few weeks back our boy and girl ski teams took part in their first meet. Though the girls encountered a few technical difficulties, they all put on a fine show and I'm sure they are looking forward to more such meets for the future. The students involved were: - Laura Ruesink, Cyndy Hogg, Lori Emerton, Tracy Hogg, Chip Don Forder Insurance Agency 24 Water St. 985-8471 Representing: ° PILOT INSURANCE CO. © ROYAL INSURANCE ° ECONOMICAL MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. _ © PHOENIXOF CANADA ° HAMILTON TWP FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE PERSONAL ATTENTION FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS. Guaranteed Investment Certificates & Registered Retirement Savings Plans also available. Green, Rick Ayer, Mark Post and Mark Vince. A special note to Chip Green who spent a lot of time and effort helping arrange the event and setting up the teams. Last Wednesday the Outer's members spent the evening in deep water! The Club spent a few hours at Uxbridge Pool getting them- selves in shape for the swimming tests. The Outer's Club has planned an ice fishing trip on Lake Scugog for the 25th. The record for the number of fish caught on our annual excursion is still nil; chances are this record will be broken this year. (Anyone wishing to make. extra money could set up a fresh fish market outside our holes - as long as you don't make any noise.) The midget basketball team had a tournament on the 11th in Cannington. Though they lost both games, this is their first year together and their progress has been tremen- dous. The scores have been getting tighter, which only goes to show that a win is soon in store. Keep up the good work. Friday, Mr. Scott took his Year 5 Drama class to York University = to see the student production 'The Country Wife". Sunday, February 19 the students of C.H.S. will be out canvassing door to door for the Canadian Heart Foundation. Your support with contributions is needed and greatly appreciated. For those who will not he home on Sunday. afternoon, arrangements can be made. Also, all the profit from the Heart Dance will be given to the Heart Fund. So remember this year's slogan - Put your heart into it! - : Seventy-four days until . we break for the Summer holidays! { booked for the 1978 New Years Eve Dance. Tickets for 0.N.O. members for the Hard Times Dance on March 18th are tq be paid for and picked up at Sandra Hoskin's before the end of February. Ellen Russell reminded us of the Nursery School Dance on Saturday, February 11th and also the Curling Club Dance on Saturday, Feb. 25. Both are to be held in the Recreational Centre in Blackstock. ) The Annual Husband's Banquet has been set for November 4th in the Com- munity Hall at Nestleton. The roll call was well answered with a tea towel, hangers and a Valentine verse. The next meeting will be a Judy Crawford's home on Wednesday, March 8th. After a humorous contest Aileen served delicious desserts, coffee, tea and a 'cold drink; a friendly chit- chat was had by all before their departure. Secretary - Elaine Bailey. The Blackstock Nursery School held a very successful Valentine dance on Saturday night. The full house danced" to "The Music Man'. Sev- eral spot dance prizes were won and a hot meal served at 1:00 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Smith won the brass goblets and tray with wine from the raffle draw. This dance was the big kick off for the 'Recreational Centre Play- ground Fund'. Nine ladies from the Blackstock United Church attended the Bi-Annual PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1978 -- 11 |. Blackstock and area news Leadership Training Day at the Kingsview Church in Oshawa on Wednesday. The Womens Institute held several quilting bees at the. home of Mrs. Harold Mc- Laughlin to quilt a special order quilt for a lady in Toronto. U.C.W. morning unit held their monthly meeting at the. home of Edith McLaughlin on Tuesday morning, Feb- ruary 7th. Edith prepared cheese, sweet rolls, and bréads which warmed every- one with a social time before the meeting. Devotional was presented by Norma Van- Camp on the theme of changes in our love at the different stages of our life from birth to death. Yearly dues were paid and an offer ing taken. President Eileen McLaughlin reminded the ladies of several items of business. Ruby VanCamp shared with the group a live taping of segments from the "All In The Family" televi- sion show. The ladies then took turns - reading parts from the book, God, Man and Archie Bunker. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Vogel, from the four corners of Cadmus, returned recently from a delightfully warm visit to Cuba. Cheryl's mother, Mrs. Bernadette Gillies from Plato, Saska- tchewan stayed with the children while Vogels were on vacation. She is present- ly visiting with them for an indefinite length of time. Ladies Auxiliary for cubs and scouts met Monday, February 6th at the recrea- tional Centre in Blackstock. There were ten mothers present. The new 1978 officers were in charge of the meeting: President Donna Schnavel, Vice-Presi dent Sharon Umphrey, Secretary Alma Ward, and Continued on page 26 : [execs] Car Care Specializing in: o. ON-CAR WHEEL BALANCING o MINOR REPAIRS & TUNE-UPS o OIL CHANGE & LUBRICATION We Now Have NO-LEAD GAS Accepted Credit Cards MASTER CHARGE TEXACO - CHARGEX o FRONT END & BRAKE REPAIR o TIRE SALES & SERVICE (New & Used Tires) Monday to Friday 8am room Saturday -3 00am tog 00pm Sunday - 10am 09 Mpm TAYLOR'S TEXACO Corner of Union & 7A Hwy. 985-3655 a No R Av i MET Y - wm po 7 2 i» Short Sleeve e SHIRTS e SHORTS oe SWIMWEAR eo CABANAS In stock for your Beach & Cruise Wardrobe. Gregory's Men's Wear Std. LAKEVIEW PLAZA - PORT PERRY 985-8160 OPEN 'TIL 9:00 P.v. [FSR . THURSDAY & FRIDAY [imma 'We FREEMAN FORMAL . RENTALS > Ha = Ei of,