' ' » RAI Fo SUA ud i 0. ih : 8 \ . PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1978 -- 13 os : | i -| - Arguments for, against proposed complex i Continued from page 1 - could be created with the Policing at present in the would not be consistent with ing businesses in the area, Uxbridge closes at 9:30 on is proposed development said Sale of alcohol. He said the area. Mr. Wells added that existing land uses of the and it would generate Saturday night. And he ip he is concerned for several intersection is a hazardous the development could be the .area. employment and revenues. added that there are young 9g. reasons, . and one is the one now, and that in his start of a strip of com- Thissentiment was echoed AS an example of this, he people in Uxbridge who i potential problems that opinion there is inadequate mercial activity along by Mr. Arthur Channer, who cited hisown business, which drive around at night with a ie . : Regional Road 23 which also lives nearby. Mr. Chan- last year paid out some bottle of liquor in the car, Yad ner expressed fear that this $85,000. In wages and spent and that, he said, "is a lot 5: TA 2 Gr b k could be what he called "the ~~ an additional $30,000. for more dangerous than a 1} © een an thin edge of the wedge" for equipment and supplies in motel or tavern'. Ah oD future commercial develop- thearea. Horna us kindof Although close to down- > p ment, and he said there revenue would not have been town Uxbridge, the proposed 1 a UCW meeting should be some kind of generated by a farm oper- development is on the east Ontario } specific policy for the devel- ation. side of Regional Road 23 in The Evening Unit of the opment of Regional Road 23. Paul Deboer said that in Scugog Township. A tent- ROYAL COMMISSION Greenbank U.C.W. met at SUPPORT his opinion there is a need for ative site plan on display s the home of Iva Phoenix, on The proposal got support a licenced establishment, Monday night indicated a OF INQUIRY INTO THE Wednesday, Feb. 1st. The from Ben Deboer and hisson especially for young people. service station-snack bar devotional was led by Iva Paul, who operate Uxbridge ~~ He said at present young with entrance onto Highway : Phoenix and Joan Lee. Nurseries. Mr. Deboer told People are forced to drive 47, and a combination motel a © . c " Doris Hill chaired the (council the proposed com- several miles for their enter- restaurant and tavern with x Con | entiali meeting for the business arial development would ~~ tainment because, in his entrance onto Regional Road 7 portion. Eunice Rahm read compatible with the exist- words, the only tavern in 23. ol the minutes and Marie eh ; Foster the treasurers ° i of Health Records | ii wisi: Unusual car dealershi p s unteered to be our represen- 7 ° O ° tative on the Board of Ste- o SR wards. It was moved that I S [| | d ie iN ntario Mr. Roundell and Terry se S up on cug og S an fee 5 Crawford repair the Church ¥ ! tables and the U.C.W. pay Scugog Township council regulations for a permit to car dealership in the ordin- LG By Order-in-Council dated the 2lst day of the bill. When the tables agreed Monday night to a market the vehicle he needs ary sense of the word, he door D ber. 1977 The H ble: Mr. Jusii are ready, we are to have a request by Toronto resident an office, "showroom", and suggested that the request fr: ecemboer, » he Honourable Mr. Justice bee to paint them. to allow the establishment of sign outside the business. He be granted. Hes Horace Krever was-appointed pursuant to The It was moved that the a car dealership on Scugog asked the council for per- The electric car, known zi Public Inquiries Act, 197], to: "Scout Mothers Auxiliary" Island. : mission to use a small metal as the Marathon C-300 went oo be allowed to use the church But it won't mean a huge storage shed on 100 acres of- into production in Montreal 1. review all legislation administered by the basement on Nov. 4th for showroom or parking lot property he owns on the 10th this year, and about a half- Mi ; t Health {f le. The Publi their annual bazaar. filled with new and used concession for these pur- dozen deliveries have been inister of Health {tor example, 11g Fudic Mr. Roundell was then cars. In fact, people driving poses. made so far in Canada and Hospitals Act, The Health Disciplines Act, called on to lead the Bible the 10th concession on the Mr. Cremer said he would the United States. It has a The Health Insurance Act and The Mental Study. He suggested sever- Island will most likely not be conducting his business Bails org a Suing " al ideas we could use at our even be aware of its exis- from Toronto, and it is un- speed of 35 mph, and retails 5 Health Ad, together with any other relevant meetings, such as studying tence. : likely that more than one of at about $6,000. legislation administered by other Ministers, different religions and com- Mr. Karl Cremer told the the electric cars would be After granting Mr. and any Regulations passed thereunder, to paring them with Christian- council Monday night that he stored in the shed at any one Cramer's Joes, yr ; PR ity - Inviting speakers such is the Toronto area distri- time. awrence Malcolm quip Soin wigs Droper Pht he Is as lawyers to talk on wills buter for a new electric car Councillor Reg. Rose said whether there was any given to the rights o persons who have or other matters, people that has just recently come there is nothing in the by-law chance the production fac- received, or who may receive, health from the Bell Telephone onthe Canadian market, and restricting the proposal, and tory could be moved from services, to preserve the confidentiality of Company - use films, study in order to meet government because it would not mean a Quebec to Scugog Township. i i i the Scriptures. Mr. Roun- E/E TT ET Le information respecting them collected under dell chose as his Bible Study 2 i that legislation; the 3 Gospels, Matthew, E g i 3 . es Mark and Luke. We learn- £ = 2. to review the legality of the administrative ed that Mark is the oldest = Y £ processes under the above Acts; and Gospel and the other two Z : = : are copies. His falk and the Z 2 3. to report thereon to the Minister of Health discussion Yhien I we E 2 i . was very interesting. EH = with any recommendations for necessary The meeting closed witha = £ amendments to the legislation and the delicious lunch served by £ iE Regulations passed thereunder. the Group in charge. ES EF] i When trouble comes to g 2 NOTICE OF HEARING your community it really Z E . . coed . pays to stand together, Z g The first session of a S ommission will be rather than each individual = £ , convened on Monday, the 20th day of February, standing apart. 2 i 1978, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, = E at the Sutton Place Hotel, 955 Bay Street at E E Wellesley, Toronto, Ontario, for the purpose of STERLING g g establishing procedures and granting status to B g g interested individuals and organizations. Any- E BE] one intending to participate in the Commission's - E Ee hearings is invited to attend and may make g . oe g = ES submissions at the above noted time. g Serving The Communities Greatest Needs E E The dates, times and places of public hear- gE E D AY E ings will be announced at a later ime. ; | : g The Commission is asking for opinions, com- [| Free Special Events by the Kinsmen Club : ments and information from all interested in- ® £ of Port Perry to celebrate Heritage Day E . dividuals and organizations, Anyone wishing g E} to make a written submission or deliver felevant MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1978 gE information to the Commission may "do so," & % pias : 40 aekbsnigliie O 2 PpusLic SKATING i v LJ = 1) ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO : NA : Vi ; 4 ' = \ THE CONFHDENTIALTY OF HEALTH RECORDS 2 7 IN ONTARIO _ For 5 Years, : ho ( If Interest Paid Annually MINI THEATER : Vi 22nd Floor, 180 Dundas Street West, SENIOR CITIZENS' NIGHT = 7 ' for 3 or i bo TORONTO, Ontario M5G 178. 8% pad MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 - show starts 7 p.m. © i Telephone: (416) 965-4003 : Kans ESSAY & POSTER CONTESTS | yi " : 3] The Hon. Mr. Justice Horace Krever, DON FORDER AT ALL LOCAL SCHOOLS : x Commissioner. Insurance Agency rete farce tion 5 . age 21 to 40 and interested in joining an Active Service Clu : \ 4 ° Harvey T. Strosberg, n 24 WATER STREET If you are age 21 to joining ' 2 Counsel to the Commission. PORT PERRY Contact: Doug Gouin 985-3741 or John Porter 986-4905 i ~~ PHONE: 985-847 : 3 Ell TTR RTD TE 7A