26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1978 1 f 4 si Nf hn RENE rad dy] Ashes Th (DERI CEATA CHIN ---- EEE ea AA A SNR A YL IR 8 TR Mis \ iy x DL ESE Ty OE es Sr * FNS BA Be abdtsadanerad demu ocd TAAL yd FEE FANS FAY BR) Classified Auction Sales RON KING AUCTIONEER Auctions of All Types. Phone Port Perry 985-2643 | ORVAL MCLEAN Auctioneer 15 Yr. Experience All Types of Sales At Your Place Or in our Barn. 30 WILLIAM ST. §., LINDSAY 324-2791 Home 324-2783 Auction Sales "REG & LARRY JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS (20 Years Experience) LIVESTOCK FURNITURE SALES Sunderland 705-357-3270 MURRAY JACKSON AUCTIONEER Auction Hall & Sale Barn Facilities LIVESTOCK IMPLEMENTS FURNITURE-ANTIQUES Port Perry 985-2459 SNOWPLOWING Commercial & Residential DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS Reasonable Rates - 24 Hour Service RON'S SNOWPLOWING 985-2824 T.F. located af: WOODWORKING SHOP OPERATED BY RON RANKIN & SON SOLID CUPBOARDS - Pine, Mahogany or Redwood. ROOM DIVIDERS - STAIRS FURNITURE REPAIR Stripping & Re-finishing REACH INDUSTRIAL PARK 985-7679 [Next to Ira Carr Construction] PREFAB OR BUILT-IN New books at Library Following is a list of some of the new books at the Scugog Library. Looking out for number one, R. Ringer; Dear Me, Peter Ustinov; Goodbye California, Alister Mac- Lean, Emma and I, S. Hocker; The Amityville horror, J. Anson; Solar home heating in Canada, H. Fost- er; Psycho-cybernetics, M. Maltz. Henry W. Block reason forms, we do your taxes. and Business. "The new tax forms. A good to let us help with your taxes." At H&R Bid we understand these new ow the laws. We'll do every- "thing we can to save you money. And that's Reason No. 1 why you should let H&R Block All types of personal returns - including Farms Life is a banquet, Rosalind Russell; Ain't I a wonder... ain't you a wonder too, J. Lair; Cannibals and Kings, M. Harris; The iron stair- case, G. Simenon; Mothér R. E. Roosevelt; New help for problem drinkers, P. Drotn- ing; The Toff in town, John Creasey; the MacKenzie River, James Smith; Rotten Apples, Edith Green. HR BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 16 WATERSTREET- PORT PERRY (Beside the License Bureau) Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Mon. to Sat. Closed Wednesdays PHONE 416-985-2232 No appointment necessary. | years old, Auction Sales SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Auction sale of household furni- ture and Real Estate, the pro- perty of the Late Alfred Argue, will be held in .the Village of Sunderland (on Hwy. 12, just north of Co-Op). Double door refrig; electric stove; chrome table & chairs; pols; pans; dishes; some antiques; iron fry pan; radio; chesterfield & chair; Philco stereo, radio and T.V. combined; rocking chairs; ftri- light; black & white T.V. set; coffee table; pole light; living room rug (good); bedroom suite; bedding; odd chairs; dres- ser lamps; rocking chair; wash- ing machine; metal cabinet; Lawn Master lawnmower; many other items. Also offered for sale subject to reserve bid a 4-room frame and angel stone bungalow with full basement, closed-in breezeway and attached garage, large lot on Highway, an excel- lent retirement home, approx. 15 in good condition, must be sold to settle estate. Terms on property 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. NOTE - This is a large added consign- ment, owner retired and moving. Baycrest washer & dryer (nearly new); Baycrest double door refrigerator and stove (harvest gold), nearly new; chrome table and chairs; chrome table with drop leaf arborite top; antique pine; flat-back cupboard, 12 panes of glass in doors; cabinet with hutch; antique buffet, with bevelled mirror; quantity of dishes; pots and pans; blender; antique cranberry pickle cruet; amber pickle cruet; Beaver seal- er; Mediterannean-style bed- room suite, double dresser with double mirrors, nearly new; 2 hexagon commode tables; square commode table; large oval braided rug, approx, 9 x 12; 2 copper boilers; 3 antique clocks (1 steeple; 1 gingerbread, 1 long- case wall clock), all good; ant. Findlay boxstove; also air con- ditioning unit, 12,000 B.T.U., ant. picture, old-fashioned girl, 1886; 1974 Olds Royale car loaded with air, etc., sold as is. Terms cash. Note - change of time - 12:30 sharp. Termson Furniture, cash or known cheque. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers, phone (705) 357-3270. May be seen by 1 appointment, please call (705) 357-3344 or the Auctioneers. Auction Sales SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Giant Auction at McLEAN AUCTION CENTER, enter parking lot off Little Britain Road. ture, appliances, 9 guns, new electric welder; 1960 Jeep with plow; tools; wrenches; cement 'mixer on wheels, Ya yd. with 12 h.p. motor; radial arm saw; é cu. ft. cement _mixer with electric motor; shovels; ladders; 10 shts. plywood; wheelbarrows; hand tools; chain saw; single contin- ental beds; provincial chester- field; very old antique rocker; 4 pressback chairs; 3 antique par- lour chairs; dresser; studio couch; end tables; dishes; some antique; antique buffet with mirror; oak dining table with leaves and 5 chairs; wooden bed, complete; kitchen buffet; chests; Normendic Hi Fi; wooden high chair; old sealers; R.C.A. portable television and stand; swivel rocker; odd chairs; vacuums; excellent rugs; air conditioner; Hoover spin washer (like new); Singer port- able sewing machine; large fan; ladies fur coat; Deilcraft Duncan Phyfe Hi-Lo table; chesterfields; Motorola 26" console color tele- vision (like new); Deilcraft end tables; several lamps; hall run- ner; plate glass mirrors; 9 pc. dining room suite (excellent); refrigerator; stove; - bookcase; large quantity books; 3 pc. bed- room suite with'box spring and mattress (nearly new). EXCEPTIONAL - Andrew Mal- colm cherry fruitwood Provin- cial bedroom suite (no mar finish twin beds, triple dresser, framed mirror, chest and night table); console sewing machine, double wardrobe, cedar lined; filing cabinet; mantel clock; square wringer washer; pictures; Hoover vacuum, humidifier, dehumidifier; power lawn mower; aluminum extension and step ladder; garden tools; steel 3 drawer tool chest; many numer- ous tools, furnitures, cooking utensils. The above is Estates of Mrs. Bessie Smith and Cora Zea- land, plus complete household contents of Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks, Lindsay (moving to Eng- land). No reserve. Note time - 11:00 A.M. Sharp. Tools, Jeep and cement equipment at 12:30. Lunch available. Orval McLean, (Auctioneer, 324-2791 or 324-2783 Lindsay. Opening new doors to small business Financial assistance Management counselling , Management training Information on government programs for business ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, 1978 one of our representatives MR. N.J. McGRATH will be at Municipal Offices, Uxbridge, Ontario. Between 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. For appointments call 416-852-3301. If you require financing to start, modernize or CP OELL RTI THO EEE LG ETC EL ERG) CLIFT RIRCIEC ET CRG NCEE EL CR ET ERENT LOGIC ER TR RTE TCR DI CIC CO RT RUT FBDB management services of counselling ELL RTETRTDT RITE RG CI ETT GT] government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. / / FEDERAL lUNY/\Y/S8) DEVELOPMENT BANK 22 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario. - Lindsay, i Antiques, furni- | Blackstock . Continued Treasurer Margaret Duivesteyn. Details of the Pine Wood Derby to be held on March 4th and 5th in Port Perry at the Scout Hall were discuss- ed. Members were remind- ed to start saving articles for the scout rummage sale to be held at the Town Hall in Blackstock on Saturday April 8th. Bert and Mary Michelle and Nathan entertained the Schryburt family on Friday evening with a roast beef dinner at their home in the East Smith's woods. Dinner and a social time was had by the Schryburts at the home of Jack, Lesia, and Christina Pikaart on Sunday evening, in Oshawa. The second. meeting of the 4-H 'Hamburger Helpers' was held in the C.E. room at the United Church on Tuesday, February 7th. The meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge. Nancy Wygerde described and de- - monstrated the preparation of Swiss Steak. After sam- pling this delicious dish the . meeting was closed with the 4-H motto. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans and family held a family pot-luck dinner and tobog- ganing get-together at their farm on Sunday. Bowman- ville guests were Virginia Fairey and children, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Hanc and family and Wendy Killens and children. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stinson and John from Oshawa; and father Wilf Brown from Courtice. Anita and Edie Alstein and Gord's friend from Durham College, Rick Alpe joined in the Sunday fun. Please feel free to call Beth before noon Monday mornings with any new items - 986-5015. _ ma EXCHEQUER TRUST E GUARANTEED FORS5 YEARS Guaranteed Investment Certificates with interest paid annually. [$1,000 minimum investment] Please call for rates on monthly, semi-annual or compound interest; terms 1, 2, 3, 4and 5 years available. HEAD OFFICE : 120 Adelaide St. W., Suite 808, Toronto, Ont. Telephone [416] 869-1470 Atin.: J.A. PHINN, Vice-President-Admin. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation * Rates subject to change. Nancy's & BUSINESS DIRECTORY _/ ALCAN DEALER Baker's Building Products | ROOFING & SIDING Sold - Installed - Guaranteed 979-2231 v Rick Larocque Electric Contractor Residential - Commercial - Farm R.R. 2 PORT PERRY 985-3261 -- CAMPERS TRAVEL TRAILERS MOTOR HOMES FIFTH WHEEL DOUG ALLEN DAVIS "TRAILER SALES (Division of Holiday World) 1916 Dundas Street E., (Hwy. 2) Whitby, Ontario" LIN-2L6 SALES @ SERVICE ® RENTALS Whitby: Toronto: 683-3571 728-9493 & EG ei. ,