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Port Perry Star, 1 Mar 1978, p. 5

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. TE SRE FR PE A RPE IN A SSS RRP 5 Bere SAY A A Wd A Pa TNT Bea 4 $77; A Rs. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Mar. 1, 1978 -- 5 4" Remember When..? v Photo taken on the Marshal O'Neill farm at the corner of the 11th concession and the swamp road. approximately 1910. To the left is the tile kiln and at . 60 YEARS AGO Thursday, February 28, 1918 The W.P.A. was astonished at the response for donations of money to buy wool. The total amount -collected was $441.30 more than double the sum expected. The wool is needed to knit socks for the men on the front. A brief news item reports: "A Bowmanville farmer has been charged with arson. Who can blame him in times like these. What greater luxury than a fire!" 35 YEARS AGO February 25, 1943 Ted Jackson will be auctioneer at the "Victoria Shorthorn Association sale in Lindsay. This is the 23rd consecutive annual sale sponsored by the Association at which Ted has been auctioneer. ' : vIn the hockey game between the G.M. Payroll and the Port Perry Boys, the Port Perry Boys won 11-10. Some of the players on the two teams were Bob Carnegie, Arnold Roach, John Jeffrey, Don Carnegie and Gordon Mac- Master. . 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, February 26, 1953 -- Simpson-Sears of Toronto will soon be opening an order office in Port Perry. It will be located in the Carnegie Block. Port Perry United Church Choir bettered their marks of last year and won the shield and $75.00. Last year's marks of 80 and 81 were bettered by marks of 81 gnd 84. rignt ana centre are rows of finished field tile. Standing at left is Mrs. Hazel O'Neill, Roy O'Neill and at far right, Eda Johnston. Photo courtesy Dorothea Koch. } Two occupants of a car, Bill Baker of Port Perry and Don Smith of Oshawa, were startled when driving across the ice on Lake Scugog. - The car hit a soft spot and broke through but both occupants escaped. Later it was found that there was only 10 inches of ice at this spot. 20 YEARS AGO February 27, 1958 . Scout Commissioner Jack Atkinson presented the Scout Medal of Merit to the District Cub Master Stanley Ploughman. This award is made on behalf of the Chief Scout of Canada, the Honourable Vincent Massey. In the election of officiers for the Port Perry Yacht Club, Port Perry, resident W. Baker was elected fleet captain and P. Orde a trustee. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, Februapy 29, 1968 19 head of cattle perished wlien a barn owned by Mr. Donald Taylor, Saintfield, burned to the ground early Friday morning. In addition to the cattle loss, 5,000 bales of hay, milking equipment and other farm equipment went up in flames. Thomas Redman, long time resident of Scugog Island, celebrated his 92nd birthday on February 23. Peter Hvidsten Jr. attended the Graphic Arts Course at Canadian Kodak Co., Toronto, last week to familiarize himself with the new offset printing method now used at the Port Perry Star. i A Reader's Viewpoint Seniors concerned Dear Sir: The following letter was sent to Scugog Council and was signed by 53 concerned "Senior Citizens. We of the Senior Citizens Club need your HELP. During the past months, three of our members have suffered injuries from walk- ing on the icy sidewalks of Port Perry, in order to reach the Post Office and other places of business. It would not be necessary for any great outlay of money to have the Town- ship's small truck, with a few bags of salt and sand, West coast reader Dear Sirs, Enclosed is money to con- tinue the Star. Three years ago Cather- ine Christie sent me the Star and I have enjoyed it so much I want to continue it. It comes so regular on Friday of each week only a few times has it been later on the Monday. I have been interested in the property prices back there. They are about the same as here. I compare the prices of items manned with. some of our unemployed to sprinkle at least our main street side- walks and to shovel out the corners. Why private parking lots are privileged to clear their property, dumping the snow on sidewalks, we are at a loss to understand. The south east corner of Perry and Mary Sts. and Casimir St. from Perry to Water St. are a disgrace to the Muni- cipality, to mention just two of the worst conditions. M. Whybrow President in. the stores and there is very little difference. I like the "Remember When". It ph ur is so good to see the old time nd places. 1 don't see many names I know except in the death notices. Your paper is real good and Port Perry folks should be proud of it. The east has had such a bad winter. I read all about it in the paper but out here it is rain so much of the time of the sun would only 'Continued on page 6 AEE % CNA Serving Por! Perry, Reach, Scugog and Carbwright Townships J. PETER HVIDSTEN, Publisher Advertising Manager JOHN B. McCLELLAND EDITOR Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc =. and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associaton PORT PERRY STAR Company Limited Phone 985 733) Published every Wednesday by the Por! Perry Star Co. Lid, Port Perry, Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and lor payment of postage in cash Second Class Mail Registralion Number 0285 Subscription Rate: In Canada $8.00 per year Elsewhere $10.00 per year. On' ROP Sam: (om) : - 4 s . ", 3 2 UD Single copy 20¢ Bill Smiley A nice change Something rather pleasant happened in Canada recently. Not too many pleasant things have occurred in this country of late, so perhaps we should observe and enjoy this one. - I'm referring to the general decency shown by the press and politicians, neither of them noted for this quality, in the Francis Fox affair. In case you've already forgotten it, Mr. Fox, a brilliant young cabinet minister and Solicitor-General of Canada, confessed he had. committed a minor peccadillo and resigned from the cabinet. : He had forged the name of her husband to a paper permitting an abortion for a married lady with whom he was, apparent- ly on more than speaking terms. He was caught when another lady wrote the prime minister and squealed on him. Mr. Fox, a Rhodes scholar, proved once again that you can have a lot of brains and still be a dummy. He not only committed forgery, he committed adultery. And he seems never to have heard of birth control. That's all right." There are a good many dummies among our illustrious leaders, and always have been. Most of the others just haven't been caught. But what was rather startling about the whole business was the restraint practised by Fox's opponents in politics, by the press, and by the public in. general. Nobody went for his jugular, or that of the government, which is astonishing in these times, when sympathy, compassion, and decency seem to be going by the board. Had it happened in Britain, the tabloids would have had a field day, and the poor man would have been chased out of the cabinet, out of parliament and probably right out of the country by the sheer weight of the scavenging that would have taken place. But ngy not here. Political foes express- ed sympatHy, editorials reminded us that we all have a skeleton or two in the closet, and the head of the United Church wrote Fox a letter hoping that "there is enough grace and. understanding -in- this country that you will not have to live under a elon x .Such forbearance. A generation ago the man would have been howled out of office. Not so very long ago, as some elderly Tories remember, a number of cabinet ministers of that denomination were smeared rather thickly for exchanging bon.. mots with one Gerda Munsjnger, a Ger- - man lady with a shady past. What in the world has come over us? Why this sudderi' benevolence towards a fellow human being? Is it some sort of midwinter madness that has crept sneakily into our dour Canadian puritanism? Or is the whole thing 'a crafty Liberal plot to snatch headlines and induce sympathy among the women of the country? First Margaret bogs off and leaves that poor, dear man with three boys to raise. Now Francis, with one swell foop, reveals phat even a cabinet minister is capable of passion. If this is the case, what in the world is Joe Clark going to do to counteract all this free publicity, before the election cam- paign begins? His wife is staying home and behaving herself, and his own past is impeccably dull. My suggestion to Joe and the Tories, for what it's worth, is that they start looking around for some really rotten people as potential cabinet ministers. What they need in their anxious ranks are a sex deviate or two, a couple of 'guys who served time for armed robbery, and a few ladies who were formerly happy hookers. A jam of tarts, as it were. Toss in a child batterer and someone who snatched under- wear off clothes-lines, and they'd run the Liberals right off the front pages. Is it true that we all have a skeleton in our closet, something that would be humil- iating were it exposed to the avid public eye? Maybe there are a few lofty souls with a clean slate, but I'd be surprised if there were enough of them to form a hockey team. Come on now, gentle reader. Cast your mind back over your life, and take a close look into those dark corners you have managed to almost forget. - Have you never picked your nose when nobody was looking? ' Have -you never, ever, smelled your own armpits in similar company? Have you never helped destroy a reputation by repeating gossip? Have you never done a cruel thing or a mean thing in your life? Have you never got drunk and made an ass of yourself. Never said a bad word? Never hawked and spat a gob when nobody was around? Never emitted air from an orifice sneakily? Well, good on you, as we say in Austral- ia, if you haven't. You must be under six months of age, and even infants can't qualify on all counts. I could probably count on my toes the . people in this country who have not lied, cheated, stolen, committed adultery at least in the head, worshipped the graven image known as a car, or failed to honor their father and mother, at some time. Personally, 1 have so many skeletons in my own closet there's no room for more. I had to start shoving them under the bed. If Joe Clark takes my suggestion with the seriousness with which it is offered, I'd be glad to help. I know some really rotten people. tT I ChB ahaa h $0 gb PL Bats a Rat $y

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