ASCH RS oe XI] - Cok 1 - re 4 Dhedd VEAPEOR EE a Fat "a il 4 It SSE R NS 2 ECE AN 5 0 % aT . F. LANL » EY Ba hs aoi AV FAT WRY > 3UNLY gURIHR TUT katy 1 e SER PERLE, SCE PILED Filla LEA0 SOR 2 FH, R50 LF PRL SS SRASE RRL EA LL RL DROS TRGA TASS JAY SACRE RSE NL Sa eR LEN STOR A CARCI / Seagrave news 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., 'September 27, 1978 8 ~ x ' i 'S ey of * k ' --- J h al en Sr ZC Dhl ~ -~ rE a Shad ~ - -- v A RR 28 Cr -. by Mrs. Earl Reader Mr. and Mrs. Don Crozier with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Crozier just returned Sunday from a three week trip to the southern states, California and Mexico. Of course they visited all the interesting places in the area. One high light mentioned was their visit to the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, where they saw Burl Ives making a recording. On the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Redman re- turned from their three week trip to England. We haven't managed to hear about their exploits yet. Saturday Beryl and San- dra Pearce flew to England to help celebrate the 90th birthday of Beryl's grand- mother, a very dear lady in the hearts of the Pearces. Wednesday turned out to be a fine day for the Turkey Supper. Many people were on hand and we had the satisfaction of feeling that we had provided one more pleasant gathering for the Community and surrounding area. Thanks to all those who, so freely, gave their service. As supper progressed for the final 34 people at 8 p.m. we were pleased to present our member, Mrs. Alva Thompson, with a Birthday cake and Best Wishes to help her celebrate the climax of a special birthday. We learn- edit was Mrs. Nellie Miller's birthday also, tho' she had to spend it in hospital. So we remembered her and Reta Wilson by signed cards. On Sunday Allan Redman went-to hospital for surgery to correct conditions which have made him suffer most of the summer... Once before, we told you there would be no more '"Venture" boys' group. But now we have good news. Tim Pearce has taken the training and is now old enough to become a leader and has consented to take over on Thursday, October 5th at 7 p.m. at the Hall, All boys 14 and over should take advantage of this opportun- ity. Tim is a very interested and conscientious young man and will appreciate your support. Apple Day is coming up soon in October when the boys will be out in full force, knocking on doors. The Brownies got started last week with 20 little girls . present. This number will likely increase to the limit for a group. Perhaps you would like to know who the leaders are, so they are: Mrs. Roberta Hamilton as Brown Owl, Mrs. Joy Holtby as Tawny Owl and Mrs. Betty Steinmueller as Snow Owl. We wish them all a very happy year. This Saturday there will be a dance at Club Annrene sponsored by the boys' groups. Call Bill Bobbie for information. - Last week Mrs. Madeline Cawker spent much time in reminding mothers of the opening date of Sunday School and it surely brought results, Thirteen young mothers showed their con- cern for the spiritual train- ing of their young children. CCC CCCI CCCI ICCC! [uke [als [ahs Tas {ke [che [ah [hs che [le [as | bo Tals [ats [oe [as as [alo [ale [us we [ There are still many more to come, now that we are set- tling into an autumn routine. It would be nice to have the fathers too when they can manage to come. In Sunday School department, a play pen is need for the very young. If you have an unused one, you would like to donate, please call Mrs. Cawker. We were privileged to have Mr. Daigle of Prince Albert as our guest speaker, He had the usual good story for the children and chose the topic of "Fear" for the adults. This is an emotion we all have in varying degrees for constrution or destruction. Next Sunday will be World Wide Communion. So the Elders will please be pre- pared for their duties at this Service. There may also be a transfer of membership if anyone wishes. News from Scugog Next Sundays; October 1, you will be privileged to attend Church twice. And as you get older you will realize it is a privilege. It's the Annual "Harvest Home' Service at the "Head" museum Church on Road 7, at 7:30 p.m. It is an Old Fashioned Service with a look into the Past and focus on the future. The guest speaker will be Rev. Paul Erb of Hampton United Church. About 25 members of the Lake Scugog Histori- cal Choir have been practis- ing for this event. There will be other special music and the usual lunch afterwards. Each year the Congregation becomes larger. This Ser- vice is sponsored by the "Head" U.C.W. Therefore we want help on Saturday to prepare the church and on Sunday evening to help with the lunch. Thank you. Greenbank news Sunday, October 1 is World Wide Communion and will be celebrated in Green- bank United Church at 11:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Reynolds from Lockport, New York were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haslam of Stouffville were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan on Sunday. We hope Mrs. Somerville will soon be home from Port Perry Hospital where she is still a patient and Mr. Jim 5 | als [ao [alo [ae [co [ae [als [ale [es Tle [as | | wis | ahe| io | ao i] & TTL TL Td TL TP TTL TL TL TLL TL PL PL TLL TL PL TL TL PLT TIT [as [ate Tus [od ZA R052 252525252525e52525252525252 525252 52522525052 See 252525252588 25252525250 5252525252525 05e 52 525250 5252525e 52 Se 525252 52 5R52525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252 - NOW OPEN - INDOOR STORAGE SPACE (10'x11")or(10' x 22') Monthly or Yearly Convenient Location on Regional Road 8. JRI STORAGE LTD. Phone: 985-7890 or 985-3137 CIC yon | in |e | hn | he ICICI ue whe we | oh | 4 ' 1 Te I CACICICICACICC Joke | who | « lode] Toke | = Tate aie | ole | wl | la pag Lape a ope | gn | apn | apn | an {ayn [apn [eum | age | ayn ayn ayn ayn | ayn | ayn Lan [ayo | apo | ICCC. ooh he] hn | | ohn | ohn] hn ane wh] he ohn he hn hn kn | he oe] the he | oe | whe] ICCC plo am am am apm loge Ton [apn [apn [an ayn | an qm | ap | ye | mpm | opm yo | CIE CC eee eS Se Se Se Se S25 SLICE SSSR SSR 5052525 kn | he wn] he he he | he | wh he | Lee from Oshawa General Hospital where he has heen since last Wednesday. Rev. Roundell and Mrs. Roundell spent last Sunday at Sinclairville, a former charge near Hamilton, where he was guest speaker at their Anniversary Services. } Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phoenix were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Studinski in Guelph. Mr. Rodney Bannister of Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Sani*Williams of Sioux Lookout visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Empringham last Saturday. We are sorry to report that our time and effort to raise funds for Brownies, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers by means of a fashion pres- sentation (Eatons of Oshawa) was fruitless. We 'would like to extend our thanks to the mothers who helped in any way and those who attended. Please note that our bazaar is on Nov. 4th in Greenbank Church base- ment. SMITH-CORONA ~ Manual or Electric PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street: 985-7383 STANDARD TRUST oo COMPANY INVEST NOW! 2 % INTEREST PAID ANNUALLY FOR 5 YEARS DON FORDER Insurance Agency Ltd. 24 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY Phone: 985-8471 (From page 21) will be Thursday, September 28th between 6:15 and 7:15 p.m. in the church basement. Registration fee will be $6.00 for the year. A film will be shown during this time called '"'Beaver Valley'. Any little boys between age five years and 8 years are encouraged to join. The leaders this year will be Mr, Wayne McCully - 357-3591; Mrs. Angela Dykeman - 985- 8563; Mr. Wm. Muldoon - 357-3616, Mrs. Cheryl Stan- dish who helped very willing- ly last year and is unable to continue on this year due to increasing school demands. Our Seagrave Greats played their final game of Baseball against Pleasant understand they lost by only a couple of runs. Better luck next year in your baseball, fellas, now its on to hockey. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keene enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bate and Baby of Toronto last week and then on Sunday Mrs." Alma Garlic and Mrs. Blanche Treash of Toronto were dinner 'guests with the Keene's and enjoyed -a visit around the village with some old friends. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Barrett on the loss of Ivan 's brother this past week. A note to our Seagrave Speeder - Beware of police- men with radar after lights have been blinked to you, Right L.W. Also glad to see our local Truck Dealer has realized that the scenery is much 7 prettier in and around Sea- grave than the Prairie Pro- vinces and postponed his venture to the West - for now that is! Please phone your news to Mrs. Marilyn Beacock - 985- 3595 for next week. Marilyn will be glad to receive it. Church and Sunday School as usual on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. when World Wide Communion will be celebra- ted at this time. Plan to attend. x b HARDSAND FENCE & PATIO CENTRE * Commercial & Residential * Farm Gates & Fence sarowire 129-1721 ~* Barb Wire * Installations & Repairs Taunton E. Y Mlle E. of Ritson Rd. Capture a Memory 8 x10 Colour Portrait Only 88¢ « See our new large Decorator Portrait. + Your complete satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. (015 (010750 32 {0]\ O10) ] ALN.) EXCITING SELECTION OF BACKGROUNDS, AND CREATE YOUR OWN SPECIAL PORTRAIT No obligation to buy additional portraits THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY SEPT. 28 - 29 - 30 Thurs. &Fri.: 10to 8, Sat.: 10to 5 S/S TEDOMANS Hwy. 7A, Port Perry Plaza, Port Perry, Ont. One sitting per subject-- $1 per subject for additional subjects, groups, or individuals in the same family. Persons under 18 must be 4 j accompanied by parent or guardian.