EY oe an Py Ta AR a we Ln » - is . Fo NF Te Qe Std 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 27, 1978 AUCTION SALES Auctioneers JOHN T. PEARCE AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques Household - Farm Consignment Sales For local pickup cali Port Perry 985-7492 RON KING AUCTIONEER Auctions of All Types PHONE PORT PERRY 985-2643 MURRAY JACKSON AUCTIONEER Furniture - Antiques Livestock - Machinery Real Estate PORT PERRY 985-2459 ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONEER Household, Farm, Equipment Real Estate, Antiques, Estates Appraisals & Liquidations CONSIGNMENTS AT McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7, Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 CORNEIL"S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, DECEMBER SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain, or 7 miles west of Lindsay, on the Lindsay/Little Britain Road. Franklin stove, Quebec heater, round pedestal table, broad axe, hall seat, press 'back chairs, dining table, wash stands, wicker chairs, cutfer, Beatty refrigerator (excellent condition) gas stove, desk, quantity of wooden chairs, quantity of hand tools, quantity of picture frames, quantity of china and glass. Plus many more antiques, furniture and household items. Don Corneil, Auctioneer, R.R. 1 Little Britain, 1-705-786-2183. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTRE -- LINDSAY On Little Britain highway just south of hwy. 7. Fall consign- ment sale of Ski-doo's, snow- mobiles, trucks, cars, trailers, tools etc. Snowmobiles include Ski-doo's, John Deere, Mercury snow twister, Allouette, Evin- rude, also 1971 Chrysler loaded with new tires and air condition- er. 1969 school bus, 1969 Chev pick-up with cap, 1975 Chev van, 1975 Ford super cab, camper special, % ton pick up, certified. 1976 Dodge, 20' Glendale motorhome; fully equipped, 1970 Chev single axle dump truck (runs good) 2 trailers, OMC snowblower, good chain saw, large quantity of flourescent 4 tube light fixtures, vice, adding machine, chicken feeders, pig feeders, rabbit cages, water bowls, plus more items still being consigned. To consign, please bring your units by 11 a.m. morning of the sale. A few items subject to reserve bids. Orval McLean, Auctioneer 324-2791 or 324-2783 nights Lindsay. . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER -- LINDSAY On Little Britain Road just south of highway 7. Some excellent furniture from local estates and consignors, filing cabinets, C.B.'s 2 reclining chairs, Brae- more modern chesterfield set, some dishes and antiques, oil lamps, partial toilet set, secretary desk, modern wainut dining room suite, 6 . chairs, table, buffet and hutch, older mahogany bedroom suite, beautiful large chest, excellent walnut bedroom suite, walnut 8 pc. dining room suite with china cabinet, 9 pc. mahogany dining room suite (older), mahogany china cabinet, mahogany red leather inlaid coffee and end tables, 2 leather top parlour tables, 6 office filing cabinets, iron bed, oak buffet, 6 good oak chairs, wooden barrel, steel work cabinet, electrical wire, chest, drop leaf table, console television, portable television, drapes, mirror, partial set Limoges dishes, antique rocking chair, dressers, bureau, wash- stand, 2-54' beds, lantern, crocks, milk cans, garden tools, etc. A good quality sale. No reserve, all must go. Orval McLean Auctioneer 324-2791 days or 324-2783 nights. Classified Ads SNOWPLOWING, town drive- ways $4.00 and up. Garry Mahony 985-8003 T.F. PAINTING AND PAPER Hang- ing, free estimates. Allan Ellicott 985-2164. T.F. GOT AN OLD PAINTED piece of furniture? Wondering what it looks like, with the paint remov- ed and refinished? Repairs done. Call 985-8614. T.F. REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES of snowmobiles and snowblowers. Call Bassetts Small Engines, Sun Valley, Seagrave, Ont. 705-357-3524. T.F. MOUNTIOY BACKHOE SERVICE Septic: Tank & Tile Bed Installations Trenching, Basements Water Lines Screened Stone Crushed Gravel, Sand Call Blackstock 986-4737 eow WILL BABYSIT in my home. Child 3-5 years. Call Jan 985-2018 Seagrave. N29 COTTAGE RAISINGS, footings, foundations, alterations and add- itions. Insured and will supply references. Phone collect 705- 745-6170 or 705-745-6002. T.F. SNOW PLOWING * Driveways * Parking Lots WILLY HOUTHUYS PORT PERRY 985-3192 - tables, Admiral TV, 4 refinished chests,' DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL of fresh, dead or disabled animals Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 FRANK'S CHIMNEY SERVICE Cleaning & Repairs 985-3111 WhN A LA 0 CARLA SSO ANF BAT TE PON - FARIA Arcs, yet A A DTA RV EAT ALTERMAN Ladd RWI BE al Wad a (3 AEA Ch 3 RAAT A A A BE : [3 SA EAS RL POS OEY 383 4 REL BAT : NS TOR SA a WM REA VSS SX FETE OSCE BF OH B30 SOLER, PRAT TRI SFHALME RTM Eh ¥ EFL ELE WAFS OF RUSE ROW TL FAS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ANTIQUES FARM MACHINERY Auction sale of household furni- ture, antiques, farm machinery, tools and miscellaneous selling at the Wilson Auction Barn, 12 miles north of Uxbridge, on con. 7 to Beaver Rd., then east to Ist farm. MR. AND MRS. SPEIGHT have given up their farm and will sell the following: Cockshutt 30 tractor - new tires, lights and brakes (good), rubber tired wagon, tandam 2 horse' trailer, 1967 GMC truck - new motor and tires, Homelite chain saw, superior deluxe cook stove, extension table and 4 chairs, end Bentwood chairs, several wooden chairs, wicker rocker, wicker arm chair, 2 caned side chairs, parlour chairs, 5 oak doors - 2 with rippled glass, Shop-mate vacuum, wash stand, crib with new mattress, antique trunk, chest of drawers, 9 x 12 living room rug, antique pump organ. Also the ALLWARDS have sold their home and property and have many items in this sale including antique apple peeler, radio, 2 Polaroid cameras, snowshoes, fishing rods, 2 ski-doo helmets, 5 pr. skis, kitchen cutlery and electri- cal appliances, hi-fi and record changer, speakers, Quad. AM receiver and tape deck, trunks, 10 antique chairs, electronic organ, 2 dog crates, 3 h.p. gas water pumps, mail box, 5 leather cattle straps, qty. of tack, water trough, aquarium, -1 ton hoist, plus many many other articles. Sale at.11 a.m. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, Ont. 416-852-3524. D6 1 Learn to Drive PROFESSIONALLY with LUKE'S DRIVING SCHOOL 985-8382 ih Church Seogod Island News - by Mrs. Earl Reader It has been a very interes- ting week with anticipation and interest building up for things to come in December. It started with Monday evening when there was a meeting of about 40 people in the Community Hall. Not- ices had been previously distributed to families with children. The purpose was to discuss and plan a youth group. Accordingly the gathering consisted of parents, teenagers, council- lors, hall board and our new mayor. Fralick's Beach seemed to have more in- terested people than any other area. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Rick Askew who was assisting Mrs. Wilma Johnson. Although Mrs. Wilma Johnson has only small children she deserves much credit for leading this project. After discussion of time, place, responsibilities and types of entertainment, 2 committees were formed to plan one function before Christmas. The youth showed great enthusiasm and were all willing to help. Therefore the following group with Glen Parker as chairman will meet at Glen's home this 'Tuesday night - Andrea Smith, Ruth Parker, Lisa Le Services THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA PORT PERRY CHARGE Rev. R. Brawn, Minister ADVENT I DECEMBER 3 10 a.m. Worship and Church School PRINCE ALBERT 11:30 Worship and Church School SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. C.E. Clarke Rev. E. Linstead 9:45 a.m. Scugog 11:15 a.m. Manchester PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Harold Hooper Pastor 985-8335 9:45 a.m. Bible School 11 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Hour of Praise Wed. 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Hour Listen to the Sunderland Baptist Hour every Sunday morning over radio station CKLY 910 on your dial (8:10 a.m. to 9:05 a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten Rev. 1. MacLean 10 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. Praise and Worship 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service Help and Transportation We care about YOU 110 Lilla South - 985-2420 CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R.C. Rose, Minister Hon. Asst. Rev. A. Woolcock DECEMBER 3 Advent I 11:15 a.m. Holy Communion and Church School "ST. JOHNS, BLACKSTOCK DECEMBER 3 Advent I 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Church School PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA The Rev. Stuart McEntyre ST. J OHN'S PORT PERRY Advent I DECEMBER 3 9:55 Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. Church School BURNS CHURCH ASHBURN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 10 a.m. Church School 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship Hear Amazing Grace Sundays -9:15 a.m. C.K.L.B. Oshawa, Dial 1350 HOPE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF PORT PERRY Divine Redemption is our only hope + Services in the Presbyterian Church 11:30a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. J. Geuzebroek Everyone Welcome Roy, Lisa Edgar, Cindy Blohm, Sherrie Burke, Dawn Taylor, Eric Hansen, Steven Gouin and Wayne Charles. When they have completed their plans they will meet with the adult committee of Rick Askew, Ross Suther- land, Sandy Gouin, Pete and Diane Pokulok and Wilma Johnson. With leadership like this we expect Hany more will wish to get invol- ved. So please contact any of the above people to learn what is happening and what you can do. Mr. John Wil- liams also said he would be glad to help with any advice or time he could give. On Tuesday night the Oshawa Presbytery met with men and women from the Port Perry area in the United Church for a seminar sponsored by Mrs. Brawn and her women's study group. All appreciated the elderly speaker who had travelled from Massachuset- tes with her husband to relate their Christian ex- periences. many of the audience and participants were able to share the turkey dinner which had been planned to follow. At night members of the "Head" U.C.W. with a few special guests were pleased to attend their mystery Sister dinner in the Com- munity Hall. It was indeed a royal banquet with special- ties in desserts. The com- mittee did a super job in planning it and preparing a program, The first item was the honouring of our member, Mrs. Alva Thompson, by pinning on her, a lovely silk orchid corsage followed by a little ceremony in presenting her with a pin and Life Membership. Beryl Pearce had written a parody play based on a well known Christmas poem but she was not able to be present to see her cast of comedians acting it out. The Five Little Doll sin- gers displayed great talent in costume, action, and singing. We hope to hear them again. As the evening program progressed Mrs. Reta Rodman was surprised to have her own Birthday cake placed in front of her, for wishing and sharing. Sever- al times our thoughts wan- dered to missing members. Thursday was an evening of work in music as the Church Junior Choir prac- tised for the Christmas concert and then the Senior Choir practised for their Candlelight Service on Sunday, December 3 at 8 p.m. You will see details in the Coming Events. It promises to be a beautiful evening of entertainment. Then don't forget the fol- lowing evening December 4th for Matthew Stichmann' pictures of the Arctic and we hope some of the Port Perry area. This is sponsored by the Women's Institute at the Community Hall. Sunday saw a fine congre- gation at the Island Church and especially in the Sunday School department where numbers are increasing. Rev. Clarke's story for the children involved an ex- planation of the United Church crest. How many adults can describe it and the meaning of each symbol? The Design was created by Dr. Mooney of Toronto. Children, don't .forget to write out the Lord's Prayer, without looking or seeking help and hand it in next Sunday. The message for the adults was based on 'Faith' which is mentioned in the Bible 3 times as often as "Sin" and twice as much as "Fear". This proves its importance. 33 members present at Legion Ladies Auxiliary by Mary Cannon The November meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary was held on the 14th November with approximately 33 members present. Dinner was served at seven o'clock and was enjoyed by all. President June Symes then called the meeting to order and business matters were taken care of. Very favourable reports were given from the bazaar which was held in October and plans were set in motion for next years bazaar. Reports were also given from our delegates who attended convention in London. A thank you letter was read on behalf of some of the High School students who received Auxiliary burseries at the High School commencement. The Auxiliary Christmas party will be held on the 16th December and a committee was formed to handle th arrangements. Members 0 the bowling team who parti- cipated at Trenton and Brantford were presented with a small gift. Comrade Symes then call- ed on Melodie Cannon, who was guest, and presented her with a gift on behalf of the Auxiliary. Comrade Symes then expressed her pleasure that one of our local girls had been granted an Auxiliary bursary. Janice Stark who also received an Auxiliary bursary was unable to be present. Donations to the Salvation Army, Sunnydale Childrens Home, Christopher Robin Home and the Central Seven were voted on and passed. The December meeting will be held on Tuesday the 12th. » ELECTROLUX CANADA Due to expansion program, Electrolux Canada has openings for two full-time or three part-time sales reps. For information Phone: Kathy Read 985-8519 or Roy Leach 986-5216 ~