8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 6, 1978 PortP High School 110th anniversary Part 4 teacher permanently". For the first time since part Public School classes were held upstairs. Not only had 3 by Paul Arculus time teachers began helping Mr. McBride in 1876, the High School pupils moved down physically, but 8) Part Three in this series of articles concluded with there is no reference to part time teachers we can only according to the inspector so had their academic 43 reference to the inspector's report of September 1876. assume that they were no longer used. Mr. Crawford standings: English II-III, Math - II, Classics - II, +4 By the time of the next report, June 1877, the Port had also left. Modern Language - III, and Physical Sciences - just 2 Perry High School enrolment had increased to 98 Mr. Pedley's efforts at supply teaching during Mr. begun. - TY fad students: 88 in the lower school and 10 in the upper =~ McBride's illness must have proved satisfactory, for, This particular school year saw the graduation of a school. In order to provide adequate instruction, in Mr. Buchan's June 1879 report we find that Mr. Port Perry's most famous graduate: H.A. Bruce. He 2) Harvey Clarke, a former Upper School student who ~~ Pedley is now a full time teacher. The High School now is not mentioned in the inspector's report probably his ND had been helping in the Latin instruction in the Lower used four classrooms for its students. Mr. Buchan also career as an apprentice at Allison's Pharmacy in Port RA School was appointed to the full time staff teaching the ~~ commented on Port Perry High School's reputation for Perry. Master H.A. Bruce was born in Blackstock in le fifth class (grade 7 and 8) in the Public School anda excellence. 1868 and then moved with his parents to Port Perry. In AS Latin class in the High School. His salary was $600 per "The school is doing excellent work in preparing the his * autobiography Varied Operations, Dr. Bruce rR year. honour student's for the University. Two pupils, recalls the teachers at Port Perry High School in a hid Mr. McBride's assistant Mr. Crawford had left and ~~ Courtice and Hill are among the foremost men of their favourable light. Although the book was written in his WATE had been replaced by Mr. J. McKenzie who received a year in university college". oo ninetieth year, he remembers the principal Dugald IN salary of $700. The remainder of the staff was as On November 23, 1880, a new inspector, S. Arthur McBride, his assistant Mr. George Stone and a Miss A before. The High School occupied three classrooms Marling noted a complete change of staff except for Christine Gordan. Dr. Bruce enrolled in the medical A upstairs in the new building and the public school used Mr. McBride. Mr. John Langdon who had 15 years school at the University of Toronto in the fall of 1888 KOA the remainder. Mr. McBride in his role as master or teaching experience elsewhere "is a valuable acquisi- and graduated as God Medal Winner (top student) in uid principal of the high school also supervised the public tion to the staff'. Mr. Campbell, with no previous 1892. Dr. Bruce went on to become the consulting eds school. experience was appointed in August at a beginning surgeon of the British Armies in France in World War I ASK! One task which the inspectors of high schools in the salary of $400 and "'he will improve with experience. while simultaneously, as inspector of the Canadian a province of Ontario undertook was to rate, through ~~ Another new teacher was Mr . J. Ralph who was Armed Medical Corps, writing a scathing attack on the EG tests, examinations and by general observations, the appointed as a part time drill instructor at $30 per conditions, facilities and methods used in the care of standings of each school in various disciplines. He month. Canadian Soldiers. Dr. Bruce returned to Toronto at rated Port Perry as follows: English II, Mathematics In 1880s are characterized by a great deal of change the end of the war. he founded Wellesley Hospital and II+, Physical Sciences II, Classics II+, Modern and fluctuation. The school was not inspected during retired from active medical practice in 1931 to become Languages III. The inspector Mr. Buchan, also made 1881, but in December of 1882, the inspector Mr. J. Ontario's Lieutenant Govenor from 1931 to 1937 and reference in his report, to the most notable recent McLellan noted that the enrolment had dropped to 75 became embroiled in many controversies with the graduates: with only 6 upper school students. Mr. Campbell and premier Mitch Hepburn. During World War 2 he was "Since my last visit, Andrew Courtice has passed the ~~ Mr. Ralph are no longer on the staff, but a Mr. Swift Member of Parliament for Parkdale from 1940 to 1946. first years' examination in Arts in Toronto University was a teacher for-a year. By November 1883 he was He died in 1963 at the grand age of 95. and Hector McIntyre at McGill". replaced by Mr. William Rees. YE With the death of Port Perry High School's most Mr. J.M. Buchan again inspected Port Perry High The fall term of 1884 marked the beginning of notable graduate so far, I bring to a close the fourth School on November 12, 1878. Mr. McBride wasilland another notable teaching career, almost as legendary and final part of this set of articles on the early phase of a replacement for him, Mr. C.S. Pedley a graduate of as that cf the principal Dugald McBride. This the history of Port Perry High School. As I continue McGill University was receiving $20 a week during his ~~ newcomer was George Stone. He began, in September, the study of the history of this great school, I am absence. a forty year teaching career at a beginning salary of gathering material for a second set of articles which Mr. McBride's staff was still the same although the $800 per year. should be ready this fall. " enrolment of 27 upper school students and 88 in the Another newcomer to Port Perry High School was In presenting these articles, I hope that I have lower school necessitated more than three full time Mr. L. Otway Page. For some unknown reason, the engendered further pride in our community. We do teachers. Mr. Buchan made reference to this fact and high school was held on the lower floor of the building have an educational heritage here in Scugog which is stated that the board was ".....about to appoint a fourth while the library and reading room, along with the most significant in the annals of Canadian History. "MOTOR SALES LTD. Our Anniversary Recreational Vehicle Show pow | Beth' F riday, Ends Wednesday, ~~ December 8th December 20th Open 9:00a.m. to 9:00p.m. Monday thru Saturday Come inside and inspect MOTOR HOMES NN MOTOR HOMES TRAVEL TRAILERS PPP PDN wh i 3 ; Leocraft Mastercoach Ry EL InApIRs Citation Corsair ht {Centurion - Triple £ § | ~§ Shamrock Triple E se itati - of ton Shamrock COFFEE & DONUTS } IN OUR HEATED § Boler Mastercoach Deluxe al § Corsair -- Aristocrat 2 Free SHOWROOM Centurian Ari Vi § Bison Truck Caps & Campers ~~ § DOOR PRIZES ristocrat a 1 MILE NORTH OF MANCHESTER ON HWY. 12 J J