A UJ 4 J a & a --t Yelverton and area news by Mr. Harvey Malcolm Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs who observed their 35th Wedding Anniversary with a dance in Nestleton Hall on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore of Yelverton community attended this event in the evening and in the afternoon attended the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hanna, summer resident of their Springwater Park, at Queen Street United Church in Lindsay. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Van Camp and family of Black- stock in the passing of Norma's father Mr. Norman Malcolm on Friday evening of this week in Port Perry Hospital. Our venerable Uncle is scheduled to be New books New books arriving at the Scugog Public Library are as follows: The Empty Copper Sea, J. MacDonald; No Man's Meat and the Enchanted Pimp, M. Callaghan; No Love Lost, M. Allingham (large print); Ghost Towns of Ontario, R. Brown; Instant Furniture Refinishing and other Crafty Practices, G. GrotzygDeadly Trap, H. Pentecost! Also arriving are: The Third Bedside Book of Great Detective Stories; Child Abuse, R. Kempe; Love in a Dog House, M. Douglas; On a Pig's Back, J. Holgate; Armies of the World, D. Woodward. buried on Monday December 11 from McDermott-Pana- baker Funeral Home in Port Perry with interment in the Union Cemetery, Cadmus at the family plot. Of the large Malcolm family of 10 - only two remaining members remain Mr. Marshall Malcolm of Stratford and Percy of Toronto. Sympathy is also extended to Norman's son Glenn and wife Cecile and two daughters of Ed- monton Alberta. Glad to report that Mr. Ted Spenceley has returned from hospital and is progressing favourably at home. On Sunday morning Miss Lana Malcolm favoured with a Medley of Christmas Carols accompanied by her - own guitar at the Church Service. On Saturday evening Mrs. Audrie Brown entertained Mrs. Hazel Whittaker, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- com and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm to a deli- cious Roast Beef dinner and social evening following. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malcolm accom- panied the Howard Mal- colm's for a couple of days in the country's capital of Ottawa seeing the sights while Howard attended a Convention there. Sorry to report that a good friend and former Warden of the United Counties of Northumberland - Durham Mr. Roy Chatten of Brighton has been hospitalized and is currently in Kingston Hospi- tal with Rheumatoid Arthri- tis. On Friday evening a smaller than usual turnout of Past Wardens of N & D held Yelverton W. I. Continued portion of meeting with the reading of two poems on "Autumn." The Roll Call was answer- ed by 14 members. The various reports were given eo and necessary funds voted wo where needed. A $100.00 donation was made to Manse Fund. Correspondence was read. Next month roll call is to be answered with a gift for a young lady at the Victor Home for Women in Toronto. - 525252525252R a lon op lon Lo G252525852525¢ 252 en SSCS $ Tem! ICCC 250252525 Sees Se See IC IC NC NEN CSCC CC Free Admission 5052525252525¢5252545 rl: 2525 5S The Second Annua FAMILY LIFE SERIES UXBRIDGE '79 presents Interpersonal Relationships February 1, 1979 The Middle Years February 8, 1979 Parenting Skills February 15, 1979 Human Responsibility in the Community February 22, 1979 in the UXBRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL - CAFETERIA FROM 8:00 P.M. Mrs. Ralph Pfoh gave a report on a Rally she at- tended last October at Powles Corners. At the conclusion of the meeting Mrs. Allan Howe gave a very interesting demonstration on making Xmas decorations for the home. A sumptuous casserole dinner with trimmings was served by Mrs. Earl Gray and Mrs. Bruce Foote fol- lowed by a Social hour. QC) COO J J C >] = io he [wh | he | he] whe | he | hen |e | ie he | he | | he | whe] whe [de Tee Tele Tin ane Ll |e [cn wh le] whe] wn | | | ce in a | ce] | he | we | Refreshments CCC 05¢ SH = AF SAG Ly 7 A 2 Bh Ch CONG A aba il et ; (2 Ha 58 4 their annual Christmas Party at Penryn Park in Port Hope. Rev. Reg Rose accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Rose proved to be a very interesting Guest Speaker. On Saturday, Miss Candy Malcolm left Malton Airport for New York and thence to London England. Here she plans to join a tour group headed for Turkey where she will be spending the next couple of weeks. Should be a very interesting holiday. This week Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pfoh attended the annual Jackson White Christmas get-to-gether held in Brooklin. Last Saturday the Rowans attended the Dedication Service of the Carillon Bells placed in the Presbyterian Church, Lind- say in memory of Rev. Loeke - a former collegue of Arts on the County schoolboard. On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Carol Stinson held a miscel- leneous shower for Miss Heather Dorrell who is scheduled to marry Mr. Grant McLaughlin in the near future. i Speedy recovery to those who are ill - Mr. Ted Spen- celey in hospital and Mrs. box of 1250 staples. FOR ONLY My w % EEE" . ALT, pel » Sa | L ] FF &%% "a , " >i » - » e ' » 3 tA AY dl ste te ' : TA LIS AO HON PS ALD NITE 3 i £7 re Ea Ee A - PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 13, 1978 -- 13 Gail Prouse confined to her home with Hepatitis. All join in wishing a speedy con- valescence to Mr. Murray Porter following the unfor- tunate accident that neces- sitated the amputaion of a leg. A most regrettable handicap for a young fellow to suffer. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm, Mrs. Harvey Malcolm joined a sizeable gathering at the Ralph Malcolms of Don Mills for a wine and cheese party to profer congratulations to Ruth Malcolm on achieving her Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm are scheduled to spend a few days this week PETERBOROUGH LUMBER Gift kde BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH BEAUTIFUL, QUALITY VINYL FLOORING * Beautiful Patterns & Styles * Large Selection * 1st Quality * Many Colours to Choose * Cut to your order. STAPLER OFFER |§ A great price on a great gift for = Christmas. Usually the stapler sells for $16.49 - but get it now plus a '13.99 SAVE OVER $4.00 HOW ABOUT A P/L GIFT CERTIFICATE? BRAND FACING BRICK bi _ « Add charm to any room ZJ + Weatherproof -- use outdoors " Z| + Firesafe- can't burn - nontoxic z - 10 year guarantee attending a convention in Ottawa. On Thursday evening, Mrs. Carol Stinson held a Lounge - tea demonstration at her home with a number of ladies from local com- munities present. All the four models were Malcolm gals of various shapes, sizes and ages, namely Mrs. Jamie (Jennifer) Malcolm of Blackstock, Marleah (Mal- colm) Bowen, Mona Mal- colm and Corrie Malcolm. After one of the lovliest fall seasons weatherwise, it appears that old man winter is finally just around the corner. The Manvers snow- plow made its first pass up our road for this winters season yesterday - Decem- ber 2nd. 99 BUILDING CENTRE 10 Scugog St. = PORT PERRY - 985-7334 Saturday 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.