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For the past fifteen years she has continued to live alone at the farm. Left to mourn her passing' are two nephews Tom Briggs of Kitchener; Bill Briggs of Markham; two nieces, Mrs. Murray Coates, R.R. Port Perry; and Mrs.Merlin Suggitt of R.R. Nestleton; two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Cecil Slemon, Mrs. Charles Briggs and a brother in law, Mr. Clarence Mountjoy. Two sisters "and 'a brother are pre-deceased. The late Vera Mountjoy was a good friend and neigh- bour and is sadly missed by all. She never complained and had a cheerful outgoing personality. In her younger days she was an accom- plished elocutionist, at- tended Hayden -United Church and assisted in the Sunday School as a teacher. When she came to Nestle- ton she was a valued member of the Presbyterian Church. One of the high- lights of her life was her ninetieth birthday party on July 28, 1978 when the Ladies Aid sponsored a party and all sang "Happy Birthday" when she cut the cake. In the passing of Vera Mount- Cartwright has lost one of its most honoured senior citizens. It would be remiss not to mention her faithful and kind neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and Clifford who were truly her Good Samaritans. The complete funeral service was Thursday, December 28, from McDer- mott - Panabaker Funeral Chapel, Port Perry with the Reverend Stuart McEntyre speaking comforting words in the Union Cemetery. Interment will be Cadmus. ECTS CAEP DRA LA NE Scugog Island news by Mrs. Earl Reader Mr. and Mrs. Roy Free- man and Randy have re- turned after a vacation in Florida. The Institute ladies have finished their quilt for this year and will soon consider its sale. The euchre and bake sale sponsored by the 'Grace U.C.W. was so successful, they have booked a second one for March 13 at the Hall. Don't forget, parents meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow night at Latcham Centre to plan Spring Soccer for the boys. If you didn't get the previous information call Jim Callan at 985-3522. Mrs. Mary Sweetman has been in Port Perry Hosp. for nearly a wk. but seems to be improving now. On Wed. evening 23 ladies met at the home of Mrs. Helen Redmen for the "Head" U.C.W. Mrs. Alva Thompson conducted the meeting as the Pres. Helen Hortop was working with the 4H Club for part of the evening. ' Appreciation letters were received from- the Gow, Burnham and Hardy fami- lies, Mrs. Flora Muffit, Clarence Carter. A letter was received for our consideration from Pres- bytery suggesting that we request a visiting team as speakers in the near future. This will be given further consideration. We were reminded of near future Youth Service radio programs. Alva, with suggestions from members of the work- ing team explained the procedure and responsibility toward the printing of a quantity of cook books to be ready in April. During roll call every member either sent or presented 4 or more interesting and varied recipes. Dates and committees were arranged for future activities. Therefore, would you like to mark these on your calendars for future references: Art & Craft Show - Sat. April 21; Road- men's dinner - Wed. March 21; Hospital Spring Fair - Sat. April 28; Summer Salad Supper - Wed. July 4; Turkey Supper - Wed. September 26; Community Ladies' supper - Wed. November 14; Mystery Sister Supper - Wed. Novem- ber 28. At the Island Church, a Baptism Service is planned LUKE'S COUNTRY STORE of GRATITUDE SALE When we gratefully acknowledge our customers by offering most of our stock at fantastic savings of ... ", 25° Don't miss this annual one day sale riday, February 23rd 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM OFF Regular Prices for early March. If there are interested parents at this time, please contact Rev. Linstead or Rev. Clarke. Next Sunday we have a service that hasn't been held in the Island Church for several years. We do hope the weatherman co-operates to help welcome all the Cubs and Brownies with their leaders and parents as well as friends and relatives. There will also be another extra, when Elders, Stew- ards, U.C.W. presidents and S.S. Superintendents are requested to be present for a special installation service. All these members will move to the front when requested. Ashburn news Mrs. E. Heron ; Last Sunday morning was very cold, but beautifully sunny and there was a fair number out at church and Sunday schqol. Rev. McEntyre's message was 'What story are you telling?" taken from St. Luke 1: 14 and Acts 1: 1-5. The Jr. choir sang, "Do you think I'll make a soldier" and the Sr. choir sang "The 'Lord is my Shepherd". to a Portuguese Hymn tune. Mrs. Ray Porter and Miss Elaine Knight looked after Jr. Church. - i Next Sunday, Rev. Jac Cooper, Secretary of the board of Ministry will speak on Ministry as it relates to his board and the people in the pew." . The Ashburn group of the W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Fred Daw last Wednes- day afternoon. Mrs. Daw as President conducted the meeting and gave the open- ing devotions. Miss Chrissie Simpson had the. study for the month which was about China. She made her talk very interesting by showing us some beautiful hand work and carving done by the Chinese which had been sent to her by friends in China. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardner and family because of the death of Bernice's mother, Mrs. N. Samells of Port Perry, also Rev. C. Clarke will be in charge of the Service. The Youth and Adult Committees have come up with a novel idea for their next get together at the Hall for Feb. 23. It will be a Family Games night with ping pong, euchre, and crokinole with prizes from 7:30 to 11. Lisa LeRoy will give disco lessions in a separate room. Mrs. John- son will show a movie for little ones. Coffee, will be sold but sandwiches will be passed around. Admission $2.50 per family. Sounds like a great idea, so let's support it and get to know Island families. to Mrs. Charlie Dixon and family in the death of her husband. : There is a lot of activities planned for the Community Centre these days. Last Tuesday morning quite a number of ladies gathered at the centre for the coffee party and were well re- warded not only for the friendliness and get acquain- ted atmosphere but Miss Marry Ann Goldhawk, chiropractor from Brooklin, was there to speak about "relieving tension and stress." On March 1st there will be a-needlework course started at the Centre. To obtain information call Deborah 655-4291. Exercise classes are start- ing April 1st. For informa- tion call Sharon Emm and on April 7th at 2 p.m. there is to be an Ashburn Community Fashion Show. All the models are local people and the tickets include refresh- ments and a door prize. The proceeds go to the Com- munity Centre. Susan Rigby 655-8084 can fill you in on more details. The next coffee party is March 6th. Seven ladies from Ashburn and Myrtle attended the Summary day for the Bread Making course in Uxbridge United Church hall on Tues- day of last week. EFFECTIVE FEB. 1, 1979 calculated on the Daily Balance paid monthly At your Credit Union | 3 © ¢ $ + wh