16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 18, 1979 Scugog Island and area news by Mrs. Earl Reader We've just experienced a very fine weekend (Easter) in the life of the Church. We have heard that the city churches had congregations much larger than usual. Rev. Clarke who has re- turned from a good rest in Florida reported that the churches he attended had congregations of 1500 and 2000 and that was about 3 or 4 times each Sunday. This is very encouraging in a day when lawlessness and evil is brought to our attention every day. For the Scugog Pastoral Charge Rev. Linstead con- ducted a joint Service on Friday evening at Manches- ter where a good number attended for Holy Communin and to enjoy and appreciate the presentation by the Sunday School of Manches- ter. \ a On "Sunday we were pleased'to have Rev. Clarke and Mrs. Clarke back on the job again and appearing to have regained health and vigor. There was a good attendance at the Island Church including many children. We missed many regular adherents but welcomed several former residents and friends, Mrs. Ada Pearson from Oshawa, the former Marcia (Chandler) and her daughter from near Ottawa, Mrs. Michell's daughter and grand-daughter from Oshawa and Whitby. A special welcome to Mr.and Mrs. Whalley from Fralick's Beach. The Easter Lily on the Communion table was a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marks of Port Perry in memory of the late Mrs. Edna McLaren who always had flowers to decorate the church and whose deep interest was in the Church. For the first time many The siding that insulates LS a , - & Demonstration. STALLATION R.R.1, OSHAWA 655-4001 Seamless Eavestrough, Fascia & Soffit. Authorized Dealer @ Hunter Douglas atic Call us for a Free Estimate ASK ABOUT OUR HANDYMAN PLAN. 'draw people were able to see the new piano and hear it's beautiful tones. Now we have a very fine piano and organ and an accomplished instrumentalist, Mrs. Edna Beckett who finds great pleasure in playing the various instruments. We also wish to thank another donor who sent a sizeable amount for the piano last week. To complete the area of music Mr. Geo. Freeman played accompaniment while his wife was very pleased with her Senior and -Junior choirs which did an exceptionally fine job. Many thanks to Helen Redman for her assistance. The work of the Sunday School was in evidence as we viewed many lovely Easter posters and table arrange- ments. We appreciate the work-of Norman Tripp for repairing shingle damage on the Church due to the severe wind storm. The Board and Committee members who took up the collection on Sunday were Alan Carter, Glen Wilson, Michael Lang, and Jerry Le Roy. .+ This is Tuck Shop week for the "Head" U.C.W. Saturday is the big day for both U.C.W.'s with the hot luncheon at the church and then the Art and Craft Show at the Hall. This year the Hall administration is a little higher but will include a free and refreshments. Members please remember 2 doz. cookies for the tea tables and two wrapped and named items for the bake table as well as a craft for FREE!! "You'll Think Foxy is Off His Rocker!" NOW UNTIL MAY 10, 1979 3 Year/80,000 KM. FACTORY WARRANTY LI On all ORT CHRYSLER ERRY 985-7329 YS Volare, Diplomat, Caravelle, Domestic Trucks, Vans and Chrysler LeBaron Models. What other Dealers would cask from $150. to $250. when (if they had it), we are giving this Factory Warranty away FREE! 'Before you Buy ... Give us a Try!" BOB KUIPER DON FOX 1979 Aspen, the 'sale' department. Let your group leader know if you have crafts or art for display or commission sales. There will be four demon- strators and a plant depart- 'ment and we hope an area for student displays. So come to the Hall prepared to spend time in enjoying various accomplishments or choosing a desired purchase. Then on Sunday of April 22 there is a special service at the Island Church when a team from the Oshawa Presbytery will conduct the service 'Opportunity Now." Miss Beatrice McLean is the secretary of the Oshawa Presbytery and represents the Greenwood Church. Mr. Ron Motum is from the Enniskillen Tyrone Charge. He is president of Young Adults and is on the Commit- tee in Presbytery for Mission in Canada. The teams have been trained for this oc- casion and will be able to bring us much information and personal experience. So please try to attend on Sunday. Next week we are looking forward to the Spring music concert at the Island Church on Friday, April 27 at 8 p.m. Included are the Island Senior and Junior Choirs, Prince Albert Choir, Scugog Orchestra and individuals from other areas. Please get your tickets early from choir members. The next day Saturday is the Hospital Spring Fair. The next day, Sunday is another special day at the Island Church, when for the very first time the Oddfellow Church Parade will come to the Island for its Special Service. Keep saving unneeded articles for the Institute Auction in July. Anson Gerrow went to Hospital on Sunday night for another week of chemo- therapy. Mr. and Mrs. A. Krieg will soon have returned from a vacation to their homeland of Switzerland. Mrs. Elizabeth Stitchmann last week, returned from a Florida vacation with her son Ed., his wife and their little son. Of course most of the winter dwellers have also returned to their permanent summer homes. INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS - Ready while you wait! Port Perry Star 985-7383 235 Queen Street BEDFORD WATER DELIVERY R.R. 1, Nestleton, Ontario LOB 1LO 986-4850 (ANYTIME) OPENING REDMAN'S FISH & CHIPS FRIDAY, APRIL 20th Fridays: 4 to 8 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays: 12 noon to 8 p.m. ITH] Foal-Lac For pregnant and milking mares and as supplementary diet for foals. Mares milk production doesn't keep up with a growing foals appetite. Help the foal along with Borden's Foal-Lac. It's almost identical to mare's milk but has greater amounts of vitamins and minerals. Foal-Lac is available in powder and pellets in 25 or 50 Ib. drums. Get Foal-Lac at your Shur-Gain Dealer's. Shur-Gain... value for discerning feeders. WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO 986-4201 SUPPLIES SEEDS Lawn & Garden FERTILIZERS Sheep Manure - Turf Special - Weed Control FLY CONTROL Sprays - Automatic Bombs - Floor Bait GARDENING TOOLS Hoes - Rakes - Edgers - Shovels - Forks WALLACE MARLOW COMPANY LIMITED Blackstock 986-4201 Open Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. 10 5:30 p.m. Open Saturdays: 8 a.m. to 12 noon AN °) [2 » » @ LA] A} » D oN m