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Port Perry Star, 18 Jul 1979, p. 32

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A RRC SFIS A IRN a etl gg obobyelN 4 aa EE ii SS TENE YPN YER 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 18, 1979 Mrs. T. Robins of Caesarea, surgery in Port Perry Hospi- App abel Community 18 recuperating nicely since tal. Mr. Geo Bowers expects Care, Cartwright Area. her surgery in Toronto in to be home for the weekend, There are now 10 people May. She has been home for rturning to Oshawa for receiving Meals on Wheels in @ brief period and has gone Therapy through the week. the Cartwright area. If you back for Therapy. All her We wish Ella and George the can help to deliver the friends extend very best best of health soon. Is, one week every three wishes. Caesarea Euchre Club MEALS 0 Mrs. Geo. Bowers is Last Wednesday evening months (Monday, Wednes- day and Friday), please call Scugog CommUmity Care at 985-8461 (mornings.) progressing well since Prize winners were: 1st- Bill Wedding of Interest Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Malcolm who were married on July 7th in First Baptist Church, Belton, Missouri, U.S.A. Travelling by air to attend the wedding were his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm and three brothers Mr. David Malcolm, Mr. Barry Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Malcolm and baby Alison, Nestleton. The attendance at Church School and the service was down last Sunday due to people being away on holi- days and some sickness. Next Sunday Rev. McEntyre will continue his series for July and the message will be "The Unlikely Love." Serv- ice at 11:15 a.m. and Church School at 10 a.m. . The Jr. choir enjoyed a with a family party last Sunday. Mrs. Alma English of Woodville was a guest over the weekend with Miss Hilda and Mr. Bud Hopkins. Masters Douglas and Mark Gibson of Guelph en- Wedding Anniversary swimming party in Lehmans . . Celebrated pool and had supper together ~~ The Heritage Quilt and "Warmest ~~ Congratula- on Herons lawn last Thurs- Craft Fair is a yearly event tions" to Mr. and Mrs. day afternoon. sponsored by the Country Chords of Harmony, Incorp- orated. The Cannington Arena will have many booths with a variety of handmade articles for sale. Demonstrations of many unusual crafts will take Mr. and Mrs. Ross Batten and children and Mrs. A. Fisher enjoyed camping at Chemung Lake last week. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lehman are Mrs. Gerda Miller and four child- ren from Edmonton, Mi' and Stanley Ploughman of Port Perry who recently celebrated 60 years of wedded bliss. 'Mrs. Plough- man was formerly from the Cartwright area. Stan and Floss, as they are fondly known by all, have been wonderful friends and Mrs. B. Davies and two girls, Place during the two days, neighbours down through the who have recently returned from pine accessories, jew- years and have a "host" of to Canada after a years stay ellery, miniature furniture friends. in Europe. as well as the usual knitting, Happy birthday to Miss crocheting, stuffed toys and Hospital Friends Diane Lehman who celebrat- home made preserves. Gifted persons from as far away as Toronto, Ottawa, Palmerston, and Cambell- ville will share their know- ledge of their chosen crafts. So pleased to hear that ed her eleventh birthday ST ET EE STEVEN'S MARKET Fresh Produce - Groceries HWY. 7 & 12 - MYRTLE = Se A A on) SY Pod En : i "APS Featuring: The Ontario Cattlemen's QUALITY ¢ Association is sponsoring the BANANAS. ....... 25% p I first Ontario beat Congress 2 and Exhibition which will be 0 held July 18th and 19th, 1979 oh ONTARIO BUNCHED at Yosters Sur Grounds, a ndon, Ontario. s CARROTS........ 2/69¢ "muri event com. X bines an educational speak- ONTARIO NEW ers program covering many aspects of beef production with a trade show and exhi- bition by agri-business and the various beef breed assoc- iations. The Beef Congress will be POTATOES. . sto. $1.49 OPEN: Tues., Wed., Thurs. -9a.m.to 6 p.m. Fri., Sat. &Sun.-9a.m.to9 p.m. A ETT TT TT TT officially opened by Ontario CLOSED MONDAYS Minister of Agriculture and ET TTT i Food, the Honourable Will- iam Newman at 10 a.m. on concrete septic tanks Brooklin Concrete, first in quality, steel- reinforced precast concrete septic tanks. Our tanks are designed to meet the Ontario Ministry of the Environment Regulation 229/74. Tanks can be used as holding tanks and fitted with pump-out hatches and liquid level controls. They can also be used as cisterns or installed in tandem and adapted to many commercial and industrial applications. Immediate delivery in the following capacities - 600, 800, 1,000, 2,000, 2,500 and 3,000 gallons. Larger capacities also available. e Single or double chamber ® Syphon tanks eo Pump tanks ® Holding tanks Brooklin Concrete Products Limited -- Highway 12, Brooklin, Ontario | Yonge St., Newmarket, Ontaric | | | Highway 11, Huntsville, Ontari oo _ Hwy. 121, Haliburton, Ontario Ringham, 2nd - Betty Ring- ham, 3rd - Grace Short. Euchres will be held throughout the summer. The Ladies' Auxiliary are hard workers, and their Bazaar Yard Sale was a decided success. joyed some holidays with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Russell Batten last week. Congratulations to Ted Heron who got a hole in one while playing golf with Lind- say Death on Summerlea Quilt and craft Fair Beautifully made quilts of every size, color and pattern will be on sale. Now is your chance to have one of your very own. Join the many who appreciate the talent, hard work and love that has gone into these creations. If you wish to join us with your particular talents let us know your type of craft. A flyer will be sent upon re- quest giving you all the particulars. Contact: Mary Duff, R.R. 1 Cannington, Ontario LOE 1E0 or phone 705-432-2696. The Cannington Arena will be open Saturday August 18 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and from Sunday August 19 from 12 noon to 6 p.m. First Ontario Beef Congress Wednesday, July 18th, 1979 and closed by Stewart C. Brown, President of the Can- adian Cattlemen's Associa- tion on Thursday afternoon, July 19th 1979. The overall theme of the first Beef Congress designed as a practical meeting place and exhibition for all beef producers is 'Facing the Future Profitably". Topper Thorpe, General Manager of Cattle-Fax, Denver, Color- ado will speak on the market. outlook and Herb Tyler, President of Caravelle Foods, the sole distributor of hamburger patties to Mec Donalds will give an address on the fast food industry. Numerous other authorita- tive speakers will discuss beef cattle financing, feeding and nutrition, future profits in the cow-calf and feedlot sectors, animal health, en- vironmental management and much more. Over 120 exhibitors includ- ing the beef breed associa- tions with live animal dis- plays will be on hand with up-to-date information on their breed, pr-.ucts or ser- vices. In conjunction with the Congress, a Beef Barbeque will be held on Wednesday evening, July 18th 1979 at 6p.m. at Western Fair Grounds. For more information or tickets, contact the Ontario Cattlemen's Association 590 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontar- io M6N 3E3 (416)766-9271 or your local county Cattle men's Association. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm were Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Brooks, Port Hope and Mrs. Jean Millet, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson, Nestleton visited Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow of Ashburn and area news Golf Course on Monday of last week. It was the eighteenth hole with an eight iron. The Jr. choir and the Mens Choir of Burns Church sang at the service at Glen Major last Sunday evening. Mr. Claude Simmond brought his sermon to the childrens level and based his message on the life of Samuel. After the service Mrs. Jennie John- ston on behalf of the congre- gation presented Mr. and Mrs. Simmond with a beauti- ful painting of the Church painted by Marta Gill. This was done in appreciation of their help and faithfulness and it was good to be there to witness this special time. The sympathy of the con- gregation and community goes out to the Ashton family in the passing of Mrs. Tena Doble. Mrs. Doble lived most of her life in the village and she will be missed. Have a good week and be friendly. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. AL YAM b ¢ ARPA ay CEN Nestleton, Caesarea area news Dundas recently. This past week the Thompsons spent a day in Beaverton with Mr. Thompson's three sisters namely: Mrs. Russel Francis,' Mrs. Norman Warmington and Mrs. Royden Currie. They also visited Mrs. Thompson's sister Mrs. Jim Naylor also of Beaverton. During the week Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- son were pleasantly sur- prised when Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Herron, Wallaceburg on holidays, called on them and stayed for Lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Cawker of Scarborough were Wed- nesday guests of Mr. and "Mrs. Sam Cawker at the farm, Scugog Point. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker, Curtis, Cathy and a friend Jeff Armstrong of Oshawa are assisting at the farm with the heavy crop of hay. News for next week phone 986-4715. Junior Horse Show In recognition of the Inter- national Year of the Child, a Junior Horseman Show will be held this Saturday at Pinewood Place on Highway 12, south of Manchester. The show is open to com- petitors 19 and under and admission for the general public is free. For more information call 985-2777. year. this goal possible. Chevrolet Oldsmobile Uxbridge 852-3331 Toronto 294-6556 RICHARD HUNT Sandy Williamson, Sales Manager of Williamson Motor Sales is pleased to announce Richard Hunt's appointment to GM's Grand Salesmaster Club, for the 5th year. This is the highest possible ac- hievement for a salesperson of G.M. Cars. Richard also led in sales for the dealership for the Mr. Hunt would like to thank his many friends and customers in the area for helping to make Williamson Uxbni \ OUR CUSTOMERS SEND THER FRIENDS! / Pontiac Buick ILE GS Gh ™ » - [3] ®

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