e NI mC OL 5 Ao] i oR 7 pi A 2 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, August 8, 1979 Four local cadets attend exercises in Army Camp by Stewart Wood This summer, four cadets of the 41 Port Perry Army Cadet Corp. are attending the Banff National Army Cadet Camp in Alberta. This is the top camp for a cadet to attend in Canada. The Cadets are Geraldine Cole, Alice Sorenson, Mike Barton and Stewart Wood. At this camp the Cadets do many challenging activities and meet cadets from across Canada, Great Britain, and from other countries such as Germany. The challenging parts of this camp are white water canoeing and Kayaking down the Bow River and other fast flowing rivers in Alberta, and the rafting down the Kootney River into British Columbia, which covers about 40 miles of white water. There is also mountain climbing up al- most vertical rock faces where sometimes we must climb for nearly 50-60 feet straight up without a rest. Rests are at the next Belay station where we have to attach ropes and make sure Presbyterian Church of Canada the next person climbing doesn't fall. Atthe end of the rock climbing phase there is a four day Glacier walk where we get to test our climbing skills on snow and ice. . In between these activities there are hikes in which we sometimes meet wild anim- als of Alberts. Once when our section was heading down a trail, we came face to face with a mother grizzly and two fair size cubs which took off as soon as they saw us coming (fortunately for us.) Also there are tours around some of the attrac- tions near Banff, including a day trip to the Calgary Stam- and a camp Heritage programe in which the cad- ets of the camp go around the Banff National Park, and clean up trails, roadsides, and any area which has been misused by tourists. Banff National Army Cad- et Camp is an extremely good camp for young people who want lots of action and some of the thrills of their life. A large crowd turned out last Friday evening to the Greenbank Bar-B- Que held on the church property. Young and old alike were on hand to enjoy the delicious beef, salads and homemade pies. That's Veronica RE: 'BOAT PEOPLE' FUND Contributions are now being invited. Cheques should be made out & mailed or brought to either: St. John's Presbyterian Church (Boat People Fund) or Burn's Presbyterian Church (Boat People Fund) ALL monies raised will be used in a co-operative programme now in operation, spearheaded by Willowdale Presbyterian Church. "Boat Peope" families are presently being brought to and settled in the Metropolitan Toronto area. The number of families applied for is dependent upon continuing financial support. (All donations are tax deductible; Receipts will be issued. Please include your full name and address.) lok-wall Dry wall method - no foundation needed. « Interlocking design - Attractive split face. « For retaining walls, planters, bank erosion. * 714", 10" or 12" wide to suit all applications. Our staff will be pleased to assist you on Planning, Layout Design and Quoting. 1 | hres | Brooklin Concrete Prod ucts limited locations to Serve You Highway 12. Brookhin, Ont 116-655-331 Yonge SE, Newmarket, Ont 316-895-2374 Highway 11 Huntsualle, Ont 705-789-2138 | RAISE EAR BN Green [above] getting her plate filled by one of the chefs, Jerry Hunter. Cliff. Rodd can be seen in the rear serving another gentleman. And what is any meal without homemade pie to top it off? Well that was the job of these ladies, from left, Shirley Lee, Jean Hunter, and Grace Hunter, as they served dozens of pies to those attending. And rumour my : has it there were a few 4 toa ¢ that went back for «al seconds! Western Weekend SPECIALS AT Pattersons of Port: 197 QUEEN STREET - 985-8332 Hot Pads ... ¥2 PRICE Imported Soaps ... 2 PRICE Vegemals ... ¥2 PRICE Bohemian Lead Crystal Wine Glasses 6 Glasses for the Price of 4 Savings from $5.00 to $8.00 Great Reductions on Other Items! WESTERN WEEKEND SPECIALS * CIGARETTES (Reg. & King Size) * CHAPMANS ICE CREAM (2 Litres) * FRITO-LAY DORITOS (ant Favours - Reg. 69 Free Draws on Friday, Saturday & Sunday KELLETT'S VARIETY 143 PERRY STREET - PORT PERRY OPPERS BROS. IMPROVEMENTS NOW OFFERS YOU ACHOICEIN SIDING Westroc Double Walled VINYL Siding Kaiser ALUMINUM Siding ALUMINUM: Soffit, Fascia, also : Storm Doors, Windows, Railings, } : Seamless Eavestrough (Mfg'd at your door). AWNINGS: Canvas, Vinyl & Aluminum CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE: 985-8318 1. 986-5673 cerns A $r