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Port Perry Star, 8 Aug 1979, p. 23

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News and views from by Harvey Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pusso and Jeff and Miss Lana Malcolm attended the wedd- ing of Frank's sister Sarah in Oshawa on Saturday at the Our Lady of Assumption Church to Louis Chamber- lain. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gray were Sunday afternoon guests of the Longsfield fam- . ilies at their summer home in Bethany. Mr. Wilbert Malcolm re- mains a patient in Port Perry Hospital and regret- fully is showing little im- provement to date. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beggs and family of Port Elgin enjoyed a weeks holidays with their respective famil- ies in the Yelverton and Pontypool area. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter of Port Perry were hosts to a family gathering to renew old acquaintances with the former Della Nairn of Port Reeve Saskatchewan on Monday evening August 6. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowen joined the Bowen family for a get together at Uncle Joe's Cabin in the Severn Bridge area on the long weekend. A number from this area attended the Memorial Ser- vice held Sunday a.m. at Nestleton United Church in memory _ of Uncle Billy Steele as he was affection- ately known by friends and relatives alike. Daughter Margaret is spending a month in Ontario visiting Kin prior to retuning home again to Australia. On Saturday afternoon a number of friends and neigh- bours gathered at Malcoms for an afternoon's swimming (or wading) as the case could be, followed by a barb- ecue and corn roast. Miss Betty Whittaker of Hamilton spent the past week with her niece and family Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm and Candy. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mal- colm spent Thursday even- ing at the Wanderlyn Hotel in Trenton where your scribe attended a joint mutiny of U.C.0. delegates at Belle ville of the Fowlers, Camp- bellford, Grafton and Picton, branches of U.C.0. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Page have arrived home this week from a motortrip to Western Canada. They Vegetable Don't forget the vegetables when barbecuing this summer. Food specialists at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food suggest cooking zucchini motored right to the western coast, crossed over to Vic- toria, spending a couple of days on the Island. One of the highlights of their trip was spending a few days with a former classmate of Myras, (the former Florence Courtice) and her hubby, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Bray of Hairy Hill, Alta. We were rather intrigued with the name of the place and were informed that in the early years the buffalo used to shed their winter hair in the area which then adhered to the trees, etc., giving the place its name. To swallow or not to swallow the story, that is the question! Miss Jane Connolly and Marti Malcolm also enjoyed this week in Alta. and B.C. motoring from Calgary through B.C. to Vancouver and over to Victoria. Visited all the normal tourist attrac- tions and were guests of the former Nancy Fisk of Pon- typool and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Anguas of White Rock, B.C., one evening. Mrs. Kay Topping of St. Catharines, is currently spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo - Frank's adopted aunt. Miss Lana Malcolm has had another busy week in the pursuit of her musical talen- ts. Last weekend she enter- tained at the Antique Steam Show in Norwood on Satur- day and Sunday. This week Lana, assisted by Mr. Ian Page, provided a musical in- terlude at the Peterborough Dairy Club Twilight Meeting held at Otonabee Farms. The next evening Lana par- ticipated at the Peter- borough Summer Festival Open Air Service at a Peter- borough Park. Lana's ser- vices have been much in demand this summer as a singer with her own accom- paniment in the field of wes- tern music. Mr. Bert McMullan is recuperating at home following surgery in Lindsay Ross Memorial Hospital this week. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Malcolm report an enjoyable 3 days at Muskoka Sands this week. They were one of 18 couples selected to attend a U.C.0. Married Couples Seminar and were one of two couples selected to assist in planning next years event. bar-b-q pieces, tomato wedges, par- boiled new potatoes, and chunks of corn on separate skewers, for delicious accompaniments to any summer meal. On the weekend, Terry and Brenda, Todd and Tara visited Kincardine where 0.A.S.A. softball finals were in progress. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gundrie of Barrie en- joyed a week babysitting their grandchildren. Mrs. Ross Hurren enter- tained a number of ladies this week as' sponsor of a Tupperware party put on by her nieces Pam and Terry Hurren. _ Mrs. Bob Kennington and girls of Lotus sallied forth to Seaforth this past week to visit relatives and so forth. Bobby Boy stayed home to babysit the chickens and to interior decorate - (the house not his). Miss Jennifer Snushell of Gravenhurst was a welcome guest this weekend of Mona Malcolm here at Malconia. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson spent most of this week with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith at their cottage near Viewlake. Mr. and Mrs. James Gray enjoyed a few days away from the daily grind this week in the Niagara Falls area. Among other things, Jim and Thora attended the Bernard Shaw play, Capt. Brassbounds Conversion, with a cast of forty at the Shaw Festival at Niagara on the Lake. Of special interest was the fact that Thora's nephew, well-known in this community in having spent several summers with the Grays, Mr. Kirk McMahon, was one of the actors in the play, playing two or three parts, if minor ones in the presentation. Kirk has also done a few modelling parts in one of the larger hotel promotion ads. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowan are currently babysitting two of their grandchildren, Kendall and Alison Baker, as they welcome their latest gran- dson tv the family tree this week - a new son to Keith and Elizabeth Baker of Toronto. The wee lad is starting out life with a real handicap - they are naming him Stephen "Arthur" after his grandpappy. What a stigma to overcome. A number of the local Con- servative stalwarts and par- ty workers were feted tc an evenings entertainment, etc., by their successful can- didate, the Hon. and Mrs. Allan Lawrence. An en- joyable evening was repor- ted in Port Hope at the Legion Hall. 'Smoke Gets in Your Eyes', was a popular musical number hummed locally this week, not in tribute to Cole Porter or whoever wrote it, but in response to the local forest FRIDAY NIGH ~~ DANCE Friday, August 10th-9p.m.to 1 a.m. NEW ARENA - PORT PERRY Music by "M.G. Disco" - $3.00 per person (19 Years and Over, |.D. Required) 9th ANNUAL WESTERN WEEKEND Sponsored by Scugog Chamber of Commerce A A CE 34 4 (is PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, August 8, 1979 -- 23 Yelverton and area fire that provided capious amounts of that blue stuff that smarts the eyes. The fire was only 2 to 3 miles south of here and south east of the hamlet of Cadmus in old Cartwright Township. (Cadmus, for the benefit of those whose gee-ography is not up to snuff, is an eastern suburb of Blackstock - or visa versa). You have no idea how annoying it is to have an ember fall on your tummy while sunning beside the pool, or fishing a chunk of charcoal out of your light and bubbly. (Tough life we live when we semi-retire). This week at Malconia, we discovered a new hard way to put the 'groceries' on the table. One of Nikki's bones, hidden in the forest and primeval outside our humble domicate, was caught by the power lawnmower and tossed right through the aluminum and glass door on- to the kitchen table, along with a million or so tiny glass pieces. Luckily no one was in that area at the time. Mr. Murray Malcolm assures us that he saw a real live bear (4 legged - not two) amble across their yard this week and disappearing in the corn field. He claims that he hadn't been drinking, his eyesight is good and that Lana verified it by seeing its tracks. Rev. Stanley Haines sang or orated his swan song on Sunday to a large and lively congregation. Here at Yelverton we don't observe the Year of the Child just once, but almost every year. The little darlings were in good voice on Sun- day morning and his Reverence found it necessary to boom out his message with ever in- creasing vigor. Following the service, a bountiful pot luck buffet din- ner was provided by the ladies for all present. At the conclusion of same, Mr. Art Rowan, on behalf of the local congregation ably expressed our regrets at Stan and Shirley leaving and the ap- preciation of the commun- ity for the active role he has played during his brief tenure. Mrs. Agnes Howe, on FCI CCICICICH Th TaTaTdTdTeTaT- | SEWING | MACHINE REPAIRS 9 In Your Own Home ¥1 20 Years Experience GIL RUMMENIE ¢ 25252525 985-7860 behalf of the U.C.W., presen- ted Shirley with a traditional cup and saucer, (her birth- day month), and a gold pen to Stan, a Yelverton Church Commemorative Plate to Shirley, an antique church bench and a sum of money to them both. Each expressed their thanks and regrets at moving away. All join in wishing them success in their new environment. It was a pleasure to see Mrs. Murray Malcolm and Mrs. Ernestine Robinson, both who have been under medical supervision, able to be present at Sunday church services. The Harvey Malcolms ac- companied the Howard Malcolms on Friday evening to Toronto to see the stage production of 'Same Time Next Year", starring Don Herron, (better known as his alias 'Charlie Farquenson') and Catherine McKinnon at the Bayview Theatre. It was also our first opportunity to try out the Pork Producers own restaurant, "The Pork Place", on King Street, where an all pork menu is available. We heartily recommend their food - the spare ribs were supeg delicious and the roast leg of pork likewise. Next time you are down near the Royal Alex drop in and support your own farm enterprise. On Saturday your scribe and chief executive officer attended the Jova-Chatten wedding in Brighton United Church with reception at the Legion Hall. The principals involved were the eldest daughter Bonnie of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chatten of Hilton and Mr. Peter Jova, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jova of Streetsville. Denture Therapy Clinic 305 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY 985-2916 Monday to Friday Evenings & Saturdays by Appointment Shur-Gain Shur-Gain Oxytelracycline is a broad spectrum antibiotic in 100 mg concentration. It diffuses rapidly, builds therapeutic levels fast, and is effective and persistent 24 hours or longer. Shur-Gain Oxytetracycline 100 contains Lidocaine, a of 100 ml or 250 ml vials for greater convenience and animal health service pain reducing agent. Choices | protection new Shur-Gain axytetracycline-100 injectable solution se ~- Shur-Gain--for the modern farmer WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO 986-4201 Need A Car Rent A Ford eo LOW DAILY RATES ® RENT BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH ® PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE COLIN BALL MOTORS LTD. Hwy. 7A West - Port Perry - 985-8411 Tm ER Ley rt NaS LR oa CT AE EI a AWW, Na sr STE PS No pa Ye wmtals --- abn Mh dain Te Ty Ahi, - Nt GeO. a ee r™ . Rs DB IN AA Fu rt K oe bi ¢ Or

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