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Port Perry Star, 29 Aug 1979, p. 25

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Seagrave and area n by Betty Somerville It's about that time of year again when summer fun be- gins to shape into organized activities and a routined schedule. To be in the September calendar, Church and Sun- day School will resume once again on Sunday morning, September 2nd at their usual time. The Reverend Stuart MacEntyre of the Presbyter- ian Church in Port Perry will be the guest speaker so please plan to attend. The following Sunday, Sep- tember 9th the Sunday School will be holding their Rally Day to give out the Attendance Awards for the past year. The Unit II gals are re- minded to please not forget: the bake sale planned for this Friday August 31st in front of Stone's barn. Pies of various kinds are in great demand and the committee would like the baking by 2:30 p.m. Let's make this sale a big success! The General U.C.W. is also resuming back to schedule. The committee for the Gen- eral meeting to be held on Wednesday evening Sep- tember 12th are getting plans underway for a good meeting. Please mark this date The Mothers Auxiliary for the Scouting Movement held their meeting last week and I understand another Eatons Fall Fashion Show has been planned for September 18th at9:30 a.m. in the Port Perry United Church Auditorium. Babysitting services and re- freshments are provided and the admission is $2.50. Tick- ets may be purchased from any of the members or at the door. Girls and anyone else int- erested who are 12 years of SHUR 60 Division Mug Nur good nutrition Shur-Gain puppy bite size with BEEF food - and relatives. Its made to Shur-Gain's special puppy growing formula, and with the famous beef taste that all dogs like. That's Shur-Gain Puppy Food. A complete, balanced nutritionally correct diet. Nothing else is needed. Get it at your Shur-Gain outlet. hes puppy food Shur-Gain...value for discerning feeders. WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO 986-4201 BAR FG RP NO SE BIRR TRS AIA Uxbridge Credit Union's SECOND ANNUAL RATE SPECIAL ] 718% 1s still in effect on all Personal Loans approved by August 31, 1979. WATCH FOR 25th ANNIVERSARY DETAILS ah age as of September 1st wishing to join the Fall ses- sion of 4-H are asked to get in touch with Mrs. Enid Belair at 985-2618 or Miss Kathy Carr at 985-3504 so they may order the correct number of books. This session will be on needlepoint and sounds like lots of fun. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cook- son have landed"home after spending a month on a well .deserved holiday in England and Wales visiting friends From the report I've received they had a goqd holiday and plan on dofng it again. Welcome home Fred and Madelaine. Also Mrs. Ruth Zoltz has just returned home from a short holiday in Germany. Ruth's mother journeyed® with her but decided to have a little longer holiday and * plans on returning sometime in September. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Boyle and girls have also returned home after their annual week's holiday at Milford Manor near Gravenhurst. From what I understand Jackie is still vacationing. Glad to report Mrs. Donna Wanamaker is out of the hospital and up and about but I'm sorry to report Mr. Claie Watts father is very ill in St. Michaels Hospital in Ww ite 1 IE-TOUT WwW each contestant must Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Puck- rin attended the Skitch- Wilson wedding held at Kinp- view United Church in Qsh- awa on Saturday. On Sunday both Puckrin families were invited to a barbecue held at Mr. and Mrs. Gord Hookers in Manchester. Liz and Gregg Smith open- ed their back yard for a little impromptu barbecue on Sun- day afternoon for the Ball Team members and their families. After a bountious meal everyone journeyed on to the Park where the team showed the spectators just how good they could play when they were not under pressure! Mr. and Mrs. Rod Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Len Som- erville were guests 'at the McCardle-Field wedding held at the Northminister United Church in Oshawa on Saturday. The bride was a friend of Sharon and Betty's when they attended Durham College. : Our canoeing enthusiasts Mr. Roy Desautels and Mr. Rod Jones have been busily working out this past while so they may quali- fy for a 120 mile canoe race held near Montreal this weekend. In order to qualify be * PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, August 29, 1979 -- 23 | ews items within one H6ur of the lead- ing canoe. This race is the biggest in North America so our best wishes go with you fellas for a big success. Carolyn and Mary-Rose would like to thank Richard Thompson and Sean Gordon for helping them with the Playground. They would also like to extend their appreciation to the parents of the children who helped them by driving the children to various places and provid- ing refreshments. I under- stand the playground was a "great success. The Nonquon Sluggers joined in on the Ball Tourna- ment last Saturday in Port Perry and placed second. Way to hit boys! At the same time the Soccer Tournament was also held in Port Perry. Congratulations to Sean Fisher, Barry Willerton, Kevin Jones, Jim and John Sturman for being members of the winning team and won the Atoms division. The run- MacDONALD ners up were the Port Perry AT Printing Devils and the team MURRAY WILSON -members from Seagrave were Ted Sturman, Jay Branton, Steven Sears and Brad Puckrin. Congratula- tions boys and a special congratulations to Brad Puckrin for being the most valuable player on his team AY 24D ¢ v p00 CRUE SA teotlo dd sist adh dnt Ad nA cutnton sh Kak sin Wa Wet iy Por Nev 3" x wy: ui " and won a Cooper Soccer Bo Ball. 8% A welcome home to Mr. gots Keith Barr who just arrived int back from spending some 0E time in Edmonton, Alberta. Keith plans on attending coll- ege in Toronto in Ski Man- agement this fall. Also farewell to Miss Hilda Balling who is leaving for Guelph to finish her last year at University as well as Miss Bonnie Short. Good luck girls!. Don't forget to attend the Port Perry Fair on Sunday and Monday of this weekend and have a good time. Next week's news corres- pondence is Mrs. Marilyn Beacock at 985-3595. Please call her with your news. i ' i . SHOES SEPT. 11th a PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SEPT. 8th. Saft as 6 rvoneflate / oe vx flcon de ne | BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALE While Stock Lasts snow white TJ} mmeoom meee pxeen oe rover PAPER 0s lf TOWELS By..o6 207m BE © 2-Roll Pack . } 4 b Nel: iH 0 BATHROOM TISSUE 0 ed A 4-Roll Pack | t WE RESEAYE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES | INTERNATIONAL GUARDIAN MULTIPLE HILROY COIL BOUND BALL POINT PENS VITAMINS | EXERCISE BOOK BC ea, oo $1.77 os 1.39 ences 0 OA SHARP POCKET | RZ: NEO CITRAN PAPER MATE CALCULATOR Lda (Adult 10's) BALL POINT PEN $1190 Now seit MN | gi $1.49 99¢ Greal Value! STAYFREE cs GILLETTE TRAC IT ©y "Will CREST (50% Bonus) / 823 "MAXI PADS CARTRIDGES «. "J8,\, TOOTHPASTE ? a 42.69 a: $2.39 oo od $1.23 150m SILKIENCE These are but a = BODY ON TAP BEER Self- Adjusting CONDITIONER | fou of the many outstanding . ENRICHED SHAMPOO 77¢ 100m specials available now! id $2.99 HR LAWRENCE PHARMACY operated by: PORT PERRY PHARMACY LTD. Phone 985-2231 209 Queen St., Port Perry, Ont.

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