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Port Perry Star, 5 Dec 1979, p. 20

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~ of whom, 20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 5, 1979 Praise for Choral Society by John Stewart One hundred years ago, Gilbert & Sullivan premiered the Pirates of Penzance in New York. That same musi- cal, a century later, as presented by the Scugog Choral Society was as popu- lar and entertaining as'ever. The local society must be credited with dn enormous amount of work in a very short time in creating a very talented production. The leads sang extremely well, but in all fairness, they were supported by a very enthu- siastic cast of daughters, pirates and policemen, each through facial expressions, actions and strong choral work, added significantly to <he humour and melody of Gilbert & Sullivan's work. The sets and costuming were very impressive and obviously took a great deal of effort from those involved. Marion Rodway's vocal echoing with the flute was an incomparable delight and one of the highlights of her very strong lead. Hugh Baird's solos as Frederick very definitely portrayed the strength and passion of a 'pirate' torn between his love and his duty. Charlie White was at once a very imposing but loveable Pirate King, and he obvious- ly enjoyed his role. His lieutenant, Bill Slute, added a touch of romaticism to the "orphan band." Bruce McMillan's ability to sing Gilbert & Sullivan's very difficult lyrics faster than the audience could listen was no less than amazing. Rita . Stickwood, as the Maid-of-all-work had the difficult task of understand- Racks, Magazine WOOD SHE We Make & Sell 0 CANADIAN CRAFTED PINE FURNITURE * Clocks, Bathroom Accessories, Wine * Blue Jean Coverall Planters Racks, Giftware, etc... * Copper - OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9th NOON to 8:00 P.M. Brock Township, 5th Line, Sunderland, Ontario 705-357-2109 ably introducing the story line in her opening vocal number. This was handled very .clearly, and her facial gestures accentuated the humour of the nursemaid's confusion. Paul Arculus 'made the very "stoic" and "brave" Police Sergeant very human and very funny with good singing and excellent facial expressions. Gloria Forder and her orchestra provided very lively support to the vocal numbers. In all, Grace Hastings, the director, can be proud of this production and the many talented members of the Choral Society who helped to put this show "on the road." They obviously enjoyed themselves. We look for- ward to their upcoming concerts. on AN NSE A CCS AW ie See PN SS ae WL OU. of AT reas A ee OTIC HE N 5 £3 ALL 1979 UNITS IN STOCK ARE GREATLY REDUCED! to attend our 10th ANNUAL PRESENTATION Motor Homes - Travel Trailers - Fifth Wheels - Introducing 1980 Models of Master Coach, Corsair/ Aristocrat, Citation/Centurion, Triple E/Leocraft, Boler, Swinger/Honey, Can. Custom Elite. DECEMBER 3rd to 17th 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. DAILY SHOW SPECIALS: (2 Only) New 1979 - 17%' Motor Homes $13,900. Each - No Trade 7" NORTH BROCK _ MOTOR SALES LTD. "4 cordially invite you and your family / TE ARI RE SRA RA A He TAR Free Coffee & Donuts - Door Prizes NORTH BROCK MOTOR SALES LTD. Manchester Lot - Hwy. 12 - 1 Mile North of Manchester 985-3372 Senior citizens meeting heats up over library by Marion King We apologize to our club members who came to the Latcham Centre on Wednes- day, November 28, antici- pating a game of Penny Bingo. This had to be cancelled at the last minute, because of an extended presentation by the commit- tee for the new library fund drive, led by Nelson Patter- son. The presentation was foll- owed by a somewhat heated question period. Doris Grierson questioned the seemingly popular agree- ment of the building and locating of the proposed new library. After stating that it was quite clear to her, that it was the young people who were the enthusiastic contributors on their door to door campaign, one library committee speaker, no doubt dubious of the indignation these age-barrier remarks could raise, fled the .hall thereby escaping the wrath she raised among some senior citizens. We will schedule our penny bingo for a later date. Again this year, we thank Beare Motors on Queen Street for clearing their showroom in order to accomodate our senior citizens watching the Santa Claus Parade. We appreciate this thoughtful- ness and hospitality. Calling all Senior Square dancers Wednesday morn- ings 10:00 a.m. at Latcham Centre. Last week Marjory Wipper and Win Philp high- lighted the morning by demonstrating and teaching us how to dance the Highland Schottische. The heel and toe and the Waltz Quadrille. Graceful old dances that should never be allowed to die. Giving Doris Grierson a . short break from instructing us in the popular square dancing of today, which is Doris's specialty. A jolly Christmas euchre is planned for Saturday Dec. 22nd with lots of prizes and fun for all. Refreshments will be served. Everyone welcome. We hope all our members are getting their names down for our annual Christmas dinner Dec. 19th. Mary Sweetman is the one to contact. We have been respectfully requested by the United Senior Citizens of Ontario to ask all our members to kindly submit the following information to us, so we may pass this along to them. 1-your name, 2-address, 3-sex, 4-age group. The latter being defined thusly 55 yrs-65 yrs., 65 yrs-75 yrs. and 75 yrs. and over. Your cooperation will be apprec- iated. Mail or hand in to Senior Citizens Club Latcham Centre. Grant Bright and Bill Carnegie will proudly carry our Senior Citizens Banner ahead of the car, éspecially decorated to cary ur king and queen of the year. Ernie Healy and Jessie Robertson. The car is owned and will be driven by club member Flossie Aldred. We have received a bulletin that our lovely queen will not be able to be in the parade because of a cold, so we" have appointed a gracious and lovely princess, Connie Glass, to take her place for this occasion. "Drop in time is still on Wednesday afternoons, genial hosts will greet you and you can enjoy a game of bridge or euchre or whatever you like. Refreshments served. Warning, Ethel Robertson is convinced it's the Iranian Flu that's going around this time, what next? Yelverton News by Harvey Malcolm Mr. & Mrs. Bill Jenkins, Bloomfield, Michigan, U.S.A., were visitors this week with Mr. & Mrs. Balfour Moore. Mrs. Howard Malcolm and Candy returned from Jamaica on Friday all nicely tanned from their weeks vacation there. Candy took a U-turn to the left and grabbed a plane with her girl friend for a 10 days holiday in Los Angeles, US.A.- A couples of carloads of Lindsay Branch U.C.O. Board delegates attended the annual Fall Zone 3 Direc- tors meeting held on Thurs- day in Wandyln Inn, Tren- ton, Ontario. On Friday your correspon- dent and wife Corrie atten- ded the annual meeting of Foxboro U.C.0. Branch at Thurlow Community Centre, north of Belleville. This spanking new centre was originally a cheese factory coverted with considerable originality into a very useful community centre. We learned with regret this week of the passing of a former county councillor collegue and past Warden of the United Counties - Mr. Earl Warden of Newtonville. Earl has set something of a record in his municipal poli- tical career in having been acclaimed for Council, Deputy Reeve and Reeve of Clarke Township and then Warden of the United Coun- ties of Durham and Nor- thumberland. . Deepest Sympathy is extended to wife Gladys and their. family ir their sad bereavement. HOSPITAL REPORT Week Ending November 29th Admissions ..................... 36 Births .o.ooavinimuirminricesns Ke Deaths .......................... Nil Emergencies ................. 174 OPerRIONS .crnmsssesmomoponns 9 Discharged ..................... 33 Remaining ...................... 38 New Givenchy Underdressings" Elegance and chic Lined and Underwire tailored with lace... matching Bikinis and Briefs in an imesistibly sensual fabric. Designed by Givenchy for the Playtex Intemational Collection. in every curve. Soft Cup, Lightly Bras, beautifully i 261 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY, ONTARIO boutique

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