by Harvey Malcolm The Amazing Country Per- formers - a potpourri of performers from the three Janetville Charges - Janet- ville, Mount Horeb and Yelverton provided a Varie- ty Concert in Yelverton Hall on Wednesday, March 12th. A fair sized crowd was in attendance to hear the program which consisted of vocal solos, duets and choruses as well as instru- mentals, a Country Scotland dancing troupe, several skits and a humorous play "Getty mentals, a Country Scottish dancing troupe, several skits and a humorous play - "Get- ting Pinned." Those in attendance report a very interesting evening. Consi- derable credit goes to our minister Mr. Art Rodgers who organized the group and the cast who provided the talent. A tidy sum of money was realized for charitable purposes. The Variety Show has been given at various locations and is scheduled to be presented at Grandview School Auditorium on March 27th. Congratulations to Mr. Clarence Page whose 25 years of service as a Direc- tor of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company was recognized with the presen- tation of a reclining chair to Clarence at their annual meeting. This is bound to affect his get up to go! U.C.W. News The March meeting of the Yelverton U.C.W. was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan. The meeting opened with the Ode followed by the Devotional convened by Janet Spenceley. A hymn was sung followed by Prayer at the conclusion of Janet's comments. Thirteen members answered the roll call. Minutes were read and adopted and Eileen Malcolm gave the Flower Report. Two hundred and fifty dollars was voted to M. & S and $500 to the Church Trea. - sury. President Agnes Howe announced that a trip to Cobourg and area is being planned for May 21st. A Japanese Night is being planned for the next U.C.W. meeting on April 3 in the church basement with meet- ing at 4 p.m. and dinner at 6 to which the husbands are to be invited. Mr. Howard Malcolm is to be the guest speaker. The June Barbecue is to be held one week earlier this year so as not to conflict with RA Fa NA RI LE AEE Re EF ea FT ET Rat Va (PR TES AES JE TE Bd SS et A id Mie Tel A dS RZ TRI SA RAN REARS 2s Sr it, aw] Fh RIN SY EP Oy fart eV INTIS es Mtr IPL . LRA IA AT SLE ba as fakes WAAR Me's # LEC ak ol a local wedding planned for a little later in the month. Mrs. Ida Hurtig gave an interesting talk and demon- stration on care of plants - watering, cutting and plant- ing. The Hurtigs, formerly operated a nursery prior to moving to our area. Lunch was served by Marie Foote and Marjorie Stinson. More News Each spring the United Coop of Ontario holds semi- nars for its Directors or delegates throughout Ont- ario at various locations not only to provide the latest information available to its member Directors but to receive input from its elec- ted people as their needs and direction the Company should go. This year, on Tuesday, * March 11, Lindsay was chosen as one of the locations and the various Cooperatives of the area were honoured to have Mr. Julian Smith, Chief Executive Officer (General Manager) of U.C.O. in atten- dance to discuss with them the Direction U.C.0. might be taking in the Eighties. Despite a most: inclement day and evening a good turn- out was present with dele- gates and directors from Claremont, Uxbridge and Lindsay in attendance. Miss Eva Ollino, the Edi- - tor of the U.C.O. publications was present to cover the program and take pictures of some of the local sites and personnel during the day. It was our pleasure as local Zone Director to chair the evening meeting. Coffee and doughnuts were served by Lindsay Branch. On Monday, March 10 a similar seminar was held in Gananoque involving a tour of Brockville, Kingston, Napanee and Gananoque Coops and a joint meeting of - their directors of the eve- ning. Vice President of Marketing, Don Huff of U.C.0. and your scribe Harvey Malcolm participa- ted in the program. Congratulations to Mrs. Mary Wicks of Victoria County who became the first lady ever to receive a Master Breeder Shield from the Holstein-Friesian Associa- tion of Canada. This award was presented to Grasshill Farm of Bobcay- geon started by Mrs. Wicks and her late husband and now operated by she and her son Lloyd. Mrs. Mary Wicks recently acquired another honour, that of being elected to the Provincial Board of Directors of the Q.F.0. The Can Your Water Pass the Test? 12 of the most common household problems are listed below. Read the list and check those that are giving you problems. a Strange tastes or odours in your drinking water. (J Spots on dishes, glasses and cutlery. J Dull, stringy, lifeless looking hair. 0 "Itchy" feeling after bathing. J Soaps and detergents not sudsing or lathering properly. (J Spots and dulling film on car after washing. (J Tea, coffee that never tastes ... "just right". O Rusty stains on sinks, fixtures, and utensils. (J High soap and detergent costs. 0 Mineral scale (lime) deposits that clog water pipes, automatic washers, water heaters, humidifiers, kettles, etc. 0) Laundry that doesn't wash clean and soft. 0 Mineral deposits (lime) and film on cooking utensils, chrome fixtures, bathroom tiles, etc. If you have checked one or more of the boxes above, it's time you called: GARY YOUNG PLUMBING & HEATING 53 BALDWIN STREET - BROOKLIN - ONTARIO Water Softener Rentals ... Only $9.95 per month CALL COLLECT: 655-4936 BT NARA EA SHAR Pat County of Victoria has every reason to be proud of Mrs. Wick's accomplishments. Mr. Ralph Pfoh underwent back surgery in Civic Hospi- tal, Peterborough this past week and expects to return home late this week. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Baker and family were Sunday guests with the Art Rowans. Master Kendall and Miss Alison are spending the week with their grandparents. With the winter break under- way, a number of students are enjoying vacations in warmer climes. Miss Jenni- fer Kennington and Miss Lana Malcolm with othe Lana Malcolm with other members of the I.LE. Weldon Concert Band are currently enjoying a bus tour of Flori- da where the group will be performing. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robin- son were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. of Acton last week, attended a function at Guelph where son Darryl was participating and were overnight guests with Rev. Jerry and Mrs. Hofstetter and family in '© Guelph and vices at Jerry's church there. Mr. Art Rowan was guest speaker at St. Patrick's dinner sponsored by the -Kiwanis Club of Sydenham held at the Centennial United Church in Oshawa on March 14th at which some 130 members and guests were in attendance. the distinction of being the first Kiwanis club for reti- rees. We understand that Art had them rolling in the aisles with his inimitable style and humorous oratory on his topic '"The Origin and life of St. Patrick." done, Arthur! Hope we are able to hear a re-run. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 26, 1980 -- 9 CHITOSE OO Yelverton area news | creaTvE wors Walter Lamb virtues .. attended ser- This club has Well P.O. BOX 1153 - PORT PERRY . When this holy attribute is established Truthfulness is the foundation of all human in man, all the divine qualities will also be acquired. THE BAHA'I WRITINGS § DR. J. COTTRELL & DR. J. HARDY are pleased to announce that DR. I. KIRSHEN will be joining them in the PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY 238 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY For Appointment Phone 985-7291 will give you a GIFT CERTIFICATE Select a Suit or a Sport Coat from our New Spring Collection, then apply the value of it's attached gift certificate toward the accessories you require to complete your Easter clothing purchase. Gregory's Men's Wear Ltd. P.O. Box 711 Port Perry, Ont. LOB INO 416-985-8160 master charge PE EE ET PPT Gift Certificate Values up to $40.00 EE ET TP POPPE =) =>) => => =>) <=>) Gregory's Men's Wear Pid. PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-8160 "ee sessessessssctstsessnse sess ssesessssssanccans sess sesssssastnnnns esses sstetserstttssatscnstsesnnas ssesccsssssass Sessesesrenne le VISA Led "A ES ne Fe