RE a HE RA NEL SL SAE St £ Cs A BBO Te NW LA QA UT LOSES {0 PI FPR A QS AT Vs TERETE ENE ha Re SN SUA Ve ve ot 135 3 18 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 30, 1980 E. Leask celebrates . his 92nd birthday Rug hookers attend } Ww i Hamilton show tH Edgar Leask celebrated ages he his 92nd birthday, April 23, at Saar > ph Port Perry "Villa" where he 758 now resides. He spent Sl Sunday at the home of his 5 daughter and son-in-law CARPET CORRAL in COni ti Kad Joan and Wes Lane and 7 enjoyed being with his junc ion vid grandchildren Gerry, Carol 5 and Jamie Lane. (Burlington Carpet N hy Mr. Leask also visited ! e iS with his sister, Mrs. Eva be Stone of Sunderland, and eih was sent best wishes from ds his other sister Mrs. Sylvia a Baird who is now 94 years of NE age and lives in Montreal. AH Edgar spent most of his 33 younger years farming near oi Greenbank and took great ad pride in showing his short- J horn cattle. In, 1943 he Ad retired to 52 John Street In YH Port Perry where he lived Ra until two years ago. He still Neg enjoys watching hockey ik games, playing the odd ( game of euchre and regular- { ly attends the church service at the Nursing Home. OFFICE SUPPLIES available at PATTERSONS RSD Rr Se RI fy St SD EF Vall i OF PORT | 3 197 Queen Street g (Across from the Post Office) 985-8332 rr ae 2 De EDGAR LEASK DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE SEEN VIR] H RITCRILY Ro x 7 ! J 3 » t 8 4 f] x 4] H MM NY Es el 3%, 4 Wet bl f: Af i N AY Fir SN ry a RE TEA BRR do MAI. IMPORTANT e Width - 24 oe Depth - 25 5 Scientifically designed o Door opening=11%" x 17% ECE CEECR GES LAs : a o Flue diameter - 7 1D mal efficiency and a qui- et fan effectively distrib- 'Bl fuel bill savings. oS Ee Wasteful and costly fire- "SE cen bur for a long rE a A AL erios he beauty of on [= J Vou wake to comon DURING SALE Ld : some ime ese es OC " TAKE THEIR PURCHASES HOME | i Aohutisnd Bou os ho SALE OR DELIVERY CAN BE. J hh, TI a yr oH a. wat EN a5 ARRANGED AT A NOMINAL FEE * INSTALLATION OF CARPET CAN 3 S \ safety in mind. Pr - BE ARRANGED THROUGH CARPET CORRAL AFTER THIS utes heat throughout. MLO Tr ELK SALE Terms of this LIX (CHV) iarard ST 1 [cF: 1 2% a i o Height - 32 ( "1s WaleWelolls EK] oTe1 3: 1a ]0! Rt A 88 em, o Width - 28 ) ¢ it the airtight construction « Depth - 25 C6; NUL CR ULERICR AE) + Door opening - 13", x 22 i Of oe Flue diameter - 8 |.D 4 an | 10% OFF Lakewood Stoves i 3 Saturday, May 3rd, 1980 po BINA(OO WooDWIND A "4 ' : 44 Brock Street West, is STOVES We" CHURCH ST. & BAYLY ST., PIC i : a Your Wood Heating Specialists. Hwy. 401 to Church St. Exit. South on Church St. appro a