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Port Perry Star, 2 Jul 1980, p. 9

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> Ae en kl Aye Rr PA PLES AL OY * 52 TICS E TR TAI aang SUC RTE Of JS IN d $ AP EF \ in Sie vip yg Ct ¢ Scugog Island by Mrs. Earl Reader Congratulations to Mrs. Edna Beckett upon her teaching retirement and who received many guests in the R.H. Cornish Library, spon- sored by the Teaching Assoc- iation on Tuesday evening. At this time she received many best wishes and some lovely gifts. The Island S.S. picnic was well attended at Poplar Park but better weather would have been preferred. And now, the children are all enjoying vacation, tho' some continue to attend Church with their parents. On Wednesday evening the Head U.C.W. held its final meeting of the season. This took the form of an open meeting for wives and hus- bands or families in the Community Hall starting with a supper of hotdogs, hamburgers and sausages on a bun followed by an open social period with sing song and then a short variety program. The first item was a surprise presentation of Life memberships to the following ladies: Betty Reader, Grace Love, Marion Hughes, and Lenore Blue- man. After addresses were read and presentation was conducted by the President, Alva Thompson, the ladies greceived their certificate and pins which were added with the already placed cor- sages. All thanked the group and expressed their surprise. New qualifications now for the Life membership in the Head group are 30 years of active service or at least 5 years of active service and a priviledged Senior Citizen. This serious part of the evening was followed by comic songs, readings and skits. While the men retired for a friendly chat among themselves the meeting pro- ceeded with reports and a minimum of business. We were pleased to have Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Clarke as well as Rev. and Mrs. e Eldon Linstead as guests. Thus ended a pleasant even- ing. It's too bad the men of the community can't organ- ize a U.C.M. group. Last Saturday the Boy Scouts had 5 trucks out collecting papers for the drive and considered the results were worth the effort. Of course, some residents forgot to get them out, while some collections were miss- ed. Anyway, thanks for your co-operation. Next Saturday, July 5 at 10 a.m. the Island Scouts will be at Crandell's Riverboat on Water Street to perform another service. this time with water.: namely a car wash. Don't forget to keep them busy and encourage ' their efforts. Tonight, Wed., is the Strawberry Supper at the Community Hall at the Centre of the Island and sponsored by the Head U.C.W. If you have reserved ¢ tickets please remember to come. At the time of writing all tickets have been sold or reserved. If you have a cancellation please call so we can make someone else happy. 985-7732. Sunday, July 6 will be a big 4 day at the Island Church. We call it Dedication Day when families of the donors will be present with the regular members to witness and join in the Dedication service for our lovely new doors and overhead canopy. Plan to attend and show your appreciation to these people. While there look at the Remembrance Book where many new names are added and it has been brought up to date. The printing by itself is a work of art. The Island Sunday Service was conducted by Rev. Lin- stead. Tho' there weren't many children present for the usual story, it is noted the adults listen very intently. It is also briefly recorded for those who were not present. It is a little known story about Thomas Tooey who as a young Irish boy on a ship off the coast of Africa many years ago realized horrible experiences that saved his life for future service to God. The captain wished to secure coconut oil from the natives so paid them in advance with beads and other baubles which meant more to them than money. But the natives did not understand a promise and an agreement and were not prepared to supply it on his next call. The captain pro- ceeded to teach them the meaning of a promise by taking some of the chiefs as prisoners. Later when he saw canoes approaching felt that they now understood and were bringing the required product. Instead they leapt on board and killed everyone except the young Irish boy who dived into the sea. But he was caught and taken to shore where he asked for a drink. Fortunately his life was spared because anyone who drank or ate with them, according to their customs, would not be put to death. Eventually, he met up with missionaries who provided school for him. As years passed, he returned to the same African people as a missionary. Rev. Linstead's message for the adults on prayer was very helpful as many people will argue against it accord- ing to their own experiences. Are you gathering up your unneeded items for the Insti- tute Pick Up on July 12? Our thoughts go out to the Jeffrey family at the foot of the Island who have exper- ienced much illness in the last few months. Percy has recently returned from a Toronto Hospital. His wife, Dorothy is presently in Wes- tern Hospital where she has serious kidney problems and may require surgery. Please remember this family in any way you can. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Reta Wilkinson who recently lost a brother-in-law who was quite close to Reta and Angus in their holiday travels and later in their personal difficulties. Last week Mrs. Alva Thompson was shocked to learn that her grand niece at Thunder Bay was one among the group of young people who lost their lives in a bad car accident in that area. But Alva also had a pleas- ant surprise last week when she attend the Womens Insti- tute at Thornhill where she was a member for many years. As secretary she had resigned after several years of service. But at this meeting she was honoured and given appreciation for her loyalty and work even after she had moved to the Island. After 3 years of study in College in Toronto and the Oshawa hospital and special- izing in nuclear medicine Janet Reader will be finished with her course at the end of August and then proceed to take up employment in Sept. at the Belleville Hospital. Congratulations Janet, You have been a very dedicated student and during this time have given your talents and time to the Island Church Choir upon various occasions. Congratulations to the Island High School students who received honour stand- ing in their year's work. Mr. Michael Lang of Aldred's Beach will have a vacation from work as a result of shoulder surgery. We trust he will soon have complete recovery. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 2, 1980 -- 9 How to prepare meat for the backyard bar-b-q The delicious flavour of barbecued meats and veget- ables draws many of us to cooking outdoors often, during the summer months. And what a great way to enjoy the warm weather. When barbecuing meats, marketing specialists at the Ontario Ministy of Agricul ture and Food suggest that just about any meat that can be broiled, oven-roasted or pan-fried can be cooked on the barbecue. Meats such as Ontario pork, ham, beef, Puppet show coming Two classic puppet shows will be performed on Tuesday, July 8th at the Scugog Me- morial Library when the CORLS Puppet Players pre- sent 'The Lonely Giant' and 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' at 10:00 and 11:15 a.m. The show is perfect for children from four to ten years of age and admission is free. So come out and join the fun. Spon- sored by the Central Ontario Regional Library System. Advance tickets are available on July 3rd. lamb and poultry can be roasted on a covered grill or on a spit. Beef steaks and pork, veal or lamb chops and spareribs and kebobs are also very popular for the barbecue. For kebobs, use chunks of beef, pork, lamb, veal, rabbit, variety meats such as liver or kidney, or fish such as perch. Many meats are marinat- ed before they are barbe- cued. Marinades are basic- ally a blend of oil, seasonings and a food acid such as vinegar, wine or tomato juice. They help to enhance the flavor, add moistness and tenderize the meat. A basting or barbeuce sauce can also be used for flavor and moistness but these are added during cooking. To test the meat for done- ness when barbecuing on the grill, nick the meat through the edge toward the centre and check the color. Use a meat thermometer to deter- mine doneness of roasts and cler.t\ay [o CLEARANC OF PETERBOROUGH LINE VANITIES 2a STARTER SETS! "VANITIES * CLAREMONT * PIONEER RED BIRCH * TYRONE WHITE * DALEWOOD CHERRY *TUDOR OAK * HAMPTON CHERRY Various Sizes While They Last!!! 30% OFF Reg. Prices J " Marble Vanity Tops | Formica & Arborite Tops PRICED TO CLEAR! BUYING T= POWER IS YOURS WITH A PL Credit Card meats on a spit. Just remember that cooking times will vary with size and thickness of the meat and heat of the fire. When barbecuing veget- ables, include them in a kebob or wrap in foil to cook along with the meat. If you wrap them in foil, wash the vegetables, but don't pat them dry. The excess water helps to steam cook them. Place the vegetables in the foil, top them with butter and seasonings, close the package and barbecue on the grill, turning occasionally. Throughout the summer, try shredded beets, sliced carrots, mushrooms, potat- oes, fresh peas or zucchini this way. : Barbecuing is the fun wa to cook in the summer and with the wide variety of fine Ontario meats and veget- ables to choose from, you can have a different barbe- cue every week, all summer long. HAMPTON CHERRY ) STARTER SETS 54" -72" -96" While they Last! 30% OFF Reg. Prices " VANITIES *Some slightly marked *Unclaimed Orders * PRICED TO CLEAR 509% \ OFF Reg. Prices y While Supplies Last. No Returns * Cash & Carry HURRY FOR THE BEST SELECTION! PETERBOROUGH LUMBER © @ building centre 10 SCUGOG STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-7334 OPEN: Monday to Thursday - 8:00 to 5 30: Fridays to 9:00; Saturdays ¢ 4:00. 07,0 Ge | OR RS TL RG Er 2 Lek LAA PARAM GH aS FE FCG CRN 3 cs Td Ly ARPES RY "sired ay FoR -_ Ta ¥ TY re ed 24: . 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