2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 9, 1980 ® N $ S Island French Immersion by Mrs. Earl Reader vice at the Island Church special occasion. A beautiful Pat and Gordon Pogue in i e Y in cugog Don't forget the pick-up when many relatives and flower arrangement adorned memory of Gordon's this Saturday morning for friends of the donors were the communion table in brother, Roy, who passed po the Institute Sale. You will welcomed to share in the memory of Mrs. Muriel away in 1978 in British SC 00 S Y soon see fliers giving you Button and presented by the Columbia. details. family. The new doors are being A French Immersion Kind- consider French Immersion Several people are pre- sently or in the near future, spending a vacation in Sask. to help celebrate the 75th Anniversary. These people include Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerrow and Mrs. Everett Prentice. Mrs. Mary Sweetman has moved to her Port Perry apartment while her son Keith and family have taken over the Island home on 7A. We trust all are happy with the changes and welcome Keith and family back to the ; Island where he grew up. * Perfect weather and atten- A * dance wre realized for the _ GRADUATION Annual Strawberry Supper Miss Ethel Storms gradu- at the Island Community ated from Fanshaw College Hall on Wednesday. Several asanR.N.in London, Ont. on tickets are already ordered June bl ss Stor iy uk y Supper In pel Whitter and will be Sunday was a beautiful €MPloyed at St. Joseph's day for the Dedication Ser- Hospital in London, Ontario. The following notation is protected by the fine over- ergarten class will likely be for their youngsters. taken from the Church head canopy, for which Mr. set up in Scugog Township The board requires that 26 calendars - we are happy Ed Button generously dona- for January 1981, at the students be registered in a with our lovely new doors, a ted the cost of material, in earliest. class before it can be started ® gift of the two U.C.W"s, memory of his wife, Muriel. The Durham Board of in an area. assisted by a donation from who passed away last July. Education has given Any parent wishing ore We are also indebted to approval for the establish- information about French Allen Martyn, Alan Carter, ment of such a class in the Immersion should contact Bob Cawker, Joe Dowson, Scugog area, and a letter the Durham Board of Florence Fralick, and Elsie from the Board has beensent Education French consult- Pogue who supplied volun- out to parents of all children ant at 576-4600 extension 295, % tary labour and time, in who are registered for Kind- or call either Mrs. Hobbs or building, welding and finish- ergarten this fall. Mrs. Fowler at 985-3414 or ing. The letter says that the 985-8908. The '*Remembrance class will be held in the Port French Immersion has Book™ has been brought up Perry or Prince Albert areas been offered for the past to date by the artistic print- andrepresentatives fromthe three years at two schools in ing of Doreen Adam, to Scugog Parents for French Durham Region, and has whom we also express our Immersion Committee say operated successfully. The Ad thanks. that a public meeting will be Board recently voted in If you wish momentos of held in September to explain favour of continuing the this service they are avail- to the community and inter- program through to the able at the cliurch. ested parents exactly what grade eight level. Mrs. Florence Fralick's French Immersion is all A class at the Kinder- solo "Precious memories" about and the implications. ~ garten level is set to start was very appropriate and Committee members this September in Uxbridge. appreciated. Tho' Ethel Carol Hobbs and Joanne The Board has also ® Freeman is enjoying a vaca- Fowler told the Star last approved a policy to set up tion the choir carried on and Week that they are hopeful French Immersion pro- ° ° GRADUATE sang "Shepherd of Love." parents of Kindergarten age grams anywhere in Durham Receives Pp iano degree Thomas Olsen graduated Rev. Linstead's sermon, Children in the Port Perry Region where there is suffic- from Bowling Green State "The Church That Never aNd Prince Albert areas will ient interest indicated by Miss Paula Jeffrey, Port in the fall. University, Ohio on June 14, Dies' was a development, on parents. & Perry, recently completed Paula has studied theory 1980. He received his Bache- consideration of buildings all the theoretical and prac- with John Robertson of lor of Science degree in prepared, improved and tical requirements neces- Oshawa, and is a previous Business Administration repaired for Worship, to the veéeeéen treet sary to receive her degree in piano student of Marie majoring in management, true sense of Church. piano, A. Mus Paed with an Devereux, formerly of Port with a double major in pro- Next week will be a Bap- honour standing. Perry, now living in Aurora. duction operations, procure- tismal Sunday. We trust you She is a graduate of Wes- Paula will resume teach- mentand materials manage- will give your interest and r 0 r es S epor ll « tern Conservatory of Music, ing in the fall at her home, ment. Tom, the eldest son of support even tho' vacation TT x and will receive her diploma here in Port Perry. She is Fred and Aileen Olsen, {ime is much in evidence. The end is in sight. at the Convocation ceremony the youngest daughter of Prince Albert, is an honour Bring your visitors along. Scugog Township residents and visitors alike will a So /niversiry of Western Clem and Marg Jeffrey, Port graduate of Port Perry High Brenda and Harry Down- be happy to know that work on the extensive Queen ntario, at London, Ontario Perry, Ontario. School. ing from Bolton, Lancashire, Street reconstruction project is now in the final phase, England are visiting Canada and the August 1 target date for completion should be for the very first time and met, according to supervisor Richard Dunford. putting in a very enjoyable The paving of the street from Water to Lillais due | g and exciting three weeks. to start about July 21, and should take about three Although the main stop is days. oo with the former's sister Mrs. At the moment, crews are finishing the installation : . " Phyllis Stone of Port Perry, of the sewer and water lines in the block from,John Yo ure nv ited her two daughters, Mrs. Street west to Lilla and should be done by the middle of T Pamela Smith and Mrs. this week. 0 Att en d BarbaraPhilpott, not having Curb, gutter and sidewalk construction in the block seen their aunt for 20 years, from Perry to John Street will start on July 8, including » \y y are sharing in the entertain- Perry Street north and south, and a curb along the east PORT P ERRY S 5th ANNUAL ing tours to Niagara, 1000 of Water Street to Mary Street. Islands, CN Tower, and Traffic in the last phase of the project from John to Toronto in general, Fort Ste. Lilla Streets should be moving again by July 17. Marie, Ontario Place, Excavation and paving of the parking lot behind Pioneer Village, Muskoka the Post Office building will be completed before the area and others. The nieces end of this month. Ad L also arranged a family Paving crews will put down two lifts of asphalt picnic of 14 at the homes on starting on July 21, and the paving on all of Queen from Sunday at Fralick's Beach. Water to Lilla should be completed in three or four : No wonder this English days. The final lift of asphalt will be put down next t; couple is impressed with summer. } & what they've seen of Canada. Mr. Dunford says the project is right on schedule, ah It takes some of us natives a and it looks like Queen Street will be ready for the 15% few years to take this all in. Western Weekend celebration which gets underway bu yg 2: 2 b . . h August 7. a - 2 big nights - 2 J g nig HARDSAND FRI fil | FENCE & PATIO i CENTRE A ' y ' " ® : iy JULY 11th JULY 12th " : Ea * Commercial & Residential -at the - * Farm Gates & Fence harp wire 129-1721 * Barb Wire » SCUGOG ARENA il | "Taunton E. Mile E. of Ritson Rd. 8:30P.M.to 1:00 A.M. D.J. "SOUND '73" Admission $4.00 per person Bar Privileges [Re REPAIRING & PAINTING OF Herder-Brown CARS, VANS & TRUCKS "ree! | *NOW OPEN* |* | COTTAGE RAISING CUSTOM BUILT HOMES FREE ESTIMATES GENERAL REPAIRS (Open 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.) PRE-FAB FIREPLACES PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Karl Herder | Les Brown (705) 357-2228 1 Mile West of Lilla St., Doug Hughes d | 0 BUS.: (416) 985-3885 Regional Rd. 8 (formerly Conc. 7) 985-9011 ALL PROCEEDS TO COMMUNITY BETTERMENT BY THE PORT PERRY LIONS CLUB