"3 Bs 7 18 43 ¥ Phot iy BL. Re 5 § a NE, oo OS a Naat @ i STAN LXE 0 Yn Ath Li © ». als h SASS ATER bs il A ok y SIE ES PERS TIVE AA Ae) SS i IR LYSE 6 WA FOR RIY RAR ENS La CL Fa SAM MANE 3 ws iv 2» bY a ; AE AN 2 Ss PA TE } RY HRS: ET 0 SOE EOHATENTS Sr EY : fod ' - REA ee PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 16, 1980 -- 27 & (RUE IO, at TL Nir SA Th AAC TEN LAr STA (UR ALL aii dig \ < » 87. ha , > ; ww LY, a ¢ rs Work Wanted Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales BRICK - BLOCK - STONE - - CONCRETE - New Work & Repairs Frank Sherman 085-3111 Zn aa "SAND & GRAVEL 986-5539 GENERAL CARPENTRY Alterations * Renovations Rec Rooms * Ceramics Drywall * Small Additions NEIL A. LOGAN R.R.2 - Cannington 705-432-3163 Auctioneers RON KING AUCTIONEER Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONEER Household - Farm - Equipment Real Estate - Antiques - Estates APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS CONSIGNMENTS AT McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7 - Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 JohnT. Pearce AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques Household & Farm Sales, etc HALL AVAILABLE Consignment Sales Consign 1 or 100 Items PORT PERRY 985-7492 For Local Pickup MURRAY JACKSON EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Household - Antiques Estates - Farms - Livestock Equipment - Consignments 985-2459 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY AUGUST 6 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Prince Albert Hall Auction sale of furniture, antiques, tools, etc. Watch for details later. Room for more. John Pearce Auction Service - 985-7492. Jy23 Wednesday, July 16 - 6 p.m." Furniture and Antiques, the property of the late JAMES O'TOOLE, of Peterborough, to be auctioned at Prince Albert Hall in the village of Prince Albert. Wednesday, July 16 - 7 p.m. Furniture and Antiques. Large auction of household contents the property of GEORGE & IRMA JOHNSON of Stouffville to be sold following the O'Toole sale at the Prince Albert Hall, being one mile south of Port Perry. Two auctioneers. Lunch Available. Saturday, July 19 - 11 a.m. Furniture and Antiques. 7th Annual Auction for the Scugog Island Womens Institute to be held at the Scugog Island Hall yard. Auctioneer - Murray Jackson - 985-2459. Jylé THURSDAY EVENING JULY 17 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Auction.sale for the property of the Estate of the late WAM. REAMAN, R.R. 3, Stouffville, on Concession 2, Uxbridge Twp., at Glasgow, 2 miles south of Hwy. 47 on Con. 2 including Int. Cub tractor with scuffler attachment, plow and cultivator, Int. riding mower, M.F. 7 riding mower, chain saw, 2 furrow gang plow, qu. of lumber, plank, pony harness, hand tools, electric tools, Quebec heater, rabbit cages, garden tools, hay knife, fish huts, steel posts, fence stret- cher, no. of fruit jars, cutter shafts, fire wood, plus many many more pieces. Sale at 6 P.M. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524." Jylé " THURSDAY JULY 17 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. At Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay - Just south of Highway 7 on Little Britain Road. Excellent household contents from Mr. and Mrs. ALBERT TOMLINSON, Can- nington. Beautiful walnut 8 pc. dining room suite, with inlaid china cabinet, extention table and 6 needlepoint chairs, round fernery, walnut hall table, good wingback chair, double Duncan . Phyfe coffee table, beige French Provincial chesterfield suite, table lamps, inlaid spool table, antique whatnot, R.C.A. console stereo, paintings, walnut hall table, tri-light lamp, walnut end table, 30' automatic electric stove, Zenith remote control colour television, 4 Bentwood chairs, brown chesterfield set, chairs, round wicker table, 2 Bridge lamps, R.C.A. console television in provincial cabinet, round gate leg table, smokers stand, brass fireplace fender, electric heaters, round wicker fernery, old trunks, Coldspot refrigerator, lawn furniture, copper boiler, wicker baskets, wash stand, pine quilt box, par- lour chair and settee, nearly new Simplicity square wringer washer, rugs, 2 large green rugs,. walnut dresser and chest, beds, antique corner chair, jardiniere stand, bedroom lamps, wooden rocker, antique chair, shelves, mini whatnot, rollaway, maple washstand, inlaid jewellery box, mantel clock, 5 pc. bedroom suite, 54' wooden bed, vanity and stool, chest and dresser, qu. bedding, quilts, linen, assort- ment of good dishes, cut glass, sterling dresser sets, 4 pcs. Hallmark sterling, 3 oil lamps, Blue Willow dishes, platters, Bavarian cream and sugar, crystal, antique Edgeworth tobacco tins, antique biscuit jars, one pair velvet inlaid picture frames, tools, garden tools, many antique collector's items and excellent quality furniture. Time: 6:30 SHARP. No reserve. House sold, giving up housekeep- ing. Orval McLean Auctioneer. | Jylé CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUESDAY JULY 22 SALE TIME: 7P.M. Auction sale three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Road. Beaver 8' table saw, with 1 h.p. motor, band saw, 24' wood lathe, skill saw, wes- tern saddle, steel rollaway tool box, Remington chain saw, Kenmore electric stove, wheel barrows, iron bed with brass trim, chests of drawers, wooden chairs, chrome kitchen suite, belt sander, Axminster rug, occasional chair, qu. of hand tools, plus many more antiques, furniture and household items. Don Corneil, Auctioneer - Little Britain - 705-786-2183. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY JULY 18 SALE TIME: 7P.M. Auction sale three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Road. The estate of the Late Mrs. GLADYS NICHOLLS, formerly of 145 Adelaide St., Lindsay. 9 pc. walnut dining room suite, 5 pc. bedroom suite, Westinghouse freezer, MclLary 2 door refrigerator, chesterfield and matching chair, kitchen chrome suite, violins, post card album, wicker fern stand, Kenmore wringer washer, coffee and end tables, pine table and chairs, parlour tables, qu. of picture frames, tent trailer, 8 h.p. riding lawn mower, qu. of aluminum and used steel roof- ing, qu. of hand tools, large qu. of china and glass plus many more antiques, furniture and house- hold items. Don Corneil, Auctio- neer - Little Britain - 705-786-2183. SATURDAY JULY 19 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Auction sale the property of EDDIE CAUCHI, 921 Bayview Avenue, Whitby, Ontario. Anti- ques, excellent furniture, watches, antique dishes, antique clocks, old jewellery, picture frames and pictures, garden tools, appliances, silver candy dishes, family Bible, good refri- gerator and matching stove, good Maytag washer & dryer, large qu. of 78 records, 2 antique dolls, tools, stereo combination, lawn mower, many books, wall lights, brass desk light, 5 pc. kitchen set, brass base oil lamp, pine desk, foot stools, piano stool, swivel hat rack, mahogany hall rack, antique walnut Dominion organ, octagonal leather top table, oak buffet server, oak tier parlour table, cureo china cabi- net, walnut china cabinet, walnut buffet, oak drop leaf table, oak buffet with mirror, 3 pc. bed- room. spite, bed chesterfield and chair, large qu. of china, R.S. Germany, R.S. Prussia, Bava- ria, Nippon, Noritake, lapo di Monte, limoge, etc. A good sale. No reserve. Property sold. Orval Mciean Auctioneer - 324 2783 Lindsay. Jylé SATURDAY JULY 19 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. Auction sale of implements, household furniture, & antiques. The property of MRS. ROBERT DAWSON - Lot §, Con. 1, South Monaghan Twp. - 1 mile north of Baileboro to second line 12 miles east. IMPLEMENTS: Super H. Int. tractor - gas, Int. power mower - 7 ft, 3 pt.h., New Holland 67 baler PTO, Int. drag cultivator, N.H. side rake 356, Farm Hand hay conditioner PTO, Farm Hand bale bungher, Malco bale loader, Int. drag plough - 3 furrow ace bottom, M.H. tiller 9 blade, double disc, M.H. 6 blade tiller, Int. seed drill 15 run, Flexible harrows, 3 section drag harrows, manure spreader PTO, walking plough, pig crate, rubber tired wagon, double walking plough, steel wheeled wagon, 2 drum land roller, many other items. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: cutters, sap kettle, copper boiler, grain cradle, wooden planes, wooden rake, Findlay space heater, round dining room table & 8 matching chairs, qu. of odd chairs, 3 wash stands, treadle sewing machine, spool type bed, rope beds, beds, dressers, Vic- trola, square table, high top beds, wicker chairs, milk can, high chair, incubator, brooder stove, parts of antique phones. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale time: 1 p.m. Carl Hickson Auctioneer - Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. Jylé WEDNESDAY JULY 30 sale time: 7:30 P.M. 60 HOLSTEINS Annual E.B.l. Anniversary Sale at the Napanee Fair Grounds, Napanee, Ontario. 60 Head, Registered, Listed, includ- ing 30 cows, 25 bred heifers, 5 open heifers and calves, includ- ing a 3 generation VG Winston cow due in September, a VG Senator just completing 4 yr. 147-149 due in September to Clin- ton Camp Majesty. A 2 yr. old by Man-O-War with GP dam with 180, 2nd dam Ex. A. Perseus Leader 3 yr. old with 3 VG dams. 10 by Senator, 7 by Northcroft, 7 by Kemp, several bred to Majesty and Prince, several fresh or due at sale time. Many due for fall. These cattle selec- ted for type and production. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- 852-3524. Jy23 SATURDAY JULY 19 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Auction sale of household furniture, Ford tractor, buggy, many antiques, etc., the proper- ty'of GEORGE BOWERS, will be held in the Village of Nestleton on Hwy. 7A. Ford Ferguson tractor, 2 furrow plow, cultivator, double disc, snow blade and pulley, single plow 2 rubber tired wheel barrows, McLaughlin buggy with top, 4 buggy wheels, Rox cutter, sleigh bells and chimes, small trailer, 3 gates, qu. of wagon goods, cylin- der type Edison gramaphone, number of records, table model gramaphone (M.F.G.) 1913, also records, Findlay wood stove, Westinghouse fridge (green), Viking stove green, antique dresser pe wash stands, rock- ing chgifs, brass light fixtures, coal oil lanterns and lamps, kitchen table and five chairs, 2 sewing machines, one electric, console type, qu. of dishes and fruit jars, eight day mantle clock, 2 wicker chairs, antique buffet (good), chesterfield & 2 chairs, captain high chair, coon skin coat, qu. of lumber, antique cupboard and table, 10 h.p. out- board motor, qu. of tools. Many other articles. Property sold. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 11 a.m. Lunch available. Reg and Larry Johnson'- Auctioneers -Ph (705) 357-3270. Jylé " TUESDAY JULY 22 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Giant Auction, stock and con- tents fromthe former Carnarvon Bargain Barn will be sold at home of HAROLD HARDING, Minden - go north from main street on Bobcaygeon road one mile, turn left on Scotch Line West, go 12 miles to sale. Just over large hill. Very large sale consisting of hundreds of new items, some used, some anti- ques, hardware, coffee and end tables, headboards, games, lamps, statues, clothing, boots, swag lamps, spray paint, pic- tures, house jack, bug spray, shingles, pegboard hardware, rad tester, brass fittings/taps. doors, filing cabinets, adding machine, typewriter, secretary desk and console, store counters and tables, plastic plumbing fittings, hooks and eyes, lag screws, bolts, nuts, large qu. door and window hardware, picks, axes, snowmobile oil, novelties, cupboard hardware, used tires, thermostatic controls, novelties, cupboard hardware, used tires, thermostatic controls, spark plugs, S.T.P., water pump, store shelving, hinges, door viewers, 200 ft. H.D. wire, shoes, gate hooks, cash register, desk, chair, office chairs, hall chest, gyproc, hundreds of other items. No reserve, all must go. Busi- ness closed. Lunch available. NOTE: Time - 11 a.m. Orval McLean Auctions - 324-2783 Lind- say. Jylé WEDNESDAY JULY 30 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Auction sale of household furniture, antiques, piano, etc., the property of CHARLES: ALGER, will be held in the Village of Sonya (6 miles south of Manilla). Piano, granddaughter clock (antique); solid oak china cabinet with glass front and sides (good, Admiral frost free fridge , (Double door) Beatty fridge, Viking dryer, Imperial spin dry washing machine, antique box stove, Williams sewing machine, oak umbrella stand and hat rack (good), Hi-Fi, Admiral 26" colour television (good), small Duncan Phyfe table, antique parlour table, large picture with mirrors on both ends, silver-tone colour T.V., Sylvania portable TV, air conditioner, Gingerbread clock case, mantel clock, C.N.R. switch lantern with coloured glass all around, C.N.R. galvan- ized water can, 2 coal oil lamps, electric sewing machine, parts of toilet sets, antique dresser and bed, chest of drawers, wardrobe 2 mirror doors, dressers and beds, filing cabinets, many other articles of furniture. MISCELL- ANEOUS: Ariens rear tine garden tiller 7 h.p. (new), Ariens riding lawn mower 6 h.p. 26" cut (new), power lawn mower, John Deere 726 walking snow blower, air compressor, rubber tired wheel barrow, 2 single plows, drill press, horse bells, Beaver sealer, 28 ft. aluminum extension ladder, qu. of tools, neck yokes, horse collars, 6 sheets of ten test, large insulated dog house, gang plow, 200 gal. gas tank & pump, pressure pump & tank, many other articles. Property sold. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 11 a.m. Miscellaneous articles first. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers - Ph (705) 357-3270. Jy23 HOLSTEIN SALE THURSDAY JULY 24 SALE TIME: 12:30 NOON At the Malmont Sales Arena, Blackstock, Ontario July Consignment consists of Fresh and Springing cows and Heifers (both purebreds and grades). Also yearlings and calves and a service age bull. These cattle are mostly Free-Listed and ready to help the summer and fall milk supply. Also selling Semen from such popular bulls as Triple Threat, Ned, Rockman, etc. For entries phone Ed. McMorrow - Auctioneer - 705-953- 9444. Neil Malcolm Sales Mana- ger - 986-4246. Jy23 SATURDAY JULY 26 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Real Estate, tools, vehicles, property of KING'S AUTO WRECKERS - on Highway 121 - four miles south of Kinmount. 14' canoe, 1971 TNT skidoo, 2 scrap trailers, 1-35' boxed, 1-28' flat deck, 1972 Plymouth wagon, 1969 GMC handyvan, 1967 Inter- national tractor, 1969 - 1 ton tow truck GMC with 8 ton winch, 1967 GMC 3 ton tow truck with 20 ton winch, new dollies, 1968 Ford 3/4 ton pick up, 1970 Dodge 700 dump truck excellent shape, 1970 Buick Electra, 1972 Suzuki 500 motorcyle excellent, adding machine, cash register, desk, chairs, refrigerator, time clock, gas pump, complete mechanics tool set, auto body tools, assorted fan belts, grease guns, electric sanders, grinders, cutting torch hoses, 1 ton chain block, electri- cal boxes, air compressor, piston water pump, shelving, motor dollies, propane tank, electric stove, truck compressor, benches, vice, cement wheel: barrow, homebuilt wood stove, gas cans, Remington chain saw, Sthel 24' chain saw, nuts, bolts, grinder, battery charger, rope block, 200 gal. oil tanks, tires, tow bar, bench saws, sump pump, air spray guns, Snow- mobile parts, tools. REAL ESTATE: 72 acres with garage 60' x 40' two bay, well, 12,000 gal. buried gas tanks, all hooked up to island, also 4 bedroom brick bungalow and garage on full walk out basement, A frame cottage ready to be moved (25 acres bush and wood, 16 acres zoned M4 wrecking), land fill, 4 acres zoned M2 highway commercial garage land around house ready for sever- ance. This garage now has a C licence. Property has many possibilities. Low reserve. Terms given at sale. For infor- mation call Orval McLean, Auctioneer - 324-2783 Lindsay. Jy23 THURSDAY JULY 24 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. Stouffville Sales Barn Furniture, antiques, car, old telephone, stove, fridge, piano, saddle, bridles and tack, limoge china, glass, brass, numerous other articles. Terms cash. Earl Gauslin, Auctioneer - 640-3079. FRIDAY JULY 25 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Antique furniture, dishes, appliances, clocks, tools, the property of Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD MOSSCROP, 60 Bond St., Lindsay. Many antiques, excellent Victorian furniture, china cabinet, pictures and old frames, red velvet Victorian settee, Victorian chair, Victorian gentleman's chair, music cabinet, French brass clock, wash stand with porcelain knobs, glass top iron table and four cnairs, press back chair, iron scales & weights, Seth Thomas 8 day shelf clock, iron ansonia wall clock, antique hanging lamp, other hanging lamps, ice cream table and chairs, wicker chair, telephone table and chair, Ennis & Co. piano (Oshawa), piano stool, Simmons bed chesterfield and chair, large china cabinet, antique fainting couch, Tiffany table lamp, Royal Dalton figur- ines, Royal Vienna, 2 old English captains chairs, oak office desk, wing back wicker chair, console record player, chest, mantel clock, 2 small clocks, many books, old veterinary books, desk model Singer sewing machine, round Chinese table with ivory inlay, 3 pc. Victorian bedroom suite with marble top washstand and dresser (1870 circa), wicker sewing basket, 3 Aladdin lamps, Gone with Wind lamp, cedar chest, Victorian slipper chair, glass top curved front dresser, Spanish settee, vanity, excellent Victorian bed, maple desk book- case and chair, chest, unique church sheet music cabinet (40 drawers), Victorian dresser, antique wicker corner stand, wicker chair, Victorian bed, oak desk, iron Gypsy pot, solid oak buffet, Daulton washbowl and pitcher, set white and gold limoges dinner service, trunks, 2 bullseye oil lamps, rugs, RCA brown automatic stove, green G.E. 2 door frost free refrigera- tor, 12 cu. ft, freezer, humidifier, dehumidifier, many dishes, some antique, silver, brass, tools, saws, 9° Beaver Rockwell table saw, belt sander, drill, chain saw, bench grinder, garden tools, lawn furniture, bedding, linens, 20' wood exten- sion ladder, double snowmobile trailer with sides. Don't miss this sale of quality items. NOTE: Time 11 a.m. Lunch available. No reserve. Property sold. Orval McLean, Auctioneer -1-705-324-2783 Lindsay. Jy23 THURSDAY AUGUST? SALE TIME: 7:45 P.M. HOLSTEINS August sale of Holsteins at the Wilsons Sales Arena - two miles north of Uxbridge, featuring fresh and close cows and heifers also bred heifers. Early consign- ments include a lovely Peration heifer selling fresh, also a Pick- land Citation R due at sale time to Moch Four (certainly a pros- pect for VG). Consigments are now being taken for this sale. Please call Lloyd Wilson Jy23 THURSDAY AUGUST? SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques and machinery at the WILSONS SALES ARENA - 2 miles north of Uxbridge. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- 852-3524. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 6 SALE TIME: 11:30 A.M. Auction sale of Furniture and Antiques, the property of the Estate of the Late MIMA BRENT, 31 Marietta Street in Uxbridge. Including a 9 pc. oak dining room sujte, chesterfield and two chairs, coffee table with glass top, Boston rocker, wicker rocker, wicker baskets, organ stool, pine chairs, several antique picture frames, trunks, pine boxes, rope bed, Aladdin lamp, hump back trunk, flat back cupboard, coal oil lamp, crocks, jugs, fruit jars, brass pail, 9 x 12 pattern rug, bench, flat iron, drop leaf table, antique couch, quilts, parlour table, part of a hanging lamp, toilet set, antique chest of drawers, red velvet chesterfield, 2 wash stands, dresser, bed, antique pine commode, pine cupboard, antique dry sink, 2 antique Captain's chairs, copper boiler, old tins, Arrow back chairs, dishes - setting for 12, antique glassware, kitchenware, oak rocker, linens, Rodgers radio, flower stand. A nice estate sale. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- 852-3524. Jy30 Auctions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524 Cedar Creek by George Kilpatrick Debbie Davis and Bonnie Moore and three children were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larocque and other Lar- ocque relatives. Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. John den Boer had Mrs. den Boer's brother, Henk Knible family of Kalamozoo, Michigan visiting. Mr. and Mrs. David den Boer and daughter Karin of Owen Sound and Marten den Boer of Ottawa and Miss Jane den Boer and friend of Toronto were home too. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Doherty and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Doher- ty at Sarnia over the week- end. Karin Cummings and family of Orangeville visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cummings and Steve last week. RE Te 3 Bs ---- es a es - ve. ra WCITIES AE "os Es a Rae mT Teme . \ J % Red Jel (Ts yy oh or iw, A Le Non Role va Ei 3h f > 55 i owATA Je. PR - a rer Dan ym oe RNR WU Ls el SRY A a Aa ae yy , Peihigl Wh . - % wi rN - ~ "r « vay yy CH Cd # --- ee we as, FATS PL 2 biel ATA Ay > AE : av. aR A Fo AW,