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Port Perry Star, 10 Sep 1980, p. 6

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a4 7 $l CATH pa i) So AGN Sn" y A 2 LL BAS :: Pa Se NA RATE SHOES 8 rad 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., September 10, 1980 RES R ESE St LCDS 4 LSTA LIAN FESO LONE E LVR 10 letters' (From page 5) - leave for our children to pay. Public funds are held in trust and must not be squan- dered. It's to our council's credit they have the wisdom to heed well engineers reports and forecasts before committing us to public building projects. The OMB commended this responsible attitude at this hearing. Sad as it is to lose the War Memorial and I'm speaking as a veteran on hearing the library wherever it's built that will hold the roll of honour and other distin- guished relics, for the young to treasure and us to remember, - makes it less painful. Now we must bear the cost of these hearings we didn't ask for. That's freedom thank God for it. But must we suffer threats to carry the issue still further should the OMB not rule in favour of the opponents. Very sincerely, plan to create a sanctuary Margery Webb within the proposed new remember when...¢ continued Port Perry High School has an enrolment of 117 pupils. Mrs. Heayn of Prince Albert has returned home after spending a holiday with her sister, Mrs. Will Cook. Bill Brinkman of the Merchant Navy, enjoyed a few days leave at his home here in Port Perry. 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, September 22, 1955 _--Congratulations are due to Miss Nancy Kight on her recent Grade XIII Examinations at Port Perry High School. Nancy is the winner of $250. Bursary, and is'one of the three winners of such bursaries in the County of Ontario this year. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie are vacationing in the Gaspe Pennisula. " Mr. W.S. Taylor and grandson, Glen Storkey have returned home after a very pleasant summer in Scot- land. A Dedication Service was held when Mrs. Earl Martyn presented a beautiful new pulpit in memory of the late Rev. J. and Mrs. Denny. 20 YEARS AGO Thursday, September 22, 1960 Congratulations to Mr. Roy Ormiston on being awarded the Eaton's of Canada Livestock Special at Port Perry Fair. Mr. Ted Lamb, Port Perry, has been awarded a travelling scholarship for the Provincial Junior Far- mer's Association United Nations Tour to be held Sun- day, September 25th to Saturday, October 1st, 1960. Bank Accountant, Mr. Keith Callings, who has been associated with the Port Perry Branch for about two years, has been moved to a larger branch at Brockville, Ontario. 15 YEARS AGO Thursday, September 23, 1965 Mrs. Violet Skerratt of Utica, and*her eldest son Kenneth, collected 68 prizes at the Port Perry Fair. Mrs. Skerratt, who submitted 60 entries, won 37 firsts; 21 seconds; and 2 thirds. Ken, who entered 8 exhibits, won 4 firsts; 2 seconds; and 2 thirds. Individual trophy winners of Sunnybrae Ladies Golf Club for 1965 were Eleanor Davidson (high points); Olive Clark (I.G.A. Trophy for low gross game); and Joan Christie (low gross trophy for the year). Miss M.E. Terrett of Port Perry, is one of 33 stu- dents who has been awarded a Continuing Bursary by the A.T.A. Trucking Industry Educational Foundation. Scugog News - Mrs. H. Thomas and Miss Marguer- ite Bowles of Uxbridge have returned home after spend- ing time in Albany, N.Y. and Cape Cod, Mass. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, September 24, 1970 Dr. Stephen Kandel is leaving his practise of 17 years in Port Perry to accept a position at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto. A verbal resignation from Harvey Mahaffy, local fire chief, was accepted at a meeting September 14, held by Port Perry, Reach, and Scugog Fire Commission. Mr. Mahaffy, who has been in ill-health for the past six months, has served on the fire department for about 24 years. Howard Hall, President of the Port Perry Figure Skating Club, announced today the signing of the Pro- Objectors confident of OMB win, but... Will appeal to Cabinet if necessary One of the two formal objectors to a proposed library on waterfront pro- perty in Port Perry says she is satisfied with the three- day Ontario Municipal Board hearing into the matter which concluded last Thursday. Mrs. Myrtle Prentice, who was present for the entire proceedings, said at the Engineers rule out addition to present library building Building an addition on the rear of the present library building on Queen Street would be both difficult and expensive, according to testimony from two profes- sional engineers at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing here last week. Ron Patchell, an engineer with the Township's consult- ing firm of Totten, Sims, Hubicki, and Maurice Lewis regional engineer with the Ministry of Natural Resour- ces, told the hearing that the creek which runs behind the old library property would present problems for con- struction of an addition. "Our calculations indicate that the building would be flooded in a severe storm," said Mr. Lewis. Testifying under oath, both men agreed that an addition" could "be built "if money was not a problem, and both agreed that a range of $30,000 for flood-proofing an addition was an approxi- mate cost. Mr. Lewis said there would be additional costs if an addition was built, because it is on a flood plain, and there would have to be excavations to the creek downstream, and the flood-proofing of properties up-stream. Under questioning by Township lawyer Michael Fowler, Mr. Patchell said that a preliminary study of the flooding potential was done last year and he said that a more detailed hydro- logy study would cost $4000. He told the hearing, however, that the results of the first study "were so bad, that it would not be worth the money for the more detailed study." The question of whether an addition could be built on the rear of the old War Memorial Library has been a central one in the long dispute over the site of a new library on the Water Street property formerly owned by Lake Scugog Lumber. Opponents of the Water Street location have main- tained that an addition is possible at the rear of the present library, which was built in 1934. Mr. Patchell testified that initial studies on the creek show a capacity of 170 cu. ft. 1sec., and in the event of a major storm, which the design standards would have to meet, the flow would "increase to 600 cu. ft. per & second. Mr. Lewis said that if an addition were built, there would have to be a flood retention area somewhere else on the property, probab- ly part of the bowling green. Mr. Lewis said the preli- minary study done by the MNR staff last year took into account the possibility of three things: flooding of the site itself, and the flood potential upstream and downstream, in the event of a major storm. Mr. Patchell said that any alteration to a stream or flood plain that increases the potential for flooding could result in civil liability for damages to properties in the event of a flood. OMB hearing ends From page 2 when asked by the Star at the build on the Water Street conclusion of the hearing last location has been a long and Thursday. protracted one in the Town- ship, and almost certainly will be one of the major issues in the municipal elec- tions slated for November 10. Just when the OMB will latest hearing is anybody's guess. Panel Chairman Peter. Wilkes would not comment on how quickly a decision might -be -made [13 hand down a ruling on the However, four to six weeks is not unusual for an OMB decision. If the OMB does rule in favour of the re-zoning, however, the objectors say _they are prepared to launch a final appeal to the provin- cial cabinet, as a stalling tactic until the municipal elections are over. (See separate story.) UOTE TTT TCS CREATIVE ALUMINUM PRODUCTS * Fully Qualified Installers & Carpenters * Full Line of Alcan Aluminum Products including Seamless Eavestroughing * Free Estimates - 2 Year Guarantee on Installations conclusion she feels that objectors had a very fair hearing in front of the two- man OMB panel. Expressing confidence that '"'our side has won", Mrs. Prentice did admit that she's glad the hearing is over. When asked if the objec- tors would carry their fight further if the OMB rules against them, Mrs. Prentice said "most definitely." She said they would launch a formal appeal to the pro- vincial cabinet if the decision went - against them, as a delaying tactic to allow the issue to be settled by the up-coming November 10 municipal election. "I've said all along that this issue of the library site should be decided by the public, and an election will 4 be a good way to do it," she stated. - An OMB ruling can be legally appealed to the pro- vincial cabinet within 28 © days of the date when the OMB decision is handed down. Commenting about the hearing which concluded last Thursday, Mrs. Prentice had words of praise for Joel Aldred, who acted as official agent and spokesman for the objectors who were not represented by legal counsel. Although Mrs. Prentice feels the library issue should be fought during the election ¥ campaign, she said "no way' when asked if she is planning to seek a seat on Scugog Township council this fall. winners were reversed. and we're sorry. We're Sorry! In last week's Port Perry Star on page six, the two middle pictures of the Port Perry Fair baby contest These kind of mistakes happen from time to time, So, to young Ian Langley and his Mom Patty, and to Jennifer Johnston and her Mom, Cathy, please accept our sincere and belated apologies. [Fm== mmm ------------ Capture aMemory HEIR #7 With this Ad i] One sitting per subject - $1 Clip & Bring Me For "A Professional 8x10 Colour Portrait W2aPRIC3 GET ACQUAINTED WITH OUR NEW COLLECTION OF COLOUR BACKGROUNDS subject for additional subjects, or Individuals in the same family. leet under 18 must Pile oro on on on esl (Regularly 88¢) | 9 & ~ a Seagrave News - Anniversary. fessional for our club in the person of Port Perry's own Richard Stephens for the 1970-71 season. Mrs. Pearl Thompson left on Thursday for her home in Rosetown, Sask. after having a pleasant holiday with her sister, Mrs. Jean McTaggart. On Saturday, September 12, 1970, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright of Blackstock, celebrated their 50th Wedding Alcan Building Products : Authorized Dealer PORT PERRY 985-9121 ELT ET EEE EE EE TTC TTT ET ETT TE TTT TO TE ETT i Dimired Offeror, Valid With Any Other Special THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18th - 19th - 20th i Thursday & Friday 1010 8; Saturday 10to 5. | /S/STEOMANS L BOX 270, HIGHWAY 7A, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO a Sp ---- » LJ & 3 =

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