Fah, ho hw, yo - Ed 7 To, tn aay w Christmas Seal Time A week long door to door canvass for Christmas Seals gets underway this week in Port Perry with close to 100 canvassers taking part. Four of those who will be going door to door on behalf of the Lung Association for Christmas Seals are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martyn and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rickard. ws SLA ANN SS JY BN pos ee 1 -- mt mn, ~T -- =a or Ne Rabies, which is spread by 44 wy [FOL RA PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 26, 1980 -- 21 Utica and area news by Vera Brown This is a busy week for our local church, starting on Wednesday evening there will be Bible Study meeting + at-Don Asling's home, at 8 p.m. Thursday is the beef supper at Utica Hall at 6 p.m. and on Saturday for an evening of bowling and billiards after which they will return to the home of Barry Page for lunch. Co- hosts for the evening are Frank and Donna Van Veghel, Barry .and Dini Page. Ladies please provide ~ lunch. Mr. Don Asling took the worhsip service at Utica last Sunday in order to give Rev. " Pendlebury a little time to himself following the pass- ing of his mother last Monday. Little Miss Dana Hooker has been confined to hospital in" Port Perry for the past week and best wishes go out to her for a quick and com- plete recovery. The Hookers are moving to Greenbank this week and best wishes go out to them in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. George Har- per had their granddaught- ers Miss Kim and Miss Amy Schofield stay with them for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Schofield were Saturday dinner guests. I'm pleased to report that Mr. Bruce Bailey is home following his vacation in Oshawa Hospital, hope you're feeling better Bruce. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Delia Harper who has a birthday this week. Euchre results this week' were ladies 1st Reta Cook, Laura Seeley 2nd and low to M. Poots. Men 1st Stan Beach, 2nd Ross Wingrove and low to Bessie Spencer. Freeze-out winners were Nerta and Clarence Masters with Iva Yake and Frank Collins getting second. There will be another euchre in two weeks. I believe there is still some New Year's Eve tickets left. Mrs. Dora Geer visited Miss Marjorie Bailey on Sunday. Visitors with the Sutcliffes this week were Mr. Tom Bray and Mrs. Herb Luke. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carre were weekend guests with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Carre in Bridgenorth. Mr. Jack Hinchcliffe of Toronto visited the Carres for a couple of days. Mr. Dale Beare- visited Mrs. Crosier on Saturday. Epsom area news by Jean Jeffery The Epsom-Utica Social, Club will meet at Uxbridge Bowling Alley at 8 p.m. Saturday November 29. After the bowling, they will meet at the home of Barry and Dini Page for lunch and a social hour. Co hosts and hostesses are Donna and Frank Van Veghel and Barry and Dini Page. Everyone in the area welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil- son were dinner guests with his-mother,-Mrs.-Mary Wil- -- son of Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tap- scott joined other relatives . on Sunday to spend the after- noon and evening with cousins Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tapscott of Cedar Creek. Mr. Kenneth Jeffery of Parry Sound is visiting his brother Gordon for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry visited Paul at Waterloo and then Paul accompanied them to Ingersoll to visit Bill and Betty Stearman and children over the weekend. The 4H Achievement Day was held at U.S.S. on Satur- - day morning. . Congratulations to Donna Kerry who received Provin- cial Honours (Epsom 4-H) Cheryl Jones, County Honours (Epsom 4-H), Arlene Stearman, County Honours (Bethesda Reach 4-H). Several from the commun- ity attended the Co-op annual meeting and dinner at U.S.S. on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans attended the Royal Friday and then attended the N.H.L. game. Their nephew, Keith Acton of Stouffville plays for - the Montreal team. Our sympathy to the Rev. Clifford Pentlebury, Zena and family in the loss of his mother. Several from the area went to the chapel in Scarborough to pay their last respects. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling, Mrs. Ruth Ashton attended a special mission- ary service at Sandford: Church Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy and Sarah enjoyed Saturday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy of Leaskdale. Michael Wilson visited friend Jason Wilson one night last week. SAVE 30.00 Or More On... DRY SINKS and modular WALL UNITS (Both available in 8 Shades) infected animals, continues to be a serious problem in Ontario. It is of special concern in built up areas where domestic and wild animals are infecting children who come in contact with them. Children should be warned to avoid stray pets, as well as wild animals, especially if they appear sick or friendly because these usually are signs that they are rabid. ----Pets-should be repay i i kept indoors at night. You can help to control rabies by reporting to Sour local ae humane society or DRY SINKS Make a VS wi health unit any pets or wild animals which are acting 'Buffet Server or Cupboard - very strangely. / ; versatile. Do not handle your pet with bare hands immedi- WALL UNITS Are available in 3 Styles, touch dead animals. Seek advice from a veterinarian. Contact your doctor or health unit immediately if your THESE ARE MSpRIONM VALLRS MOVE hild or pet comes in contact with wild animals. GUARANTEE DELIVERY B c P ORDERED DURING THIS SALE! SALE ENDS THIS SATURDAY! Settlement House ... in the Heart of Port Perry J 183 QUEEN STREET - 985-8234 a oo a If you would like to know more about rabies write for a free copy of our pamphlet. ANIMALS, RABIES AND YOU from the Ontario Health Resource Centre, Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 182. Ministry of Health ® Ontario Dennis R. Timbrell, Minister at og a aX a