Scugog Museum ends Greenb hd 4 CH BSA T 2 5 WNETIESRINTRNAIP A successful season - LARS OF CAF EA? CI . 7 48% FUP ' LEAR A nts3 Fa Please remember the following meetings. Church congregational meeting on | CON ATE) COrSIA PE 4 . - | RASTA 5) : 1 . A iy . 508 SA Ld . % ag \ . L , - v foe RN PY » LSE YU . re A EE A J as | HII SE RM i SR AE TOARA TE SAS bn PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 21, 1981 -- 9 please bring your crewel work to the meeting. The Roll Call is Name the Oldest ank area news attended the U.C.W. Presby- terial Workshop in Lindsay last Saturday. : ; Article in your Home. Glad to report Mrs. Tor Tie Scugog Shores Histor- We accomodated thirteen Ministry of Culture. and dan. 2a at 8 p.m. in the Sympathy is extended to Hunter is vlan go ical Museum closed its doors i ; i y : lis family » after a stav i She oT £105 1% ours Semel yours ony TRocrenion: the inhes wos Sunday School annual the Baylis family on the home after a stay in Port ber 30, after a very success- ful summer. Attendance numbered over 3200 visitors, an increase from last year. travelled -to Black Creek Pioneer Village turned to us instead. The most popular saying of the year was "I Patti Haugen and Sara Young, to catalogue and research the many artifacts donated throughout the meeting is the same evening at 7:15. Official Board will meet at Greenbank Church on Thurs- death of Mr. Harold Baylis on Jan. 11. Funeral took place in Uxbridge on Tues- day, Jan. 13th. The beautiful Perry hospital. Please remember to get your tickets for the Centenn- ial Hall Dance on Saturday kT aaa hii 1, =" < 4: Although the weather did never knew there was so season. These girls also day Jan. 29th at 8 p.m. This Rovers oh tie Cunch oo pan, 2. Good music. good y 3 not co-operate, Pioneer Days much here." Many thanks to spent many hours in Pine neler Heard, elders. EPO: ' } Will all 4H girls please we drew approximately 10 -ordi 3 i i ; . :, 5; ; - Dave so thetr ni Ww Mrs : Be hp renal ¥ Joi i DLInAoeS) guides, , and Srove Semalery Jecording Board of Finance will meet _ Sorry to report Mr. Dave have their names into Mrs. {: DE ate, SE ie any emonstrators for helping € information Irom at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomson and Mr. Jas. Lee Margaret Cuntnsate by 3 displays. Thanks to all who volunteered and participated to make the day an enjoyable - one for our guests. Through the help of these same volunteers, groups like the Antique and Classic Car Club of Oshawa, arrived with 25 vintage cars, to spend a pleasant Sunday afternoon. Ker ne |] > 21st at 2 p.m. at the home of Helen McKean, Aleta Leask, 235 Queen Stree Township names ize == = ve SPR ad Doi ts. dary seu 385.736 expanded. Till and Norinne Cook deputy-treasurer Scugog council has appointed Kathleen Harper to the position of deputy- treasurer for the municipality. ~ The appointment was made last week and took effect immediately. The position became vacant on January 1 with the.resignat- - ion of Dorothy Robertson who accepted a new job with the Town of Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Harper has worked for Scugog Township since amalgamation in 1974, and prior to that worked one year in the treasury department with the 1066 students. These children devoured 16 gallons or 62 litres of home-made ice-cream and numerous pounds (grams) of ginger- bread and jellybeans. How- ever, one student insisted on eating the rock-salt freezing mixture instead of the ice cream. Through the Ontario for the former Cartwright Township. Also, announced last week, Sharon Gray will be. working in the treasury department, concentrating on financial matters for the Roads department, as well as other Township financial work. She has been handling secre- tarial and bookkeeping functions with the Roads department. The Township is currently in the process of advertising for and hiring a new employ- ee for a general clerk-typist position. stones, which will be a valu- able source of genealogical material. A few improvements and repairs were made during the summer and fall. The beef ring building from Greenbank was completely reshingled; the drainage system under the county road was re-opened to prevent further flooding in the basement; and our office The Head-Memorial Church was the setting for the annual Thanksgiving Service in October and for the Reader-Day wedding on Christmas Eve. A few days prior to the wedding the Bride and Groom arrived to start preparations in the = church. Unfortunately, the groom was forced to go through a window as the side door had locked from the inside. Although the night of . _ the wedding was bitterly cold, and the stove was unable to cut the chill, I wish them '"'warm' memories and happiness for the future. Many thanks to all the individuals and groups who worked so hard to make your musuem a success. , ONETIVE SUPER ~>PECIAL 20% B. Wanamaker at Seagrave on Wed. Jan. 28. Chairper- son and Secretary of Board of Stewards and Church Treasurer of each church is asked to attend. Choir practice is cancelled this week. Please attend at the next practice on Jan. 29th in the Church. The Womens Institute will hold their meeting on Jan. are patients in Port Perry Hospital. We all wish them a speedy recovery. Mrs. Keith Bacon attended the funeral of her father in England recently. While there she visited the Island of Jersey and arranged the purchase of some Jersey cattle which will be arriving in Canada in April. Mr. and Mrs. Roundell, Thursday, Jan. 22nd. For news next week phone 985-3850 or 985-3040. INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS Ready while you wait. PORT PERRY STAR Gregony 8 january Clearance of our entire stocks! 20% to % OFF Everything, but everything within our four walls is sale priced for this January Clearance Sale. ~. Items big and small are all tagged with substantial reductions. Our entire stock is greatly reduced at the following listed savings. Hurry in! SUITS............. 20t070% OFF SPORT COATS ........ from$49.00 OFF EVERYTHING (Except Furniture) DRESS SHIRTS ......... ea. $16.00 SPORT SHIRTS ........ 30% OFF PANTS .................25% OFF SWEATERS ....... 20t050% OFF OUTERWEAR .....20t070% OFF TIES............... ea. $6.99 BELTS ...................ea.$7.99 JEANS G.W.G.. . pr. $18.00 Other Accessory Items ... 20 to 50% OFF Gregory s Men's QWWean Lid. PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-8160 OPEN: Mon. to Wed. 6 P.M.; Thurs. & Fri. to 9 P.M_; Sat. to 5 P.M. CASH & CARRY ONLY. All Sales Final. NO VISA or MASTERCARD. Alterations Extra. 20% OFF Lighting 20% OFF Clocks 20% OFF Linens 20% OFF Pictures & Brass 20% OFF Everything (Except Furniture) Sale Starts Saturday, January 24th, 1981 Settlement House 183 Queen Street - Port Perry - 985-8234 "shop early for best selection"