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Port Perry Star, 21 Jan 1981, p. 23

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IY 2 TRSATIRER bie byt a he) aA 3 ' LH RRL oT SDE TA 1 Pal RH LR EAL LEVY AY a Pa PRCT sie ' ' y v FECHA hk (VP a hai and A Yeh iow FARA ISON ERI I Ee EFF PITCEA \ WIAA Vad An ala rida Shab ait id aint ES SE wH Meat Products PHONE 985-7736 Sides of Beef - Hinds, Fronts MOVED - NOT NEEDED. 5h.p. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS - eight weeks old. Must sell - make an offer. 985-8636. Jas BOB ARCHER HOOKER CHEV-OLDS Hwy. No. 7, Brooklin Phone 985-3076. WOOD STOVES at pre-season special. While present supply lasts fuel efficient wood burning stoves regularly priced at $489.00 now available for a limited time at only $174.99. Call toll free at CERTIFIED "73 Montego Wagon - DMC983 '73 Chrysler H.T. - ANES75 '73 Meteor H.T. - HCU534 '73 Dart H.T. - BLM266 '72 Plymouth - DXE117 "71 Valiant - ATX817 25 OTHER CARS UPTO 1980's JIM HEAYN AUTO SALES Wanted 985-2236 after 5. WILL PICK UP without charge all used appliances, refrigera- TF For Rent 1 ONE & HALF YEAR OLD hoUse in Port Perry - broadloom, full basement, clean move-in con- MARKETING = --Home Grown Pork = aig 220V Westinghouse . 4 from 100 to 200 Ibs. window air conditioner, Frigi- A Cut & Wrapped daire portable dishwasher, 4 SORAD OARS = Hiohes) prices Mobile CB w/antenna, Base CB Pal. Will pick up «9852434, M1) : Sausages - Bacon unit with tower antenna and U d $1 000 4 Smoking & Curing of Meat rotor. 985-7187. pi naer H . G.M. CAR SEAT for child over 26 FULL or PART-TIME 3 Government Inspected. Ibs. Good condition. Phone A well established 1 billion dollar international marketing organization is looking for those people who are willing to work hard at their own distri- butorship with an excellent income potential. Before you Buy ..... SINGLE BEDS, box springs, and *73 Impala - DWM330 tors, and freezers. Empty your Lo ft . i". TRY y mattresses, with padded head- | '73 Plumauth - BCFO50 cellars and garages. Also old A training period is provided. This exciting full or boards. Excellent condition. TV's and radios. Call 986-4926. part-time endeavor can be carried on in your own home or apartment. Singles or couples who are keenly interested in becoming a part of this vast growing company, apply to: BOX NO. 4, PORT PERRY STAR, for appointment. Please include your name, full E PHONE 655-3351 1-800-268-5970 or if within our J dition. Immediate possession. address and phone number. 3 local calling area - 746-3340 Port Perry - Ontario $425. monthly. 640-2925 after 6 pe (Toronto). TF p.m. J28 SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! By Cutting Your Own Beef at Home ... SWIMMING POOL Manufactur- er will lease .& install new 1981 family size pool complete with walkway, sun deck and fencing, on a rental basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try Used Trucks 1975 CHEV - 2 ton, 350, V8, ps/pb, auto, Ziebart - $2,000. 985-2668 after 6 p.m. 80 ACRES OF LAND - crop or pasture, approx. 8 miles north of Whitby. 1-922-3191 or 985-3668. NICE OLDER BUNGALOW with garage and 31 scenic acres in Work Wanted CUSTOM WOODWORKING 2 PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 21, 1981 -- 23 €: Hs For Sale For Sale For Sale Wanted to Buy Help Wanted Help Wanted i A - + STRAW FOR SALE - also a STRAW, Barley. Phone 655-3064. VIOLIN & CASE, baby's car bed, RABBITS 7 year round, good | WHERE WILL YOU BE finan- | WHOLESALE/RETAIL Busi: w! woodstove. 649-5204. Jn J21 | piano bench, chair suitzble for price. Take all. Phone 985-2998. cially in five years from now? ness requires part time assis- [9 : -- | desk. Phone 985-3844. F4 | You can earn extra income part | tant. Experience not necessary. i, SNOWMOBILE SUITS - size MAGNETIC SIGNS for your car, time to improve your forecast. Call Collect - 416-883-4877. J i" medium and large. Excellent | truck, mailbox, etc. Call for | MICHELIN RADIAL Snow tires | FARM WANTED to buy or rent - | For appointment call 985-2040. I condition - $25.00 each. Phone prices - Port Perry Star - 985-7383 | - 185 x 14 on Volvo rims. Cost | approximately 50 acres. Port J21 TWO COUNCILLORS needed - po 985-3076. TF | over $400 new, used less than one | Perry area. Phone 985-3076. Must be honest and dependable 4 of season. Asking $250 complete. MATURE RELIABLE live-in and stick by commitment made. A 'WEDDING INVITATIONS, SET OF 4 TIRES - $400. Gooyear | Phone 985-8379 after 6:00. ANTIQUES, crocks, furniture, | babysitter housekeeper for | some knowledge of phone %e personalized stationery, 10-15 A.T. Ford rims - chrome cupboards, dishes, paintings, | three children. Phone 985-3130. surveys required. Phone after 12 i: napkins, matches, playing cards, with caps and hubs. Phone | FIRST CUT HAY - approximate: | decoys, and farm furniture. - 986-5350 eh etc. Call the Port Perry Star ~ 985-8918. ly 3,000 bales. Call evenings - | 985-2179. TF MEDICAL CLINIC requires (5) 985-7383. T.F. ; 986-5602. Fn - person experienced in Venipunc- | DISHWASHER WANTED - A) \.. JEEP PARTS - New, used. All GOOD USED Apartment size or | ture for approximately 5 months | wages negotiable. For more i LOWREY ORGANS Visit | Jeeps 1942 to 1980. Gigantic | 14 MONTH OLD Dalmation - | upright pianos. Service and | (June-October) Knowledge of | information call 985-7137. = Durham Region's only author- stock, lower prices, quick | male neutered, all shots, good | tuning available for all makes. E.C.G. and/or P.F. test equip- oy ized dealer. Floor models at 1980 service. Gemini Sales, 4736 East | with children - $100. 579-8818 | Irwin Smith Music Ltd. - 985-2635 | ment an asset. Call C. Dinning - ? prices. Trade-ins accepted. Hastings, Burnaby,B.C. - (604) | after 5 p.m. T.F. | 985-8421. Fk Lowrey Piano & Organ - "ones ! x 30 Brock St. Ss. ek sil Sire : LINED Livingroom Drapes GOOD USED STOVES, fridges,.| 150 a DIE MAKER - exper- bo) 666-3544. TWO ANTIQUE pressback rock- | gold in colour, reasonably priced | Washers, dryers and all types of | on 04 in 1001 and die, jigs, and IMMEDIAT [5% tg | no chairs. Judy Lee - 9857219. | - phone 986-5255. furniture. Phone Greenbank - | gui, es Apply Glitsch Canada 3 BRAND NEW 1980 John D MENS DOWNHILL SKIS, poles, di os Led. 32 Dalias. 81, Usbriage. OPENINGS i ohn Deere . . P -3381. 7. 340 and 410 Trane seve | size 8 leather boots, all $50. Two Used Cars DIAMOND RINGS, scrap gold, hone 852-3381 Fa 2 mobiles plus extras. Also 6 | Pair junior skis, poles and boots - cOing, siiver, guns, snilques an GENERAL MOTORS arts i LY, used motorcycles - Any condition P We are expanding our $0 rooms drapes and curtains, | $25 pair. 985-7021 days. 1973 OLDSMOBILE 98 - Radial | - pan Stone-985-7057 person required for GM dealer- Wordallp |i Hoover washer, built in dish- tires and all options, a good ' Te | ship in Northern Alberta. Must facilities in the Oshawa i washer, brass fireplace screen, | MARANTZ AM/FM cassette | running car. Certified - $600. have minimum five years coun- area and need men and Le car trailer mirrors. Phone 985- | deck, audio box booster equall- | 985-7553. ter experience, ability to work . R [8 9097. Jn | zer, 2 Por ant: 5 way Spesk. S " well with others plus the ability | women with cars to fill ) S ers - ; 20 gal. aquarium, two | 1978 LeBARON - station wagon, to meet the public and to organ- oSiti 3 SWIMMING POOL Manufac- pumps, 2 filters, fish, plants and | fully loaded, one owner, mint NED SERAP DARE 8 ize work. Be stable. We positions now open. by turer has 1980 left over pools | gravel-$45; one budgie and.cage | condition. Call after 6 p.m. - Full company benefits which Mechanical experience kl being offered at a fraction of - $55; one set downhill skis, boots, | 985-3483. J2s . UNCERTIFIABLE CARS include dental, eyeglass, excel- helpful but not essen- a regular selling price for early | andbindings-$250-used é times. can be turned into cash on lent working conditions. Com: 0lp . : Ve spring delivery. $1,690.00 is | 985-2211. 1973 ASTRE - as is or parts. Call the spot. We are always ready | | puterized inventory system. tial. We will train. po complete price of pools equipped after 5 p.m. 655-3481. to buy c d light truck Excellent wages. For further 9 with filter, pump, motor, patio, | CROSS COUNTRY SKIIS - 63" 2 Duy Cars ancLig ee 5, information contact: Les Vachon . . i walk around deck and fencing. poles, boots size 40 (8-9). New - | 1977 OLDSMOBILE - Cutlass A Licenced Auto Wreckers. - Manager, Trumpeter Pontiac For interview call: oy F small deposit will hold till | never used. 985-7030. supreme, one owner, super We Sell Guaranteed Used Parts. Buick Ltd., 12308 100th Street, 1 i delivery date. Offer good only condition, medium mileage, two OPEN: Mon. Fit. 9am. to S p.m. Grande Prairie, Alberta. Phone 576-6727 3 : while supply lasts. Call 1-800- | DACHSHUND PUPPY - 4 | door hardtop, V8 auto, ps/pb, tilt Satursey 3.4,.162 5. (403) 532-8865 or res. (403) 532- i 3 268-5970. Toronto - 746-3340. TF Pia old, Jemsle, fan, srg wheel, rear defogger, radial tires SCALA BROS. 3826. 2 miniature - .00. hone - - Rally Package. Phone 985-8111 2 4857. or 985-3187 or 725-4722. TF AUTO WRECKERS : R.R.4- PORT PERRY Help Wanted i BREZNIKAR FISH HUT - 6 x 5 - $150. PHONE 985-3132 7 985-2462. J before you buy! Call Imperial Utica area (north of Whitby) - ~ IN Pl N E - 2 3 Pools - Toll Free - 1-800-268-5970. 1977 CHEV - 2 ton pickup, 4 | $390 monthly. References 3 X If within our focal calling area, | wheel drive, Scottsdale package, | required. Call Mr. Bosco, ~ _ . Ss ki Hf phone 746-3340 (Toronto). TF | auto, air, ps/pb, used as second | Manager, W. Frank Real estate 4 Post Beds Tables Dressers Buffet fie ; vehicle. $5,500. 655-8069. Ltd., Bowmanville - 623-3393. Hutches - Mirrors - Kitchen Cabinets - etc. &: K NEW QUEEN SIZE waterbed - 13, 4 frame, posted foot and head- | 1949 34 TON G.M.C. - pickup, 350, | ONE BEDROOM apartment - WW 4 $ boards, heater, sheets and | 4 speed, rebuilt engine, Alberta | heat, fridge, and stove - $185 a HAVE YOUR IDEAS PUT INTO PINE! pL F< SIDES ... Ib 1 49 pillows. Must sell - $400. 985-3254 | vehicle, excellent condition. month. Reply Box 2, c/o Port ha Ey see Th, . Best offer. 985-3254. Perry Star. i Als : (Cutting, Wrapping & Freezing | BABY & HOUSEHOLD furniture m 985-7679 Reach Industrial Park at : 18¢ Ib. if desired.) - crib, playpen, car seat, high | 1975 DODGE WINDOW VAN - 985-3974 (After 6 P.M.) UNIT #4 [#2 chair, change table, carriage, 318, ps/pb, certifiable - $1,600 or ONE LARGE and two smaller Canada Packers stroller, car bed, Jolly Jumper, | best offer. 9846-4617. Coos ii private eth, parking : ; FTY Swing-o-Matic, walker, etc., etc. and kitchen privileges. 985-2488. 7 THRI BACON 24" stove, single beds, kitchen | 1969 CHEV PICKUP - complete 3S 4 2615. $18.00 tables, coffee and end tables, | with cap and utility boxes, 30,000 | Two BEDROOM apartment - adi . ¥ 3 DEVON BACON floor polisher. After 6 p.m. call | miles on new motor. Asking | fridge, stove, and heat included, New Homes - A itions £ 101b. $13.00 | #859101 or Oshawa 579-3637. $1,000. 985-2886 after 7 p.m. completely carpeted - $285.00 per Pole B i : ' teeth, ONE PAIR Studio lab speakers HEAVY DUTY tow truck - 1970 fom Aysilsple intedisiely. General Carpentry - Pole barns § 3 . : e ; tar. 3 LITTLE BRITAIN 100 watts RMS, lifetime warran- | International 2000 diesel. Main Ply Soxs,eioor: Perry ih y 3 MEAT PACKERS ty, like new - $400. 985-2919. JineR espasiny - Cy fons, 44.50 N } 2 -- s. G.V.W, condition. & I - 4 1-705-786-2101 BOAR - 9 months old - 655.3010. | $18.00. For information call Wanted to Rent 3 steel cleats, low mileage, | Small house for one adult and two 9 i ALL WINTER OUTERWEAR carbides, cover, new condition - | teenage girls. 985-8826. Jn PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEYS fi . 985-7725. Ie: 4 best offer. 985 Help Wanted DANCES, WEDDINGS oF 1 1974 OLYMPIC SKIDOO - excel | BANQUETS, ANNIVERSARIES, ETC. £ 3 lent condition, new track, back RECEPTIONIST - part He « £1 3s bing ii vg To ad pebruary Apri. , Qenersl kiow: Martin Kuypers Leonard Franssen FX ; : ) edge of income tax and assets. _ yx SS Closed Wednesday Afternoons during Jan., Feb., & March. 3600.00. Call 723-3 or 7232829. | "a R Block, Port Perry 1-705-357-3513 1-416-985-7193 i 705-324-2572. i | ¥: January C CHILDREN'S BOUTIQUE QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY IE Continues with Further Reductions On Fall and Winter Merchandise. SA (705) 362-5677 or (705) 362-4833. Snowmobiles 1973 YAMAHA - 292. Best offer. 985-8045. 1980 SKIDOO Everest 500, excellent condition, under warranty, 140 miles - $1,800. Phone after 6 p.m. 985-7541. 1977 ARCTIC CAT 4000 Eltiger - with cover, excellent condition. Phone 985-8600. 1978 POLARIS COLT - 244 single | TARA CHRISTIAN FAMILY needs 3 bedroom home close to schools and shopping. Must be inexpen- sive. 986-4757. TRAILER/TENT TRAILER from July 5, 1981 to July 25, 1981 - GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 OFFICE: 985-8216 P.0. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. will not be driven, for ping accomodations only. Phone 985- 3559. HOUSE IN COUNTRY - Febru- ary Ist. Six or more bedrooms. Call 655-3872. Ja, WANTED at end of March - two or three bedroom apartment or = U8 oo TSE rh ad We Rei Rds IN LG) WIL GHEY pi rN Wr i,

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