INCAS At | Ny . Tk CA \ DR SRL BL AY A HERA SN MLA LE phir t AR SOLES HN LEA dt EL ER RAT OR SNS Eh a VARIED To Aff STREP WA EE PO IL A (0 Rf a A TAs FESR IE FEE AM ORERT ASAE WEAR NP PX EOF AN A Ko Arey toilet set, Simplicity wringer " ARTHUR'S PAINTING - Deco- Hampton 416-263-2721 571-3501 washer, ping pong table, dress- | Monday Jan. 26th-at 8 p.m. at the Sutcliffe home were rating - Renovations - 985-7940. P a ers, dinette set, movie camera The Epsom-Utica Social Mrs. Evelyn Bray, Mr. Tom TF and lights, coal oil lamps, child's Club are holding a potluck Bray and girlfriend. table and two chairs, and irons, CHIMNEY SWEEP - Don't make hood baskel wicker stand. | supper at Epsom on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Norman i an ash of yourself. Have your good beds, swag lamp, pole | day, Jan. 31st. Holmes of Toronto were 3 hp chimney cleaned. 985-3111. TFe lamp, wagon wheel, red 9 x 9 Congratulations to Mr. weekend guests with Mr. and AN 4 t, baby carriage, Silverton ; f ) A WOOD REFINISHING specializ- EB " T TV and stereo set, binoculars, James Grier who will be Ms. 30h Ceozal and Sis. By ing in antiques and fine furniture phone table, small appliances, celebrating his 94th birthday Mr. an rs. Malcom i Joa Terry Dyer - 655-4092 after Wh Ti dishes, pots and pans, glasses, [ on Jan. 27th. Sehapisia Lion Soy i . Xa :30p.m. T en lime ls steins, coat rack, booster cables, If there is anyone who has an rs. Mike Schoilleld an 8 AY REPAIRS to all makes of snow- INCOME TAX & Im tant Show Shouels 2 bic ures ng any information that is to be family were Sunday supper 0 EEEsEmEm | accounting || Important. | ESSE TINE | ETL ele si Nh Hol | asseft's Sma ngines - Sun Auction Service - 985-7492. Jn istory 00K, wou you * di i Valley, Seagrave, Ontario - 705- SERVICES THE 11th HOUR please get that information Mr. and Mrs. Doug a Plpsiioera | THEA ANAEY |b Nes hue Bay tr, MacSween and Trvor spon il "+ EXPERIENCED at houseclean- - ey at Don Asling or Marguerite a few days in Toronto wi i ing. Will work by the day. 985 8965 JUDI TERRETT a ore ina ructione | Bowles as soon as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker. RIAA References available. Phone 985-9068 Ltd., trustees in Bankruptcy, we | If not received soon, there Little Travis MacSween i 985-2949. yrs clearing v the Sccesy of | may be disappointments stayed in Greenbank with his A enry Pieper, farmer of Centre- : : i N ton. 1974 Velaras 70 hp, 4 wheel when the book is printed and grandparents Mr, 98d Mrs. i Auctioneers drive diesel tractor, Massey Jo lly history isn't ps an d Mrs. Jack Hinch ALLS Ferguson 35 tractor with front- | included. . . . 4 4 (35) DRIVEW AY end loader, Owatonna 83 mixer Results of the Friday cliffe were visitors with Mr. i mill, snowblower, Onan alterna- | ochre were Ladies 1st and Mrs. Eric Carre and wl A RON KING for 25 kilowat, silage blower, | oi "alco and Verna family on the weekend. VAR 5-4800 watt electric heaters, 120 ' NA PLOWI NG AUCTIONEER feet feed system, feed elevator, 3 | Smith and low to Elsie Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer % | PION EER. Auctions of All Types ny weed slios, Sopra, Shales Taylor. Mens 1st Dick and Mr. a Mrs. Bob Slack { BRAND ay, Hotsy cleaning system, Brethour, 2nd 'Lena Ogden "and family visited Mr. and a _ siEbs | Es PhanePort Perry. | some tering 196 ch Ya to | nC 0 Hardy Noble. Mrs. Doug Geer and family 7 BRUCE WALKER Call John 985-2643 truck, 8 ventilation systems, plus | Freeze-out winners were at Hampton on Sunday and relied bh pp ry Co smaller Heme, plus $e Stan and Ruth Beach and then took everyone out to 2 -R.4, Sunder v eed. s was a large pig farm ] & i 2nd of Brock - West of No. 12 985 -8094 and everything must be sold. No supper $4 " - Reserve. Sale being held at the * Sd . 1-705-357-3094 John T Pearce Pieper farm, % mile south of E } , / * Centreton. Take 401 to Cobourg, som news north on Hwy 45 to Centreton AUCTIONEE R road, then east 2 miles to Centre p PR OPELLER Estates - Antiques ow or fake " io bid Sirsa), -- Household & Farm Sales, etc. suf. north, 'abo miles to i i - B & S HALL AVAILABLE joie site, Note; Won is not a by Jean Jeffery nite. for Imman e sale, bu ere is some 2 3 . REPAIRS Consignment Sales excellent equipment, all work- mers stitute pn Our Epsom-Utica Social Fibreglass Supplies D.J. SERVICE Consign 1 or 100 Items ba. Baio managed 3d sly by of Mrs. LI oy d Pogue " " Club will meet at the church Boat Repairs ' PORT PERRY 985-7492 | 7550. Oshawa. Viewing from 10 | p.m. The topic is Family Lis month Saturday, Jan. 31. Skegs Repairs Music for Dances For Local Pickup am i2y of sale. Terms Cashor | Affainc E It willbe a gal luck supper. ; ° ; \ x : OSHAWA Wedding Receptions, cheave J The Motto Homes are | vo 4 "c n nd Ares 8 Parties, etc. greenhouses where citizens ow | Ws To ar ae a GLASS FIBRE arestarted. Mrs. Len Stroud gramme of Noy 0d 341 Durham St., Oshawa BILL & SHAY HARPER ORVAL M WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28 will reply to the motto. The 579-1433 (416) 985-3015 CLEAN Whit Grass Emcor | oll Call- Nate 5 things We our sympathy to friends AUCTIONEER 210 Brock St. S., Whitby esses for the evening will be and relatives of the late Household - Farm - Equi Having received instructions pine Christie who passed ous Antics. Rastas from Deloitte, Haskins & Sells a, Ses J away at Port . Perry Ltd., Trustees in Bankruptcy, we ' lacie . i i N. WESTERMAN BLACKSTO are Clearing thelr assets. Consis. | Keep our Feb. meeting in cmorial Hospital on Sun CONSIGNMENTS AT ting of window glass - 1/8", 3/16 | mind. It will be our silver day morning. BOOKKEEPING ANTENNA McLEAN and 1/4" - all various sizes plate | anniversary and Charter © Core, Pleased to hear AUCTION CENT Sioss dar al and) Saris members will be in charge jhat Mr. MH, Gouslie is Hos SERVICE & TOWER RE Sizes, MIFIOrS-:3 4° x ¢, plus h EC from a visit to the hospital. Angeline Street at other smaller sizes, large assort- Most people in our area It is nice to know Mrs General Bookkeeping 986-5213 Hwy. 7 - Lindsay wk hi Sd he know that Dr. Ross Drone Maharaj and Mrs. Bisselte For Small Businesses. Co 324-2791 or 324-2783 sheets, large cutting table. or og 0 Inave) I are both able to be back at _ mouldings, 2 x 15° work bench, y Personal Income Tax Dour Hezos Rotors shower doors, 3/8" x 42" x 60" | several years of working in hi and Mrs. Jim H Reasonable Rates owers - Pre. Amp. iste bisckbosr; Holiday stereo | Washington State. Ross is of Sa Jing ansen Sales - Service yor on frames, rca qumy doing cancer research in ou a Savelyn Hansen PHONE 985-7891 And Installation M many other articles. NOTE: Hiroshima. Now we are very on Sunday. : There is approximately 5,000 { pleased to congratulate Ross M ay. piecesof glass, as many as 400 in | who has been chosen to MT. and Mrs, Douglas J one size. Dealers - Excellent | receive the annual Spiegel- Wilson and children visited Protect Your License! cistice Jo stock , JERMS man Award. for es ding with Mrs. Mary Wilson on Learn to Drive Safely with Govern- cheque... No ip i i MUSIC | | "wstesmme EXPERIENCED | reserve, Ross wcteon vei: | statiian in medicine (under (2 iY SHEE, DUES neer - 576-7550. Viewing morning | the a . : | Tor all OSHAWA AUCTIONEER of sale. was lo He Sn josh 3 ihe Businesy ut OCCASIONS DRIVING g Household - Antiques Washington and a friend Reval oy 2 agg er RPT states - Farms - Livestock -- : "went to receive it for Ross ' ' Equi . WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28 . ross Evans also attended. Weddings, Dances. ot. | |, (GROOL,,, | | Sater Comms | EA GO | Ba a One i ve Dog CALL PETER Oshainz, Ontario. L1H 1B4 985-2459 Complete Jullanna Holstein | YOU. arty for aay 'P & G SOUNDS' LLOYD BRAWN Dispersal ior EBGAR WiliTe, The Annual Epsom-Utica pi Pid n of Port Perry Villa ville, Ontario. Selling at the | Church meeting will be next 985-8269 ol Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge. Sunday. After the Church who was 82 years young. The 75 Head, listed, Y registered, 3/4 ay. ; Church i i 579-6991 Oshawa (416) 728-0091 Auction Sales NAP Grades by Unit Sires 53 | Service at this meeting we i omity 2a milk cows, average 133 . asked to present a ' a SaTumOmY aay MTS ans vce oss ih Mr. and Mrs, Fred Watson a SALE TIME: 1:30 P.M. oh ol tar Tithe Ben a of Ajax were luncheon guests ; Auction sale of 27 head of 9 i ok SY McINTYRE Jersey and Jersey/Hereford Julianna 247 N.I.P. dy. 305 } * with Mr. and Mrs. R. Watsor, cross cattle. Property of BILL ~~ 20609m 770f 3.7 per cent (193-194). Miscellaneous | on sunday and then went ; UPHOLSTERY | soot, so Sto me sing ? Scugog Township (old Cart- v re 17é) due at sale | yNATTACHED? Lonely? Dis: < wright Township) - 3/4 mileseast Me 10 Quality Ultimate - she | (oo. vou) te f Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson, BOX 292- PORT PERRY - ONTARIO | of biackstock. 20 cows, all 250hasa March 80 daughter by | poiil, Ot Cem mate for a | poy ot 'Marlene and lan rebred Hereford, 4 with cal Shore Stylist. A lovely red calf : 985-2556 985-2532 by side (cows will be pregnancy 10M @ GP. dam. A nice group | of ERS. Wette Gimer | Archibald were Sunday % } fested), 3 Holstein and shorthorn Of open heifers. Note: This is a | yotyi% SOccy, FLO. Box 71 | dinner guests with Mrs. 8 Household - Office stockers. Herd has recently been boner MOG Nerd wh Tine ; | Mary Wilson, Uxbridge. | ial. tested for B . . - Commercial eo of to Niceljosts 12 month calving interval. A group RARN moNEwL Lear come Theme of the Womens CUSTOM BUILT BOAT-TOPS, cash or good cheque. Sale time: | CONSIaNMENts Wi follow the | geqyceq prices. For free bro- | INStitute meeting for SEATS AND INTERIORS. 1:30 p.m. Reg and Larry John- persal. Sale managed and | cp re, no obligation, write U & R | Bethesda Reach this month | son, Aucti 70 sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, { Auctioneers 7053573200. 0 ie gaa asaa. vai | 12%, Schools, Ns Roxborough | is the Handicapped Child in 1} , , Ontario. 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 21, 1981 Work Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Auction Sales WILL DO BABYSITTING in my WEDNESDAY JANUARY 21 Utica news by Vera Brown Hardy Noble and Bea Harri- son came in second. There trier oun: catromas. | DEAD STOCK RN's, RNAS, Aucen Soa of Pons sivers | THE congregation of so cams In Second. Ch . : uc ¥ in wi another euchre in two 985-9045. Experienced N.A.'S & | Hall - two miles south of Port | Epsom-Utica Church will weeks Perry. Estate of the late MRS. | hold their annual meeting ; FREE REMOVAL Live-in Homemakers! Mrs. Mildred Thompson DRESSMAKING custom LYNNE SEARLE, of Port Perry | following church service at Th) K sewing, alterations, experien- of fresh, dead or . wo . and some extras. Includes | Epsom this Sunda Jan. spen ursaay afternoon ced, reasonable rates. Please Join Canada's first Nursing brown Westinghouse fridge, im 1 Bring a Ray visiting her mother Mrs. phone Carol Mairs, Nestleton - 986-5382. TYPING, INVOICING, billing, personal resume, etc. Call 985- 2518from10a.m.todp.m. T.F. disabled animals. Please Dial Direct MARGWILL FUR FARM Service. Choose your hours and location of work. Call and talk with our profes- sional staff. COMCARE Moffat gas range, McClary dryer, Inglis automatic washer, G.E. portable colour T.V., ches: terfield and chair, stereo record and tape set, Bentwood rocker, bath-tub, sink and complete coffee will be provided. The Official Board of the Goodwood,* Epsom-Utica Pastoral Charge will meet at Goodwood Church on Miller at Mount Albert. Miss Kathy Sutcliffe recently spent the weekend with her friend Miss Marie Collins in Oshawa. Visitors the family.