8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wad . fanuary 21. | J ' Ty ' tog A bouquet of red roses was just one of the gifts Mrs. Sarah Kight received last week as she was honoured by Simpsons-Sears for 25 years service with the company at the Port Perry office. Sears supervisors Bob McClelland [ left] and Maurice McFadden were on hand to present Mrs. Kight with the flowers on Friday and to take her out to lunch. Shop the Annuity with Mutual Life Through Mutual Life's Product Placement Service, | can provide you with the best rate for single-premium "payout" annuities from over 30 life insurance and trust companies. Call if you're looking for a quote. I'll shop the market for you. HERB G. TRAN 11 Simcoe St. N., Ste. 501, | Oshawa, Ont. Bus. 725-6564 Res. 668-5968 Mutual Life of Canada market Ashburn area news by Mrs. E. Heron The Ashburn group of the Womens Missionary Society met at the home of Rose Heron on January 7th in the afternoon. The president, Lois Daw, presided over the meeting and Florence Ash- ton gave the opening worship service which was very appropriate for the beginn- ing of the new year. Muriel Fisher had the study which was entitled, "The Breaking of Bread" and taken from Luke's gospel.. A time of fellowship was enjoyed over the tea cups. The officers for the coming year are, Past President, Lois Daw; Presi- dent Bernice Gardner, Vice. President, Muriel Fisher, Friendship and service Chrissie McKinney, Secret- ary Ray Death, Treasurer Florence Ashton, Associate Membership Lois Daw and Rose Heron. A very interesting Bible study meeting was held on Tuesday evening January 13th at the home of Catherine and Ernie Humphrey. The next meeting will be January 27th. Everyone is welcome. The Ladies Bible Class met at the home of Catherine Humphrey last Wednesday evening. Florence Ashton, president opened the meet- ing with a New Year mess- age. The secretary Margar- et Davis read numerous letters and Christmas cards sent to the class from former members; also shut ins who had received boxes at {with this ad) 0 CR RAIO0 0%%% OOOO CRO OO otete a ete's .. 'o%e® *, Clip & Bring Me} 12PRICE 44¢: (Regularly 88¢) [J aaa te atatae sete te a", aa" DOOOOOOOOO000 DARI II MD 5S 3 an [el Te] el TT lee ITT eT] [1T] ed Christmas. Itis always a joy to receive the Christmas mail. One card and note was from the very first president 41 years ago, Mrs. Blanche Beadle of Oshawa. Nellie Hopkins followed along the pattern we have been taking of studying the Women of the Bible. Nellie chose Abigail for her message. The officers for the coming year are Past President Florence Ashton, President Catherine Humphrey, Secre- tary Margaret Davis, Treas- urer Joan Knight, pianist Rose Heron. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Emm are home again after spend- ing the Christmas vacation in Florida. Rev. and Mrs. Ken Heron, Jeff and Adam of Brace- bridge spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Heron. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Noonan of Oshawa. They have a baby daughter named Krista Michelle. The proud grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ingleton. It was so cold on Sunday, Jan. 11th that church service was held in the church hall. Rev. McEntyre had a good message for the beginning of the year. The Jr. Choir sang "I Shall Not Be Moved' and the Sr. Choir sang "Glory to God in the Highest". The ones who try to do something and fails are infinately better than those who do nothing and succeed. Lloyd Jones. nanan auinmuannEnsaumnunmnamnn MINI CINEMA 985-8535 FRIDAY, JANUARY 23rd - 7 P.M. SATURDAY, JAN. 24th MATINEE - 2 P.M. Recommended os ADULT ENTERTAINMENT i H FRIDAY, JANUARY 23rd - 9 P.M. JANUARY 24th - 25th - 26th Saturday - Sunday - Monday: 8 P.M. "Ruthlessly funny." -- Rona Barrett, ABC-TV & "Maniacally funny." -- Steve Edwards, CBS-TV My Seo etatatatar, OOOO OQ oleae 0 WA OD OOO USED ARS LION) CCC CC CO RJ SO OO) .e . Capture Those Special Moods & X10 Double-Image Framagic Portraits.- ONLY -- Expressions On Our B Soke boclgond vito econ on ' ifs. i portraits will be available J [Jur selection of scenic and color back on obligation. 88¢ per sitting. One "ARAMA " portrait per fj customer. Backgrounds may occasionally change. Remember, children must be accompanied by a parent. Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday JANUARY 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 Wed. 10to 5; Thurs. & Fri. 10to 8; Sat. 10to0 5. /S'STEOMANS Hwy. 7A, Port Perry Plaza, Port Perry 63 Brock Street, Uxbridge; Ontario. PIZZA BONANZA Any 4 Items 4 44 ona 12" Pizza Mon. Tues., & Wed. Only thru January 1981 SAT: BOY 80 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY Mon. - Thurs. 4to 12 P.M. 985-8448 g 0 g 5 0 0 g g 0 g g g g g £ g E = COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents "USED CARS' sree KURT RUSSELL GERRIT GRAHAM - FRANK McRAE DEBORAH HARMON wt JACK WARDEN! une rucrs saomeens H lL TNT TTT TO Ce ee LL Fri. & Sat. 4t0 1:30 AM. Sunday 4to 11 P.M. a £ 0 0 0 0 g ] g g g 5 g g g : g : RE RI EE 15%