HAY SOTA Sa ANT REA ASCII BI FA aA Cd ES 2 SRY BR Se an EASY RAY J 4 -% 28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., March 11, 1981 Room & Board ELECTROLYSIS GREENBANK P.O. Box 131, 217 Queen St., Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment Complete Wilamdale Holstein Dispersal for PAUL BAUMAN, Drayton, Ontario. Selling at the TV. TOWERS Slisiiurs tor ROCERY oLaiN - Livestock - Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge. - 4 3 75 Head, registered, Classified, ROM BT tock, Leg waxing, facia) Installed & Repaired | above Estate. MI Whatever Your Auction Needs | 75 Head, registered, Classified, House # 12. ; A Colour Heads DON & FREIDA ters of Unique, Starlite, Ned, manicure & pedicure. Rotors ee Sivons Will be Pleased Moch Four, Quality Ultimate. - NOT One of the 7 milking Uniques : Boosters THER To Hear From You. ; Work Wanted Call &0 $ selling is Wilamdale Unique WILL DO HOUSECLEANING or babysitting (in your home) - part time or occasional work. Have references and own transpor- tation. 985-3700. Mis COLLIN ELECTROLYSIS| 985-3867 \ Free Estimates Al 5 Yr. Workmanship & Guarantee 985-8387 New Homes - Additions NORM'S _ Steel & Asphalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit K. Dave Muir, R.L.A. INCOME Individuals - Farmers In the matter of the estate of Martha Olive Guindon, deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of MARTHA OLIVE GUINDON, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 3rd day of February, 1981, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on'or before the 25th the said deceased will be distri- buted among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to this 20th day of February, 1981. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY 985-2788 Auction Sales Cornell's Auction Barn FRIDAY MARCH 13 SALE TIME: 7P.M. Britain Road. Wash stand, oak buffets, quantity of chests of drawers, iron bed (brass trim), ers, chrome kitchen suite, colour TV's, Queen Anne style chester- Mistress, 3 yr. 305d 18538 4.29% (173-199) due in April to Pickland Super Astronaut selling with fancy daughters by Starlite and Proud Clarion VG-GM. Another lovely young cow Is Wilamdale Clarion Jewel (GP) with 2 yr. 338d 12840 4.7% (137-176). She will be one of the 15 cows fresh at sale time. Heifers and calves are well grown and by popular sires. P B Registered day of March, 1981,*full particu- Auction sale three mileseastof | Herd will be reclassified before al p - . lars of their claims. Immediate. | Little Britain or 7 miles west of | sale. Sale managed and sold by Gener a rpent ry ole barns Industrial Accountant ly after the said date the assetsof | Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little | {|oyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - (416) 852-3524. Mis claims of which they shall then parlour tables, Admiral refrige- SATURDAY MARCH 28 G EN ERAL CONTRACTI NG have notice. rator - less than one year old, oak SALE TIME: 11 A.M. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, | side board - leaded glass draw- MACHINERY Clearance of Used Machinery for Utica Farm Equipment, NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 OFFICE: 985-8216 i Barristers and Solicitors, ----|- field and chair, brass barafone, | Utica - two miles west of Port L . ) . - Small Businesses r P.O. Box 131, 217 Queen Street, dining room extension table, | Perry, one mile west of Highway i P.O. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY and Companies. Port Perry, Ontario \| maple hutch, cedar chest, buggy | 72 at Manchester on Road 21. In x Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. . LOBINO wheels, large quantity of horse | order to make room on their lot, ' : Solicitors for: hanes and collars, 5 h.p. Crafts- | Utica Farm Equipment are Evenings and Weekends Beatrice Gwendolone Ross, man snowblower, a Remington selling without reserve a large a Can be Arranged. Executrix of the above Estate. Wingmaster 12 gauge shotgun | quantity of machinery. including Uy . Call: 985-8494 mn buyer must ays A.C, qu. of | tractors, balers, hay equipment, J china and glass, plus many more | forage equipment, tillage equip- | "ry CUSTOM WOODWORKING or 985-7079 antiques, furniture and house- | ment, garden tractors, efc., i Auctioneers | toreer Ra 1. Cite Britain | (cornified, Tractors: bio. 50 -R.R. 1, =| (certified), Tractors: D.B. as i = IN.PINE - 705-784-2183. with loader, D.B. 880, Farmall A. 4 Post Beds - Tables - Dressers - Buffets Hutches - Mirrors - Kitchen Cabinets - etc. 0 . ° 3 : Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted Legal Notice Auctioneers Auction Sales : : . AMBITIOUS? Have 68 hours CLEANING LADY - reliable, | JANITORIAL SERVICE - Com- NOTICE TO CREDITORS ; WE ONES DAY MA an! weekly to spare? Want to estab: honest, mature, with references | mercial, Industrial, Residential. & OTHERS ; [ KEITH WILSON 2HOLSTEIN HERDS lish an extra income? We'llshow | and own transportation. Call 1 985-3196. F25 | In the Matter of the Estate of you how. No telephone inter- | evenings - 985-3820. AYLWIN JOHN HAINES, noomplale Keslbrogks Mins views. For appointment call: : deceased. All persons having SALES MANAGER & 985-2676. MI | WOOD REFINISHING specializ- claims against the Estate of RIA KEELER, Woodville, sell- Se i: | BOOKKEEPING | hoi iaid | AUCTIONEER | Shianst 3d DAIRY RAR oan | Joel Yer Over - sssubrbiaiis) BOOKKEEPING he Tourshin of Scuzed: In the ed cows and bred heifers inclu. Some Strience requires. | WOM rr Reglondl Municipality of AT f Aucti ding a VG 3 year old by Quality one 985- . Ld Durham, who died on or about s of Auctions ARTHUR'S PAINTING - Deco: SERVICE the 13th day of February, 1981 ype : yinimate ve IY SRI 3 MATURE SAL84 PERSON a rating - Renovations - Sess, are hereby notified to send to the Farm Sales Our bok gt HH, vr, Saga . 3 oy Fitba Hy General Bookkeeping | undersigted on or bere ew Specialty year old by Birch Hollow Royalty Reply: P.O. Box 1031, Port Perry | INCOME TAX problems - let me For Small Businesses. | ars of their claims. Immediate: 2 4 + | - yuh oR dam wie 10a BCA, Ontario LOB INO elp easonable rates. : 985-863 nd Dam with over 26, . The pick up and deliver. Call Betty - Personal Income Tax ve Hep pe gid da oie ssiis ot ; majority of these young cows are STUDENT - grade 11 or 12 re- | 9859077. Reasonable Rates buted among the parties entitled trash wih Tine 4adere Jamis quired after school - two hours thereto, having regard only to 30d ~Alsa e and during summer holidays for | TYPING, INVOICING, billing - |. . Holstein Dispersal for TED and during summer holidays or | personal resume, etc. Ca 985 | PHONE 985-7891 | claims of which they shall fhen GRAY, R.R. I, Manilla, selling Please reply P.O. Box 1031, Port | 25'8from10a.m.fo4p.m. TF at the Wilson Sales Arena, ply ' a . DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, Uxbridge. 65 Head - free listed Perry, Ontario LOB INO. this 27th day of February, 1981. Vobyidoe. oat 7 KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY TYETTI inkingor | | DEAD STOCK | Sonn iioicion™ | JACKSON | non strove, at ove NCS, 1 ins 3 o FREE REMOVAL | 2V7Queenstrest, P.O. Box ian, beesn. many due within month Experienced N.A's BREEDING YOUR Of Fresh, Dead or s y: EXPERIENCED 10 big bred heifers, some due p olicitors) for Brenda Joan soon, also some open heifers NEEDED GOOD MARE? Disabled Animals. ign of The: BEOYE AUCTIONEER ready to breed. Bred & Open Well d $5.00 Charge For Estate. M18 Household - Antiques heifers all by Quality Ultimate, URGENTLY el mannsrbu, Sh dG Estates - Farms - Livestock | ~~ CoWs by Romandale Rockman . Arabian Stallion eep and Goats. : - Inspiration, Pietje Boy. A good For Immediate rable ) Equipment - Consignments uddered grade herd. Also regls- Positions Locally. standing at stud. Please Dial Direct: . tered consignments will be taken J h Car an Asset. Introductory Rates. MARGWILL NOTICE TO CREDITORS 985-2459 for this sale. Sale managed and i COMCARE FURFARM | in ne metier of ihe Estate o Curie Cassis. abel: Gertru ; . 1-623-3539 Hampton 416-263-2721 | Maver { 571-3501 All persons having claims | hn T Pearce TUESDAY MARCH 24 against the Estate of Mabel 0 . SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. 3 Gertrude Pearce, late of the Auction sale of furniture, 5 RECORDING Township of Scugog, in the AUCTIONEE antiques to be held at STOUFF- BRICK = BLOCK Regional Municipality of : Antiques VILLE SALES BARN, Stouff- SECRETARY Durham, who died on or about Estates - Antiq ville, the property of MRS. 10 13k minules at thi - STONE - the 10th. day of February, 1981, Household & Farm Sales, etc. NICLEY, MIKE FALLON and : ke minutes at monthly for all are hereby notified fo send to the HALL AVAILABLE others. Including stove, dining y meeting, type and circulate . CONCRETE - undersigned on or before the 25 . suite, bedroom suite, dressers, H same. OCCASIONS New Work & Repairs day of March, 1981, full particu: Consignment Sales chrome tables and chalrs, office i May be some correspondence. lars of their claims. Immediate- Consign 1 or 100 Items desks, chairs, filing cabinets, i i H ly after the said date the assets of Er antique churn, crocks, Beaver 3 Stipend $300. per year Weddings, Dances, etc. F k Sh the said deceased will be distri- PORT PERRY 985-7492 jar, flower stand, pictures, glass, i (depending on time spent). CALL PETER ran erman buted among the parties entitled For Local Pickup china, many more articles. Sale { Apply in writing to: g thereto, paving hg ony to at 5:30 p.m. Terms cash. Norm : ' 9 claims of which they sha en - . M18 CENTRAL 7 AMR. P & G SOUNDS 085-31 1 1 Shins of w Y . Faulkner - Auctioneer. BOX 964, PORT PERRY, DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, COCHR ANE ONTARIO. LOB INO. 579-6991 Oshawa this 17th day of February, 1981. WEDNESDAY MARCH 25 Attention: President KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY AUCTION SERVICE SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Barristers and Solicitors, HOLSTEINS Legal Notice RON KING THURSDAY MARCH 19 SALE TIME: 12:30 NOON Complete milking herd disper- Int. 624 with loader, Nuffield 460, N.H. 27 forage blower, Ford 618 blower, Dion forage wagon, Gehl forage wagon, windrow turner, i NOTICE TO CREDITORS AUCTIONEER sal for DENIS & MABEL | Balers: N.H. 269 baler with i | HAVE YOUR IDEAS PUT INTO PINE! - & OTHERS ) ; CLEVELAND, R.R.4, Port | thrower, J.D. 14T, N.H. 268, M.F. || . : All claims against the 'Estate Auctions of All Types Perry at the Malmont Sales | 12, M.F. 3, NH. 65, Case 230, { an 7679 Reach Industrial Park of ALEXANDER JOHNS, late of Phone Port Perry Arena, Blackstock. This herd is | Case 330, N.I. Tandem manure { hy if 985- each Inaustrial rar the Township of Scugdg, in the 985 2643 being sold on short notice and | spreader, J.D. 44 spreader, N.H. i 3 Regional Municipalit 'of x includ ral f ! 985-3974 (After 6 P.M.) UNIT NO. 4 Durham, who rs or dirt springing oid Wi Also 4) ine, 0, 4% oye the 22nd day of September, 1980, must be filed with the undersign- ed personal representative dn or some bred back for summer and fall calving (half purebreds and half grades) including two young conditioner, 2 ton Martin wagon - new, wagon & rack, Ford 10' disc on wheels, several cultivators, SE 2 we dog biog i cement mixer - 3 pt. hitch, Calsa 24 x ore Apr ' ; thereatter, red an e COWS. e cattle | 200 gal. sprayer, Allied 6' blade, JA i N the undersigned will distribute ORVAL McLEAN are mostly sired by and bred to | Plows: J.D. 1450 6 furrow - 16", i E IOR CITIZENS the assets of the estate having AUCTIONEER popular U.B.l. sires, D.H.LLA. | Hydrane 4 furrow - 14, Int. 3 ny | DL regard only to the claims then y . tested, classified, and a Free | furrow -3pt., efc., Fox 3000 2 row i 5% DISCOUNT filed. ' : Fiousetidd- Farry A Listed herd. This sale will be | Harvester, Gehl flail chopper, # DATED this 3rd day of March, Real Estate - Antiques - Estates followed by the March consign- | J.D. 38 Harvester, Dion Forage i Free Estimat e 1981. APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS ment of Holsteins. Features of | harvester, A.C. 780 harvester, Y a 3 EDMUND DAVID JOHNS and which include a mature G.P. | Int~harvesters, J.D. trailer - 6 i jh GRANT CLIFFORD CONSIGNMENTS AT daughter of Unique springing to | ton, 3 pt. hitch blade, J.D. 14 h.p. L C&C CONTRACTING | roe Mean Ita | Sema I . Hors: gs fr -0.P. | 10 h.p. tractor and mower, plus ¥ ic . wil adh ESSRS. : AUCTION CENTRE dams, 2 springing Senator | many other pieces of equipment. bi Roofing - Additions - Painting - Decks STITH 3 SUTHERLAND Angeline Street at Saughiers 90d 3 jes) 2 gk Cig Also wagon load of small items. 1 ati . ing - i . -P. - | Sale at 11 A.M. Lunch available. i ; dl o Renov tions Fencing Patio Doors Port Perry, Ontario Hwy. 7 - Lindsay Also a service age bull. Ed. | sale managed and sold by Lloyd { AN JOHN 985-2154 CHRIS 725-8875 LOBINO 324-2791 or 324-2783 McMorrow - Auctioneer. Neil | wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - (416) : {if M18 Malcolm - Sales Manager - (416) | g52-3524. M25 sorerenaren em yei® 986-4246.