Nestleton, Caesarea and Attend Presbyterial Six member of the Nestle- ton United Church Women attended the Oshawa Presbyterial held in Centennial United Church on Wednesday last and report an enjoyable day. The guest speaker Reverend Richard Boehme, of Belleville was excellent. A question and answer period was a feature of interest. A warm welcome to the new President Mr, B. E. Killens of Hampton, who is replacing retiring President Mrs... W. G. McLean of Pickering. "United Church Women Meet The Nestleton U.C.W. met on Tuesday, March 10th at the home of the President Mrs. Mabel Cawker, Scugog Point Road, opening with a hymn followed by a cordial welcome to 14 members and 3 visitors. Roll call was well answered by an Irish superstition or joke. An effective worship service was presented by Mrs. Doris Rohrer, assisted by Mrs. Gwen Malcolm in reading a Litany for World Develop- ment and Relief, most appropriate for the Lenten Season. Secretary Mrs. Helen Vine read the minutes which were approved and Treasurer Mrs. Neta Fish submitted a satisfactory financial report. During corresponsence many thank you notes were read from those receiving plants, cards, etc. Business brought forth, many items to discuss. Members decided to hold a Spring Supper in May, voted to assist Sunday School with prizes for June picnic, also for perfect attendance during the year. Members are catering at the Thomp- son Auction Sale in Nestleton this Saturday. Used stamps are being saved for Leprosy work to be turned in to Mrs. Marg France. (Note: % inch border to be left around the stamp). Mrs. Gwen Malcolm presented the study on ""God's Cure For Fear" dealing with common fears and the Bible remedy that "Perfect Love Casts Out Fear." Mrs. Neta Fish gave further tips on living in to-day's world crisis and situations. Mrs. Malcolm concluded the program with a humorous note reading several "Kids letters to their Pastors.'"' Meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction. Refreshments were served by the group and Mrs. Jean Williams expressed the appreciation. Caesarea Euchre Card Party Scores for last Wednesday evening as follows: 1. Gwen Robbins - 84; 2. Tom Robbins - 80; Low Val Prieve - 53. A fine turn out and all had a most enjoyable evening. Tonight (Wednesday) at the Caesarea Centre. Hope you are a winner! JACKIE'S SEWING SPRING cin SPECIALIZING IN: SPECIAL 20% OFF all DRESS HEMMING Until March 31st, 1981 Hemming - Zippers - Alterations - Drapes Suedes & Leathers - Re-lining Coats & Jackets Port Cleaners - 255 Queen St. - 985-7105 before you sign it. WHEN WE PREPARE YOURTAXES WE BACK #8 year round, at no ' => We know all the tax laws, and we double-check your return We'll take your place, because nothing can take the place of good solid service. This year be sure. HR BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS STEDMANS DEPARTMENT STORE . PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-2255 HOURS: Monday to Wednesday 9:00 A.M. to 5:45 P.M. Thursday & Friday 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Saturdays 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. If your H&R Block- repared tax return Is questioned, we step in to represent you to the district taxation office, all extra cost. Nestleton Presbyterian Church With good weather prevailing an 'average attendance at the service on Sunday, March 22, 11:00 a.m. Reverend Fred Swann presented as his sermon topic "The Problems of Christians," a fine dis- course! The choir sant "Unto The Hills Around Do I Lift Up," Mrs. G. Scott organist. Service next Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Sympathy The sympathy of the area is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams of Nestleton in the loss of a brother-in-law Mr. Vertil McMullen of Bowmanville who passed away during the past week. Sympathy also to Mr. George Till, Caesarea, and family, in the pasing of a beloved wife and Mother, Mrs. George Till, just recently. . Nestleton United On a fine sunny morning, March 22, 11:15 a.m. many devoted worshippers were present at the service. Reverend Victor Parsons delivered a thought provoking message entitled "Small? Yes, But ....!" The four part choir sang "Rescue the Perishing," a favourite of many. Next Sunday at 11:15 a.m. Family News Supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Nestleton, were: Mr. and Mrs. Zack (Doc) Adams and son Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams of Bowmanville. Daughter Dorothy Chapman of New Liskeard came Sunday afternoon and will be spending a few days with her parents, George and Ella Bowers as well as sisters and brothers-in-the vicinity. Mrs. Ivan Proutt and Miss Ruth Proutt, Nestleton, were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt, Susan and David of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cawker and daughter Christie, Oshawa, were recent guests with his parents Sam and AEE PORT PERRY STAR -- 1% bor ALES Wad SES er gd Ces dle ayia br Liye Lh Wed., March 25, 1981 -- 21 area news Mabel at the farm. Messrs. John Sharp, Grant Cawker and Chris Cawker, Oshawa, called atthe farm after a fishing expedition over the weekend. Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoskin, R.R. 1 Nestleton, were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and Mr. and Mrs. Norm Mairs also of Nestleton, at the Crock and Block Restaurant in Oshawa, in honour of their recent marriage. Congrat- ulations and best wishes from folks within the area. News for next week please phone 986-4715. Would appreciate more social news. UXBRIDGE Budget CAR AND TRUCK RENTAL CANADA'S LARGEST ALL-CANADIAN VEHICLE RENTER *Ask about our Weekend Rates* LOOK FORTHE BUDGET SIGN IN THE. UXBRIDGE ESSO CENTRE - HWY. 47 S. - 852-3733 - i v Mai i i a a & a 5 « 4) Gs 10% & 20% OFF SELECTED JEWELLERY ITEMS -WATCHES- SILVER AND CRYSTAL LIMITED 203 Queen Street - Port Perry Gold & Silver Charms Ys OFF Synthetic Stone Rings v2 PRICE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 thru SATURDAY, MARCH 28 1 iy. IAL ORDERS. M2¥/ PW SS SS SS SSS SNOT APPLY TO SPEC ae oS --