x RA Th RAS SAS oo AACE RAM AREL ITA ST ATTY > aE A ARAM EEE IN LT DATS PO A ROL ATES pA EN Seip py See 1 far : aA I & AN i) >i ¥ ~ AY oh N h: AEA RRR LTR an FOR SERN YO JX Fabia t «bs RE, da he Waddie Sa RRA fol Woden tle SHOR 36-- PORT'PERRY STAR 5+ Wedfebdayy AFIS, 4981 by Vera Brown Church service this week will be at Epsom Church at 11:30 a.m. at which time new members will be received info the church by confirmation. Session and Stewards meet Thursday 8:00 p.m. in Utica Church. I have been asked to mention that a benefit auction is planned for the. Markham Truax family of Greenbank on Friday May 1st. The auction and local talent variety night will begin at 7:30 p.m. at Lloyd Wilson's + sales arena. Refreshments will be served, ladies please bring sandwiches or squares. Good articles and baking for the auction will be appreciated. For additional information see ad in paper. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sutcliffe attended the 25th wedding anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. _ Donald Sutcliffe at Manvers Community Centre on Saturday evening. Mrs. Helen Crawford and son Roy visited the Sutcliffes on Saturday. Mrs. Denise Carre attended a bridal shower for Miss Kymme Bayley at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniels of Unionville on Sunday. : Mrs. Clara Hodgkinso of Echo Bay visited for a few days with Mrs. Mildred Thompson this past week. Mrs. Thompson was a supper guest with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson of Markham on Saturday and on Sunday evening along with Mrs. Phyllis Clarke had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park in Bowmanville, Winners of the Friday night euchre were Ladies 1st Anne Cornish, 2nd Ruth Beach and low to Fran Gibson. Men 1st Tom Seeley, 2nd Ross Wingrove and low to Harold Cornish. Freeze- out.winners were Stan and Buth Beach 1st with Grant Bright and Carrie Bell 2nd. There will be another euchre in two weeks. Members of the Holmes and Croxall families visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Croxall and girls and attended the baptism and confirmation ceremony .for Miss Julia Croxall at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Oshawa. ' Best wishes to two of our neighbours in hospital, David Geer in Toronto who underwent further surgery | News, views and comments from Utica on his hand and to Mrs, Kay Geer in Oshawa General undergoing treatment. Mrs. Earl Fielding, at this time, is home from hospital but still not feeling too peppy. There was a bit of excite- ment east of the village on Sunday afternoon when a car left the road landing on Jack Monsma"s lawn. We welcome Mr. Scott Wilbur home from Uni- versity at Thunder Bay. G.E. DEEGA ' News from DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC = | 305 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY Greenbank and area *WILL REMAIN OPEN* Under the Management of Patrick & Brian Deegan. $ By Appointment Only! A farewell party was held at the home of Mrs. Reg Please Call: 985-2916 (Mornings: 8:30 to 10 A.M.) (Evenings: 5:30tq 7:30 P.M.) | $8 Foster for Len Foster, : daughter Margaret and son- va q Ss - FLOWERS REX RAGLAN -(416) 655-4413 OPEN HOUSE | SATURDAY, MAY 2 & SUNDAY, MAY 3 in-law Graham Robinson of A . . Australia. Len is a brother af 00 10:00 A.M. to 5:00.P.M. : of Minnie Murray, Stan 1 "4 arge Selection DD Foster and the late Reg E if - Everyone Welcome - MVRAS FLOWERS D, HOME COMFORT Foster. Forty-five members ; o! (¥ (Corner of Hill &Hurd Sts.) of the Foster families gath- if - RAGLAN For All Of Your red egloys family Singer 1 : i, _ " and bid their farewells. We A if s --|--w Sorose. ® JARI N NVA TIN R vere all giad to see them | i c _-- | come, but sorry to ges tam : ~~ go. We wish them a safe trip 3 | a & BURNER SERVICE fo ] § ) ; re CALL: 985-2572 ~ Ladies remember the i daha he . .(Turnto page 37) i of Take this opportunity to fill your freezer and be well stocked up on good eating for many months. A simple solution to put order into s your family's busy life. Act now by calling (416) 433-1541 OSHAWA today.- (No Obligation.) A FREE DELIVERY : BUDGET YOUR FOOD DOLLARS i i SPECIALS 100% GUARANTEE - NO CASHIER LINE UP g 8 TO NEW CUSTOMERS ALL NAME BRANDS : NO PARKING PROBLEMS i i BLAST FREEZING ALL MEATS CUSTOM CUT g GRADE A1 BETTER MEAL PLANNING he : RED OR BLUE NUTRITIOUS FOODS 3 Bi 12 KRAFT DINNER 2x4ke. BRAND BEEF CUT IMPULSE BUYING By 19¢ each WHITE SUGAR : i TITRE TY SEVERAL FOOD ORDERS AVAILABLE 8 JAVEX WEINERS g .79¢ each 1.07 per |b. UP TO 312 LBS. MEAT, POULTRY, & FISH, VARIETY PACK -- A ii mn POULTRY PACK ASSORTED FISH PACK yous A) op : AS 8 | wie Sb PORTER HOUSE, SIRLOIN, RUMP "WHOLE CHICKENS TOD FILLETS ------ CHOICE ; 1 ROUND, SHORT RIB, GROUND BEEF, WING pity ADTs AVS -- gl . PRIME RIB, STEW BEEF, SIRLOIN TIP BRERCTS CCEA VERCH : 42 6 Ibs. Grade A 10 Ibs, BONES AND TRIM wiNGs IIT ! .93¢Ib. 1.07 per Ib. BACON, LOIN.CHOPS, \0IN ROASTS ASSORTED VARIETY PACK | a 5X%n® 4 ng BUTT CHOPS, LIVER, SPARE RIBS SREY S 3 3 a cz ] ASSORTED VEGETABLE PACK COTTAGE ROLLS FE BUDGET FOOD SERVICE i ln WEINERS IT 3 Oshawa, Ontario SAD IpLojen ASSORTED dink pany 3 Sw 2 ] mOm 3 PHONE -- NO OBLIGATION Mai ecatasLas LEMONADE ELF | B B| oe ne | | FR. FRIES. mzQ 4 U NOW ASSORTED GOOD: DAIRY PRODUCTS 3 Ox S j v ASSORTED DE ASSORTED SOUPS UTTER m.2 3 | HOME FOOD SERVICE SSE0TIER Rusa PACK, ASSORTED Col Comat MARGARINE (PATCH) EE ; "RHUBARB MUSHROOM, VEGETABLE, SHORTENING mom3 BLUEBERRIES VEGETABLE BEEF SE-® RASPBERRIES JELLO POWDERS : : HOUSEHOLDS 023% 2 GRAPE, ORANGE, PINEAPPLE C or Mme 2 S CONVENIENCE PACK PEANUT BUTTER : 8.0.8. 4<MmQ SUGAR ASSORTED JAMS LAUNDRY DET. Mol FLOUR MIXED PICKLES DISH DET. 3 Bo = KETCHUP BABY DILLS BLEACH 3" ; KRAFT DINNER PORK 'N BEANS HAND SOAP : : (41 6) 433-1 541 PAPER TOWELS FROM 37.45 wKLY. OOF OSHAWA Ci LA PAPER TOWELS 24 Hour Answering Service NOTE : ALL ORDERS CAN BE ALTERED TO SUIT INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS, 4