AAT Bl LENS a Fe = of py Dn SHI SN --. ae, Te re re i RNG A gi Ixy) oy *% Lo 32) i; ? 4 4 d 3 Py é | Ie ¥ if i ¢ i re i 4 |. [= \ A bl itd iE # EX Mb 5 1 hl GE Cig IS if 3 AA ed Be 3 4 1 He 8. 1 Wi i i i 4 J 4 bY, WE J 1LY i. vy ANT HWY DAA THAFLLEE SUR ' HAAR AORN a als BYE «bly hl YR UNTIL 10:00 P.M. See Our Flyer for Additional 'Specials "PLUS" Wednesday's Extra Savings! 40-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 29, 1981 OPEN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th ONLY AREY Thal vi Ae Ly AN TR aa HANS] Fada EOWA wd MRT A DOWSON'S "32nd ANNIVERSARY" SALE! Fro. - sseenm EEE EE HOE SHES HOME i this symbol SEA EIEN EE Rat lt shows you the way to special savings in our advertisements - and stores during the Home Sweet Home Sweepstakes. peas, cream or whole kernel 120 14 fl. V honey pod Stokely Com Parker's 10 oz jar Mother instant coffee assorted Se regular filter or extra fine ground 1 Ib. vac pack coffee Produce of U.S.A. -No. 1 tropical treat Maple Leaf rindless regular or extra body conditioner or Jl Silkience 200 mL cont. poo frozen foe m-- Ln td concentrated unsweetened 12%. fl. oz. tin Fantastic Tomatoes ..............c.c.. Produce of U.S.A. No. 1 . New Crop Carrots ......... 2 Ib. bag .58 Produce of U.S.A. GreenOnions .............. 4 bunches .99 ReadytoUse ColeSlaw............... 8 oz. pkg. .39 ideal or dressing Masle Leaf ri aple Lea spareribs... » 1.58 wllenly wi) 3g bologna, chicken, dutch mac & cheese, pickle & pimento fresh sliced @ Maple Leaf ppg. veef 88 lanch meats KH 88 liver ......... cranes Ih. store pak polish cil . be ; ro alates -- Ib. 1.78 SAUSAZO worsens Bb 1.68 alt fresh chickens Canada grade 'A' eviscerated Ib. © Maple Leaf cryovac sweet pickled cottage rolls.....c.c...... tb. 1.48 Maple Leaf skinless __ 1 48 WICNErS ceoeveee pkg. . ~~ Maple leaf cryovac smoked boneless dinner ham Ib. 2 . 3 8 Maple Leaf bologna ceeranes gis, 1.68 Maple Leaf corned beel..ivieirsiuis son 1. 68 Values effective until closing Saturday May 2, 1981 excluding T.V. specials which remain in effect until closing Tuesday May 5, 1981. We reserve the rightto quantities. Supplied and serviced by National Grocers co. Ld. dog food... % 39 Holiday luncheon meatal on «99 "free gourmet cookbook inside orange pekoe Flowerdale tea bags ...." ica 2.49 quarters Imperial 3 1b. margarine .... pkg. 2 ° 1 9. Cloverleaf solid white 7 tuna. .cooverenens po "1. 69 assorted Hawaiian Punch 213 crystals............ ha 99 assorted cremes, assorted cookies or McCormicks chocolate chip McBig cookies......... GL 1.99 Canada #1 creamed Billy Bee honey cesesssses KL 2 5 9 reg. or marshmallow instant Cadbury hot chocolate..:.. Sng 2 49 assorted frozen Aunt Jemima 10 oz. waffles............. » 79 frozen Captain Burgers 400 g pkg., biierciab fish fries, cod fish vod or Highliner C in batter........ ke. 1. 89 mation ean i" SKim m powder ........ , we 3. 99 Sonal instant rink syrup a Milk Mate..v Do 1. 49 Texize refill liquid 400 mL cleaner.......... cont. 99 rd Aen verve eeene ws 1.2 9 Arm & Hammer ~ hi todas... 1.39 powdered cleaner Spic & Be eras Hie 3,97 sprayer Spra and wash cones bing 1. 7 9 Tide laundry detergent... tex 3, Ley Pledge aerosol or pump terion or reg. furniture polish........... or 2.99 Chore Girl t Cleaners covessss rhe 3 1. 29 gular or winterfresh olgate oothpaste ....... be 69 Fo foned printed am pan SA, ut so 1. 29 48 fl. oz Juice cocci innnnaees "tin 95 ard Johnson ciam ' 14 fl. oz. chowder.......... in 99 12,000 CASH 0 CTA SUIS PUTO OUR HOME LOTTARIO " AGENT PORT PERRY PLAZA Win one of 351 fabulous, prizes to be awarded in Ontario. See details and enter at participating stores and enter the Home Sweet Home Sweepstakes often. ENTER NOW-ENTER OFTEN DOWSON'S RED & WHITE 'FOODMASTER STORE HOURS: Mon., Tues. & Sat.: 9A.M.to 6 P.M. SCUGOG STREET - HWY. 7A Wed., Thurs. & Fri.: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.