RALR he REA A A ER A AS ho hor PE LB TIALS 0 CACAO SERA METER ee EINE y ov A ~~ ras . ¥ MEHL A FORTIRS NA ya kB LAREACC MY FARIA Belt [ASAD AEN ii, ate Stal) A \ RARER ALT FER SPRENN FF . 8 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 6, 1981 thrust upon teenagers. Along with the . Caroline Carnaghan a Grade 13 student usual, obvious ones of school, home, and because one brainless kid can result in a class room full of floundering followers. Essay wins $50 top prize ins'. Teenagers are more conscious of these kinds of advertisements, than that of . olan Ta ICICI SC 2CICITICICICIC > [ate Take Le Tin ee | 3C from Cartwright High School is the winner "in the Mental Health Durham high school essay contest. * Caroline was picked by a panel of judges for her essay on the contest's topic "Is growing up really so tough?' She will receive a prize of $50 and her essay will be entered in the provincial contest. Anna Milina, vice-president of Mental Health Durham said many students who entered the contest had put a great deal of - effort into the essays. The essays were judged on presentation, grammar, length and accuracy of information. i Honorable mention was given to Derek Smith, Grade 13 student at G. L. Roberts Collegiate in Oshawa; Elizabeth Kelly, Grade 11 at Cartwright; and Karen Orme, Grade 12at Dr. F. J. Denevan Collegiate in Oshawa. The following is the award winning essay written by Miss Carnaghan. GROWING UP, IS IT REALLY SO TOUGH? "Mighty oaks from little acorns grow." Human development is a very wonderful but mysterious transition. We develop quickly physically, but our mental capac- ity grows at an even more rapid rate. The most crucial time of our developing stage is that of puberty. During this time our physical and mental growth is often hard to swallow, and this results in over- emphasizing negative situations, and unappreciating pleasant experiences. One - minute we are at the top of the world, the next minute we have an uncontrollable 5252525252525252525252525252 * hysterics. Inside you are working over- part time work, adolescents must deal This "Guardian 'devil' is capable of with a much more complex task - growing convincing the straightest teenagers to up. y " smoke, drink or take drugs because it's the Growing up, is it really so difficult? New "cool" thing to do. The names 'non experiences are often frightening, and indulgers" are called surpass any of the changing from a boy toa man, oragirltoa previously mentioned ones. It is very sad woman, is often iraumatic time. The to say that the "most popular kids" are smallest mishap ) can' send you into either stoned or drunk. Why? Why are these idols slaves to social substances? Are these synthetic "picker-upers' escape routes for the teenagers growing, or should I say groaning, pains? Suicide - the act of intentionally taking one's own life. This act of self-murdering is astonishingly high in teen-agers. Why? Well, back to those pressures of growing up. Many kids feel there is no alternative. If life is intolerable now, what will it be like when they must face the world as an adult? Peer pressure in many cases is the breaking point for such individuals. Severe depression is intensified by con- stant teasing, or even the mere presence of a threatening individual can be the rope with which to hang. Television, rddio, and advertising in general, are certainly not helping today's teenagers. "Buy this kind of tooth paste and you'll be the most popular kid in school." "Unless you wear these jeans, no one will talk to you." Seventy-five percent of today's advertising is geared to teen- agers. Beer commercials on television endorse that consumption of alcohol, will make you an athlete, and of course, popular. tobacco ads in magazines always ~ show a healthy, robust individual taking a long drag on a cigarette. Drugs took on an time, trying to complete your physical developmgnt. Each individual is indeed individual. Unfortunately we are subjedct to "growth spurts", and these occur to each person at different times. Genes determine when and how you grow. It would be much easier on teenagers if certain events occurred to everyone on certain dates. It would be a lot simpler if every boy on his fourteenth birthday started to shave, instead of some at twelve and some at sixteen. "'A daring fox terrier once said to her pup, in all life's adversities, keep your tail up!" a. "Individualism" is not a key word in a teenager's vocabulary. To be the least bit different is a sin. Imagine how that six" foot grade nine boy feels when he achieves full growth before his peerfs. An eighteen year old girl feels just as bad if she has been given the title of a "pirate's dream'"' (a sunken chest). Loyal, faithful friends can be meaner than a junk yard dog, when it comes to teasing. Nothing is crueler than to 'overemphasize the obviously unattractive truth. "Four-eyes", the: favorite for eye glass wearers; 'zit face", for the unlucky acne prone; and "rail-road | he] | doctors warning that these devices are hazardous to one's health. : "He was teaching her arithmetic, he said it was his mission. He kissed her once, he kissed her twice, and said, "Now that's addition." And so he added smack to smack, in silent satisfaction, 'til, timidly, she gave one back, and said, "Now that's subtraction." But pa appeared, he raised his foot, an snorted with decision, : He kicked poor John ten yards away, and said, '"That's long division!'®- This innocent little rhyme might be found in school books from days gone by. But today a more suitable verse might be, "Sex, and drugs, and rock and roll." What happened to protective fathers, or for that matter the girl next door? Sex, a word only whispered years ago, is a very common word today. More and more teenage girls are becoming pregnant. Why? Are today's moral standards that low? Whose fault is it? Perhaps it goes back to parents. Are they as strict as they used to be? Does the fact that parents are more lenient lead to promiscuity? Or is it the fact that society has accepted pre-marital sex, as part of growing up? If so, what will this lead to in the future; other than either a baby boom, or an increase in birth control pill sales? I feel that today's teenager needs a new "Golden rule'. It may be interpreted in whatever way he feels best serves him. "To each is given a bag of tools, A shapeless mass, a book of rules, ICICI 3C NCSC CICICC Tee] whe win in | CD CC Ls he Lae ae ce] hn he | ln in] wan an [a Tage Tape [apn | le c CCC be Take Tae Te Je | he | hn | he | we] cn] he | po Lape [am [an [an | age gm | SC 3C | we] we | od 0 [ae [age [apm Tam [apm « 30 po [ap [an [a | in {ae {ae [ache The The Te [he | whe | whe | hn | he | he | AACACICICAC Cc CCACICICI0C in [ke [as Tae Tae Te Te Le] pe] SE tracks", for crooked-teeth brace wearers. Peer pressure .is a dangerous thing, o urge to cry. Why? Many pressures are (752525252525252525¢5252525252525252525252 appealing air when the "flower children" of the sixties "Got high" during "love- And each must make 'ere this life's flown, A stumbling block, or a stepping stone."' p(n [aw am [apn [ape | « [ap [a hs [ke [whe [le [ke [cn | ch | ce che] wh] plan lap] lama] ICCC [ae [ole [ule | [am [an | J CIC 0C [ow [on [apn [es [oon [ey [pn [cpm [cs [pm [pm apm | ao am | Jap [ayn [ey [aps [aps | gs [sgn [age [cn [apn [om [an [qm {pm [po [ [sie | whe | ols | hn [lh [i [te [ots fae [he [ts [ch [ke ae on [le | che | in| he | ho | tho ace | ae | n [ats [ats [ts [at [Tl [hs [co [ke [in Te [ce [le [te | ho] a | by Vera Brown The following is a list of upcoming United Church events: = Wednesday, May 6th at 7:30 p.m. at Utica there will be a Bible Study and these will be held every 2nd week. Church service this week is at Utica at 11:30 a.m. at which time there will be a service of Infant Baptism and dedication of banners by the Sunday School. The U.C.W. will hold their monthly Tuesday, May 12th at 8 p.m. in Utica Church. Ladies please remember to bring plants for sale, and pies for the auction sale we are catering to on Wednesday. Those who forgot their donations to Camp Big Canoe may present them this month. All ladies welcome. There will be a euchre in the Hall on Friday at 8 p.m. Anyone interested in join- ing a ladies golf league this summer give me a call as we COUNTRY RADIO 14 "THE CHOO RADIO CHILI COOK-OFF IROQUOIS PARK, WHITBY, ONT. MAY 30th, 1981 IN AID OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS RC TV ' WE'RE LOOKING FOR COOKS! g ALL TEAMS (4 PERSONS PER TEAM) MUST REGISTER EARLY! THE COOK'S ACT NOW! ENTRY FEE INCLUDES ENTRANCE TO THE PARK, AND CAMPING \) the more the merrier. Mr. Dale Beare and friend Gregg visited with Mrs. Crosier on the weekend. Mrs. Dennis Gerrow and guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. REGISTRATION. SUPERVISED A big Happy Birthday to He COOK'S REGISTRATION ENTRY FEE: $26.00 -- REGISTER NOW/! X CHILDRENS ACTIVITIES Adam Ross who 18 5 years : i se me a mt et it ee te eS 2 tt. 7 tt S55 nee mt ~~ old and to his brother Ian ' who will be 2 years old this Head Cooks Name: oo ¥ . CHOO Chili Cook-Off Address: c/o CHOO Country Radio SMITH-CORONA Tel: 97 McMaster Ave. vig ime Aas. Cooks Mame: TYPEWRITERS L1S 2E6 Names of two (2) ® : : Tel: 683-4131 Official support Manual or Electric members PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 CICICICICIC acacia cacses2s2525d5 meeting on - will soon be starting up and Jeremy were Friday supper po oye] ay [apn [ayn [ops [apn [cpm Faun [apm [apn [apm [apn | [d [ake | als [ae [ute [ule | week. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ross, Adam and Ian and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Slute were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Slute. Mrs. Ann Mees has just returned from Banff where she had been taking a course in skiing. Co Mrs. Mildred Thompson plop ane » [oe | alo [alo [ols [ols | of poe loge [ee [apn Lope [eve Le Lape 23252525 [Tae eke Tk Tule che oT he [ie] Utica and area news visited her mother Mrs. Miller at Mount Albert on Thursday. Mrs. Phyllis Clarke of Uxbridge was a Sunday supper guest of Mrs. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Luke visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Luke and family in Markham on Sunday. Port Perry Yacht Club launches new season by Donna Phypers Avast ye swabs! tis time for swabbin yon deck and hoistin yon sail! A sure sign of spring can be found just outside of Port Perry these days at the Port Perry Yacht Club. Captains and first mates abound pre- paring for the upcoming boating season. Most captains were pre- sent on the April 25th week end to help put in the docks. First mates and crews were busy preparing their. boats for the upcoming launching weekend on May 16 and 17. (I seed that the Willis' have already launched the "Mary Jane"') Members are asked to remember that another important weekend coming up is june 6-7. June 6 is the day of the annual Canoe the Nonquon race and, as in the past, the yacht club members have been asked to assist with this event. June 7 is the day that the skippers prepare breakfast in the club house for the first mates. ° Prepare, serve and clean up! Breakfast is never so enjoy- able, right ladies! We have some new members this year and we welcome them aboard most heartily. HOME COMFORT For All Of Your PETROLEUM REQUIREMENTS & BURNER SERVICE CALL: 985-2572 8 LLB bh he