a a NAR ri 5 »e "~ § Sh SE To FAO 35 LR INS FL VENA MAA AF Ya Ay TF AR A OR SPR al LE RA 5 TIPTREE TDN El 43 AE UT a Rear ar SA Tos fy (Rt CTY BW ty s 4 wi 3 t B | a cks foc ke New Zoning By-Law Council agrees to 53 amendments On Sunday evening a good crowd enjoyed the Pot Luck supper at the United Church Christian Education Room. Dr. and Mrs. Roy Rowsell of Solina were the guests and spoke on Haiti. They -have spent three weeks on two occasions conducting immunization clinics there. They both spoke and showed their excellent slides show- ing life - in. that tropical island. This was the World Development Night sponsor- ed by the C.E. Committee. Mr. and Mrs. Ardis McArthur and boys were Sunday guests of his aunt Miss Ida Dempsey. Glad to report that Mrs. Harold Hamilton is home again from her stay in Toronto Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and Rob, Mrs. Pat Fletcher, Diana and Scott, Chris Mackie of Brooklin spent Sunday at the Metro Toronto Zoo. . This coming week is Education Week. There are two parents' nights at C.C.P.S. - Tuesday evening educational films and on Thursday evening is the annual Music Concert. Try to attend. Julie Byers celebrated her tenth birthday with a party on Friday after school. - Guests were Roxanne Public meeting A public meeting will be held May 13th at the Prince Albert Community Hall on the topic of a hamlet study for that community. Planners from Durham . Region will outline proposed boundaries of the hamlet, and suggestions and comments from the public will be encouraged at the - meeting. The meeting will get underway at 7:30 p.m. port perry S PORT PERRY PHARMACY Queen Street, Port Perry BECKERS MILK Queen Street, Port Perry BECKERS MILK Highway 7A, Port Perry BARRY'S VARIETY Water Street, Port Perry BRUTON'S DRUG STORE Queen Street, Port Perry I.G.A. Queen Street, Port Perry DOWSON'S RED & WHITE Port Perry Plaza -Mersco 5° to $1 Queen Street, Port Perry KELLETT'S VARIETY Perry Street, Port Perry TRANS GENERAL STORE Prince Albert RIDGEVIEW SNACK BAR . Oshawa Rd. - 4 m. S. of Port Perry SEAGRAVE GENERAL STORE Seagrave, Ontario FLIELER'S B.P. STATION Lilla Street, Port Perry COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Paxton Street, Port Perry GREENBANK GENERAL STORE Greenbank, Ontario DAIRY BAR Water Street, Port Perry DID YOU KNOW? tar is available at these Scugog Township locations ... Larmer, Frances Grove, Lynda Parsons and Esther Kelly. - At the weekly Tuesday evening Senior Citizens' card party there were 18 tables with the following winners- 1. Lionel Byam-93; 2. Lloyd Fawns - 86; 3. N. J. Brown ~- 84; 4. Margaret Watson - 83; 5. John. Beckett - 81; 6. Dorothy Archer - 79; Low Ethel Hudson; 50-50-A. Timms. Mr. and Mrs. David Larmer have returned home from their Southern honey- moon. Dave and Ingrid are getting settled in their new home, formerly the Harold Kyte residence in west Blackstock. Mrs. Mary Sheen and Miss Adelaide Solomon of Toronto spent the weekend with Miss Susan Sheen. Miss Janet Parsons of Kingston spent the weekend with her parents Rev. and Mrs. V. Parsons and family. The Playground Equip- ment another meeting at the Public School. If anyone wishes to assist or to run a table at the Bake and Yard Sale on June 13 please Contact Mary Mackie at 6-4342 or Kathy White at 6-4640. This is a very worth- while project - that of provid- ing playground equipment for the pupils in the Grades -4-6 at the C.C.P.S. On Sunday afternoon Harold and Dora Martyn hosted a farewell party for family members in honour of Harold's brother Albert and his wife prior to their move to British Columbia. The Thursday and Friday Square Dance Groups com- bined to have a wind-up party on Friday, May 1 in the Township Hall. There was a pot-luck supper at 6:30 followed by dancing until 10:30 to end a great season of modern square dancing. There will be openings in the fall for those who wish to enjoy this art. BERNIE'S PLACE View Lake Store UXBRIDGE TIMES-JOURNAL Main St. N., Uxbridge SWAMP GARAGE STORE Reg. Rd. 8 and Hwy. 7 & 12 UTICA GENERAL STORE Utica, Ontario - SHORT'S PHARMACY Brooklin, Ontario BECKERS MILK Blackstock, Ontario THOMPSON'S GENERAL STORE Blackstock, Ontario A &CVARIETY STORE Caesarea, Ontario ~~ - SUNNYSIDE MARKET Caesarea, Ontario ALDRED'S STORE Scugog Island COUNTRY STORE Nestleton, Ontario OLIVER'S ESSO Myrtle, Ontario COOK'S VARIETY Myrtle Station STEVEN'S MARKET 7 & 12 Hwy. N. of Myrtle Station BALSAM GENERAL STORE Balsam, Ontario COMMUNITY NURSING HOME Lilla Street, Port Perry Committee had Scugog Township council has dealt with 143 objections to the new com-. prehensive zoning by-law for the municipality. Of that total, the council agreed to make 53 amend- ments, and on April 30th, the objections and the -amend- ments were forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board. All property owners in the Township - who lodged official objections against certain parts of the new com- prehensive zoning by-law will be informed by the municipality of the council's decisions concerning these objections. Township administrator Earl Cuddie said last week NJ 0 Improve that any property owner not satisfied with the decision of council, can still ask for a change or amendment from council prior to Ontario Municipal Board hearings into the objections which will be held this fall. One section of the by-law which received a lot .of objections involved the en- vironmental protection zones. In these cases, the council decided to let the Ministry of Natural Resources review the objections. If the MNR agrees that the EP zone boundries can be relaxed, the council will Some portions of the new zoning by-law could. not be amended by the counc because to do so would mean the by-law would not conform to the Durham Region Official Plan. The process to draw up the new comprehensive zoning by-law for thie Town- ship began well over a year PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 6, 1981 -- 7 ago, and so far the cost has been about $40,000. Of this amount, $18,500 has been covered by a direct grant from the provincial govern- ment. Before the process' is completed, it is expected that another $10,000 will be spent on further circulation and the OMB hearings this fall. Dive film Sunday The film, "Free Dive" which was to have been played on 'Easter Sunday, but was re-scheduled will now be seen this Sunday, May 10th at 5:30 p.m. on CBC The film features scuba diving instructor Larry Emmerson and shows how he taught five young handi- capped youngsters to skin dive. The film was shot in a IMPROVE YOUR IMAGE Marble-look molded by replacing oly vg closet door vanities a new look. wi WARDROBE MIRROR DOOR. NDA. PropucTs yee: amend the by-law accordingly. Toronto pool, Tobermory and the Caymen Islands. television. look for your windows | - woven woods by Kirsch Dozens of patterns and the most popular styles of the newest, most practical way to treat your windows. -- | !deal for use in any room. See them soon! MARBLE TOPS MIRROR DOORS door. Add a touch of elegance to your bathroom with a Frosted or Mirrored TUB ENCLOSURE! - Tempered glass doors slide smoothly on aluminum frames. OUTSIDE DOORS Many styles to choose from. Wood, ready to Install. - </. colours to choose from. FLOOR COVERINGS 44 Sy TER) 3 JHE down a new floor? Come | from 64.80 7 in and see our complete (In Stock Only) 4 +. line of no-wax vinyl 4, ; Y _.~ flooring and our wide ge . variety of carpet. - , DECORATOR MIRRORS z Thinking of putting x Many patterns and MEDICINE CABINETS Mirrored Cabinets in a variety of colours & styles. from 12.49 (In Stock) Items Subject to Prior Sale. Not necessarily as illustrated. Some items may VANITIES | Fiiafdes Selection of Models In a Variety of Finishes. aalty 2 > 10% OFF RANGE | PEEL 'N STICK (In Sock only to OOS = TILES from .65¢ sq.ft. odors. Duct or duct- [ less models. Easy to / f= --u Easy to install tiles. Just install. =& .peel off backing and stick them down. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. 11 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry, Ontario have to be ordered. "PHONE 985-7391 RA eh ESN PE ew -- 2X ~ a 3 EIEN b) ol ja) PAR) Roky os BR A +H rR & i BR FE Ea £2 i Bs Lv VITY ok 2) $1 radii ATi {aes 5 i