| : The lack. of public park- lands and poor sidewalks were two of the main issues of concern voiced by Prince Albert residents at a public meeting May 13th to discuss a proposed hamlet develop- ment plan for the community. About sixty people attended the meeting at the Prince Albert Hall to hear Durham Region planners outline proposed develop- ment areas for the community and the boundaries. In response to questions about the lack of a public - park in Prince Albert, Scugog Mayor Jerry Taylor told the meeting that Town- ship policy in the past has been to accept the cash in lieu of parkland when a new subdivision is developed. Subdivision agreements call for five per cent of the land to be dedicated as park, but Mayor Taylor said cash . is accepted to avoid a series of very small parks which are difficult and costly to maintain. He said the money is put into a park fund to upgrade existing parks in the municipality. There are three areas in Prince Albert proposed for subdivision development over the next eight years or so, and Mayor Taylor said it's possible that money from these developments could be used to upgrade Poplar Park when and if the Township takes over ownership of that park. Farmer heads east Lawrence VanCamp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp of Blackstock, has been chosen as the Ontario representative on the John Deere Summer Work Ex- change for 1981. Lawrence will be spending a month in Newfoundland living and working on a farm. A delegate from Néw- foundland will be living with the VanCamp family during the same period. The Summer Work Ex- change is sponsored by John Deere Ltd., and the Canadian 4-H Council. The program is designed to allow one 4-H member from each province to participate on a work exchange program. Lawrence is an active 4-H member in Durham and is also involved on the home dairy farm, as well as attending High School in Blackstock. CARS PAINTED! You Prepare ..... $120. We Prepare ..... $240. (Body Work Additional.) PRINCE ALBERT AUTO BODY 985-3311 | fawco * PORT PERRY PLAZA - 985-3355 wishes to announce "DISCOUNT DAYS" starting May 19, 1981, and every Tuesday thereafter WE WILL GIVEA 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL DRY CLEANING! This discount will apply to every item - a bottom line Discount. **ALSO* * For the Users of our Laundry Facilities, one morning will be chosen between Monday to Friday on which our customers will get All Their Washers - "FREE" Each week's 'Free Washer Day' will be different and will be chosen at random. The free washers will be given between 8:00 A.M. and 12 NOON. - Come on in & say Hi to Sally & Carmen. CLEANING CENTRE CPG CACACACACACATICACACAC C There was a suggestion from one member of the audience that citizens of . Prince Albert chip in to buy playground equipment for the land surrounding the - community hall, or for the school yard on Simcoe Street South. Regional planner Larry Kotseff told the meeting there are presently about 165 homes in Prince Albert with the hamlet plan proposing a maximum of 80 new sub- division lots on three parcels of land over the next eight years. Mr. Kotseff stressed that the proposed 80 lots is a maximum number, and in fact this number could be reduced when specific sub- division agreements come up to approval at the local and Regional level. He said soil conditions for septic systems could be a major factor in determining the eventual number of new lots for development. The three development areas include a 40 acre parcel on the west side of Simcoe Street, north of King Street, bounded by Cawker's Creek on the West. 'Another L372 Sa 0 gers ode | $F DFR, GT GT LAR WR LL Vw PORT PERRY STAR =~ Wednesday, May- 20, 1981 ~--19. area is 45 acres between King and Simcoe Streets, northwest of the school with a maximum of 30 new lots. and the third area is 18 acres east of Union Avenue and north of King Street for a mazimum of 15 new lots, The Regional planners recommend that any new lots approved in these three areas be about one acre in size to. support two septic systems in the event one breaks down. The lots would be supplied with municipal water. The planners also recommend that develop- - ment take place at a rate no greater than ten new lots each year. Several residents at the meeting were surprised to find they now live in Port Perry, after having believed for many years they were Prince Albert residents. The reason is that tradi- tionally, the boundary between Port Perry and - Prince Albert has been accepted as Victoria Street. However, the hamlet plan shows the border moved southward to just about the intersection of Queen and Simcoe Streets. ICCC CACACACAC] ICICOLICC 5e525252525252525¢ 3C 3 3 [om lom om Loe 52525252525252525252525252525252525 505545 dS Sac | he wn | ne | uy 2 . 0 an [ge [oun [pm [gn gn | apn | gm | an |p Take [oie [ate who al oh | ho] che | whe | che | ae | we | he | ke | le | che] cb | ho | : LIMI TEC NG &7 203 Queen Street - Port Perry OPEN: Monday thru Saturday 9 A.M. to 6-P.M. Fridays to 9:00 P.M. - EAR PIERCING - BY APPOINTMENT WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON - WATCH & JEWELLERY REPAIRS - - BELTONE HEARING AID BATTERIES - Tope op pn yn own | opm | yn | Gp | 6p | gn | ape {cyn |oyn ayn | ayn | Gy [G0 pm ayn Lon | pn an oh [ayn ayn wpm wun | ole CCC JC s [apn [apn gn ago [gn [apn gn [ape [gn | [aTaTaTaTaT 2 [ops Tan "an [ae [apm [apm Tope [an Tago [apn Tan Ta To Tn CAC I! [a TaTaTa Ta Ta Ta Te TTA Ta Ta Ta Ta ToT Th Ta Ta Tu Tk] For All Of Your PETROLEUM REQUIREMENTS & BURNER SERVICE CALL: 985-2572 13QFF *Electrolysis Treatment *Facial Care * Waxing Treatment Tea Tels Tekno wie | io [gio hn [on [ale | ho] he | ho | phe hn hn | he he] he | he | he | One gentleman at the meeting who lives on Simcoe Street, south of Victoria Street said he's now not sure whether he lives in Port Albert or Prince Perry. ~The contentious issue of hydro rates in Prince Albert was another topic under discussion with Mayor Taylor explaining that Ontario Hydro will not allow the Scugog (Port Perry) Hydro Commission to take over service in Prince Albert. Prince Albert residents generally pay higher rates for hydro than those in Port Perry, and this has been a sticky issue for many in that community would want to become part of the Scugog (Port Perry) Commission. Lack of parks concern Pr. Albert residents Mayor Taylor said the only way Ontario Hydro would turn over the service in Prince Albert, would be if the Port Perry Commission took over all of Scugog Township. That has been ruled out because of the enormous costs. Residents who were at the meeting last week to see the proposed hamlet plan agreed to meet again this week to study the plan in more detail and come up with sugges- tions for Scugog council to consider before the hamlet is officially adopted by council, some time within the next three months. Copies of the development plan are available at the Township Offices. in Port Perry. 1982 PONTIAC "J" CARS CANADA'S NEWEST FRONT WHEEL DRIVE COMPACT Prices - Colours - Options Demonstrations Available Now at ...... PHILP PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 VANEDWARD DRIVE, PORT PERRY - 985-8474 ~~ OPEN: Weekdays to 9:00 P.M. . Fridays to 6:00; Saturdays to 4:00. Reg. Price For Your Convenience APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE: Tuesdays - 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Wednesdays - 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Thursdays - 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. -COLLIN ELECTROLYSIS 208 NORTH STREET - PORT PERRY 985-3867 JOAN & MARION wish to thank you for their successful year as INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD. For Personal Professional Service Call: 985-2731 Maa ay ED AA NTN 240A Sa rs LAT UE WL & Sa OL FOTN FR AYA TURF ROSY IRSERRIIRT RIC CE AREA PE, PE LAN A / Rr Ee ay SON a ~- a, ret MTR . ESR a at. '+ SN PRE CO POTN Ea - a v k eal En a - SR er STALL -- ~ EA - a Mr ei ign > - . AR YY. - IR -- 3 PARSE EN GagO ip TW EL hh SIN) Pag Sl . yy a ~r [3 = vm on pe Wha ' sv 3 saya : ICTR id -» 03, -"4 PT tr a ap - -- 2 a SB 3 = v . ~ al EM EL 0 Yow Wr - A RE Ce