of: - on CYR &G SP * ~AS an Re RT eT pa on aN 4 Se A ar EA er] ROAS MET ne WELL Sh en wo vey Th) ~ No, ol Se RIOR BTA, Rl GER LE a So 28 -- PORT PERR Nestleton United Church . - Women .. The Nestleton U.CCW. met at the home of Mrs. Victor Parsons, Blackstock, on the afternoon of Tuesday, May the 12th. The President Mrs. S. Cawker welcomed 13 members and 1 visitor, open- ing with a poem "Mothers" and a favourite hymn. A lovely solo was enjoyed sung by Marlene Parsons entitled "I see the love of God". An inspiring devo- tional period was presented Auction Sales WEDNESDAY JUNE 3 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Farm Implements Auction sale of farm implements, the property of RALPH AND IRENE HOLDER, lot 1, Con 13, Mariposa Twsp. 5 miles north of Manilla on county Rd. 18 or 3 miles south of wood- ville, or 22 miles east of Cannington. 1978 M.F. 1085 Diesel tractor with cab, power steering complete, 1015 hours, 10 speed, like new, Massey Fer- guson 165 diesel tractor, power steering, complete, 1500 hours, 1980 M.F. 880 plough, hydraulic reset, 4-16's semi-mounted, Massey Ferguson 4-14's trip beam plough, 3 pt. h. Bob Cat 610 skid loader with bucket, 1977 New Holland 2-row forage harvester with hay pick-up, 12 knife, 1977 New Holland self- unloading forage wagon, 10 fon gearing, floatation tires, 1978 Dion forage blower, P.T.0. with 35 ft. of pipes, Ford 618 forage harvester with cutter head for zero grazing, 2 row corn head," Grove self-unloading forage wagon with 10 ton gearing, 1977 New Idea manure spreader, flail-type, A.C. 2300 tandem disc, 17 ft. with wings and harrows, Massey Ferguson 300 self- propelled combine with cab, 13 ft. header, new belts, excellent condition, 1978 New Holland 355 mix mill, 5 screens, like new, New Holland 476 haybine, P.T.O., Massey Ferguson 10 baler, P.T.O., 3 hay wagons with 8 x 16 ft. racks, 8-ton Martin wagon, Hay wagon with 8 x 20 ft. rack and Martin gearing, 8 ton, wagon with 8 x 24 ft. rack and 10 ton New Holland gearing, 1977 - Massey Ferguson 33 seed drill, grain, grass and fertilizer, Land packer, 12 ft, land roller, chain harrows, 10ft. 3-section drag harrows, 1978 field sprayer, 21 ft. boom with piston pump, 32 ft. hay-grain elevator on wheels with motor, 26 ft. - 6' grain auger on wheels with motor, 2-3' grain augers, 4' grain auger, bin dryer, 2 sets of scales, M.F. 2-row corn planter, 3 pt. h. John Deere 1-row corn picker, P.T.O. Turnco grain box with é-ton gearing, 10 ff. Allied cultivator, 3 pt. h. 1924 Frost in wood, 10ft Massey Ferguson tillage cultivator, Ford 3 pt. h. Utility . heavy-duty blade, Lyle -side rake, 5 wheel, 2 feed racks, 16 ft, 2 feed carts, 2-6 ton grain hoppers, 1978 cattle squeeze scales and headgate, 1975 Calso barn sprayer, 1964 Austin jeep, 3 pt. h. fertilizer spreader, P.T.O. Feed wagon, 16 ft. 1952 Stude- baker car, hard top, 1978 Mazda 2 ton truck, overhead mount hay elevator, 160 ft. 20" ft. hay elevator, 500 gal. water tank on wagon, Beatty automatic hog feeder,, 2 sections, cattle oiler, mineral feeder, gas-driven cement troweller, grain blower with 30 ft. pipes, 2-200 gal. fuel tanks, Evinrude outboard motor, 2 gas tanks for boats, circular saw on steel frame, belt-driven. cedar posts, mesh wire, 7 stainless steel pig feeders 12ft. STRAW: approx. 2000 bales straw. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: ' This is an exceptional line of farm macinery, well maintained. BUILDING LOT: Plan 78 in Manilla, Simcoe St. North. Lot size 124 ft. x 190 ft. Good high building site, just off Hwy 7., building permit avail- able from local municipality, severance approved. Terms for Property: 25% down day of sale, remainder cash in 30 days. Sells subject to Reserve Bid. Terms cash. No reserve. Machinery sale 12:00 Noon, Lot sells 4:30 P.M. Carl and Gregg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont, 705-324-9959. M27 CoE Fr CURIE LEN, oa YSERA RRL Ly LE AEE SERRATE of A LASTER, & oi PRAT i [Ao ibe IDRAS ALL PE SRS STR URC a. RA PERE RN AR -- Wednesday, May 20, 1981 i 3 3 J 18 : RE wy Nest le on EWS ' ed $ TOW A J i g Nid 8 by Mrs. Parsons, the theme being "Love". She outlined many thoughts in her message relating to love. ""The Scripture was read by Mrs. Norm Mairs. This portion of the meeting closed with Prayer and a much loved hymn "Come let us sing of a wonderful love'. ~ Minutes were read by Sec. "Mrs. W. Vine and approved and two cards were signed for the ill. The statement of Treasurer was presented by Mrs. G. Fish showing a good balance on hand. The Roll Call was answered by each member donating items for the White Elephant table. Very pleased to welcome a new member in the person of Mrs. F. Lawson and trust she will enjoy the work of the U.C.W. During the business portion members were reminded to save used stamps for the Leprosy Mission project, to be given to Mrs. R. France. Canada Packer labels to be saved as well, and Mrs. G. Fish will convene this project. A bale of good used clothing is being collected and members will meet to sort items one day soon. Anyone wishing to donate clothing for the bale may leave same in the Sun- day School room. A table has been reserved for the Flea Market for June 13th, 10 a.m. at the Community Centre. All members are asked to bake for this money raising project as well as other donations and attrac- tive saleable items. Committee appointed- Mes- dames Bernice Mairs, Marg. France, Shirley Nicholls and Mabel Cawker. A motion was passed that each member donate a toy to the Sunday School. A bus trip is in the offing for July to Cullen Gardens and committee- appointed com- prise - Mrs. L. Malcolm and Mrs. Bernice Mairs. The U.C.W. are conducting the Nestleton Church Service on May 24th with Mrs. Shirley Brawn, Port Perry as guest speaker. Members are hoping for a good attend- ance for this meaningful _a®___. MN__ Auction Sales SATURDAY MAY 30 SALE TIME: 9:30 A.M. Furniture and Antiques Large auction sale of furn- iture and antiques selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 mi. north of Uxbridge, the properties of the Estate of the late OLIVE BENTLEY as well as the property - of MR. AND MRS. POOTS and the property of LYN McCORDIE including antique settee and matching rocker, washstand, china cabinet, wicker chair, antique dresser and washstand, 3 pc. bedroom suite, 3 pc. chesterfield, boiler, 2 milk cans, garden tools, antique primitive pine cupboard, 2 pine boxes, antique pine chairs, trunks, pictures, coffee table and matching end tables; chests of drawers, china cabinet, several lamps, pine table with drawer, several antique chairs, organ stool, dining room table and 6 chairs (modern with high chairs) rugs, dressers, lge. brass bell, antique ice cream maker, vacuum, picture frames, 3 single beds, weather vane, dishes, aluminum extension ladder, . western saddle, trunk full of harness pieces, no. of horse bits, several horse collars, neck yokes, 2 military saddles, tools and hardware, Apache Camper Trailer with electric brakes, fridge and stove. Sale at 9:30 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. Ma? " SORVLMTWTA N04 a! A service. Mrs. G. Fish took the study topic and an excellent talk was presented by Neta with a Mother's Day theme. A Pie contest - a real teaser - was conducted by Mrs. Ruby Parsons the winner being Mrs. Grace Jackson. After the Mizpah Bene- diction, the white elephant sale was of interest, netting a goodly amount for the Treasury. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ruby Parsons and Mrs. Gwen Malcolm and a half hour .of sociability was much enjoy- ed. The courtesy was extended by Mrs. Marg. France. Eastern Star News 10 members from Cart- wright area were on hand for the special night held on Thursday evening May 14, in the Masonic Temple, Port Perry, when Matrons, Patrons and Associates representing "The year of Goodwill" 1980-1981- were honoured. Worthy Matron Stella Dennis and Worthy Patron Arnold Taylor ex- tended a warm Blue Ray welcome to many out of town guests. - During the evening the following were received into the Chapter - Betty Jane Taylor, Tracy Bongard, Judy Mitchell and Judith Davidson, We trust these young folk will enjoy the work of the Order and the friendship of the members. Guests were present from Durham, Sunbeam, Whitby, Golden Deed, Pickering , West Hill and Port Perry. After Chapter closed, Sister Majorie McCombe and committee served refresh- ments in the lower hall and an informal visit was enjoy- ed with friends. Nestleton Women's Institute ..The members of the Nestleton W.I. are busy these days preparing for their 75th Anniversary to be held on Wednesday, May 27th. Friends are invited to join them at 8 P.M. for a program featuring an Historical Skit with Fashions Through the Years. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Evelyn Moore of Oakwood. Several members will be honoured for many years of dedicated service. Delegates Mrs. J. Wygerde, Mrs. R. France and Mrs. L. Malcolm attend- ed the District Annual held at Newtonville on Thursday, May 14. Nestleton Ladies' Aid ..The members of the Ladies' Aid met in the Church Hall, May 14th with President Mrs. Stan McNeeley presiding. - An inspiring Devotional period was presented opening with a hymn followed by a person- al Prayer from each member. Mrs. W. Hooey spoke on the power of Prayer with "Scripture taken from Matthew 5 and a story from the life of Dr. and Mrs. Goforth, missionaries in China. Business included plans for a table of baked goods and various articles for sale at the Flea Market in June. Mrs. G. Thompson, faithful fiews reporter, resigned as such, and Mrs. G. Heaslip was appointed. A program of topical read- ings was given by Mrs. G. (Turn to page 29) Cam Muir [left] and Lynn O'Reilly, representing the music students of Port Perry High School made a surprise presentation to principal Doug Williams during their music night last week in appreciation of his support of the music department. The clock radio and gold medallion was a gift to Mr, Williams from the music students as he is leaving PPHS this year to become principal at another school. - PPHS Music Night pays By Russ Baird On Wednesday May 13 the music students of PPHS presented their ninth edition of Summer Breeze. This year was very special in that principal Doug Williams will be leaving to go to Donovan Collegiate Institute - in Oshawa. Mr. Williams has always been an extremely strong supporter of the music pro- gramme in the school. For this reason the students decided to honour Mr. Williams in music and present him with a token of appreciation. In a special presentation following the awards portion of the ;, programme in .which 53 students 'were awarded Bronze, medals for outstanding coniribution to music at P.P.H.S., Band president Lynn O'Reilly presented Mr. By Vera Brown There will be a Bible Study this Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Utica Church. Session and Stewards meet at Epsom on Thursday at 8 p.m. Church service at Utica on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. which will be followed by a Congregational meeting. The Epsom-Utica Social Club invites all gardeners and non-gardeners to meet at Epsom Church at 7 p.m. on Saturday May 30th, to form a car pool to drive to Cullen Gardens and Minia- ture Village. There will be a potluck lunch back at the Church about 10:00 p.m. For information contact the hosts Ken and Beth Cather- wood at 576-6713 or Earl and Elizabeth Taylor at 852-7187. There are reduced rates for groups of 15 or more. There will be a euchre in Silver or Gold - Williams with a gold medal and a stereo AM,FM clock radio inscribed "In Appreciation 'Doug Williams' Music Students The school's six bands and choir each performed super- bly. The selections on the programme ranged from standard classic band charts to modern up tempo arrangements. Mr. Russ Baird, Mr. Pete Chellew and Mr. Charles White led the groups. Mr. White teaches instrumental music and science at R. H. Cornish but in a programme unique in Durham instructs the PPHS "B" Band - The high school's second stage band. This group is in its third year and doing tremendously well under Mr. White's leader- ship. The 100 Band is a group in their first year of perform- ance under Mr. Chellew who played with an enthusiasm Utica Hall on Friday at 8 p.m. : Mr. and Mrs. Herb Luke celebrated granddaughter 'Pamela's 1st birthday with the Ted Luke family on the 12th. Happy Birthday Pamela. Happy Birthday to Miss Sarah Croxall who is 6 years old. Mrs. John Croxall and daughter Julia attended the Mother and Daughter Ban- quet for the brownies, guides etc. in Port Perry on Monday evening. Mr. Scott Wilbur was a weekend guest with Mr. Rick Young in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur celebrated their anniversary with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kerry on Saturday evening at the Deer Park Inn in Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers of Scarborough were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. tribute to Doug Williams that more than made up for any technical problems of first year players. The concert Band and Inter- - mediate Band are a great credit to their conductor Mr. Chellew and themselves. There are very few "junior level" bands who could out- play these two bands. The Girl's Choir makes a beautiful sound and kept up the high standard of vocal performance at the High School. The senior stange band and. the Senior Wind . Ensemble rounded out the programme with exciting 'musical performances, possibly some of the finest band music PPHS has ever produced. : This has been a banner - year for all PPHS musicians and Summer Breeze was a fitting tribute and conclusion to a fine year. Utica area news William Brown. . Mrs. George Harper enjoy- ed a bus trip to Holland, Michigan, this past week, taking in the Tulip Festival. Mrs. Earl Fielding has returned home from hospital. Visitors on the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fielding and family of Pefferlaw, Judy Whitford and Donna Wakeford, hoth of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nolan and girls of Oshawa were visitors with the Eric Carre family on Saturday. Recent visitors at the Sutcliffe home were Mr. and Mrs. Donald, Sutcliffe and Sherry of Janetville, Miss Marlene Bray of Blackstock and Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Crawford and. family of Greenbank. Mr. Dean Beare and Miss Gloria Gardiner of Oshawa visited on Monday with Mrs. Crosier. in SSA A IE wd Cl Ca a 53 tu tl os on lb nai