fine granulated 2 kg bag frozen concentrated | unsweetened Suncrop 12 vz Aa. oz. tin 3A for the grill Ei cut from Canada AR grade A beef He 4 yi 0 AL A 7 {id $94 oe a pas i --- Kr ; $5 Swift Premium 175 g pkg. 1 1 8 £5 cooked ham 00ccccs00000000000 ® 2 & Pride of Canada store sliced 56) " cooked ham ssssesssssssess Ib. 1.78 eli . | cut from Canada grade A beef 1 8 SN chuck short rib roasts..........1b. 3 bonéless smoked cryovac perfect for burgers beef ood 1.69 Swift Premium store sliced mac & cheese loaf or hick loafers m. 178 4 varieties Schneiders L18 meat pies.....pkg. Campfire small link beef and pork sausage 00000000000000000000000 Ib. 1.2 eo) dinner ham sugar plum eseecse. lb. 2 J 8 Swift Premium b -n- sausage wn by, 1. 5 8 prneiders . Beers covnees hog 4.28 Schneiders jumbo Roe ow. 1.99 Dog Gone pkg. of 10 Quikki roll 'o bags pkg. of 30 kitchen rack refills 00000000000 ® 79 Royal Chinet 8 3/4" pkg. of 20 luncheon plates............. 1.29 garbage bags ................... 1.19 Canada cup 7 oz. pkg. of 20 wr w1.19 Produce of Ontario - Fancy McIntosh Apples........ccccccvvve.. 3.25.99 Produce of Ontario - No. 1 Asparagus ............. nb bunch .79 Produce of US.A.-No.1 Slicing Tomatoes ........... 1.39 Produce of U.S.A. - No. 1 "New Potatoes ..........100 52.99 rted jelly powde JLlO anor. 85 2 ok 2/. 79 St. La corn oil crvvoneen 1 litre cont. 1 ® 79 Blue Bo 2 1b. SOft MATGATING rrvvererrnnss 1009 assorted fancy 12 - 14 fl. oz. tin Green Giant vegetables esvenes 49 condensed cream of mushroom Campbell's soup... 101.oz tin 0. 7 assorted cat food Kal Kan esscccscesssscee 60z. tin 3/89 Nestea reg. or tropical Welch's Stryofoam cups......c..eeeeeer 0.3 9 "21.39 | omic... 3.29 FI wang 29 Philips soft, 40, 60 or 100 watt Fleecy sauce & crust balbs......... 251.29 Hp ewe 2 69 271%001.69 | Dream Whip... 55 .88 St orasde wor 60 rid eck. unscented or light powder | Chock Full 'O Nuts Colombian Beehive : loose pack, stuffed manzanilla Nn asi verses or I J 7 AT J Peonc1.69 honeycomb. edd | 95 NE. yo 3.29 syrup vessesnne 'onl .69 Chives une 10 po | 29 acre th it vo hh apes Sued i | Boren ete conned send Cone" py 69 by National Grocers Co. Ltd. milkshakes ..... tin 2099 layer cakes pig. 1.39 JUICE rrr oc] JO9 CORES EEA 85 LOTTARIO AGENT NO NAME DIAPERS (Limit 1 Per Customer - Offer Expires May 30; 1981) KE 50.00 WORTH of DOWSON'S RED & WHITE = - Toddler Size Cash Register Tapes to Port Perry Mini Golf and Get NOW AVAILABLE! "ONE FREE GAME" DOWSON'S rep a waite FOODMASTER PORT PERRY PLAZA | SCUGOG STREET - HWY. JA Wed. Thurs. &Fri:9 AM. t09 P.M. STORE HOURS: : Mon., Tues. & Sat.: 6 P.M. eo