Bll ai ny a ep Ni i. BR RR Lg or News and views from the Blackstock area Mrs. Grant Young of Hamilton spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright last week. Mrs. Bill Ferguson attend- ed a Reunion of her Nursing Class in London over the weekend. She also visited family members in the Norwich and Woodstock area. A reunion of all former teachers and pupils of Purple Hill School, S. S. number 4, Cartwright is planned for Sunday, September 13. Please reserve the date if this applies to you and also pass the word along to all others. To help in the planning, a general idea of numbers is needed so if possible please send your intentions to either Herb Swain, Blackstock or to Harvey Graham, R.R.1, Blackstock. This will be held at the school which is now L.O.L. Nancy and Patti Bryans spent a lovely week of holidays in the sun at their cottage on Sturgeon Lake. Long weekend guests were Lorinda Jackson, Debbie Black and Rick Alpe along with several visitors to help open up the cottage season. Mrs." Marjorie Swain of. Grandview, Manitoba is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain. Her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ryesburgh, Marathon attended their son's graduation at Queen's, Kingston. The Beavers ended a successful season on Saturday by attending a Beaveree at Seagrave. The leaders who attended were Mike Dearborn, Beth Schryburt and Barb Argue along with ten Beavers Bowling banquet By Nancy Bryans Saturday, May 9th, at Caesarea Community Hall the Tuesday Night Mixed Bowling banquet was held. About 50 bowlers and guests sat down to a delicious roast beef dinner served by the Auxiliary Ladies. President Ches Efford welcomed everyone then the executive-Nancy Bryans, Secretary and Treasurer Doris Clark handed out the trophies. Twelve Perfect Attend ance awards; Lowest Game - Sharon Wright; Most Im- proved Bowler - Bob Barr; Best Sport of Year - Tim Casey; High Triple Flat- . Ladies Debbie Casey, Mens - Ray Wright; High Triple with Handicap - Pat Turner, Bill Turner; High Single Flat - Marlene Quantz, Merv Brisco; High Single with Handicap - Patty Horn, Dave Obee; High Average - Nancy Bryans, Pete Crawford: Consolation Trophy Win- ners "Gamblers": Merv Brisco, Monica Efford, Glenys Windsor, Bob Barr, Dan Gallagher, Chris Davis. Champion Trophy Winners '"Fern's Angels': Nancy Bryans, Pat Turner, Lorne Clark, Joy Webb, Fern Harvard, Richard Heffering. Next Years Executive - President Ches Efford; Secretary - Nancy Bryans; Treasurer - Patty Horn. Mrs. enjoyed a day very full of activities. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold McLaughlin, Kelly and Mrs. W. Toms were Mr. and Mrs. Bill St. John, Owen and Courtney, Oshawa, Mrs. Elaine Romeril and Mrs. Ruth Wilson of Port Perry. Mrs. Wilbur Toms and Eileen McLaughlin were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Enniskillen to celebrate Mrs. Toms' birthday. Glad to welcome Mrs. Robt. Ford home from a lengthy stay in Port Perry Hospital. Her daughter Jean Smith is staying with her for a time. Mrs. Violet Poole of Belleville spent a holiday with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Asselstine. Guests on the holiday Sunday for evening dinner to visit their grandmother were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Asselstine, Prince Albert, and Mr. and Mrs. Colin Asselstine of Oshawa. On Monday guests were Teresa Asselstine, Darrell and Shane of Oshawa and Susan Swain. 'On Wednesday Vern and Vera took his mother home to Belleville. Enroute they stopped at Trenton for lunch with his sister Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webber. On the way home they visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Orr at Cobourg. .. Congratulations to Jean Horton who was among the graduates at Durham College on Saturday. Guests were her mother Mrs. Tom Horton, her sister Mrs. Ralph Swain and her fiance, Ralph Kronister of Green- bank. In last week's news a line was missed which created a mix-up in the report of the showers. Marguerite Beacock and Brenda Bryant were co-hostesses for a shower held in honour of Jean Horton at Marguerite's home. On Friday evening, Norma VanCamp and Eleanor Werry co-hosted a shower in honour of Louise VanCamp at Norma's home. What a difference a few words make. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Asselstine were guests at S City- their daughter Teresa's for a birthday party in honour of Darrell's second birthday. There will be change of - schedule in church services for the next two weeks at the United Church. Next Sunday, May 31 there will be neither Church nor Sunday School as the Nestleton Anniversay is held that day. The following Sunday, June 7 will be our Sunday School - Anniversary Service at 11:00 a.m. with Lloyd Wilson, speaker. Please note the change of time from the regular time. The afternoon unit of the Blackstock U.C.W. was held on Tuesday, May 12 at the home of Mrs. Fred Dayes with 16 members and one visitor present. A dessert luncheon began at 1:15 followed by the meeting when the leader Mr. Murray Byers began with a poem "If Put A Smile on Your Face, Test Drive A HONDA call KEVIN CANNON. Centre Automobiles 1110 Dundas St East - Whitby 666-1772 - 985-8656 res. YOUR LOCAL HONDA DEALER Street building). ANY INFORMATION MAY BE GIVEN BY PHONING: ANN BEACOCK - 985-9039 OR POLICE 579-1234 $200 REWARD For any information leading to the Arrest and Conviction of any Person or Person who slashed a set of tires on a 1974 Fiat yellow coloured - on the night of SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1981 between the time of 8:00 P.M. and 11:30 P.M. at 108 Water Parking Lot (beside PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 27, 1981 -- 23 cated, prayer completed the worship. Mrs. Samells had the theme on Stewardship, taking some things from the - Observer also a few "questions on our thinking of -stewardship and a thought provoking discussion follow- ed. The Benediction com- you stand very still'. The Roll Call was answered by the exchange of plants. "The minutes of the last meeting plans were made to help with a picnic in July, General Meeting, May 27, Weddings, May and June. An announcement that the W.I. were having a bus trip to pleted this enjoyable Milton, June 10 was made meeting. J Mrs. Martin had the Worship ~~ Congratulation to Lawrence VanCamp who has been chosen as the Ontario representative on the John. Deere Summer Work Ex- change for 1981. and read Psalm 100 Commenting on same and the Hymn "'All things bright and beautiful'"' was sung; offering received and dedi- COC 00000) 2525252525257! 5 2525: D. THAPAR | DENTURE THERAPIST SAS Tt » ome ". | } 66 Brock St. W., 163 Simcoe St. S., he: Uxbridge 852-5291 Oshawa 579-8752 BA 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-7797 CO0O00000008L0505¢5¢5850a25 [eb] WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. 40 VANEDWARD DRIVE - PORT PERRY (Behind Philp Pontiac-Buick) PHONE 985-7363 Farm Feed, Fencing, Pet Food & Garden Supplies POOL SUPPLIES | SPECIAL THIS WEEK We carry a complete line. MIXED LAWN SEED Cl . (Reg. $1.39 1b.) I NOW \ Ib. $1.25 SEED POTATOES Netted Gem "wv Superior Kenebec Sebago Red Chieftain 25¢ |b. 15.99 75 Ibs. i CHEMICALS LIMITED Purina Cat Chow 8 kg. $10.60 Shur-Gain Dog Food 20 kg. $12.90 10 kg. $6.90 Plastic Chick Founts 1 gallon - $2.89 Hanging Feeders $12.40 Reel Type Feeders $2.25 We have a Large Selection of GARDEN CHEMICALS at Greatly Reduced Prices! Turf & Weedaway 20 kg. $16.50 10 kg. $9.65 'Box Plants - 95¢ ea. Geraniums - $1.29 ea. --EIMIr VI ERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 193 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY 985-7306 ~The one you're looking for. 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