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Port Perry Star, 25 Jun 1980, p. 25

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ye A » THESE CES 1A 5 { RAR ha A ARI VTLS / ro LE re PREDIIARASSEETS IN SFE PS Sart PRICIER a scr ' i: PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 25, 1980 -- 25 SRR 1 1 OF For Sale For Sale . For Sale For Sale For Soe Soe Tend -- EN i » yy URINE ERASE saves carpets! ONE REFRIGERATOR - $25; | FULLER BRUSH Products | NEW 142 RUNABOUT boat INGROUND SWIMMING Rote hi Tops n Trends Guarantees removal dog, cat, | Carry-all box for cartop and | available. 985-3477. T.F. | c/w top. Special. (Last year's 30 mil. liners = shapes & patterns ' Bes human urine stains, odours from | racks - $40. 985-2640 after 5:30. price) - $2,295. With 50 h.p. Merc i bl JACUZZI filtration, on carpets! Free brochure. Dept. SWIMMING POOLS - Factory - $3,295. 985-2910. J25 available, ef valve, efc. 0 4 - A. Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box [ CEDAR FENCE POSTS and [ ooo coo Flos oo main drain, relief. valve, Pd ' ; / ) pools. Cordova Construction, Canning- Ni 7500, London, Ontario N5Y 4X8. poles - also ties 6 x 6, 8 x8, | Thoce come complete with walk- | HOT TUBS - Sales and rentals. Sample: 16° x 32 fully etd Tired of winter and need hardwood firewood. Call Mon- | 0 00 (0 patio, fencing, | Phone Joy McKay (Seagrave) - | fon. Sample: bottom Vi FRANKLIN FIREPLACE day - Friday - 3-6 p.m. 705-432 TOR. RT. installed with concrefe om, Su more money? ve 3008 Jy2 | PUMP. motor and filter. Regular | 1-705-357-2227. TF | etc. - Only $4695.00. Call Collect. 2rd I can help. I'm just a phone large, 39", includes grate, : y price - $2,400.00. NOW - $1,498.00. fre Estimates. (705) 432-2703. 5 A : screen, and pipe. Slightly used. Call IMPERIAL POOLS toll free | COUNTRY GROWN CEDARS - T.F. hud call away ... 985-3410. HAY RIG for sale - 986-4624. - 1-800-268-5970. TF | for hedging, picked up, delivered t I - , 2 . 655- 3 pr & p35 2005 FOUR GOODYEAR_ tracker | 1977 KAWASAKI - 175 cc, fair | oo STERY FABRICS. or planted. 655-4448 TF ie 0 tires - 10-15 LT on white spoked | condition - $600 or best offer. vinyls, foam, buttons made, | RABBIT CAGES - made to order $$$ SAVE $$$ htt It costs nothing to phone and rims, for Chev or GMC. Very low | 985-8863. tools, etc. Ace Upholstery also live rabbits. Call 985-3224. on there is no obligation. mileage. Like new - $400.00. Supplies, 204 Bond Street East, TF PA 985-2919. BRADFORD electric guitar and Oshawa, 579-5666. T.F.. STEEL At case $100.00 firm. 383-5648. CEDAR POSTS - Call 1-705-357- £08 . WOOD and coal stove - $150. : SWIMMING POOLS - Factory | 2409. REY Coming Events 985-8772. 1974 AMC HORNET as is, or for | pro coacon special - 102+ x 21°) re ROOFING & oi rs KAWASAKS po a-- Pons ed more ra. 14' x 28°; 16' x 32' from $1,295.00. 1 oN ! riple, | 5 - 986-4379. | 723.0345 and evenings 576-2287. SIDING a8 ROTARY CLUB Central Cana- | excellent condition, rebuilt FR. or personal ue Fas Hopsiness F/R dian Fiddling and Step Dancing | motor August '79. (Have papers | TWO WHEEL WINDROW Call the Port Perry Star. 985- You choose colour Ae Competitions - July 4 & 5, Perth, | foprove). $1,000.00. Can be seen | turner -3pt. hitch, like newalsoé | WEDDING INVITATIONS, | 73g3 Y CTF i 4) Ontario. Cash prizes, trophies, | at Trans General Store, Prince | bale hay fork for tractor loader. personalized stationery, - or and gauge. We install a all age classes, excellent camp- | Albert - upstairs. 986-4246. napkins, matches, playing cards, Or you can. Xf ing. Information 613-267-1067 or etc. Call the Port Perry Star - BREZNIKAR . pi vi 613-267-3057 evenings. WOODS DELUXE hardtop | 15° FIBREGLASS red and white, | 9g5 7383. T.F. For Free Estimates he trailer - sleeps 6, stove, sink, | will trade for 14' aluminum boat | == Meat Products & Best Prices Call: oF rp ATTEND the Old Time Fiddle & | icebox, water and propane tanks, | or sell. 986-4338 weekends. FISHER STOVES C.S.A. Sides of Beef - Hinds, Fronts a Step Dancing Contest - July 11 & | privacy curtains, and spare tire. approved, and accessories avail- Home Grown Pork R Be na 12 at the Fergus & District | Asking $1,000 or best offer. KENMORE STOVE - white - $50, | able at competitive prices. f j- by Community Centre, Fergus, | 985-2009. dresser with mirror - $25, car bed | Phone Donna Hazelwood - 985- rom 100 to 200 Ibs. 5 Ontario. For information call | and quilt, jolly-jumper, walker, | 3540. T.F. Cut & Wrapped - 74¢ |b. or s py 519-843-2735 or 519-843-1630. TWO SICKLE KNIVES for 1209 | car seat, trainer chair, infant |. Sausages - Bacon XS J.D. haybine - good condition. bicycle seat, all in excellent | cONTINUOUS FORMS - printed Smoking & Curing of Meat 668-8826 VE ZONE 3 SHEEP SHOW & SALE - | Also cedar poles and posts. condition. 985-8215. and numbered or blank. A must Government Inspected By Show - 11:00 a.m. 986-4863. + July 1 Barbecue - 1:00 p.m. Sale - 2:00 p.m. the New Dundee Test Station. For information call 519-393-6509. LEGION BINGO - The next Legion Bingo will be on Thurs- JOLLY JUMPER with stand, car bed, walker, change table with bath - all in good condition. Also for $125.00 Franklin fire- place with insulated pipe. 986- 5631. BELLEVIEW hardtop tent trailer - 3 way fridge, propane stove, wired for hydro, spare tire, electric brakes, excellent condition. 985-8075. 12 ALUMINUM BOAT 9.6 for every business. We handle both Moore and Pakfold forms. Call the Port Perry Star at 985-7383. T.F. 'SWIMMING POOLS - Manufac- turer has an inventory of 1979 above ground pools to clear. PHONE 985-7736 1r Before you Buy ... TRY BOB ARCHER Used Cars 1974 DODGE CORONET - mileage, best offer. 985-7126. low 1969 FORD LTD - certified, $500. day, July 3, 1980. Jackpot - $200. Viking motor and trailer. Perfect Complete with filter, motor, in 55numbers. J2 | WOODS TENT TRAILER -$300. | condition. $700.00. Phone 985- | oo pump, walk-around HOOKER 985-8772. wh 985-2861. 3994. - . : 1X patio, fencing. Regularly - $2,295 : had EUCHRE - Oddfellows Hall -- NOW - $1,444. Call Toll Free - CHEV-OLDS 1973 MAVERICK 5 Sylinder, ih? June 28, 1980 at 8 p.m. Sponsored | 20 H.P. MERC outboard motor, | STOP! You can cut spiralling | 1 g00-265.8343. TF ew rad and mutfler. ¢ by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Admission 75c. Prizes and lunch. 142" deep hull aluminum boat with 800 Ib. trailer. Asking $1250. building costs with 50% savings. New prebuilt Pyramid Homes Hwy. No. 7, Brooklin fied. 985-2009. Excellent condition. 985-2935. from $21,000 erected and finished SROMINATS a iy re gv PHONE 655-3351 1967 CAMARO - 327 auic, tow Ras YARD SALE - Saturday, June 28, on your foundation. Save more Bromine dist Pri fifteen brakes and Exausi, fares ang ORY 9:30 a.m. West side Hwy. 12-14 | GARDEN TRACTOR with snow | With todays low cost mortgages. fi p ter th hicring tester spoiler, needs tires and paint. at : ini Cobourg Homes - 416-372-9432. mes taster than chlorine tested. $900.00. T bucket kit - $600. mile north of Manchester. blade and box, walnut dining For more information call table, oak china cabinet, black Jy3i 986-5527. PORT PERRY United Church Women will have glazed straw- berry pies for sale at $3.00 each leather sofa and chair, 39' snow- blower attachment for White, MTD or Massey garden tractor. 12' FIBREGLASS Humber Jewel boat and 1976 75 h.p. Johnson Arcade Pools - 985-7605. J25 CONCRETE Lawn Ornaments - CENTRAL '68 FORD WAGON - 390 4V auto PS/PB, radio, like new - $600.00 . i 3 i bird baths, planters, statues, etc. has to be seen Call Ron Friday, July 4th. 2 p.m. at 985-2935. Stinger motor plus tilt trailer. 1 ONTARIO . Wanamakers - 448 Lilla St. $2000 firm. Call Bassett's Small Soom SPAIN miles cast of 1-705-357-3526. north and Homestead Furniture | VW MOTOR - 1500 - $100.00 or | Engines - 1-705-357-3526. TE [1 Sreenban Rides IRRIGATION TF at the Plaza. Jy2 best offer. Call 985-8605. Y 1977 LIONEL hardtop tent trailer | CASH REGISTERS, type- 1978 DATSUN - 2 door, 4 speed, FRIENDS & RELATIVES are cordially invited to help cele- brate the 70th birthday of Ralph Day - Saturday, July 5th, 1980 between 1and 5 p.m. at the home of Douglas and Sandra Day, park St., Caesarea. Best Wishes only. Jy2 SAILBOAT - Sunfish - excellent condition. 985-2330. USED PIANO - $525.00. as is. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. - 985-2635 FRESH STRAWBERRIES - Willow Tree Farm - one mile - 3 way fridge, 3 burner stove, sleeps 8 adults, hyraulic brakes, all in excellent condition - 432- 3117 after 5p.m. J25 20 H.P. JOHNSON - Al running condition. Also boat lift. Call 985-3949 after 1 p.m. J25 writers, dictation equipment, and photo copiers for sale, lease or rent. 985-2518. T.F. MAGNETIC SIGNS for your car, truck, mailbox, etc. Call for prices - Port Perry Star - 985-7383 T.F. EQUIPMENT Pumps - Guns Sprinkler Systems Liquid Manure Disposal Systems Frost Protection new tires, good condition, certi- fied - 985-3826 after 6 p.m. 1972 DATSUN - 1200, 49,000 miles, as is - $475. 985-2538. Used Trucks west of Manchester, north side of Systems EPSOM - UTICA United Church - road. Call before 9 a.m. or after | CAST IRON Franklin fireplace - 10 H.P. JOHNSON QUTBOARD SALES SERVICE 1973 3/4 TON FORD pick up - Strawberry Social - Saturday, 4p.m. - 985-7493. Jy9 | $125.00. Oak buffet - $100. Model QD15 with tank - $250. ' ps/pb, auto, radio, very good July 5-8 p.m. Utica Hall. Adults Homelite 14'" chain saw - $90. 10 H.P. JOHNSON OUTBOARD & LEASING condition $1,800 or nearest - $3.00. Children under 12 - $1.50. Jy2 BINGO - Every Tuesday night, Port .Perry Lions Club at ONE USED HAY FEEDER; two wagons and hay racks plus one wagon gear. 655-3216. Call 985-3956. ONE 3000 FORD TRACTOR - $4500. Set of discs - $150. Set of Model QD14, no tank - $175. 28 H.P.EVINRUDE OUTBOARD Model Speeditwin, electric start, Call for Free Estimates 416-349-2834 offer. 986-5449. 1979 CHEV BLAZER 4X4 - com- plete with meyers 7° snow plow, ig - discs - $100. Two furrow with tank - $350. wer angling, certified. Best Latcham Centre. Early bird | NEW HOLLAND haybine - good | one-way - - po ' game 7:30 p.m. sharp. Doors | condition. A 1972 Chrysler New | Plow - $250. Snow blade - $100. 1- USED LAWN MOWER 416 372 6359 offer - 986-5514 after 6. open at 7:00 p.m. Jackpot $10.00 | Port Royal - good condition. | 9857839. 125 $50.00 J25 r line, $200. in 54 numbers, | Phone 986-5080. PS ihe a0 fy STANDING HAY - Barn also CALL : ' 9N FORD TRACTOR - $750. available for storage. Straw, BASSETT'S BERRY Wanted OPEN HOUSE - to celebrate the | 985-2538. Cedar Foils. 9852536. SMALL ENGINES , Golden Wedding Anniversary of . Mr. and Mrs. Pater Duivesteym 14° BOAT, motor and trailer. 20 | LOW PRICES on new chester- 1-705-357-3526 WORLD PROPERTY OWNERS (if you The children and grandchildren H.P. Mercury used only 100 hrs., fields, beds, kitchen suites, Pick Your Own or ! ave a regis ere " vision or wish to invite relatives and controls, etc. Excellent condi- | coffee table sets, etc. Elmer's Y ot we are in erested, either by friends on Thursday, June 26, tion - $1175.00 or best offer. Furniture 253 Bloor St. E., We Pick For You. purchase or participation. Call Phone 985-2935. osfawa. 728-3473. TF SUPER MEAT SPECIALS STRAWBERRIES 416-222-9201. 1980, from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at Emmanuel Reform Church Hall, 403 Rossland Rd. W., Whitby. Best Wishes Only please. J25 STRAWBERRY SUPPER (Full Course) BAKE SALE Scugog Shores Historical Museum 1980 SUNDAY DEMONSTRATIONS Wood Lathe - Bob Nodwell SUNDAY, AUGUST 10th: Quilting - Kay Brown & Florence Smith X Stitch - Christine Orlab PRIME BEEF Cut, Wrapped, Frozen Sides - $1.49 Ib. Fronts - $1.29 Ib. Canada Packers 6 Ib. Carton - $6.00 Canada Packers Sliced Mid-June to Mid-July RASPBERRIES Mid-July to Mid-August Look for our sign on the 8th Scugog Line - Just One Mile North of Port Perry. FOR PICKING CONDITIONS PHONE: 985-2123 250 TD CARS AND DRIVERS wanted Demolition Derby Oshawa Exhibition Two nights July 18th and 19th. Phone 723-4580 and 728-0884. Jy? CEDAR FOR FENCE POSTS call 705-432 3008. 36 p.m. Aon day to Friday. Jy? WILL PICK UP without charge NDAY, JUNE 29th: Weaving - Wendy Bateman ! 9 : 'HEAD U.C.W. oa, JULY 6th: Quilling wy Hs Aldridge, Marie Chute Thrifty Bacon h h SE foi rarrigars WED.. JULY 2nd SUNDAY, JULY 13th: Oshawa Antique Car Club - 20 Cars 1b. -50 ego Y S cellars and D8 PGus. vik savior 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. China Painting - Wilda Clark (26 Ib. - $13.00) | ) some. 'Also. «and facios. ISLAND HALL Spinning - Patti Haugen | Men 0 Wear Pt. Adults $4.50 SUNDAY, JULY 20th: Rug Hooking - Maria Seidler Devon Breakfast SOD US20 Aparimon) siz of Children under 12- $1.75 SUNDAY, JULY 27th: Organ Music - Lillian Harper Sausages your headquarters for tuning available for all makes TICKETS 985-7732 Christmas Decorations - Jo Dowson 12 Ib. case Irwin Smith Music Ltd. 985-2635 Rug Hooking - Joan Leggett $11.00 Tr SUNDAY, AUGUST 3rd: Rug Braiding - Lilhan Smith LUNCH EON & Organ Music - Barbara Short Maple Leaf Weiners | Wanted 0 Buy HOLSTEIN HEIFERS wanted. Grades or purebreds. Freshen BY THE LAKE Spinning - Poldi Mair Smoked Back Bacon Ee verar. Daa ok Sandwich Plates SUNDAY, AUGUST 17th: Tolle Painting - Sheila Masters 101b.- $12.00 FORMAL herd test. Phone Malmont $1.00& $1.75 Mono Prints - Sheila Masters Farms 986 4246. TF Textile Painting - Sheila Masters (While Quantities Last) : , 26 . , BLACK' CHALKBOARDS pate: yippee JUNE SUNDAY, AUGUST 24th: Needlepoint - Bev Muir LITTLE BRITAIN RENTALS approx. 2' x 4'. Call 985-2775. Place: LATCHAM CENTRE Cross Stitch - Pat Carter MEAT PACKERS LTD. PORT PERRY PLAZA Lathe - Alex Ingram LARGE PONIES preferably Eve Wood Lathe ex ing 985- 160 ryone Welcome M ST S NDAYS 1-705-786-2101 8 Welsh breed. Very small horses. A Community Care WEAVING MOST SU Drive a Little - Save a Lot! OPEN THURS. & FRI. TO 9:00 P.M. 985.8778.

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