AR TATA, yr "- pe ret ALS Tg - wr od ' WAS ESE EN ATE * . -e LaF p J w Lehi 4 FH SPOR 5 HL ARNG CV ATG CME ah] $X 2 Wl SE DIATE § Re RUE Bi oN Via yond PLE 0 wt LA I) nr hia GY balls. REAL TN AACE TR AR HURL RRS AE 0 SPT STLTTRS di AY Vag HE yi Fede I TTR CI PALS A AA BY 'e LTE VHA BATH PE Rd 5 RO REA FRE Sa BA Sr Gr Ja Ls) ' ' el Rn CA Hy ; } 3 i : 4 IHR FWA SRS RRR 3 SEERA ¥-Neh os WE BAY A FT 3 Lie Sx us RaQlel gdsiia d ax de ans .- } = A PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 17, 1981 -- 27 Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events For Sale For Sale LARGE GARAGE SALE - starts 10 a.m. Saturday June 20, till Sunday June 21, at 3:30, at 219 ; Cochrane St. - appliances, some furniture, garden tools etc. i 50TH CROSIER Family Re- | union, June 20, 1981. Utica United Church. 1:30 p.m. : A RETIREMENT PARTY for Mrs. Lillian Midgley on Tuesday June 23, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at Epsom Public School. EPSOM-UTICA Strawberry Social. Music - Skits - Sing-a-long and Strawberry Shortcake, all for only $3.00 Saturday July. 4th, SCUGOG Community Care invites the public, young and old, to the Offices at 208 North St., during the week of June 22-26, Senior Citizens' Week, 9 a.m. - 12 & 1-4 p.m. Enjoy a coffee break with the Staff and Volunteers. Ask questions and read the brochures. Telephone 985-8461. EUCHRE, Oddfellows Hall, June 20, 1981 at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Ad- mission $1.00. Prizes and lunch LEGION BINGO. The next Legion Bingo will be on Thurs- day June 25, 1981. Jackpot $240.00 in 59 numbers. J24 FISHING MACHINE + Chrysler Bass boat and 50 hp Johnson. Used less than 10 hours. Live well and electric bilge pump and trailer. Call 985-3961. J PURE BRED Limousin bull - April 79. Well bred and vigorous. Phone 985-3466. COMPRESSOR - Webster - 1 cylinder, tool box, cement mixer * (small). on rubber with electric motor. Pump for 200 gallon gas tank. Phone 985-3446. nr ya at 8:00 p.m. Utica Memory Before you Buy all. CS Wend eal. | beloreyoubuy.... REFRIGERATOR - - Arras Yard Sales TRY dition, $125.00, Phone 965.7561. FATHER'S DAY Summer - Yard and Bake sale, Saturday, BOB ARCHER OIL FURNACE, 194,000 BTU, The Annual. GYMNASTICS June 20, from 9 to 12 at the suitable for garage or large BRE AKF AST MEMORIAL & PROGRAM Presbyterian Church. 7 HOOKER building, no duct work or tank, : may be seen at Prince Albert Sponsored by Odd Fellows DECORATION at Cartwright Public School | YARD SALE - 63 Caleb st., CHEV-OLDS United Church. Make an offer. SUN., JUNE 21 ~ SERVICE DURINGWEEKSOF | Saturday June 20, 10:30 a.m. - 4 | Wy No, 7, Brooklin | 985314. : " JULY 20&27 -- GO CART, T HE -8:00t0 11:00 A.M. - of BREADALBANE PHONE 655-3351 RT, Tomcat, Honda G20), HAT YARD SALE - 1 mile east of 5.0 hp. engine, mag tires, used whe at ODD FELLOWS HALL |. | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AuglsT 35 10 YARD SALE -\ Inia 68% of 55 hp. engine, mag i featuring: SUN JUNE 28 Recreation Programs Shirley Road, Saturday June 20, . ae H . 9 a.m. -4p.m. PROPANE DRYER - in good IRR Pancakes & Ham at2:30P.M. FOR MORE INFORMATION: BREZNIKAR Hering order. $75.00. Call io R! ADMISSION: X YARD SALE Saturday June 20, AE 985-7478. hi 500d: Adults $2.50. Children: $1.00 GUEST SPEAKER: CALL 7128 9340 10:00 a.m.; 606 King St. Prince Meat Products : 4 RE Rev. Stuart McEntyre. Limited Number of Students Albert (west of store). Antiques Sides of Beef - Hinds, Fronts|- BED-CHESTERFIELD and pa and household articles. Home Grown Pork - Swivel 0 rocker green. Call i. , from 100 to 200 Ibs. She Wha, YARD SALE - June 20,9 a.m. - 4 Qn) PRINCE ALBERT PINEGROVE CEMETERY NestlelonAirightStove | pm. ust nor of Reston on | os Bacon | ORYOUR ENJOYMENT, pre AS ~ S . - . = AES. : Company presents ... ymcoe ST. Teas Smoking & Curing of Meat | brome - 10 Ibs. $47.00. For free pL D t D The Complete Line of YARD SALE Saturday, dune 20, Government Inspected colour brochure call B.J. McKay G85 9:30, -4: erry. St, . 5-357-2227. TF 5 A eco ra 10 n ay pit es Hono oves 5 families - records, stereo equip- PHONE 985 7736 ---- {En ; ment, dishes, books, B.B.Q., : ~~ MAGNETIC SIGNS for your car, ase, Sponsored by OddFellows ondispla games, plants and furniture. LL truck, mailbox, etc. Call for x ; Pp y 174 4 || SUNDAY, JUNE 28-2:00P.M JUNE19to22 | meee sitios TI - LJ 0 A ARS 3 ] [] . . t - i pos Fy | COMPANY TRAILER For Sale LO) PRICES 20 to chug po s SPEAKER: Rev. Chas. Clark : coffee table sets, etc. Elmer's Peis . . (at NORTHNESTLETON) 1980 JOHN DEERE tractor with ils sels. SIC. anal Bos) with OddFellow and Rebekah Choir. -Dealers Welcome - loader 27 hsp, 150 hours. Phone ig Ma Tl a i 986-5350 9858054. : : : yo {| TF 261 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY RUBBER STAMPS : Wr ysiness A or personal use. ast delivery. ig | writers, aicration equipmens, | SLEEPWEAR | call the port Perry star - sas i and photo copiers for sale, lease ' a ; ROLLER SKATING NORTHEAST SCHOOL | aris =v | 16% OFF | fre 5 ; } Thursday, Friday urday ness planer; jointer. Czil Port pot SCUGOG ARENA, PORT PERRY : UPHOLSTERY FABRICS - ara : 3 jy presents... . vinyls, foam, buttons made, JUNE 18-19-20 Y TF y : -, tools, etc. Ace Upholstery h 985-8698 GOTT A Supplies 204 Bod Street Eas), HUNTER Wood electric ih . Oshawa - 579-5666. combination furnaces. 80,000 KS o IU - . a.m. : y 34 Slim & Trim Class Wednesdays 930-11:40 SWIMMING POOL Manufactur- P & B LAWN BTU. $1000 complete 986 30. 3 |" . : 10:00 p.m. DANCE er will lease & install new 1981 os / Open Skating; Wednesdays p15 P family size pool complete with ORNAMENTS PROP REPAIRS, fast service. re Adult Skating: Tuesdays 8:00 to 10:30 P.M. at UXBRIDGE WRIoNaY Sp dace 80s feAcing. Now Oren - Everligs on Fibreglass Supplies. Oshawa 3 Weekends. Highway 57 - 2 ass re, urha A High School Age (13) & Over: Sundays ... HIGHSCHOOL | buy. vour choice of stvie. 7% | mils southot 7A Hwy. onthe | Osnowe,ontrsra. is : sees 7:30t0 10:30 P.M. FRI., JUNE 19 a) Fras 0058 ser Jugs id fin ber > plant-| 1974 RD350 Yamaha, rebuilt, lots : Midnight Skate - Tuesday, June 30... at 8:00 P.M phone 746-3340 (Toronto). TF | ers, bird baths and selection | 91 extras. $850. or best offer. Call : i i : liv iia flawn ornaments. : | : --11:00P.M.t0 1:15A.M. Tickets Available at SWIMMING POOL Manufac- a through our cata-1 1975 CRr2s0R Honda totally ' : Davie Phihacy, uitidgs Jurer oi Svar Sool logue. rebuilt - new condition - must be 3 * . | 655-4198 after 5 p.m. regular selling price for early 986-5604 seen, Cal 640-3966 ing delivery. $1,690.00 is 4 {Selah Comte pic ot pon cies 7 SLDOSLE Cine with filter, pump, motor, patio,. 4 1a ' : Ass 4 tified. Oil space heater, fuel . 5 pe = walk around deck and fencing. SrUInS Oh Shand, S30 a as fue - . . Small deposit will hold till Shier six : . 0) | Sponsored by Scugog Jaycees The Lindsay delivery date. Offer good only ter six. . BE ae Horseman Association | J sr nr roots, oso. a . E 3 EP WEDDING INVITATIONS, AA i i er : i personalized stationery, Rh i SATURDAY, JUNE 20th H ORSE SHO CEDARS - for hedging. All sizes, napkins, matches, playing cards, bl J . Formerly Baby Beef) etc. Call the Port Perry Star - a Fu i at SCUGOG ARENA Ww picked up, delivered, & planted ( oe Kan i 655-4448. TF 85-7383. TF Pte { . tia Sides... .. Ib. $1.63 iis 1 FAMILY SKATING: 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at Little Britain MARY KAY - Ski Care Products Fronts $1.39 VALLEY COMRDRT siftight 2 3 . 9. . H tics. C i EE Rid: Re stoves, . Fan Included. Ca ¥ | 16 YEARS & OVER: 2:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. Community Centre hud a, eS or - 95.073. (Cut - Wrapped - Frozen) Joanne 986-5350. : Sponsor Sheets available at Scugog JUNE21-10A.M. TF CANADAPACKERS TF 1 - i VALLEY COMFORT Th rifty Bacon LOWREY ORGANS - instant Arena - Sunday & Wednesday evenings CLASSESINCLUDE: | stove that conserves. Sapo family entertainment and educa: 26 bs. ...$15.00 : or from any Jaycee member English, Western, Halter 986-5350. tion. Ask about our gift package i , and Performance. TF De Te 00 for June customers. Lowrey 3 . . 1 Cl. . Piano & Organ Centre - 360 Brock - : - Proceeds to Central Seven & ALL SRECOSWELCOWE CONTINUOUS FORMS - printed' 3 bs -250g. packs) Street South, Whitby - 666-3544. 4 Scugog War Memorial Library. For Information Call: ang Durbersd or diank, A must LITTLE BRITAIN J24 { "| both Moore and Pakfold forms. MEAT PACKERS AIR CONDITIONERS 6000 and : (416 985 8673 Call the Port Perry Star at 8000 BTU, white bath tub, new, 1 . . : ) " i ° erry TF (705) 786-2101 lawn mower 20' cut, 6' alu- : : minum ladder, lawn swing | WATERMILL | L mma Ei Yard Sales | RESTAURANT oil furnaces, Selkirk chimneys. | lY & TAVERN CANADA'S GIANT 2-DAY a | BIGGEST AUCTION Donna Hazelwood - 985-3640 3 Hwy. 12 - North of Manchester This GARAGE & BAKE SALE ara = # Phone 985-3766 FRIDAY, SATURDAY Sponsored by The Friends of the Library G.S.W. McCLARY Brentwood 3 es & SUNDAY To be held at ZOECON BUILDING (former Peel er ae, 1041351078, Suto, : CARSHOW & FLEAMARKET Poultry building) HWY. 7A - v2 mile Phone 986-4797. C24 i DAILY SPECIALS MARKHAM Fairgrounds westof Port Perry a 4 4 .48- h Vv. 4 . aymower, 2) 5 : ~~ *** FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIALS *** 8:00A.M. t08:00P.M. FRI., JUNE 26-1:00to 9:00 p.m. semi mount $200. 985-2585. ht ie PUBLICAUCTION 4 > 8 Roast Pork over 250M hes, SAT. JUNE 27 . 9 a.m. to 4 P. m. , Ra 4 Veal Parm : an Four iibiy Ss SUPPORT YOURLIBRARY: EE Bilmil Ceramics i {8 3 egi $ CORVETTES, HOT RODS, Donations of household articles, toys, jewellery, books, etc., Fal Blackstock (ons?) YER Salmon Steak CONVERTIBLES accepted at Zoecon Building - JUNE 22 through 25 - 7:00 to SOB Authorized Dealer vod n ..from1910t0 1981. 9:00 P.M. Tax Deductible Receipts will be issued for all single Certified Teacher i NL Short Ribs Buyers, Sellers, Vendors - items selling for $10.00 or more. DUNCAN CERANK PRODIKTS - CS J BE THERE! FORMORE INFORMATION CALL: 985-8908 are St Jlies=chicses in 3 i= PROCEEDS TO SCUG workshops ~ gifts ~ custom firi {| Buffet: Every Sunday 12 noon to 10 p.m. - $5.50 725-6011 LIBRARY BUILDING FUND. so56.