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Port Perry Star, 17 Jun 1981, p. 30

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al Ji SINE BOTT PORE : A V FINI 0 EN eS AN Te Raab aaasiteancnch aiid ARR RAMI TYRE DEL RSC A) NEAR 14 30-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 17, 1981 For Sale Wanted to Buy For Rent Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted LAWNMOWER - 21" cut, Lawn: boy, power driven with grass back attachment. Excellent' condition. $160.00. Dorothy Forder. 985-3439. 1 TITAN Accordian, white pear! with gold. May be seen at Irwin Smith's Music. J24 SHAVINGS Klin dried, delivered 985-9104. T.F. % REG. ARABIAN and tack. Phone 985-3970. ANTIQUE WOOD cookstove with copper water resevoir and bun warmer oven. Excellent condition $450.00. 985-8898. ARABIAN MARE '2 registered, 15 hands $1000.00. 1 'Equestrian saddle, new, made In Argentina $250.00. 1-ten speed bike, man's large $80.00. Phone 1-705-357-3135 BICYCLE - Boy and Girl - boat winch, Quebec stove, pair of oars. 985-3535 after 5 p.m. 1967 GLENDETTE house trailer 18 ft. Also wood's dining tent. Phone 985-9107. I' THE PINK SHOPPE, Nestleton - for large selection of fine quality handcrafted articles. Open week- ends 10-6. Call 986-5656. ' J24 28 HP EVINRUDE outboard with tank $425.00. 65 hp Evinrude outboard, no tank or controls $525.00 Call Ron 705- 357-3526. T.F. MEDALS, badges, helmets, bayonnets, swords, uniforms. Anything military! 'Call 985-9024. - TF COMMERCIAL BUILDING - 1350 sq. ft. Conc, 7, Durham Rd. 8. Call 985-7085. T.F. SCRAP CARS - light trucks, or any scrap steel, etc. Call 985-7614 M13 DIAMOND RINGS, scrap aold. . «coins, silver, guns, antiques and used motorcycles - Any condition -- Dan Stone-985-7057. 0 : TF GOOD USED Apartment size or upright pianos. Service and tuning available for all makes. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. - 985-2635 TF GOOD USED STOVES, fridges, washers, dryers and all types of furniture. Phone Greenbank - 985-3295. : TF OLD SCRAP CARS NEWER WRECKED CARS UNCERTIFIABLE CARS can be turned into cash on the spot. We are always ready to buy cars and light trucks. A Licenced Auto Wreckers. We Sell Guaranteed Used Parts. OPEN: Mon. - Fri. 9a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. SCALA BROS. AUTO WRECKERS R.R.4 - PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3132 Dining tent, Wood's outside frame $70.00. 5000 air condi- tioner horizontal window, double unit $125.00. Both in excellent condition. Phone 985-2208. PRESTON OIL furnace in good condition with 200 gallon tank $75.00. Phone 985- -2668 before 2 p.m. PORTABLE 3 program Ken- more auto. washer, excellent condition. $150.00. 985-8609. STEREO Lloyds AM/FM - 8 track and cassette: Asking $400. Must sell. Phone 985-8105 after 5 p.m. MOVING - Custom made drapes rust/beige 4 panels, 8' x 20' $200.; 15 cu. fi. GSW freezer $225.; 9 x 12 green shag rug $25. Phone 985-2179. Used Cars 1979 MUSTANG stick shift, sun roof, radio, white walls, mint condition. Best offer. 985-2171. 1975 DODGE Dart, slant § engine, radio, white walls, excel- lent condition. 985-2171. 1972 FORD Pinto, 4 cyl. standard transmission, radio, running condition - as is $150._ Phone 1972 PLYMOUTH Cricket, 4 cy, auto, $500. as is. 985-2589. 1978 CAMARO - 8 cylinder 305 auto, ps/pb, Rally wheels, white with red cloth Interior.<Lady - driven. Certified - asking $4,900 or trade for pick-up truck of equal value. Call 985-2827. 1969 CHEV - 2 door, 20,000 miles on new block new tires, brakes plus lots more! $500.00. Call after 6 - 985-9113, 985-2343. 'STUDENT requires ride from FARM WANTED TO BUY Approximately 50Acresin Port Perry area. -PRIVATE- 985-3122 Wanted RIDER - ride available to Oshawa/Whitby - weekdays. Call 985-8363. WILL PICK UP without charge all used appliances, refrigera- tors, and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TV's and radios. Call 986-4926. TF either Blackstock or Shirley Rd., corner and Oshawa Road to Simcoe Hall on Bloor St. Oshawa Arriving 8:30 a.m. beginning June 22. Phone 986-4439. For Rent 2 BEDROOM apartment with refrigerator and stove. Available July 1st, $225 per month. Adults only please. For appointment call 985-2323 or 723-1649. Wanted fo Rent ROOM AND BOARD in Port Perry or Blackstock, for working gentleman. Please call 986-4281 or 986-5483. TWO BEDROOM house and barn required in Port Perry area. 986-4925 after 5. p.m. COTTAGE 3 bedrooms, in the Port Perry area. Needed for July 20th for approx. 6 weeks. Responsible family with ref- erences. Please call 579-4969 after 4 p.m. "THREE BEDROOM farm house, small barn preferred, within a 20 mile radius of Oshawa, needed by end of August. 985-2013 between 4:30 and 6:30p.m. T.F. WANTED clean 2 bedroom apt. for lady in mid 60's - urgent. Phone 985-3637 or 852-3812, Jlyl FARM, large garage or outside building, 700 to 1,000 sq. ft. heat in winter. 416-839-5770. J 7 YOUNG professional couple seeks house in Port Perry area. 723-5227 during days, 728-6302 evenings. . J24 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS All claims against the estate of AMY CAROLINE SMITH, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional! Municipality of Dur- ham, who died on or about the 29th day of July, 1979, must be filed with the undersigned per- sonal representative on or before July 9, 1981; thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the * assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED this 2nd day of June, 1981. GEORGE LESLIE SMITH, Executor, by his solicitors, MESSRS. SMITH, SUTHERLAND, 226 Queen Street, Port Perry "Ontario LOB INO J24 Help Wanted PART TIME Nurses Aide re- quired. Must be 'willing to work shifts. Phone Daheim Nursing Home 852-5191. J24 STUDENT required for summer employment. Mechanically in- clined preferred. Contact service manager 985-7341. REQUIRED FOR fabrication plant in Cannington experienced fitter welders. Call 705-432-2535 between8a.m. and 3:30 p.m. J24 WAITER/WAITRESS, week- ends, partime. 19 years of age or older. Apply in person. Conway Gardens 985-2486. STORE in downtown Port Perry. Approximately 1,700 square feet. Immediate possession. For appointment call 985-2323 or 723-1649. TF 2 BEDROOM house for rent. References required. Available immediately. 985-8938. 985- 9175 Wanted to Buy USED PORTABLE cement mixer. Phone 985-3824. HONDA ODESSY or similar 1 or 2 man vehicle, suitable for general use around a small acreage. 985-2932. SCRAP CARS - Highest prices paid, will pick up. 985-8636 or 985-3348. T.F. VIEW-LAKE - nearly new, 3 bedroom home, includes base- ment family room with bar and fireplace. Broadloomed through- out. Available August 1st. One SERVICE SALES person to operate 5 bay service centre, 1 day per week. Prefer retired mechanic 'or service personnel. Contact service manager Earl Elson 985-7341. APPRENTICE MECHANIC re- quired - good working conditions and benefits - experienced pre- ferred. Contact service manager 985-7341. WELDER for general repair and fabrications. Preferably with year lease. References and deposit. $430.00 per month plus utilities. 1-699-0707. WATERFRONT COTTAGE on Lake Scugog until July 26, good beach. 985-8977 or 985-7198.-J24 APARTMENTS - 1 bedroom, 985-7882, J24 DOWNTOWN Port Perry office space, approx. 800 sq. ft. Pre- viously lawyers office. Very reasonable. Phone 579-5371. T.F. OTORHOME - new, class A, 25 sleeps 8, fully equipped. 985-7266. J24 COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent. 11-1700 square feet; 1-800 square feet. Suitable for many uses - downtown Port Perry. 668-5621. T.F. some experience. 985-7085. J24 DISHWASHERS needed Friday and/or Satur- day nights - 5:00 to 11:30 p.m. Possible weekends as well. Good remuneration for hard worker. WAITRESS [WAITER Energetic, well-groomed per- son to wait on tables through the summer. Tuesdays through Fridays - 11:30 a.m. to 3:00p.m. THE MURRAY HOUSE 985-2775 PERMANENT POSITION avail- able to person experienced In tractor work and milking. Good wages and hours. Room and board-optional. 1-705-357-2287. LICENCED bodyman and painter. 985-7329. CUSTOM haying and baling, post hole digging, loader work, reasonable. Bob 852-6691, J17' EXPERIENCED painter; inter- ior or exterior, excellent quality, reasonable rates, 13 years exper- lence. Phone Dave 852-7659. Jly8 PART-TIME - 20 hours a week. Must be over 18 years of age - self starter. Phone between 10 a.m. and 12 noon for appointment. 985-2040. J24 AVAILABLE for summer baby- sitting. Weekdays or weekends. Has taken Y.M.C.A. babysitting course.. References on request. 985-8015. PART TIME. Work your own hours, pay your mortgage and car payments etc. Keep ahead of inflation and improve your standard of living. Call Mr, Mills 576-6727 for detalls. Jiyl Work Wanted K. DAVE MUIR Reg. Industrial Accountant Bookkeeping - Income Tax - Accounting for Individuals - Farmers Small Businesses & Companies: Evening & Weekend Appointments Can Be Arranged 985-8494 985-7079 ELECTROLYSIS Leg waxing, facial, manicure & pedicure. Call Tuesday or Wednesday COLLIN ELECTROLYSIS 985-3867 DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL Of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals.: $5.00 Charge For Sheep and Goats. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 BRICK - BLOCK - STONE - - CONCRETE - New Work & Repairs Frank Sherman 985-3111 DOG GROOMING| Anne Mees Utica 985-8219 ARTHUR'S painting, papering, floor and wall tile, renovations. 985-7960. T.F. COTTAGE JACKING, septic systems, basements. Call 705- 432-4234 or 985-8606 after 6 p.m. J24 ROTO-TILLING - lawn prepar- ation, odd jobs. 985-8271. ' Nn PAINTING & DECORATING Renovations Free Estimates PHONE 985-3490 EXTERIOR PAINTING & MINOR REPAIRS Second & Third Storey Painting - A Specialty! - REASONABLE RATES - MICHAEL McCLEAN 985-2507 Protect Your License! Learn to Drive Safely with Government Licenced Instructors! OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL 51 King Street E., Suite 4 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1B4 INSTRUCTOR: LLOYD BRAWN 985-8269 (416) 728-0091 HAVELOCK ROOFER 268 HAVELOCK STREET TORONTO, ONTARIO - Flat Roofs - - Shingles - We are now working in this area. For estimates CALL COLLECT: 1-5637-9507 FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL - the gift he will really appreciate. Complete car cleaning. Reasonable rates. Phone 985-7643, ELECTRIC FENCER Service, factory approved. Service centre for Shur Shock fencers, repairs to all approved makes-battery, hydro and 'solid state, Walter Wright, Blackstock 416-986-4818. PAINTING - Phone Mike - 725 3243. $2 JANITORIAL SERVICE - Com- mercial, Industrial, Residential. 985-3196. F25 We specialize in the care of patients in their own homes. " Our carefully screened, insured and experienced nurses, companions and -homemakers are available 4 for full time or part time nursingcare. Available 24-Hours! COMCARE 571-3501 BISSETTE APPLIANCE SERVICE 7 Bascom St., Uxbridge, Ont. Phone: 852-3812 or After Hours Emergency - 985-3637 SERVICING ALL MAKES: - Electric & Gas Appliances - - Air Conditioning - - Refrigeration. NEW & USED PARTS THE GRASSMAN Commercial & Residential © Lawn Care ® Cultivating ®Fertilizing Call John: (416) 985-8094 (Drights * *PLUMBING & HEATING *New Work & Repairs *Bathroom & Kitchen Alterations *Dishwashers & Hot Water Tanks installed *Pump & Water System Repairs. PHONE 986-4461 Work Wanted 985-8723 *Carpet Laying SCUGOG UPHOLSTERING '108 WATER ST., PORT PERRY *Custom Upholstering *Free Estimates *Pick-up & Delivery *30 Years Experience *Guaranteed Workmanship 986-5072 MUSIC for all OCCASIONS Weddings, Dances, etc. CALL PETER 'P & G SOUNDS' 579-6991 Oshawa Ue New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.0. BOX 608 - PORT PERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. aR SS SR CRS SRE RERA IRATE iad dg

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