Tm IGT SRB SRP NR dy WEEE DOR RUSTON, ga APY RR By owt --_m, a. AAAS Nos Sey» ad Five, 2 Xs SN LF Aa EXPERIENCED cleaning lady, available -Monday to Friday. WOOD REFINISHING specializ- ing in antiques and fine furniture - call Terry Dyer - 655-4092 after 5:30 p.m. Tr LANDSCAPING, lawn & garden care, patio & decks built. _Also park benches and 8' R.R. ties for sale - 705-357-3645. N Jys SMALL BUSINESS bookkeeper available. Call after 6 p.m. 985-3223. TF "Miscellaneous WANTED - DEAD OR ALIVE - Guaranteed price of $50. for any complete standard size car with free towing - 576-2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF Auctioneers RON KING AUCTIONEER Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER (21 Years Dealing in Antiques) We handle Estates, Consignments, Bankruptcy, and Liquidations. From the 'Auction Place' 1614 Charles Street, Whitby 666-3731 Days 579-6250 Eve. LAURIE MALCOLM AUCTIONEER Estate and Household Clearances. Phone: 986-5527 Nestleton, Ontario MURRAY JACKSON AUCTIONEERS Ant iques - Household - -Farms. Sales Barn available. Toronto Licenced - Ph. 291-6391 985-2459 'We Liquidate Your Frozen Assets. ' Household - Real Estate COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your Auction Needs DON & FREIDA Will be Pleased To Hear From You. 985-2788 PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on SHIRLEY ROAD (4 Miles South of Port Perry) Estates Antiques - Consignments Household & Farm Sales etc. CONSIGNMENTS: 1 or 1000 items. CALL (416) 985-7492 For Local Pickup & Information AUCTIONEER Household - Farm - Equipment Real Estate - Antiques - Estates CONSIGNMENTS AT McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7 - Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 Auction Sales THURSDAY JUNE 18 SALE TIME: 6:45 P.M, Auction sale at Orval Mclean Auction Centre, Lindsay - Our monthly auction of tools, cars, trucks, tractors, machinery, lawn equipment, boats, motors, .camping equipment etc.; 14' cedar strip canoe, Massey 81 farm tractor, 1969 Chev. pick-up truck, 1970 Dodge Dart, from McCausland Estate, trailers, mini bikes, steel lathe, good Olympique Ski-doo, Winnebago cap for pick-up, Datsun cap, Tarus deluxe 27 1. travel trailer (1980 - like new), Massey riding lawn mower, several mini bikes, Honda bike, 16 hp. electric start riding tractor with 8 hp. roto tiller, Norse 3 pt. hitch power winch for logs, 2 metal desks, Case 200 baler, good 1972 Maverick - 57,000 miles, wheels and'tires to fit, 4 W.D. Belarus tractor 38" and 20" tires, boat and trailer, Johnson outboard motor, old horse cultivator and plough, air compressor, power lawn mower, new H.D. Briggs motor, new water pump, many small tools, deluxe Tour-A-Home slide in "truck camper, fully equipped, racks for stock truck, Reise trailer torsion bar, 10 hp. John Deere riding tractor with 38' mower, 34' snow blower, wheel weights and chains, deluxe tent trailer with propane stove, sink, sleeps 4, utllity trailer - 15' wheels, 10' x 10' wooden roll up garage door, 50 .hp. Mercury short shaft motor and tank, 17' skill chain saw, boat trailer, 14' cédar strip Peterborough boat, 8 hp. Evinrude motor, fireplace heatalator, Craftsman 1100 watt generator, 28 hp. Mercury out- board, 20 hp. Mercury outboard, 12 ft. aluminum fishing boat, contractor water pump, utility piston pump, Massey side rake on rubber. Many tools. To consign, call Lynn Miller 324-0182 days or 324-2783 anytime. Orval McLean Auctioneer. THURSDAY JUNE 18 SALE TIME: 6:45 P.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay, our monthly auction of tools, cars, trucks, tractors, machinery, lawn equipment, boats, motors, camping equipment etc., 14 cedar stripe canoe, Massey 81 farm tractor, 1969 Chev. pick up truck, 1970 Dodge Dart, from McCausland estate, trailers and mini bikes, steel lathe, good Olympic ski-doos, winebago cap for pick up, Datsun cap, Tarus deluxe 27 ft. travel trailer (1980 like new) Massey riding lawn mowers, several mini bikes, Honda bike, 16 hp electric start riding tractor with 8 hp roto tiller, Norse 3 pt. hitch power winch for logs, 2 metal desks, Case 200 baler, good 1972 Maverick 57,000 miles, wheels and tires to fit 4 w.d. Belarus tractor 38' and 20" tires, boat and trailer, Johnson outboard motor, old horse cultivator and plough, air compressor, power lawn mower, new HD Briggs motor, new water pump, many small tools, deluxe tour a home slide In truck camper, fully equipped, racks for stock truck reise trailer, tortion bar, 10H John Deere riding tractor with 38" mower, 34 snow-blower, wheel weights and chains, deluxe tent tralier with propane stove, sink, sleeps 4, utility trailer 15° wheels, 10' x 10' wooden roll up garage door, 50 hp Mercury short shaft motor and tanks, 17" skill chain saw, boat trailer, 14' cedar strip Peterboro boat, 18 hp. vinrude motor, fireplace atalator, Craftsmen 1100 watt generator, 28 hp. Mercury outboard, 20 hp. Mercury rd, 12 ft. aluminum fishing boat contractors water pump, utility piston pump, many tools. To consign call Lynn Miller 324-0182 days or 324-2783 anytime. Orval McLean Auctioneer. Nz; antiques and tools, Round dining room table, buffet, china cabinet, spool bed, wash stands, coca cola trays, orange crush APPRAISALS ELIQUIDATIONS | = \ tec old store lights, dishes, hall seat, flat back cupboard, valve grinder, large number of garage tools, merchandise from old grocery store. Terms cash. Norm Faulkner Auctioneer. THURSDAY JUNE 18 . SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale for the property of the estate of the late ROSE BARKER selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge. Including, Westing- house fridge and matching stove (good), dressers, trunks, chests of drawers, dishes, copper boiler, crocks, wicker flower stand, 2 coal-oll lamps, wash stand, wicker baskets, chester- fleld and chair, drop-leaf table, chairs, iron pots, 2 wash sets, extension ladder, garden tools, 2 cash registers, floral cooler with sliding doors, self propelled lawn mower, adding machine, cheque writer, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. THURSDAY JUNE 18 SALE TIME: 6:45 P.M. Auction at Orval McLean " Auction Centre, Lindsay. Consignments from MARLOW THOMPSON ESTATE Nestleton and others. RCA XL100 portable color Television - like new, many tools, skill saw, single shotgun, 22 rifle, electric chain saw, old paper holder, sprayer, garden tools, reclining chair - like new, homemade table saw, round oak dining table, section of kitchen cupboards, chesterfield, chests, beds, cream can, RCA built-in dishwasher, Westinghouse refrigerator, apt. size electric stove, coffe table, single contin- ental beds, chairs, antique bed, barbecue, dressers, magazine rack, spin washer, set oars, hair drying chairs, sinks, dishes. No reserve. Estate sale. Our sale of cars, trucks, camping trailers, tools, truck caps, ski-doo, outboard motors, machinery, riding lawn mower, riding tractor with tiller, power mowers, Case baler, tractor tires, 3 pt. hitch power winch, Massey 'farm tractor, pick up: 1972 Maverick, 1970 Dodge Dart, etc. will start at 7 p.m. outside. To consign call 324-0182 days or 324-2783 anytime. FRIDAY JUNE 19 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Corneil's Auction Barn Auction sale at Corneil's Auction Barn, 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on Lindsay-Little Britain road. Wash stands, settee, matching chair, antique dressers, axminister rug, parlor tables, flat to wall cupboard, cook stove, wicker carriage, 52 hsp. Johnson motor, cutter, wicker fern stand, Quebec heater, coal oil lamps, garden tiller, air conditioner, 3 piece modern bedroom suite, modern chesterfield and love seat, mahogany settee and chair, chest of drawers, refrigerators, 8 . hsp. iron horse garden tractor, with attachments, qu. of picture frames, qu. of china and glass, plus many more antiques, furniture and household items. Don Corneil Auction at R.R. 1 Little Britain 705-786-2183. THURSDAY JUNE 25 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale of farm mach- inery, and misellaneous articles, the property of ROY SMITH. Lot 18, Con 14, Reach Twp. 2 miles east of Saintfield or 8 miles south of Manilla and 2 miles west. M.F. tractor #50 with loader (nearly new tires), M.F. manure spreader (PTO), rubber tired wagon and rack, double disc, tractor blade, drag cultivator, single plow, set of scales, no. of steel wheels, steel gates (2 wheels in centre), wooden pump, steel posts, snow fence, blacksmith drill, roto tiller, riding lawn mower, power lawn rowers, 3 pt Sedore manure loader, steel feed hopper, qu. of scrap, antique buffet, television, number of tables, quantity of dishes and linen, quantity of other furniture, large qu. of small goods, forks, shovels, chains, fools, etc. Property sold, terms cash or good cheque, sale at 1:00 p.m. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357-3270. JU Household furniture and Cattle Auction sale of livestock, implements and household furni- ture and Hereford and Charolais cattle, the property of WALTER AND MYRTLE McELROY, Lot 3, Con. 4 South Monaghan Twsp., 12 miles south of Peterborough on Hwy. 28 and 2 mile east on Wallace Point Rd., or 3 miles north of Bailiebaro and 2 mile . east. IMPLEMENTS: 1979 Ford 4600 diesel tractor, power steering, 500 hrs., like new, 1963 550 Cockshutt gas tractor, live power, Massey Ferguson 45 3-16's trip beam plough, 3 pt. h., Massey Ferguson 33 seed drill, grain, grass and Fert., 15 disc, Massey Ferguson 9 baler, p.t.o., Massey Ferguson side rake, 6 bar, Cockshutt 133 manure spreader, ground driven, bale buncher, 3 drum landroller, Massey Ferguson power mower, 711.3 pt. h., belt driven, 5 section drag harrows, scales, 3-section drag harrows, fanning mill, Int. cultivator on steel, drag, Int. plough 3-11 Ace bottom, Int. plough 3-11 Ace bottom, for parts, Massey Harris 6 blade tiller, 32 ft. hay elevator, 35 bus. grain bin with 5-ton gearing, 20 ft. grain auger with motor and 5 ft. extention, Int. Hammer mill, belt driven, hay trailer tandem, 16 x 8 ft. rack, 5 ft. endless belt, 6", bin dryer, sawing machine, water troughs, electric fencer, bench saw, quantity hay and straw, many other items. SWINE: 1 sow, bred Feb. 28, York boar, 2 bred sows. FOWL: Approx. 150 HN laying hens, 10 months old, approx. 150 HN laying hens, 2 yrs. old. CATTLE: 14 mature Hereford cows with 14 calves by side, 5 Charolais Hereford heifers, 1v2 yrs. old, 6 Charolais Hereford steers, 1/2 yrs. old, 1 Hereford bull, 12 years old, negative Brucellosis tests. FURNITURE: pine cup- board and hutch, woodbox, pine cupboard, egg washer, egg pails, china cabinet, pressed back rocking chair, settee, chester- field and chair, antiqle chair, pine quilt box, wash 'stands, rocking chair, antique hall rack, wicker rocking chair, steel bed, antique high 'mirror dresser, dresser, table, crib, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale time: Furniture 11:00 a.m. Machinery 1:00 p.m. Cattle 3:30 p.m. Carl and Gregg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959. Jz SATURDAY JUNE 20 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Auction sale of furniture and farm items at the property of Chap Jones and Sons, first farm south of Prince Albert School, 2 miles south of Port Perry. Featuring the household belongings of MRS. VERNA MERRY, of Toronto, including 2 tractors, 2 reconditioned cars and other farm equipment of Chap Jones. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Several good dresser, tables, lamps, beds, pine chairs, cane chairs, lawn furniture, electric sewing machine with cabinet, Inglis frost-free refrig- erator - green, small Simplicity washer - spin dry, Inglis washer, record player, Electrolux vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, living room furniture, wicker fern stand, assorted jars, suit- cases and trunk, cutlery, books, portable Coleman stove, dishes, picture frames, milk and cream cans, crocks, folding table, toys and games, old iron cook stove, old cupboards, spool table, gas lawn mower, gardening tools and lawn roller. CARS: 1970 Nova reconditioned and customized with 327 motor and 1968 Dodge Dart, both cars certified. 16 ft. wooden boat, 45 hp Merc. motor, 2 small boat motors, canoe, 1979 11 hp 36" cut Yardman riding lawn mower, Suzuki trail bike. FARM EQUIPMENT: Eight end Ford tractor with loader and hydraulic bucket and 3 point hitch and eight end Ford tractor with 3 point hitch and PTO, NH 270 baler in good working condition, double harness, feed carts, horse collars, sleigh and box, hydraulic rams, table saws, radial arm saw, chain saw, farm scales, 9 ft. conveyor and belt, scraper blade, railroad jack, 10 hp. gas engine with reduction gear, George White front end loader, water trough, gang plough, seed drill, rake, single plough, wooden wagon wheels, telephone poles, scrap iron and other small items. Furniture will sell first. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 12:00 noon, lunch available. Don Cochrane Auctioneer, Phone 985-2788. machinery, furniture and small items for D.G. COMBER, R.R. 2 Uxbridge, on Con. 6, 2 miles north of Sandford Sideroad, including MF 165 Diesel tractor, F ord 2000 tractor with front end loader, McKee 520 snowblower, J-D 3 pt. hitch 6' grass cutter, 3 pt. hitch post hole auger, J-D hay mower, antique cutter with wicker front, hay elevator, auger, platform scales, Canox Welder - 225 (like new), drill press, air compressor, electric fencer, Mercury vapour lamp, weed sprayer, self-propelled lawn mower with 3 30" gangs, J-D manure spreader, 14' sall- boat and trailer, snowmobile, cider press motorized, SS bar- becue, commercial meat band saw with SS moving table, table saw, twin beds, desk, dressers, kitchen table and 4 chairs, folding rocking chair, rugs, picture frames, marble mantle clock, Seth Thomas railroad clock, Frigidaire portable dish washer, qty. dishes and cutlery. Sale at 10 a.m. Furniture sells first. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. nz SATURDAY JUNE 20 SALE TIME : 12:00 NOON Auction sale of furniture, antiques, riding lawn mower, race horse eqipment etc. the property of HILLIARD G. BEARE, R.R. 2 Oakwood. 12 " miles east of Oakwood on Hwy. 7. Large size refrigerator, large deep freeze, Findlay oval cook stove, set of dishes (8 service set) no. of odd dishes, 2 arm chairs, fruit jars, books, Hoover spin dry washer, couch, vacuum cleaner, 8 pc. dining room suite (walnut), kitchen extension table (antique) drop leaf table, folding «and kitchen chairs, library table, boston rocker, pressed back rocker, glass door book case, 2 student desks, antique music cabinet, small antique writing desk, 2 dressers, % bed spr. and matt., beige rug 8%2 x 10, mirror 30' x 30', play pen (mesh sides), Gendron baby carriage (convertible). MISCELL- ANEOUS ARTICLES: Trio of Pure-Bred game birds, 2 heavy hens, Bolens riding lawn mower, Shetland pony size cutter, race horse harness and equipment, coolers, blankets, bandages, boots, bike fenders, Stewart clippers, circular buzz saw, tarpaulin 9 x 14, 3 rolls of new wire fencing, snow fence and steel posts, 40 ft. extension ladder, canvas umbrella tent, lumber, ladies bicycle and many other articles. Property sold, 'terms cash, or good cheque. Sale at 12 o'clock. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357-3270. J17 WEDNESDAY JUNE 24 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale at the Brooklin Community Centre - household contents including lovely antique pieces for the estate of the late LILLIAN PEERS, Oshawa. Davis Auction Services 728-4455. J24 WEDNESDAY JUNE 24 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of farm mach- inery, the property of LLOYD THUSTON, Lot 4, Con. 8, Fen- elon Twsp., 4 miles north of Lindsay on 36 Hwy. to Snug Harbour Rd., and 1% miles north. 1975 Ford 5000 diesel tractor with cab and power steering, Ford 4000 diesel tractor power steering with 727 Ford manure loader and hydraulic manure bucket, 1977 Sishars plough 3 pth spring reset 3-18's, Ford tandem disc 10 ft., Triple K cultivator 9 ft., Chizle plough 7 ft., 4 sections chain harrows, land rollers, 1980 self propelled 4000 swather 12 ft. head, Int. 3 furrow plough 3-11 ace bottom, New Holland 273 baler pto, Mustang side rake 4 wheel, 1976 New Holland 38 ft. hay and grain elevator 2 hp. motor, Cockshutt 422 combine with pick up PTO,, 4 plywood gain bins, fertilizer spreader 3 pth, 5 roller bearing wagons with 8 x 18 ft. rack, dual wheel trailer, 7 ft. Case mower pto, Massey Harris hoe drill 13 run, 20 ft. hay elevator, 20 ft. grain auger, scales, fanning mill, approx. 20 cord split hardwood, approx. 3000 bales straw, approx. 2000 bales hay. Terms cash. No reserve, Twilight sale 6:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959. r ASAT A AP] REE oe STORE JIE AIA hielo IT CA SF SSG MZ ha AY, Chari DOSY Jo. iast A Lage x (0d SADIE a) SR PARAL AER ERIN Lips ash ARI | a AY RA PARTIR; XL eC Raa Work Wanted Auctioneers . j i TYPING, INVOICING, billing - THURSDAY JUNE 18 SATURDAY JUNE 20 SATURDAY JUNE 20 , ORVAL McLEAN personal resume, etc. Call 985- ORVAL m EAN Auction sale at Stouffville SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. AUCTION CENTRE - Lindsay 2518from10a.m.to4p.m. TF cL sales barn - household furniture, Livestock, implements, Auction sale of farm "SPECIAL AUCTIONS Watch for our special auctions for cars, trucks, machinery, tractors, campers, tools. To consign call Orval McLean 324-2783 Lindsay. J24 SATURDAY JUNE 27 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction at Pearce Auction Centre on Shirley Rd. south of Port Perry. Regular consign- ment auction with 16' cedar strip outboard, motor and controls, acorn fireplace with pipes, 8 pc. dining room suite, 30' Tappan Guerney range, 6' picnic table, heatalator and blower, lawn- master reel mower, manure spreader, body weights and exercise bench, drop leaf table, commode, logging tools, chains, truck jacks, hand tools, garden tools, steel posts, ladders plus many other items too good to miss. To consign to our sales phone 985-7492. Pearce Auction Service. J24 SATURDAY JUNE 27 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of 77 acre farm, many antiques, oak furniture, cook stove, collectables property of MR. AND MRS. ROBERT CAMMACK Norland. Take highway 35 - 30 miles north of Lindsay, turn wesf on 503 at Norland, 6 miles turn south at Head Lake store, 1st farm. Large sale of antiques, large oak dining table 8 leaves, beautiful oak buffet with bevelled glass, oak dining chairs, table, televisions, ornate antique wooden mantel fireplace with iron grates, oak office chairs, blanket box, chesterfield, antique parlour chairs, mantel clock , iron bed, antique square parlour heater, 40 brass bells, 45 cast iron implement seats, licence plate collection from 1911, wagon wheels, antique bicycle, horse harness, iron tea kettle, iron pots, scythes, forks, shovels, 200 gal. oil tank, antique tea cans, freezer, very old antique bureau, large quantity antique bottles, jugs antique store scales, large quantity antique hand iron jugs, 2 large iron sap kettles, medicine chest, egg scales, 78 rpm records, wicker doll carriage, old picture frames, wicker rocking chair, iron cribs, antique adult commode chair, milk cans, large quantity antique oil lamps, a few dishes, old doll, wash stand with towel bar, hump back trunk, sideboard, refrigerator, antique cupboard bottom, pressback nursing rocker, Renfrew cook- rite cook stove, iron fry pans, cribs, 5 pc. toilet set, pressback chairs, antique wash basins, pictures, shoe lasts, oak library table, sealers, Aladdin lamps, 7 treadle sewing machines, antique walking plough, wire cages, W.A. Fraser (Whitby) pat 1887, antique hay mower, horse collars, old lanterns, cow bells, bear trap, 100 year old antique stove, copper pot, brass pots, copper boilers, 2 Ashley heaters, old iron tays, many collectables. No reserve. Real estate 77 acres, 25 acres bush, large spring fed pond, small barn, 2 garages, 2 storey red brick house. All terms given at sale. Note sale time 11:00 a.m. Real Estate 2 p.m. Orval McLean Auctions 324-2783 Lindsay. i J24 . SATURDAY JUNE 27 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. i Auction sale for the property of MR. AND MRS. MARTIN DEHAAS, Manchester, two miles west of Port Perry on north side of 7A highway, including KTF drill press with V2 horse motor, [ointers with electric motor, electric welder (nearly new), welding table, air compressor (all of these on wheels), 2 grinders, Impact wrench and sockets, dining room suite (6 chairs), china cabinet, kitchen set (4 chairs), 22 cu. ft. Viking freezer, Westinghouse fridge, vanity, cupboards, Quebec heater, Philips stereo, 20' Findlay electric stove, Zenith fridge, excellent bedroom suite, recliner chair, antique hall " table, pair of good matching rugs 9 x 7 and 9' x 12', quantity of antiques, numerous tools, drills, brazing unit for welder, heavy duty extension cords, block and tackles, grease gun, jacks etc., quantity of dishes new and used, chairs, tables, plus many other good household items. This is an excellent sale. Plan to attend at 12:30. Lunch available. No reserve, property sold. Terms cash or good cheque. Ron King Auctioneer, 985-2643. J24 antique dining Ey 2 N, - TE, ' » J = Cp i v SERRE AEN BE ~ LS - - hit ag . ee the Poe 1 AL Novos A - wv 1 fol OS SR =, DAR CRATE FIL (dN ARLE stay ' MS ED Br PRATT am 8 Spay REE of ERA 3, ~ FS oH : 4 3 : 2 I X A TN I Ziv AR ad Sm AA! SERA NT