8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 22, 1981 NCH ------ HOURS: | Sun.-Thurs.11A.M.to 10P.M. Fri.&Sat.11AM.-11P.M. GRAND OPENING! A BIG THANK YOU! from Ron Teel, Joan Keeneandall the staff at Dixie Leeto everyone inthe . Port Perry area. 'We're glad you dropped in on our CHICKEN & SEAFOOD 985-9009 MENU - EAT IN or TAKE OUT CHICKEN + SEAFOOD JUNIOR SNACK - One choice piece of tasty Chicken ; FISH 'N CHIPS - One piece of English style Fish and with golden FrenchFries.................... 1.59 golden Fries, withsauce..................... 1.99 SNACK PAK - "Delightful Snack" two pieces of tasty i FISH SNACK - Two pieces of English style Fish-and . Chicken with golden French Fries............. 2.29 golden French Fries, with sauce .............. 89 THRIFT DINNER - Two pieces of tender Chicken, : FISH DINNER - Two pieces of English style Fish with golden French Fries, tasty Coleslaw and fresh "sauce, golden Fries, tasty Coleslaw and a fresh Roll....... JT 2.99 ROM. eee A 3.49 DIXIE DINNER - Three pieces of tender Chicken, FAMILY FISH PACK - "Just Fish" nine delicious golden French Fries, tasty Coleslaw and fresh pieces of English style Fish, with sauce.......... 99 Roll......cooioiii een 3.49 SHRIMP DINNER - Includes Shrimp, golden Fries, \ ECONOMY BOX - "Just Chicken". Nine delicious Shrimp sauce, plus tasty Coleslaw and a fresh ,- pieces of tender Chicken. Great for a group of ROW: 6 5 50 50 535 5 2 0 4 epics tin ww 00 310 ores 508 3.0 4.49 threeorfour............................... 6.49 SEAFOOD COMBO - Inicudes English style Fish, DIXIE BUCKET - "Just Chicken." Fifteen pieces of deep-fried Shrimp, golden Fries, tasty Coleslaw ; tender Chicken. Great for a group of five to seven andafreshRoll............................. 4.59 chickenlovers....,........................ 9.95 THE BARREL - "Just Chicken." Twenty pieces of = ' tender Chicken. Plenty for seven to ten happy - FISHBURGER ......... [EREEETRRRRPES cere 1.49 people... 1 1.75 SALADS CHICKEN BURGER... 027+ 1.49 COLESLAW - A tangy rich mixture of vegetables and delicious dressing .......................... FAMI LY PAKS POTATO - It's country style! Potatoes cooked to perfection then beautifully blended with selected vegetablesanddressing..................... ECONO PAK - Nine pieces of golden Chicken, family CHICKEN MACARONI - Tender seasoned Macaroni Fries and your choice of two of our medium Salads. mixed expertly with vegetables and choice pieces Greatforafamilyof3or4.................... 8.99 of Dixie Lee Chicken ........................ BUCKET PAK - Fifteen pieces of delicloys Chicken, SMALL:.75, MEDIUM:1.35 LARGE 1,95 two medium Fries and two medium Salads of your nade : i : choice. Plenty for afamilyof5t07............ 13.99 Ail Salads made Daily - Right in the Store, COMBO PAK - Nine pieces of Chicken plus six pieces ; of tasty Fish, two medium Fries and two medium COMBINATION or Salads of your choice. The perfect meal for a COMBO DINNER - Includes a large piece of tender AMY OF S07... eeeeereenannnn, 14.99 Chicken, one piece of English style Fish, golden . Fries, tasty Coleslaw and fresh Roll . .......... 2.99 NEILSON'S ICE CREAM 24 Flavours 2% Council seeks Cabinet rule (From page 1) the zoning by-law was based on this hearing with the judgement handed down on July 10. In the judgement to reject the zoning by-law, the OMB cites three main reasons: 1. The Board is not convin- ced that the by-law conforms with the Official Plan of the Township of Scugog planning area; 2. The Board is not convin- ced that all of the uses which would be permitted by the by-law are consistent with good planning principles; -3. The Board is not satis- fied that the by-law contains sufficient controls on such matters as siting of buildings and building coverage. Mayor Taylor said Mon- day in light of the OMB dec- ision, the Township had sev- eral options such as asking for a review by the OMB itself; asking for a court ruling; starting over with a new zoning by-law; or app- ealing the decision to the Cabinet. With the Provincial Legis- lature in summer recess, it is not known how soon the Poplar "matter will come before the Cabinet or when a decision will be made. Dr. Nikolajevich has also launched a civil action against the campsite and marina with the Ontario Sup- reme Court, asking that the tourist facility be closed down completely and at the same time seeking $200,000 in damages. Writs concerning this act- ion were filed with the Sup- reme Court in April, but it is not known when the matter will come before the court. The campground and mar- ina has been operated by Phil Goreski &nd his family since 1963. It currently has about 140 campsites, a com- plete marina with docks for 300 boats, including 150 cov- ered slips; a restaurant lic- enced for 90 patrons; a 2450 square foot recreation hall and various other facilities related to a campground. Over the years there have been several disputes be-, tween the marina owners and the residents of Platten Island, and these disputes have been the subject of two previous law suits. Pool may not open (From page 1) between the council and the Save the Pool Committee, a representative of Para- mount said his company would investigate further this summer what is necess- ary to up-grade the pool and facilities and how much this would cost. Township adntinistrator Earl Cuddie told the council meeting Monday night there has been no correspondence from Paramount since that meeting eight weeks ago. In response to a question, - Mr. Cuddie told council that each year the Township spends $7 to $8000 on repairs and maintenance to the out- door pool at Birdseye Park on Lake Scugog. During the discussion Monday evening, Mayor Taylor told council that two of the residents who attended the Save Poplar Park Pool meetings this spring have since informed him that they realize the Township might be able to afford to maintain the pool. Meanwhile, Ribcor Hold- ings, . which is a part of Paramount Development has re-activated an 86 lot subdivison south of Highway 7A in Port Perry. 'NEED PHOTO | COPIES? We can do them for you. PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 $0000000000re0rrrrrccntoccrcsscccccossonocos ALAN J. RISEN BaLLB. and a I ee ROBERT J.ESPEYe.scLLe. ("Formerly assistant Crown Attorney for the Region of Sud- bury and Senior Agent of the Attorney General of Alberta") - are pleased to announce the formation of a partnership for the practice of law, under the firm name of "RISEN & ESPEY with offices at LORD SIMCOE PLACE 57 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -SUITE 1C "OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1H 7V6 © (416)571-3942 - PREFERRED AREA OF PRACTICE IN CRIMINAL LAW- EASA REAR ER EEE EEE EX ER RL EE TT . . * . . L] . . . Ll] . LJ] . . . . Ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * AC) SMALL:60* LARGE: 90¢