4} I Lbs PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., September 16, 198) -- 9 | Ashburn area news 'grantics' provide zany entertainment | | rantics proviae z i : by Mrs. E. Heron Worship service. ¥ Y On Sunday, September her Gardner was in " Y : 13th at Burns church, Rev. charge of the program, and ¥ ; T H Il a | McEntyres message was 'A several ladies told of their or an i rovin own RH] av ience fe Sure Aighs Raman fait. ey Ts ils Biman: by Diane Lackie juvenile Monty were master- Dan Redican is the theatre type BMlichce, tele is beautiful solo. entitled ga standing in each one was the _ Mad, furious, wild -- take "ful portrayals, especially, purveyor of the Frantics avow wy yoru , iti i ig : Image of Thee.' ' beauty and wonders of the YOU pick of synonyms, they the latter where Monty and fantasy material, and he favoured: v vers es s are ) i ; Next Sunday evening there country and what a beautiful 311 add up to Frantic. Town his 'two bricks short of a full delivered such in a splendid {ih z Stated Chal: Tey oe wills be 5a a, Burns world God has provided for Hall 1873 scored yet another load daddy, yokel Lloyd spoof of an LSD experi- 2 ws DST or We Spent i Church School Rall us to live in if we only take local hit at last Saturday's Boyd, go a-barbequing in menter: "My white shoes Wa erat oh Sock = he September 20th at 7:30 3 time to enjo Cabaret when they featured darkest living room, with hate me". He brought down ounge circuit, an ir hi § pe ier 208.80 1 0 po. Congrat A one toMr. and this zany, space-or is that prodisiabiy disastrous ihe fanss as i wife (Cito bad sow wh be vet i ' spaced?--age threat to results. again) and two obnoxious 1h tppouy Testing ths, Bev tin ye oc Fete aman, ou on Torn i Wie Dike Menge Gospel singing grou ing wedding anniversary last _ Ihe Frantics comprise deficient daddy, also offered man) buzzed about him punch lines are Highs up, ; iy espe hE up week We all wish Doug and four diverse young writer- some other memorable while he just plain buzzed. sophomoric s2pigtives ih Es choir he the chaiel, ~ Florence many more iA performers who, two short characterizations, including Redican also probed fantasy- © uced, their politica Ke ' Se y PPY years ago, not completely an ersatz Van Gough who land as he bemoaned his ill- sharpened (please, no Jv school classes will be taking part in the service everyone is welcome to come and bring your friends. Last Wednesday evening the Ladies Bible class met at years. Their dinner guests last Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Parrott of Woodville and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pugh of Pickering. We are happy to see Mr. satisfied with how their material was being per- formed by other actors, gave performing a whirl them- selves. The result is the current fast, funny, frenzied converses with a stubby Toulouse Lautrec in their version of Van Gough's ear- nest offering to his beloved (Chato). Wildman's guitar playing in subsequent . fated affair with Barbie--the friend of Ken. The madness of all four performers reached its peak in two sketches, a kazoo- cadenced murder thriller Maggie T.), and more music, perhaps piano, is added, their satellite will soar at Yuk-Yuk's in Toronto, home base for the Radio show. The cabaret's opening a the home. of Mrs. John and Mrs. Alfred Fisher home and an inspired TV talk show performer was a newcomer iy McKinney. The president again after enjoying a trip {o furoe Son 40 be called the SSIES Yi Soi ana wherein pre participants, also to the Town Hall stage ifs Catherine Humphrey the west coast. They called 4p pq weekly half-hour for the Cabaret environ- host, announcer, stuffy Baptiste the Blind Juggler. Ho conducted the meeting and on relatives and friends on "0 "ootcher on CBC ment. He is also a prime author and bobbling blonde His novelty act, consisting of Fe opened with an appropriate the way. . Radio following As It candidate for World's 8uests, voiced in mechanized juggling assorted items from i) Visiting recently with Mr. (0. "CBL in this area. Fastest Talker, for sure. fashion their true thoughts apples (eaten on the lob) to is! and Mrs. Wm. Gardner and "np ' fC based Lautrec was rendered, as they proceeded to make flaming torches, and banter- i OFFICE Joon were Mr. snd Mis, quartet, all in their mid- literally, by Rick Green, the fools of themselves, and, ing assorted one-liners with i Allan McLean and Jennifer oo ilo ™" ooncists of self-professed 'straight' man conceivably, the TV audience repartee, set the } SU PPLIES and os. Metean Ss ky Redican, Green, Wildman, of the group. His versatility audience. tone for a full evening of fun. Gos For all Your ockwood also Mrs. R. a've oer. Spokesman allowed him a wide range of These high energy enter- We'll be hearing more about € Ervine of Port Perry. i John McCorkell, the merr, ® Requirements ind Paul Chato, a marvellously characters as well as that of tainers lastly managed a y AS Ys People can be divided into AL) 4 man, or the diminutive Lautrec. One black comedy encore as they ~jocuse Irishman with the A PORT PERRY STAR | three groups, those who oo "" "the sketch enactment which he deliv- enacted in dialect a fire nimble hands and knees. 3 235 Queen Street make things happen, those requires, of many parts. His ered in high style was a rescue, Scots soccer style, of Once again, Town Hall ; who watch things happen hi id Sibyl d bi 1d-be bus a baby by his bootee 1873 has served up to =y- 985-7383 and those who wonder what Schizoid Sibyl and bizarre = would-be bus passenger ' delighted patrons an evening g happened: ~ VILLAGE BLUES 64 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY -GUYS&GALS- ACompletelLineof Jeans & Fashion Tops Just for You! and is permanent. * WEAR PROTECTION - Classified "'P" for residential floors. - 12 SUPER COLOURS to choose from vexing placed Dan Redican, the giant of the troupe, to MacDougall, the soccer star, just a wee tip having come to remember. Bill Bishop Ye -- HELPFUL HINT vehemence. Just how much through the rye. Goes to War is next on 3 -- Crayon marks on vinyl can versation can be genera- The Frantics offered two parade Monday, October 12 5 7 * NOTICE 3 be removed withsilver polish. ted out of Bala, anyway? hours of mad material to this at 8 p-m. ia As of SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1981 Gy il EMIEL'S PLACE RESTAURANT | Rr 10 DAYSONLY! i & DINING LOUNGE SEPTEMBER 15th to 25th i "Will Be Open" i ? i n ; SUNDAY keh to9P.M. : WEEKDAYS OPEN AS USUAL AT 9:30A.M. ) ) % \ ) 1] HAE vr LY LA) No Ii I ABIES CER : 3 ) Al : CLUB ANNR dial : SAT, SEPTEMBER 19th]| | "CARPET 8:30P.M.10 1:00 A.M. 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SI SR, : * STATIC SHOCK PROTECTION - Anso EY Vi IV static shock control is fully effective X i REGULAR SF DENTS: PRICE: wl rrr DEN] IS: Receive $ 29 = SA Lb $24 95 NPL: $2.00 OFF Every Purchase pe (of $35.00 or More) P R i C E L] Sq. yd. ye bhi For Balance of School Year. eis ) DON'T FORGET THE FREE DRAW : : ke for Pants & Top of Your Choice. 5 \ _ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th OMESTEAD ! i) (FREE wi E.) 2 Lv FURNITURE & APPLIANCES , The Store that Says: ' Bn "IWant You To Wear My Pants" By Ballard & Carnegie Many Thanks for the Support and Best Wishes Shown Me in this New Business Venture. -- Neil McDermott PORT PERRY 985-2451 On 7A Highway - Next to PL. Lumber