a 2 BAAS RR 7a BLY FU eb J) Sv IAS Ba at BIN ¢ SSS RI EE AERA ENS AD A RT A RN RE ON FA A Sr ARS A EI BRA PL HT wilSal. WEAR RRA FAIRS SERRA ER RADE J FR 20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., September 16, 1981 visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Centre with the admission and New members were News from Blackstock and area stock Post Office. Come and by Joyce Kelly Better health is wished for Julie Turco tte remains in you -- Whitfield of Mississaugaina being $8.00, welcomed and our new satisty Sour wig Min intensive care in Sunnybrook The first fall meeting of St. get-together to celebrate a, The Husbands' Banquet is supervising teacher Anne Ey Ww Teal Hospital following her John's A.C.W. will takeplace birthday and two wedding on November 5th at the Lane was introduced. Obiobe Tou For ee ol accident two weeks ago. She has shown slow improve- ment and her many friends are hoping that soon she will improve more quickly. Mrs. Cathy Strong under- went surgery last week. Charlton spent the week or 986-5574. We would be 986-4258. : for the Christmas season : reer ranting RN Mies visiting her. mother Mrs. pleased to welcome any new Several fund raising with a cookbook and a Pan- ! Wilbur Toms and other rela- prospective members. events are planned for the cake Breakfast with Santa. ; ° on0 tives. Last Tuesday she and ~~ Sunday School will begin coming months. We will be Watch for more details next ' Senior Citizen News Stuart took Annie to Guelph at the Blackstock United catering to the Lions Dinner = month, : to begin University thereand Church this Sunday at the on Wednesday evening. A We are looking for another i By Marion King to Camp Kandalour, where Helen stopped off here regular time of 10 a.m. Any- bake sale will take place on good turn out a one Tou! ! The Senior Citizens held We will be enjoying a beef enroute home to Northern one interested in helping out Saturday, September 19 meeting next month so plan ; their opening meeting of the dinner at one o'clock with Ontario. She enjoyed With teaching Sunday School from 10-1 in front of Black- Turn to page 21 ; new year on September 9 Dies of several varieties for attending the Purple Hill please phone Donna Kyte ; with about 85 members dessert on Tuesday, October School Reunion on Sunday. this week. 9 attending which is encour- 6 at 1 o'clock. Do plan to The O.N.O. meeting met at Tallya Moore, Donna Kyte 1 aging. come. thio Lorne of Nancy Sryens and Los vancamp Stoned Vi A* R A IL 1 i Square dancin at on Thursday, mber 10. 5 Ethel Irvine opened the q g Y, Sep Women of the United Church 1 meeting, by welcoming all © members and visitors and at 8 pm. on Thursday, September 24 in the Parish Hall. New members are welcome. Last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn along Latcham Center at 10 o'clock. We had sixteen this week and had a lot of fun. anniversaries, John Hodge of Port Hope and Dave Soper of spent Labour Day with Mrs. Marion Hodge and Tommy. Mrs. Stuart Dorrell of The evening began with an informative talk by Margaret VanCamp of Kawartha Racetrack in Peterborough - chance to make a lot of money! Anyone interested in joing the O.N.O. or coming to a meeting please call 986-5584 at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac over the weekend. The theme of Several vacancies are still available for morning and afternoon classes. If your child is 2% to 4 years old, and you are interested, please contact Suzanne Clark Alice Waldriff 986-5268. It's sure to be a fun-filled evening with a buffet lunch and door prizes. Plans are also underway PASSENGER SCHEDULE EE te ii Joost a1 had 8 Int of fun, Mi gog Island on Town Hall, this weekend was "Christian : er e 1Zpa ene- ugo an n frown » . 4 Olive and Gouri Grmi diction was roreid, Bans TOTS En Perry. Women . Coping with [§ VIA" Rail Passenger Schedule from BURKETON STN. i and Beth Martin. We then and John Beckett gave the Final Arrangements were Change". Wonday to frida (dah; Torch OOH aNS EO 2 | sang, O Canada, followed by two minutes silence in memory of Percy Willis, a past president of Senior Citizens, who had passed . away this last week. Various reports were given and quite a few items of business dealt with. There will be choir practise before the next meeting. The Senior Citizens will be having a colour tour, by bus, Convention Report, which was a very informative report. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. PAULA LISHMAN announces the RE-OPENING other STUDIO Showing a Wide Selection of made for the O.N.O. Masquerade Dance on October 24th at the Rec. The Blackstock Nursery School held its first meeting Tuesday, September 1. Old Departure 6:36 p.m. Saturday only: Departure 8:31 am. Departure 6:36 p.m Sunday only: Departure 7.06 p.m. Departure 10:36 p.m. Fares: Monday to Friday (dally): Peterborough arrival 7:25 p.m Toronto arrival 9:50 am Peterborough arrival 7.25 p.m. Toronto arrival 8:25 p.m Peterborough arrival 11:20 p.m Round trip (1-day excursion) to Toronto. Round trip (7-day excursion) to Toronto. . One-way trip to Toronto ......... VIA* Rail Passenger Schedule from MYRTLE STN. Toronto arrival 8:50 a.m. Peterborough arrival 7:25 p.m. _ Departure 7:43 a.m. Departure 6:24 p.m. Knit Furs and Leathers. Cty.Town Saturday only: audit 620LD SCUGOG ROAD Piha san. ios of iy ons in the village of Bungay ony. p-m. Toronto arrival 8:25 p.m. Departure 10:24 p.m. Peterborough arrival 11:20 p.m. BLACKSTOCK MONDAY to FRIDAY 10 -4 SATURDAY-10-5 Town Singers will be held on Wednesdays, September 16th and 23rd at 8 p.m. at Fares: Round trip (excursion)to Toronto ......................... ... $6.00 Oneway triptoToronto ................................ Henry Street High School, Route stops: Henry St., Whitb . Audition- Havelock, Indian River, Norwood, Peterborough, Cavan, Dranoel, i is f : 1 " i ter PLEASEP HONE: Manvers, Pontypool (for Lindsay), Burketon Sin. (for Blackstock), Myrtle ing 1s or a posi ions in e Stn. (for Brooklin and Port Perry), Dagmar, Claremont (for Uxbridge), choir but in particular 986-5096 , Locust Hill (for Markham), Agincourt (for Metro Zoo). Leaside (for basses and tenors. An ability fora iT ont ink wid Soonce cape) Toronto {for Ontario Place and Canadian to read music is not essential Ppo . "but would be an asset. Interested persons should contact Mrs. Angela Willis "Advertising costs are entirely sponsored by members of the Toronto- Peterborough-Havelock Line Passenger Association, a non-profit organi- zation committed to the promotion of a rail service which is presently threatened by cancellation by the Government of Canada. I | | 0 | I [ | I I | I 1 | Auditions for the County : | 1 1 I I | | 1 1 | 1 | | 1 | for an application form and oP ! A SAVE OUR TRAIN! Sign the petition! any additional information DRAFT Wood Stove. The Federal Govern- QR] TA Gp < * Qf "oop STONE" ment has test this stove and ciaims it's the BESTONE AVAILABLE! s they require at 668-5629. EE CO OS EE EEE COO CEE EEC COC ODE oa 3: Racca 9252525252525252S CCC 525252525252 52 525252 525252525252 525252526260 LCCC ICICOCS IOS 2552525252525 5 2525250 5252525250525 SRP SR S252 5252525525255 52500C Oe eSesSese Tne Ten 3C5250525252525¢5¢ CIEE SC 325052525252525¢ TATA TT » A [x Tad " h ih R hi [+ f es 8 "THEBEST DANGED HEATERIN THE N 43 i COUNTRY"-It'stheHERITAGESDE OU WR 11 Ao». WJ . (Quoted Toronto Sun - August 26, 1981) > SIDE DRAFT cccccacedecdnccan - - - - Tn TT TY TT aT To Te Tana aT TP Tene Tete TT Tin Te Te "i JN Np 2. 7 HERITAGE ENERGY SYSTEMS INC. i ; T 8 EF B b ST Heritage: the stove with the guts . 7h 3 ™ FEDERAL "OFF-OIL" PROGRAM ih " W 0 0 D S T 0 V L How to Obtain your Federal Grant of on : 50% OFF COST PRICE i N " henyou purchaseastove. p< B By HERITAGE Energy Systems Company W ! fi " -Atest by the Combustion Research CHECKAT HOMESTEAD FURNITURE ; 8 N Laboratory of the Federal Government : " i g has proven the design of the HERITAGE ! i i to be by far the most efficient made in : "i 5 N Canada. Their Secret? A Secondary 0 M EST : AD gl Et = 8 Combustion Chamber that traps the i g p hydro-carbons and gases emitted by the FURNITURE & APPLIANCES © ----- first burning, and burns those before they fly out the chimney." (Quotéd Toronto Star - June 27, 1981) byBALLARD & CARNEGIELTD. PORT PERRY 985-2451 On 7A Highway - Next to PL. Lumber t a EE ER EE RR RRR. - eo. --- wa at a a AT AT AT A TATA ATA - a. - RRA IO OOIOICIC IC IC IC OF 00 0 Of SP Sr or Sr SSIS StI REIL OIOOOOOOCIOCIIC IC IC OF 3 32 OP or SF or or SSIS